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Shadows - Forerunners of Al Dajjal, Freemasons war on Islam

Agree on the underlined part, the logic and conclusion. Rest is open to debate, still. My personal experience is completely opposite to that of yours, I don't know of any individual (close friend, family member) that does not pay Zakkat.

Few points i want to add -

1 - 5 pillars of Islam is not new thing those were already there but corrupted - Prophet SAW came to purge those corruption and deliver final message.

2 - Important things regarding prayer (i.e. timing, direction, Prostration, method of ablution etc.) are already there in Quran - If someone conform to those is enough, obviously doing at as per Sunnah of Prophet will be best.

3 - There are clear versus in Quran warning about corruption/fabrication and interestingly God used word "Hadith" for pointing to these corruption.

4 - Most important thing If you read Quran every time when God orders for Salah there is one must thing with that "Zakat", You will find versus about relaxation of Salah but there is no single verse about relaxation of "Zakat" & it's clearly mentioned that Zakat should be given whenever you receive Income. I have yet to find a person who is following this order (except jews)
Agree on the underlined part, the logic and conclusion. Rest is open to debate, still. My personal experience is completely opposite to that of yours, I don't know of any individual (close friend, family member) that does not pay Zakkat.

Dude - I am talking about Zakat as per Quran, As per "Hadith" you have to give zakat on asset/wealth after year except agriculture & milk of goat/camel, so many people give Zakat but people like me who spend whatever they earn are free from this obligation
Dude, it's so simple, solution to your conundrum. There is no such thing as it being obligatory @ any %. It's the amount you can give without feeling any hardship. If you spend what you earn, then it's not obligatory on you, as you need it to survive.

Furthermore, I don't believe it to be as arbitrary as 2.5% as per "Hadees" etc etc. It's simply what you can afford to let go. I pay way more than that, Alhamdulillah.

Dude - I am talking about Zakat as per Quran, As per "Hadith" you have to give zakat on asset/wealth after year except agriculture & milk of goat/camel, so many people give Zakat but people like me who spend whatever they earn are free from this obligation
Dude, it's so simple, solution to your conundrum. There is no such thing as it being obligatory @ any %. It's the amount you can give without feeling any hardship. If you spend what you earn, then it's not obligatory on you, as you need it to survive.

Furthermore, I don't believe it to be as arbitrary as 2.5% as per "Hadees" etc etc. It's simply what you can afford to let go. I pay way more than that, Alhamdulillah.

Totally agreed except highlighted part - I have done lot of research on this, have read relevant Hadiths, Quranic Verses, debated with many Mullahs - Once after long debate I put my case like I live with my family, so i don't own a house, i don't have any gold, i am earning good salary but spend all of it, so at end of year i don't have anything in my balance - answer i got was that Tum fazool kharach ho aur jahanam kay rastay par jaa rahay ho :), anyway in Quran it's clearly written give due share from Income not from left over after spending. Somewhere i read that 2.5% is probably Sunnah of Abraham and letter prophets preferred it. Unfortunately - i don't have references ready right now as i recently changed my notebook and haven't restored my data yet. But if you want i can dig out and provide you versus of Quran with clear guidelines regarding Zakat.

Anyway - I give Zakat from my salary, at-least my mind is not satisfied that after reading clear verse i look for excuse from Mullah's interpretation of Hadiths
But he didn't - Dunno why he didn't ! But extrapolating that to mean that the Messenger is anything more than just a 'Messenger' & that his deeds & words should give birth to a second set of messages is something that crosses into the realm of 'imagination'; especially if there is nothing to that effect, explicitly, mentioned in the Koran !

Its a little like the whole notion of Immamate - Can't find any explicit mention of it in the Koran but its there in the Muslim Theology !

So we mustn't be clutching at straws over here !

Why not instead understand the Koran through understanding the nuances of Koranic Arabic & thereby understanding a said 'word' or 'term' in the Koran in the context of the rest of the Chapter of the Koran & how that particular word is being used in other places in the Koran ?

As far as the rituals are concerned - Prayer & Hajj !

The absence of a methodology there points towards one of two things - God didn't think it through & forgot mentioning the methodology in the Koran !

