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Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

@Kiss_of_the_Dragon ,

Yes, its very light and accessible. For men we have what is called Yukata, one simply removes the belt, and you can easily go to the bathroom.


Human tendency, my man. Men will always be men. ha ha ha

seriously, pack your frustrated pedophilia and go away and find a healthier outlet than this forum.
China always want more, while Vietnam just want to keep their own unchanged.
we hear enough dog barking, when will dog bite?

chine is mad dog, China bit Soviet Union 1969 and bit Vietnam 1979 to show of your trust face to your new master USA.. :haha:
NiceGuy is such an idiot. I never really read his shitty posts.
Yeah, but most of my post r true. Mod ban me many times bcz I said "China army is corrupted to the core", and finally, thats true. Chinese kid pay upto $16,000 to join the army not to fight but to rob Tax and ruin the PLA.

Dont dont listen to me, yeah, I dont care, Truth is still the Truth. In near future, u guys will see not only one Thai general support VN but many more will show their support in creating a stronger Sub-Mekong region even when some Thai here worry abt it. And why Thai general support VN even it put Thailand in danger ?? bcz Thai now is ruled by Military dictatorship Govt., and all they care is abt their lives and their families, they dont wanna fight with VN army and die like in 1979 :pop:
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@somsak: NiceGuy is the most crazy guy flagged Vietnam in this forum. You should not discuss with him. He want to post by his own idea only.

How do you think about the decision to accommodate Khmer Rouge in Thai bases?
We just feel that in the past, not anything USA made based on Righteous, either the US-control UN.
They even leave a seat for Khmer Rouge at UN.

In my opinion, in the past, Thailand caused some hate to let USA send their B52 in Thai airbases then after flied several sorties to drop lethal bombing to our innocent people, for example Kham Thien massacre by bomb carpeting.

Khmer rouge: I think: Communist expansionism must be stop. period.
China failed under communism: famine from cultural revolution, kills those rich people. Vietnam under communism: economy base of south vietnam was destroyed. There are writing said that Saigon under French colonialism is more beautiful than Bangkok of Independent state of Thailand. Communism destroyed all the that economic base and replace with stupid idology. If communism is so good, why do currently there is no Communist economy in your country anymore? China is communist by politic but capitalist by economy, same as Vietnam, Lao, Cambodia. In Lao, communist party destroyed Lao Royal family.
Suppose now that Thailand turns to be a new Ideology called "Xism" and trying to export that Xism to Vietnam through Cambodia and Lao by all means include force. Suppose what you see from Xism in Lao and Cambodia was to destroy hardly won economic bases, and industries. Suppose Xism party is Cambodia results in massarce of 50% of Cambodia population. Suppose that now Thai occupation force is at Lao border and some Thai general said that we will invade Hanoi the way we invaded Vientian. Suppose that the Lao rebellious force against Thailand is asking for your help. Will you help them?

Many VN pdf, not all, just see the past only through VN eye glasses. VN said her occupation was to stop Khmer rouge purges of its own people. If so, why not just return to VN right after your goal achieved? VN occupation of Cambodia is 1978-1992. Do you see what VN government actually think? My inference is that it is VN desire to occupy Cambodia. Cambodia and south VN is a single plain. From Cambodia to Bangkok it takes only 4-5 hours by car. It was estimated that VN force could have won Bangkok within 3-4 days should the full scale invasion be occured.

My opinion over Thai base: Last time I said about Thailand being occupied country in VN thread. It seems not true. Reread the history it seems that Thailand was a real independence country and act on her free will at that time. So. I will change that on Vietnam Military Thread after I read more history about this.
My opionion: We are helping South Vietnam to conquer Vietnam. We are afraid of Communism, as written above. We love our King and we love our industry. South Vietnam does not have expansionist policy for us to worry, while North Vietnam has. Under disguise of Communist Expansion, North Vietnam also has her agenda to expan Vietnam border and colonize Thailand, just like Vietnam did to Cham, and Makhong river delta to Pacific Ocean Cambodian. If today Vietnam carry expansionist policy, Thailand has no choice but to defend. If Thailand today carry expansionist policy to Lao, Cambodia, VN has no choice but to defend. Its the mother nature's Great Game. If both are contend with the current day border, then we can peacefully coexist, atleast for the time being. Therefore, arm race is mother nature's great game that no country can escape.
Yeah, but most of my post r true. Mod ban me many times bcz I said "China amry is corrupted to the core", and finally, thats true. Chinese kid pay upto $16,000 to join the army not to fight but to rob Tax.

