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Featured SH15 Artillery in Pakistan

We discussed this brother earlier in the thread. Also they can't be used on the LOC, that's a provocation to far. The Indian army also does the same i.e. uses lighter weapons.
Our towed Artillery Guns are way old. We need new Light weight ones both in 105 MM category as well as AH 4. And Turkey and China are our best bets for getting them.

Turkey produces 105mm lightweight towed howitzer



By Gokhan Ergocun


A new 105-millimeter lightweight towed howitzer weapon system, which will raise largely to the Turkish Armed Forces' (TSK) logistical and tactical maneuverability, has been indigenously produced, Turkey's Defense Minister Nurettin Canikli announced on Saturday.

The new system, which is able to be airlifted and named Boran, has been successfully tested, Canikli said in a message posted on his official Twitter account.

He underlined that Boran would serve the Turkish ranger and infantry troops in the operations.

"The weapon, which has modern command and fire control systems, is able to identify targets," he said.

He added that Boran was made ready in a short time and it has a range of 17 kilometers (11 miles).

The 1,720-kilogram (3,792 pounds) howitzer is consonant with Sikorsky S-70 and Chinook CH-47 helicopters.

"Boran can calculate, and target without usual deployment procedures due to its fire control systems," he said.

The weapon's system can be used between the Celsius degrees of -32 and +44 nonstop for 8 hours, he noted.

Boran's mass production will be started by the end of 2018, he added.

Turkey produces several types of military supplies and vehicles such as unmanned air vehicles, kamikaze drones, tanks, riffles, satellites and rockets with its private and state-run companies in recent years.

The country's military products are in demand in international fairs -- including Doha International Maritime Defense Exhibition and Conference (DIMDEX) and the Armed Forces Exhibition for Diversity of Requirements and Capabilities (AFED).

The Turkish military has used locally-made vehicles, weapons, and ammunition in the anti-terror Olive Branch Operation in Syria's northwestern province of Afrin.


The 1,720-kilogram (3,792 pounds) howitzer is consonant
Slightly heavier than the 6 pounder but generations ahead. PA should consider it with Transfer of technology option. On the hilly tracks we tend to use mule caravans to transport our light guns. I wonder how BORAN will go!!!
@PanzerKiel @Arsalan
Just want to sprinkle some black pepper.
Back in 2016-17, there was a report of Jane's which suggested that Pakistan Army may possibly opt for self propelled mortar ($ 1.5 Billion), armored personnel carrier ($ 1.1 Billion) and self propelled howitzer ($ 0.8 Billion) for full filling gaps in its capabilities.

Don't know from where this SH-2 thing jumped in, but the cases of SH-15, VN-1 and VT-4 are very much known now.
@PanzerKiel @Arsalan
Just want to sprinkle some black pepper.
Back in 2016-17, there was a report of Jane's which suggested that Pakistan Army may possibly opt for self propelled mortar ($ 1.5 Billion), armored personnel carrier ($ 1.1 Billion) and self propelled howitzer ($ 0.8 Billion) for full filling gaps in its capabilities.

Don't know from where this SH-2 thing jumped in, but the cases of SH-15, VN-1 and VT-4 are very much known now.

Let me sprinkle some more.

Talk is rife about SH-1 155 howitzer being inducted as well. Talked with people who were part of its trials. They are pretty much confident of its induction.

Therefore ,options in air are SH1 155 and SH15. Personally, based upon the input i got from nearby, i place my bet on SH1 155.

But ofcourse it will be confirmed once the first piece arrives.

Atleast, something in the form of wheeled SPH is surely coming for which we should be happy about.
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Let me sprinkle some more.

Talk is rife about SH-1 155 howitzer being inducted as well. Talked with people who were part of its trials. They are pretty much confident of its induction.

Therefore ,options in air are SH1 155 and SH15. Personally, based upon the input i got from nearby, i place my bet on SH1 155.

But ofcourse it will be confirmed once the first piece arrives.

Atleast, something in the form of wheeled SPH is surely coming for which we should be happy about.
I am aware of Pakistan's interest in VN-1 and in some Western Examples for wheeled APC requirement. Has anything moved forward regarding it?
Because the employment of wheeled air defense and self propelled artillery systems suggests that Army is willing to think, and even practicalize, new concepts beyond its legacy of tracked vehicles.
Let me sprinkle some more.

Talk is rife about SH-1 155 howitzer being inducted as well. Talked with people who were part of its trials. They are pretty much confident of its induction.

Therefore ,options in air are SH1 155 and SH15. Personally, based upon the input i got from nearby, i place my bet on SH1 155.

But ofcourse it will be confirmed once the first piece arrives.

At least, something in the form of wheeled SPH is surely coming for which we should be happy about.
SH 1? previously you mentioned SH 2 or are you saying these are two different projects?

SH 1 in my opinion (personal) wont make much sense when a better version SH 15 is available. Also remember there were talks of SH 1 a few years back as well, 90 something ordered, 30 something delivered. Perhaps it is that same story resurfacing.