This brings in two different things. First, based on your dissection of the Hadiath and other reports.. why do you consider the Hadiath as equivalent to the word of god? And try to dissect it as such?
A lot of the critique of the hadiath has to do with those that seem to contradict the Quran.. other critique makes the exception the case by using a "weak" hadiath that prohibits the usage of hadiath as case for not compiling it.

Hence, where you mention Caesars example.. as to strong historical evidence that he was definitely the ruler of rome. You corroborate any doubts in Hadiath with the Quran. Anything you arent sure of, or seems to contradict or go against the Quran.. you explore. And the hadiath are still fairly more accurate in being corroborated as compared to caesar's Thus.

Second, you are considering that God doesn't have a plan or thinks on the fly? Where in the Quran itself he speaks of his knowledge of all that there is and all there will be. Moreove,r, if we agree that God never makes mistakes... and all his actions are for a purpose that is beneficial in one way or the other(be it as an example). Then his plan of having a messenger is also sound by this logic? That there was always to be a man, something that mankind could relate to as a followable example to demonstrate his message? After all, if there was some twenty legged octopus that rose from the sea to teach you religion and then prayed like an octopus would..would you be able to follow it exactly?
Even if there was simply a message in the sky.. would there not be total disagreement on how to carry it out? Bloodshed even(as it is today?). In essence, the example of a human being is what kept Islam together during its golden age and not the opposite as suggested. After all, God repeatedly uses the world Rab-ul-Alameen(Lord of the Universes/Worlds) ..and for the Prophet he has used Rehmat-ull-il-alameen( Mercy for all the Realms).. why has he put an attribute which he reserves for himself(not rehmat.. but the world Alameen..for all worlds/Realms) for a messenger? Perhaps something to ponder upon?
Now, the problem is NOT that we are clinging to an example on our own extreme assumption that it is hearsay.. but that we have forgotten it.

Now, regarding the fact that the Hadiath were compiled after 200 years.. in that retrospect.. it was two generations.. so how much accuracy was lost? Well, had it been just one persons account of a hadiath I would agree.. but where collections were made from multiple accounts, dispersed over families and geographical locations and compiled over a lifetime in a research process that rivals any other.. and which has been corroborated by scholars on the subject(of various areas and schools) of that time through their own accounts.. and yet.. its authenticity is much more suspect to us than a news report compiled in 15 minutes?
Perhaps its how I am wired, but to me that is not suspect at all. Perhaps even after reading the critique I am able to give the benefit of the doubt to the collectors rather then the self appointed clergy. After all, at the end of the day.. there is subject matter and subject experts. Why is it that today you have people who wow themselves in awe at a Russian jet performing ballets while others point out that the showboating is useless in real combat. One could argue that Boyd was an idiot and in essence all you need to learn to fight in the air is just flying lessons and the rest is instinct and talent like art. Yet, we continue to respect and revere these people based on what? History? hearsay? Or results? or understanding that these people were right?
After all, we are content with accepting that Shakespearian English was classic English and hence must be understood differently, through the study of other contemporary literature and history.. yet shy away from accepting the same of the Quran?
Its Arabic is different is it not? Reflecting the metaphors and analogies used at the time

The problem as I can see, is that people are sick and tired of commandments and interpretations of these collections being used to create and pass draconian creeds and laws that seem to contradict the very nature of the religion as it is described in the Quran.
And that has to do with the fact that those of understanding, who looked for education.. who had education.. abandoned the study of the subject to those that had none(understanding/education)..or they kept it within themselves instead of spreading it about.

And finally, when they have returned to the religion they find it twisted and false. And in their disgust at the way it is, are thankfully trying to investigate where it all went wrong. But the answer is right in front of them, it is for critical thinking.. and every critical thought has to be corroborated with the Quran.
Take Music for e.g.
Many modern purists and theorists declare it Haram..
many cite two Hadiath for it.. which are then ammo for others who wish to continue listening to music that the Hadiath are wrong.