Dont dont listen to me, yeah, I dont care, Truth is still the Truth :pop:
NiceGuy, you are a bit too extreme. Chill bro, your words here do not change anything. Rather you are downgrading the image of Viet mems here by being aggressive and unreasonable. The truth is not achieved by shouting, but by patiently defending it.
My opinion over Thai base: Last time I said about Thailand being occupied country in VN thread. It seems not true. Reread the history it seems that Thailand was a real independence country and act on her free will at that time. So. I will change that on Vietnam Military Thread after I read more history about this.
My opionion: We are helping South Vietnam to conquer Vietnam. We are afraid of Communism, as written above. We love our King and we love our industry. South Vietnam does not have expansionist policy for us to worry, while North Vietnam has. Under disguise of Communist Expansion, North Vietnam also has her agenda to expan Vietnam border and colonize Thailand, just like Vietnam did to Cham, and Makhong river delta to Pacific Ocean Cambodian. If today Vietnam carry expansionist policy, Thailand has no choice but to defend. If Thailand today carry expansionist policy to Lao, Cambodia, VN has no choice but to defend. Its the mother nature's Great Game. If both are contend with the current day border, then we can peacefully coexist, atleast for the time being. Therefore, arm race is mother nature's great game that no country can escape.
VN and Thailand alone is too small to counter any threat from big countries like China-US, so there is No choice for VN except keep expanding our power and influence to equal with US-China power.

In 1979, we didnt want to occupy ur Bangkok even its easy , our forces always had order to stop and withdraw after entering some miles to Thailand . But some conflict with Thailand help us to understand that Thai army is very bad, poor trained, poor discipline and have no will to fight.

So, this time, we dont need to attack Thai again, just come and talk with their general and persuade them to support VN. Thai general dont wanna fight with VN again, so they will choose to support VN , thats why Major General Surasit Thanadtang just show it support to VN as we want :pop:

U can stop VN to get more support from Thai genneral only when ur guys can over thrown ur military dictatorship Govt.
@Viet , @NiceGuy ,

I bet the fabric of the Ao Dai is light as in Japanese women's summer kimono. Its quite versatile especially during the hot summer months. And gentle, delicate, on the soft Japanese women's skin... hehe. :smitten:

Yea, ao dai is the traditional clothing for vietnamese women. The girls of middle schools wear white color ai dai as school uniform. It is very light and emphasizes the body. Each ao dai is unique, because it is tailored to the size and body of the girl or women.

The clothing appeared first some 100 years ago. The designer might have taken ideas from China and Japan.
VN and Thailand alone is too small to counter any threat from big countries like China-US, so there is No choice for VN except keep expanding our power and influence to equal with US-China power.

In 1979, we didnt want to occupy ur Bangkok even its easy , our forces always had order to stop and withdraw after entering some miles to Thailand . But some conflict with Thailand help us to understand that Thai army is very bad, poor trained, poor discipline and have no will to fight.

So, this time, we dont need to attack Thai again, just come and talk with their general and persuade them to support VN. Thai general dont wanna fight with VN again, so they will choose to support VN , thats why Major General Surasit Thanadtang just show it support to VN as we want :pop:

U can stop VN to get more support from Thai genneral only when ur guys can over thrown ur military dictatorship Govt.

I don't think it would have been possible for VN to conquer Thailand, my friend. Thailand is too massive of a country. Population wise and military wise.

Dealing with backwards country such as Cambodia , was possible, with a population of (then) around 4 million. But Thailand had a population (then) at 30-40 million. Plus, the Royal Thai Army was largerly modernized during this time.

You should read into the Thai Air Force's bombing raids on Vietnamese Army on the Khmer border. Thai F-5s were very capable in destroying Vietnamese artillery.
Yea, ao dai is the traditional clothing for vietnamese women. The girls of middle schools wear white color ao dai as school uniform. It is very light and emphasizes the body.

