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Shadow of Brutal ’79 War Darkens Vietnam’s View of China Relations

Why they dress like that? I find many Vietnamese girl wear long dress to their feet.
Vietnamese girls
@ChineseTiger1986, for you :-)








The traditional clothes look nice.. a little similiar to what is worn by women in our country..
Why they dress like that? I find many Vietnamese girl wear long dress to their feet.

It's their design. I believe they call it Ao Dai, and the cloth is light , practical since the humidity and heat in Vietnam can be a bit much. I think the Ao Dai looks quite similar to the Qipao in some ways.

Khmer is blown skin. History something like this: Dai people from current day Yunnan province migrate to the south long time ago. The biggest wave perhaps are the Mongol invasion of S.E asia. Dai people somehow came in wave during those era, then intermix with the local. Dai people cannot create empire. One city one prince. Many cities of Dai ethnic become alliance. So called "brother/sister cities" Dai people came with better technology from China, eg. cloth weavering, and rice farming techniques & iron tools.
Khmer was super power in this area. Khmer was an empire. Khmer subjugated Mon kingdom at Bangkok. Therefore middle thailand now are Khmer and Mon people. Somehow, Khmer splited into 2 entities: Ayuthaya Khmer vs Cambodia. Ayuthaya then wage war with Sukhotai city state, the later lose. Then Ayuthaya was able to destory Khmer capital city of Ankor, with the help of Dai city state alliance. These alliance forms a new Thai speaking Ayuthaya. Later Ayuthaya defeated to Burmese army. The winner drained all Ayuthaya inhibitants to Burma and replace them with Dai people from Sukhotai. Ayuthaya under Burmese occupation force become Thai speaking Ayuthaya from people/slave level to King level for the 1st time. Official Royal language is still Khmer.

I have more experience with prostitutes from Myanmar/China Dai ethnic groups. Some of them are blown some of them are fair skin, like you see on above images. I would say 90% are white. However, my sample is statistically bias because I sample from prostitute population.
@Viet , @NiceGuy ,

I bet the fabric of the Ao Dai is light as in Japanese women's summer kimono. Its quite versatile especially during the hot summer months. And gentle, delicate, on the soft Japanese women's skin... hehe. :smitten:

It's their design. I believe they call it Ao Dai, and the cloth is light , practical since the humidity and heat in Vietnam can be a bit much. I think the Ao Dai looks quite similar to the Qipao in some ways.

You may be correct, it has something to do with the weather, long dress help protect skin from the sun

Looks similar, but qipao is tight, helps to show the body curve.
I will stop talking to a single Vietnamese who cannot have real power over Vietnam government decision. I don't want to destroy relationship between Thai-Vietnam and our goal of peace and prosperity in ASEAN.
Bro, none of member here working for Govt., we r just normal people, and I just explain how many VNese in Laos, and who have more influent to Laos Govt.. We have high ranking VNese became great leader in Laos, his picture is printed in Laos note, we have abt 60,000 secret troops stationing there when Thai have None.

I dont think u and me can destroy relationship between Thai-Vietnam, just say what u know and say the truth. Some time Thailand still arrest VNese and charge them with spying during Thai-Camb conflict
Thai PM rejects Cambodian accusation over spy arrest

Thai national Suchart Muhammad, 32, Cambodian Ung Kimtai, 43, and Nguyen Tengyang, 37, a Vietnamese, were arrested last Tuesday at a Thai border village in the northeastern province of Si Sa Ket on charges of spying on Thai paramilitary bases and bunkers built to shelter Thai villagers in the event of cross-border attacks or shelling.
Khmerization: Thai PM rejects Cambodian accusation over spy arrest