One is this account
Hadhrat Naafi' (radhiyallahu anhu) narrates: "Once when Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) heard the sound of a shepherd's flute, he placed his fingers in both ears (to block the sound of the music), and he diverted his mount from that path. (As they rode o*n), he would say: 'O Naafi', can you still hear (the sound)?' I would say: 'Yes.' He would then continue riding. o*nly when I said: 'I can no longer hear it', did he remove his fingers from his ears. Then he returned to the road. He then said: 'I saw Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) doing like this when he had heard the flute of a shepherd." (Ahmad and Abu Dawood)

Of which people declare that the Prophet would not bear the sound of Music... yet a simple question is to be asked.. if the Prophet found something Haram.. would he allow his companions to continue to do so? So either the Prophet was ok with him being saved and rest damned(Astaghfirullah).. or quite simply.. he did not like the sound of the melody. Nothing against music in its entirety.

The other is 'Aishah narrated that during the days of Mina, on the day of 'Eid al-Adha, two girls were with her, singing and playing on a hand drum. The Prophet (peacebe on him) was present, listening to them with his head under a shawl. Abu Bakr then entered and scolded the girls. The Prophet (peace be on him), uncovering his face, told him, "Let them be, Abu Bakr. These are the days of 'Eid." (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)

Now these are interpreted by certain gentlemen that their scolding is a sign that Music is forbidden..Sure, if you set your mind out to it you can figure. But perhaps .. like one does to many important personalities when they are within our midst.. especially one who is trying to get some rest.. we ensure that they are not disturbed... and not because we hate music.

There are other narrations of this event, some that include the word shaytaan with Music.. but then the next move is to corroborate that with the Quran. Which in essence has NOTHING that equates music specifically as the word for Music.. Various other arabic words are equated to or grouped together to somehow mean music by the apparent interpretation of Hadiath. Which is why I brought up this subject; to explain the status of the Hadiath..
The Quran is absolute, its status has been proclaimed by god himself to be guarded.. but the same cannot be said of the Hadiath..
Which is why, while each is useful in the interpretation of the other.. the final word rests with the Quran. Yet at the same time, just as a person is NOT a muslim by uttering La-illaha-Ilallah.. without saying Muhammad-ur-Rasool allah.. the complete understanding of the Quran in its all its knowledge was and is not possible without the example of the Prophet.

Why do I insist on this.. well for that I have to refer to a couplet of Iqbal..

خود گیری و خودداری و گلبانگ اناالحق
آزاد ہو سالک تو ہیں یہ اس کے مقامات
محکوم ہو سالک تو یہی اس کا ہمہ اوست
خود مردہ و خود مرقد و خود مرگ مفاجات
This brings in two different things. First, based on your dissection of the Hadiath and other reports.. why do you consider the Hadiath as equivalent to the word of god? And try to dissect it as such?
A lot of the critique of the hadiath has to do with those that seem to contradict the Quran.. other critique makes the exception the case by using a "weak" hadiath that prohibits the usage of hadiath as case for not compiling it.

Hence, where you mention Caesars example.. as to strong historical evidence that he was definitely the ruler of rome. You corroborate any doubts in Hadiath with the Quran. Anything you arent sure of, or seems to contradict or go against the Quran.. you explore. And the hadiath are still fairly more accurate in being corroborated as compared to caesar's Thus.

Second, you are considering that God doesn't have a plan or thinks on the fly? Where in the Quran itself he speaks of his knowledge of all that there is and all there will be. Moreove,r, if we agree that God never makes mistakes... and all his actions are for a purpose that is beneficial in one way or the other(be it as an example). Then his plan of having a messenger is also sound by this logic? That there was always to be a man, something that mankind could relate to as a followable example to demonstrate his message? After all, if there was some twenty legged octopus that rose from the sea to teach you religion and then prayed like an octopus would..would you be able to follow it exactly?
Even if there was simply a message in the sky.. would there not be total disagreement on how to carry it out? Bloodshed even(as it is today?). In essence, the example of a human being is what kept Islam together during its golden age and not the opposite as suggested. After all, God repeatedly uses the world Rab-ul-Alameen(Lord of the Universes/Worlds) ..and for the Prophet he has used Rehmat-ull-il-alameen( Mercy for all the Realms).. why has he put an attribute which he reserves for himself(not rehmat.. but the world Alameen..for all worlds/Realms) for a messenger? Perhaps something to ponder upon?
Now, the problem is NOT that we are clinging to an example on our own extreme assumption that it is hearsay.. but that we have forgotten it.