The clothing appeared some 100 years ago. The designer might have taken ideas from China and Japan.

Its perfect for Viet Nam !

Khmer rouge: I think: Communist expansionism must be stop. period.
China failed under communism: famine from cultural revolution, kills those rich people. Vietnam under communism: economy base of south vietnam was destroyed. There are writing said that Saigon under French colonialism is more beautiful than Bangkok of Independent state of Thailand. Communism destroyed all the that economic base and replace with stupid idology. If communism is so good, why do currently there is no Communist economy in your country anymore? China is communist by politic but capitalist by economy, same as Vietnam, Lao, Cambodia. In Lao, communist party destroyed Lao Royal family.
Suppose now that Thailand turns to be a new Ideology called "Xism" and trying to export that Xism to Vietnam through Cambodia and Lao by all means include force. Suppose what you see from Xism in Lao and Cambodia was to destroy hardly won economic bases, and industries. Suppose Xism party is Cambodia results in massarce of 50% of Cambodia population. Suppose that now Thai occupation force is at Lao border and some Thai general said that we will invade Hanoi the way we invaded Vientian. Suppose that the Lao rebellious force against Thailand is asking for your help. Will you help them?

Many VN pdf, not all, just see the past only through VN eye glasses. VN said her occupation was to stop Khmer rouge purges of its own people. If so, why not just return to VN right after your goal achieved? VN occupation of Cambodia is 1978-1992. Do you see what VN government actually think? My inference is that it is VN desire to occupy Cambodia. Cambodia and south VN is a single plain. From Cambodia to Bangkok it takes only 4-5 hours by car. It was estimated that VN force could have won Bangkok within 3-4 days should the full scale invasion be occured.

My opinion over Thai base: Last time I said about Thailand being occupied country in VN thread. It seems not true. Reread the history it seems that Thailand was a real independence country and act on her free will at that time. So. I will change that on Vietnam Military Thread after I read more history about this.
My opionion: We are helping South Vietnam to conquer Vietnam. We are afraid of Communism, as written above. We love our King and we love our industry. South Vietnam does not have expansionist policy for us to worry, while North Vietnam has. Under disguise of Communist Expansion, North Vietnam also has her agenda to expan Vietnam border and colonize Thailand, just like Vietnam did to Cham, and Makhong river delta to Pacific Ocean Cambodian. If today Vietnam carry expansionist policy, Thailand has no choice but to defend. If Thailand today carry expansionist policy to Lao, Cambodia, VN has no choice but to defend. Its the mother nature's Great Game. If both are contend with the current day border, then we can peacefully coexist, atleast for the time being. Therefore, arm race is mother nature's great game that no country can escape.

There are issues in your premise(s), my friend @somsak :

1. Vietnam never desired to expand into Thailand; but to rout the Khmer Rouge, who then took refuge (albeit, invited by the RTA) into territories of Eastern Thailand such as Nakhon Ratchasima and surrounding provinces.

2. The presence of Vietnam in Cambodia was necessary until the country (Cambodia), which had largely experienced decimation of 1/4th of their population by Khmer Rouge, did not have the proper infrastructure / services to support normal activity. Vietnamese forces in cambodia allowed the rebuilding of the country and restoration of civil services.

3. The historical premise of Champa does not relegate to Thailand because Champa was in Southern Vietnam, and never was in Cambodia or in present day Siamese power centers such as Ayuthaya, Bangkok.
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I don't think it would have been possible for VN to conquer Thailand, my friend. Thailand is too massive of a country. Population wise and military wise.

Dealing with backwards country such as Cambodia , was possible, with a population of (then) around 4 million. But Thailand had a population (then) at 30-40 million. Plus, the Royal Thai Army was largerly modernized during this time.

You should read into the Thai Air Force's bombing raids on Vietnamese Army on the Khmer border. Thai F-5s were very capable in destroying Vietnamese artillery.
Don't mind NiceGuy. Even as a Vietnamese I feel his comments really extreme. Vietnam-Cambodia war is little taked about in both our history textbook and media. Also it's largely vague and lack of details, the rest is propaganda.
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