Khmer is blown skin. History something like this: Dai people from current day Yunnan province migrate to the south long time ago. The biggest wave perhaps are the Mongol invasion of S.E asia. Dai people somehow came in wave during those era, then intermix with the local. Dai people cannot create empire. One city one prince. Many cities of Dai ethnic become alliance. So called "brother/sister cities" Dai people came with better technology from China, eg. cloth weavering, and rice farming techniques & iron tools.
Khmer was super power in this area. Khmer was an empire. Khmer subjugated Mon kingdom at Bangkok. Therefore middle thailand now are Khmer and Mon people. Somehow, Khmer splited into 2 entities: Ayuthaya Khmer vs Cambodia. Ayuthaya then wage war with Sukhotai city state, the later lose. Then Ayuthaya was able to destory Khmer capital city of Ankor, with the help of Dai city state alliance. These alliance forms a new Thai speaking Ayuthaya. Later Ayuthaya defeated to Burmese army. The winner drained all Ayuthaya inhibitants to Burma and replace them with Dai people from Sukhotai. Ayuthaya under Burmese occupation force become Thai speaking Ayuthaya from people/slave level to King level for the 1st time. Official Royal language is still Khmer.

I have more experience with prostitutes from Myanmar/China Dai ethnic groups. Some of them are blown some of them are fair skin, like you see on above images. I would say 90% are white. However, my sample is statistically bias because I sample from prostitute population.

The Chinese population from Sichuan and Hunan were also largely affected by the Tai-Kadai population.

Mao Zedong was from Hunan, could his mother be somewhat passed as a Dai woman?

Hey, don't be rude!..
I know vietnemese still backward... At least you can show to another poster you civilized

Their delusional state probably come from their lack of knowledge, not educated enough, and hatred toward Chinese.

You should teach, guide them.. Not bully them..

one more stupid chinese kid on forum.
turn back thread for sino Vietnam war 1979.

Protesters in Hanoi shout anti-China slogans in Vietnamese that means "The people has never forgotten, 1979 - 2014" during a rally marking the anniversary of the border war with China on February 16, 2014 (AFP, Hoang Dinh Nam).
Who was purged in the 79 war? The main cause of the war was the Soviet-Vietnamese mutual defense treaty signed just two month prior, that China consider a major betrayal on the Vietnamese part, and a significant threat to its national security.

I saw that is not any betrayal at all.
1. China went ahead to follow USA since 1972
2. At the time, Soviet Union keep supporting Vietnam for decades.
3. Defense means not aiming to any countries.
Confusing why China could depend on that to launch an offensive to another independent country? And without bomb, artillery, but by person ruin their infrastructure, killed their innocent civillians ?
I will stop talking to a single Vietnamese who cannot have real power over Vietnam government decision. I don't want to destroy relationship between Thai-Vietnam and our goal of peace and prosperity in ASEAN.

If you NiceGuy think you are influence enough to convince your government to military invade Lao/Cambodia and Thailand, just invade Thailand now. I know you are just a little guy and has no power nothing. Because you are who you are and you talk like you command VN army. People say you are delusional.

Lao women / culture.

@somsak: NiceGuy is the most crazy guy flagged Vietnam in this forum. You should not discuss with him. He want to post by his own idea only.

How do you think about the decision to accommodate Khmer Rouge in Thai bases?
We just feel that in the past, not anything USA made based on Righteous, either the US-control UN.
They even leave a seat for Khmer Rouge at UN.

In my opinion, in the past, Thailand caused some hate to let USA send their B52 in Thai airbases then after flied several sorties to drop lethal bombing to our innocent people, for example Kham Thien massacre by bomb carpeting.
@somsak: NiceGuy is the most crazy guy flagged Vietnam in this forum. You should not discuss with him. He want to post by his own idea only.

How do you think about the decision to accommodate Khmer Rouge in Thai bases?
We just feel that in the past, not anything USA made based on Righteous, either the US-control UN.
They even leave a seat for Khmer Rouge at UN.

In my opinion, in the past, Thailand caused some hate to let USA send their B52 in Thai airbases then after flied several sorties to drop lethal bombing to our innocent people, for example Kham Thien massacre by bomb carpeting.

NiceGuy is such an idiot. I never really read his shitty posts.
it need to be discussed as Xunzi and some others are right. It does make one delusional like having grandeur dream of world conquest, believing myths are historical facts, etc.

VN living in a world of fantasy. The SEA power, the dream! :cheesy:
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