Now, regarding the fact that the Hadiath were compiled after 200 years.. in that retrospect.. it was two generations.. so how much accuracy was lost? Well, had it been just one persons account of a hadiath I would agree.. but where collections were made from multiple accounts, dispersed over families and geographical locations and compiled over a lifetime in a research process that rivals any other.. and which has been corroborated by scholars on the subject(of various areas and schools) of that time through their own accounts.. and yet.. its authenticity is much more suspect to us than a news report compiled in 15 minutes?
Perhaps its how I am wired, but to me that is not suspect at all. Perhaps even after reading the critique I am able to give the benefit of the doubt to the collectors rather then the self appointed clergy. After all, at the end of the day.. there is subject matter and subject experts. Why is it that today you have people who wow themselves in awe at a Russian jet performing ballets while others point out that the showboating is useless in real combat. One could argue that Boyd was an idiot and in essence all you need to learn to fight in the air is just flying lessons and the rest is instinct and talent like art. Yet, we continue to respect and revere these people based on what? History? hearsay? Or results? or understanding that these people were right?
After all, we are content with accepting that Shakespearian English was classic English and hence must be understood differently, through the study of other contemporary literature and history.. yet shy away from accepting the same of the Quran?
Its Arabic is different is it not? Reflecting the metaphors and analogies used at the time

The problem as I can see, is that people are sick and tired of commandments and interpretations of these collections being used to create and pass draconian creeds and laws that seem to contradict the very nature of the religion as it is described in the Quran.
And that has to do with the fact that those of understanding, who looked for education.. who had education.. abandoned the study of the subject to those that had none(understanding/education)..or they kept it within themselves instead of spreading it about.

And finally, when they have returned to the religion they find it twisted and false. And in their disgust at the way it is, are thankfully trying to investigate where it all went wrong. But the answer is right in front of them, it is for critical thinking.. and every critical thought has to be corroborated with the Quran.
Take Music for e.g.
Many modern purists and theorists declare it Haram..
many cite two Hadiath for it.. which are then ammo for others who wish to continue listening to music that the Hadiath are wrong.

One is this account
Hadhrat Naafi' (radhiyallahu anhu) narrates: "Once when Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) heard the sound of a shepherd's flute, he placed his fingers in both ears (to block the sound of the music), and he diverted his mount from that path. (As they rode o*n), he would say: 'O Naafi', can you still hear (the sound)?' I would say: 'Yes.' He would then continue riding. o*nly when I said: 'I can no longer hear it', did he remove his fingers from his ears. Then he returned to the road. He then said: 'I saw Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) doing like this when he had heard the flute of a shepherd." (Ahmad and Abu Dawood)

Of which people declare that the Prophet would not bear the sound of Music... yet a simple question is to be asked.. if the Prophet found something Haram.. would he allow his companions to continue to do so? So either the Prophet was ok with him being saved and rest damned(Astaghfirullah).. or quite simply.. he did not like the sound of the melody. Nothing against music in its entirety.

The other is 'Aishah narrated that during the days of Mina, on the day of 'Eid al-Adha, two girls were with her, singing and playing on a hand drum. The Prophet (peacebe on him) was present, listening to them with his head under a shawl. Abu Bakr then entered and scolded the girls. The Prophet (peace be on him), uncovering his face, told him, "Let them be, Abu Bakr. These are the days of 'Eid." (Reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim.)

Now these are interpreted by certain gentlemen that their scolding is a sign that Music is forbidden..Sure, if you set your mind out to it you can figure. But perhaps .. like one does to many important personalities when they are within our midst.. especially one who is trying to get some rest.. we ensure that they are not disturbed... and not because we hate music.

There are other narrations of this event, some that include the word shaytaan with Music.. but then the next move is to corroborate that with the Quran. Which in essence has NOTHING that equates music specifically as the word for Music.. Various other arabic words are equated to or grouped together to somehow mean music by the apparent interpretation of Hadiath. Which is why I brought up this subject; to explain the status of the Hadiath..
The Quran is absolute, its status has been proclaimed by god himself to be guarded.. but the same cannot be said of the Hadiath..
Which is why, while each is useful in the interpretation of the other.. the final word rests with the Quran. Yet at the same time, just as a person is NOT a muslim by uttering La-illaha-Ilallah.. without saying Muhammad-ur-Rasool allah.. the complete understanding of the Quran in its all its knowledge was and is not possible without the example of the Prophet.

Why do I insist on this.. well for that I have to refer to a couplet of Iqbal..

خود گیری و خودداری و گلبانگ اناالحق
آزاد ہو سالک تو ہیں یہ اس کے مقامات
محکوم ہو سالک تو یہی اس کا ہمہ اوست
خود مردہ و خود مرقد و خود مرگ مفاجات

I've never considered that Hadith as anything but hearsay but the followers of Islam do perhaps not consciously enough but if additions are made to Religion in the name of those same Hadiths what else would they be if not an additional scripture ?

Why is it that whereas the Koran doesn't mention Stonning for Adultery & makes no distinction between a Married Person committing it vs an Unmarried person committing it - the Hadith Literature does exactly that ?

If that is not something adding to the existing commandment & making it a part of religion & ultimately a part of 'religious' paradigms more so 'legal' paradigms than what should I consider Hadith to be if not something that is accepted by the vast majority of Muslims to be an additional scripture even if they don't say it explicitly so or even think of it along those lines implicitly so ?

As far as the Criticism of the Hadith is concerned - No ! I was not talking about only the Weak Narrations or the Ones who contradict Islam but the very idea of exalting something to the level of a 2nd Source of Islamic Law & Different Paradigms when there is ample arguments to doubt their veracity !

A 200 year figure cannot be wished away through simple talk of a differential of a mere 2 generations because that is irrelevant & it doesn't take anything away from the fact that, at the end of the day, hadith no matter how refined one's methodology would be are hearsay !

Even Bukhari & Muslim couldn't possibly have met half the people in the chain of narrations let alone actually been able to verify whether those people had such & such a thing or not !

Because at the end of the day they, brilliant & exceptional scholars as they were, were handicapped by the same issues that 'historians' have been through ages past & present - Issues that have been drastically alieviated in today's time but back then its 'your word' against any others no matter how much care you take to determine the righteousness or the moral uprightness of the character of an individual who is quoting the hadhith !

I never said that I didn't have a plan or anything of the sort - I simply asked that either we consider the argument that 'he doesn't have a plan' & thus didn't incorporate all of those things within the Koran that are explained away now by the Hadith or He being the Omniscient, Omnipotent being that He is already did that !

As for the Prophet (PBUH) being a 'mercy from God' as the Koran mentions it to be than that is exactly what the Koran mentions about Christ !

Why ? Because of some super-human association with them ? No....because they were chosen by God to deliver His Message - The Message is the Mercy !

What other purpose could a Messenger have than to deliver the Message ?

If we were supposed to imitate him in all words & deeds than surely there must be a Chapter in the Koran dedicated to that ?

At any rate the analogy of an Octopus or the Fighter Ace that you talked about can't possibly stick because that would imply that we'd need a Messenger in each age to show us how its done because for all intents & purposes the words of the previous 'Ace' are a part of History & not there for us anymore to be seen in the flesh !

Something that would vindicate the concept of Immamate on one hand or that of continued Prophethood of the Ahmedis on the other !

As far as the Shakespearean Analogy is concerned - Who said don't understand the Koran in the context of the usage of Koranic Language of that time ?

That argument would hold weight if I were advocating one to learn Standard Arabic & then go understanding the Koran instead of understanding Koranic Arabic from that point in time !

Learn from the Poetry & Prose of that time, learn from the History of that time including the Hadith but don't do what we do that if the Koran is saying 1,2,3 one goes about adding 4,5,6 to it because its mentioned in the Hadhiths !

The problem as I see it is that we need to go back to the Koran & stop making Islam the ecclesiastical faith that its become !

Part of doing that is to place the Hadith in her right place as narrations from History not an extension of Faith !
I tend to differ too bro. Its the religon that creates divide not human. Every religion has the tendancy to convert any human being into animal. When a baby is born, Its like 'Kora Kagaz' and religion corrupt it with passing of time. Every religion do the similar damage somewhat more or less. Followers just follow the religion as it told them to follow. Almost every religious person could not think & see rationally, It tend to see, explain everything through the lens of religion. Almost every masscre in the history has a religious connection. In South East Asia & Middle east religion is propagated by respective govt to divert people attention and is used to explain their failures by fixing the responsibility at an invisible third party. Humanity is the only religion that every human should follow.
You are right that when a baby is born it is a clean slate, but how does religion erodes its personality, especially when religion came centuries before it. It is again individuals who interpret the religion wrong. You will agree that version of religion received by us is not the one what it was originally preached.
There is a video on youtube in which Bilal Philips & Imran Hussain narrates Prophet Mohammed’s (P.B.U.H) hadees, on how dajjal will look like, what he will do when he comes, why he won’t be able to enter Makah & Madina, who all will join him & who will kill him (Hazrat Essa (R.A)).

So I will recommend you all watch both of them but Imran Hussain explains Dajjal & Dajjal system in detail, so that will be more informative for you all.
We have to go to the oldest of sources and walk to the latest.
Analyze the trend, and then synthesize the signal from noise !

Dajjal is a concept; which may finally be manifested by a leader.

Him being a one eyes monster goes against God's science and historical trend.

For Dajjal to come into this world, first his corrupt & system should be powerful & fully active, which we Muslims know as FITNAH.

Dajjal will not be a one eyed monster, he will have 2 eyes his one eye will look like grass green color & the cover on that eye will be thin like our nail, he can see through both of his eyes, he will not be blind from that greenish eye but to us it will look like that.

The FITNAH at that time will be very dangerous, ALLAH help us all.

There is also a question on how we Muslims will recognize dajjal? people with Imam will be able to see KAFIR written on dajjals forehead & it will clearly be visible to the people with Iman.
Its not about Islam alone, Every religion is like this more or less. Nothing is implausible or explainable, If something was implausible or explainable 100 years ago or 200 years or more is answered or being answered or will be answered in future. Science is answering every question, if not today then tomorrow. Its the science that is a miracle. There is no proof of existance of any external force today, If it exists then we will find it someday with the help of science and rationality.

I am way past this logic of yours. Suits a twenty year old student, since that is what you are after all. I am an engineer who had straight As in physical sciences. I know your world view better than you. Look down when you reach the end of your slippery pole.

Where is 'dark matter'? What is it? How come universe expands at the rate at which it is doing, even though the observable matter is too little to account for it? What are Quarks made of? When science reaches the answers to these questions, there shall be more question similar to these ones. There is no end to these questions. And science, if it ever gets done answering questions, will turn into religion. I suspect science is your religion. Good for you. Try to find all your answers from within it, and good luck on such an endless quest. Meanwhile, lay off.

Kid you need a bit of growing up before you shoot off and talk about things of which you have no concrete idea. I have seen & felt things and events that science can not explain, that is why I no longer believe in science to be a higher truth. It works on its own level, but it is not IT.
We recite this after darud in our daily prayers.

للَّهُـمَّ إِنيِّ أَعوُذُ بِكَ مِنْ عَذاَبِ جَهَنَّمَ،وَمِنْ عَذاَبِ الْقَبْرِ وَمِنْ فِتْـنَةِ الْمَحْياَ وَالْمَماَتِ وَمِنْ فِتْـنَةِ الْمَسيِحِ الدَّجاَّلِ اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ الْمَأْثَمِ وَالْمَغْرَمِ

Allahumma inni a’udhu bika min ‘adhabi jahannam, wa min ‘adhabil-qabr, wa min fitnatil-mahya wal-mamat, wa min fitnat...il-masihid-Dajjal. Allahumma ‘inni ‘a’udhu bika minal ma’thami wal maghrami.

O Allah! I seek Your protection from the torture of hell, and I seek Your protection from the torture of the grave, and I seek refuge with You from the mischief of life and death, and I seek Your protection from the mischief of Dajjal pretending as Messiah.

[Sahih al-Bukhari 2:102, Muslim 1:412, 588]
So there is another question on how we can defend ourselves from the FITNAH of Dajjal & Dajjal?

The recommendation of reciting both the beginning and ending ten verses of Surat al-Kahf (the 18th sura of the Quran) has been transmitted from the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). It is also recommended to recite the entire sura on Fridays.

Imam Mundhiri (Allah have mercy on him) devoted a chapter of his al-Targhib wal Tarhib (Encouragement and Warning) to this,

Encouraging reciting Surat Kahf, or Ten Verses from its Beginning or Ten from its End

Abu al-Darda (Allah be pleased with him) related that the Prophet of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said, Whoever commits ten verses from the beginning Surat al-Kahf will be protected from the Dajjal. [Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nasai, and others; the wording is Muslims]

In a narration in Muslim and Abu Dawud it states, From the end of Surat al-Kahf. Tirmidhi related is with the words, Whoever recites three verses from the beginning ofal-Kahf will be protected from the tribulations of the Dajjal. [Mundhiri, al-Targhib wal Tarhib, #2172-2173]

Imam Shafi`i (Allah have mercy on him) said in his Umm,

It has reached us that whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on Fridays will be protected from the Dajjal. [Shafi`i, al-Umm, 1.239]
It is recommended to recite Surat al-Kahf completely the night before Friday, and it is also recommended to do so Friday itself, before Maghrib time. Ibn Abidin said, And it is best to do so early on Friday, in order to rush to the good and to avoid forgetting. [Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar, Bab al-Jumu`ah]

The evidence for it being recommended includes the hadith related by Hakim and Bayhaqi, from Abu Sa`id (Allah be pleased with him), Whoever recites Surat al-Kahfon Friday, light shall shine forth for him between the two Fridays. [Ibn Hajar, Talkhis al-Habīr]

The wisdom behind it, as mentioned by hadith commentators such as Nawawi, Qurtubi, Qari, and others, is that:

a) There are tremendous signs and portents mentioned in these verses. However reads these regularly and ponders on their meanings with not be led astray by the Dajjal

b) The surah as a whole has stories of the struggle between true belief in Allah and the realities of faith, and materialism. Reflecting on any of these

c) It is a secret whose knowledge Allah alone posses, and we have follow it because of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) guidance, with full certainty.

And Allah knows best.

Imran Hussain in his lecture says "when you have heard dajjal has come just run & do not try to face him..."
@Armstrong - I have read your opinions with interest on this and other older threads.

I would like to offer a few observations:

1. Collections of Hadith arose when the need arose to have authentic collections. It does not mean that these were 'invented' per se. Life of Imam Bukhari is a testament to the dedication and care needed for such a task. Imam Abu Hanifah established his school of Fiqh based on Hadith, his rationale was followed by all others, and he himself learned from Imam Jafar Sadiq. Mind you, this happened much before Imam Bukhari started on his quest. So, I do believe that the way you look at Hadith is a bit skewed. Perhaps you are put off by sectarianism, but that is not a function of Hadith, but of Niyyah (intention), emphasis, and world-view as espoused by various 'elders'.

2. Hadith provides reference to Quran itself and establishes context. Without Hadith you can not effectively understand Quran.

3. You wish to understand Quran. Well how do you know which word or term means what? You can not even have a vocabulary without an external reference. Again that is where you run into not only Hadith, but something older than Quran itslef - The 'Mullaqat'. Now you would be hard put to establish what poetry of Jahili Arabs has anything to do with Quran, if you disregard Hadith itself. But logic mandates an contemporaneous external reference and that is the value of Hadith if you must look only at Quran and nothing else. In other words, you can not drop Hadith to understand Quran itself.

4. So far you are only focusing upon the intellectual perspective. While this perspective is relevant, it is not the strongest perspective. Once your life teaches you a few 'unitellectual' lessons, you would know the importance and limits of intellectual approach.

5. Beware of wise fools. Anyone who wishes to talk about his Islam should have some of its teachings reflect in his life. It is sheer hypocrisy to indulge in Sinful conduct as described by Quran and then talk about how important Quran is!

I once had an American try to preach Christianity while five minutes earlier he had been discussing how his ex-girlfriend alleged that he was the father of her bastard child. If his Christianity could not keep him from committing fornication, he had no business preaching Christianity to a Muslim who kept himself chaste and celibate. I hope to underline the importance of personal piety for those who would take it upon themselves to explain religion to others. It is better to admit being weak and keep to oneself than to flaunt one's sins and be a hypocrite trying to correct others.

It is my rule not to discuss 'Islam' with anyone who does not offer Friday prayers at least. If the strength of one's faith can not take them to Masjid once a week, then what good is their commitment and what use are their lectures?

6. The Spiritual dimension of Islam is very strong and is the particular reason how and why it spread. Once you start learning more about it from books (even though it is a totally practical field, and not theoretical), you would start to appreciate the importance of our Prophet (Sallallhu Alaihi Wassallam) and Hadith. Because you would understand that one can not understand higher dimensions of religion without both.

7. Ulema, or Scholars do not have a monopoly on religious knowledge. Their shenanigans, sectarian and otherwise, over time have done much to erode Islam's strength. Their failings can not be attributed to knowledge of Hadith.

8. You absolutely MUST question your motives at every step, this is the most difficult Jihad. To me, this is the meaning of Hadith Qudsi whose translation is something like: He who understands himself, finds God. This is priceless insight into religion and would you rather have it thrown away, because it makes life convenient? Again, question your motives and intentions at every step on your intellectual journey, you would very quickly make important realizations that would stay with you for life and be your gateway to spiritual journey.

9. You believe in God without having seen. You believe in Quran without knowing everything. One needs to make necessary sacrifices to gain something. Sacrifice your intellect and appeal directly to Allah and supplicate. Your heart shall receive a grain of divine knowledge. Intellectual obsession about doubts will ever be an obstacle otherwise.
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isnt there a conflict in various sects due to hadis .. there are some common but many sects do not agree on ahadis claiming that they are made up to protect groups interests and have nothing to do with Islam

I was reading Surah Al Nisa. and if you look at the Ayats50-70, there are clear references to Firstly Following Allah and Following his Prophet and Oul Ul Amr(People who have been assigned to lead you in an islamic state). Further down the ayats it is stated that whosoever follows the prophet(PBUH)follows Allah(SWT). I am amazed at how people propose to follow the Prophet(PBUH) in modern times, without believing in the Hadeeth and the Sunnah. As to completion of your religion, the Prophet was sent down to teach you HOW to interpret, understand and practice the Quran and your religion. A simple example is Prayers. The Quran ordains prayers on prescribed timings. So where do you propose to get these prescribed timings if you dont believe in Ahadeeth and the sunnah. I think it is the biggest fitna of our times that our religion is facing that decrees that we should not be believing in Ahadeeth and the sunnah. The second biggest slander is to doubt the authenticity of the great Aimmah who have collected the Saheeh ahadeeth with such a meticulous and scientific method which is unparalleled even in modern day research.
May Allah protect us all from this Fina(Ameen).
I am way past this logic of yours. Suits a twenty year old student, since that is what you are after all. I am an engineer who had straight As in physical sciences. I know your world view better than you. Look down when you reach the end of your slippery pole.

Where is 'dark matter'? What is it? How come universe expands at the rate at which it is doing, even though the observable matter is too little to account for it? What are Quarks made of? When science reaches the answers to these questions, there shall be more question similar to these ones. There is no end to these questions. And science, if it ever gets done answering questions, will turn into religion. I suspect science is your religion. Good for you. Try to find all your answers from within it, and good luck on such an endless quest. Meanwhile, lay off.

Kid you need a bit of growing up before you shoot off and talk about things of which you have no concrete idea. I have seen & felt things and events that science can not explain, that is why I no longer believe in science to be a higher truth. It works on its own level, but it is not IT.

I am Operations & Project Manager in engineering services field and handling/managing 19 engineers like you!!!!!

Does your argument is any different than allmost every moron made through out human history? No, similar ranting and Yes science is my religion, at least It did not force you to put your head under sand. It did not mis-guide you to kill any fellow human being on the basis of his beliefs. Science did not tell me like religion that this is truth and nothing can be true other than this and beyond this. Science did not stop me to question itself and stop thinking rationally like all inhuman cults, called religion. I did not hear a bigger lie that religion is peaceful, instead every religion has its share of global anarchy.

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