As for SH 2, honestly i have no idea about this. Never heard about this in PA or under evaluation/consideration. You mentioned it was under trials, i have no idea about that so should not comment on it. May try to find out a bit more about it.

@PanzerKiel @Arsalan
Just want to sprinkle some black pepper.
Back in 2016-17, there was a report of Jane's which suggested that Pakistan Army may possibly opt for self propelled mortar ($ 1.5 Billion), armored personnel carrier ($ 1.1 Billion) and self propelled howitzer ($ 0.8 Billion) for full filling gaps in its capabilities.

Don't know from where this SH-2 thing jumped in, but the cases of SH-15, VN-1 and VT-4 are very much known now.
Self propelled and other modern mortars are required indeed. Mortars are what we can get most use of at LoC as well at time of escalation (not a full blown war). Heavy artillery is avoided in that region usually. So yes, a selp propelled mortar will be great!
As for SH 15 and VT 4, yup these two are almost done. Again not aware of VN 1 either. Were these put through trials in Pakistan? Under consideration? Not aware of these. Those lazy @$$ dudes in HIT should be get off their @$$es and start working! We need IFV, MRAP etc and all these can and should be designed and build in-house.
I am aware of Pakistan's interest in VN-1 and in some Western Examples for wheeled APC requirement. Has anything moved forward regarding it?
Because the employment of wheeled air defense and self propelled artillery systems suggests that Army is willing to think, and even practicalize, new concepts beyond its legacy of tracked vehicles.

Just saw the VN-1, I thought I was looking at the Patria 8X8.
SH 1? previously you mentioned SH 2 or are you saying these are two different projects?

SH 1 in my opinion (personal) wont make much sense when a better version SH 15 is available. Also remember there were talks of SH 1 a few years back as well, 90 something ordered, 30 something delivered. Perhaps it is that same story resurfacing.

As for SH 2, honestly i have no idea about this. Never heard about this in PA or under evaluation/consideration. You mentioned it was under trials, i have no idea about that so should not comment on it. May try to find out a bit more about it.

Yeah, seems like SH2 was also evaluated. However, now i got some definite news regarding SH1-155. So, i strongly believe that SH1 will be coming. Lets see.
Ok please hold on. Have we procured both sh15 (155mm) and sh2 (122mm) OR Sh2 is an upgrade of sh15 (both 155mm) which we will be getting OR only sh15 (155mm) is coming for now and sh2 (122mm) is for later?

What he meant was that both systems were APPROVED after trials for procurement. That means both systems PASSED the trials and the technical branch approved both of them and deemed both of them ok as per our requirement (in fact, Nora B-52 was also APPROVED after second trials, it do not mean we are getting those too). After that it goes into negotiation stage with terms and parameter equally important as the technical aspects are negotiated and finalized. So while both were ok technically, practically we are going for one system. The reasons T5-52 despite being approved technically didn't happened piratically have been discussed in the past.
I think T-52 use standard NATO rounds .... ??

and If I am not wrong we too follow NATO standard ....???
That is what i thought too but then:
One of the primary trains for rejection of T5 and G6 was ammo compatibility. We wanted those guns whose ammo we are already making. But these guns require different type of ammo.
and now sir jee!
Somehow we decided to go for diversification so that we don't get dependent.
Like someone said, delay the storms.

Just to make you guys feel better, our SH2 is coming with a greater range than we expect, exact I'll not specify. Knock knock.....
is coming? Sir i dont think there is any Chinese wheeled SPH left really. Who are we? Qatar Airforce?

I mean the thread is about SH 15 and there are reports making round of 100+ 200 option being discussed. Then you said that SH 1 is being finalized and now there is this SH 2 as well. Its all getting quite mixed up. I guess different people are stating different things at facts!

Pakistan along with SH 15 should procure AH 4 from China. We need Towed Artillery Guns for LOC

View attachment 630003

Why AH-4? what advantage the light weight artillery give us? Why not more easily available, cheaper 155mm towed artillery guns rather than paying a premium for ultra light weight when that is of little use to us?

No sh2 is coming.
Winter is coming!

We discussed this brother earlier in the thread. Also they can't be used on the LOC, that's a provocation to far. The Indian army also does the same i.e. uses lighter weapons.
So what? You may have discussed it earlier and provided logical reasoning but why it should stop us from saying "Pakistan should also get M777 and AH-4 and AH-XZY too)

Slightly heavier than the 6 pounder but generations ahead. PA should consider it with Transfer of technology option. On the hilly tracks we tend to use mule caravans to transport our light guns. I wonder how BORAN will go!!!
Our experiment with Panter may hold us back!

Yeah, seems like SH2 was also evaluated. However, now i got some definite news regarding SH1-155. So, i strongly believe that SH1 will be coming. Lets see.
SH 2 makes more sense to me compared to SH 1 but again, who am i to make sense or decide!! :)

Anyway, lets weight and see!

In mean time we can make a list of all other wheeled SPH and find a reason (or not) of why we need them too! :P :D
That is what i thought too but then:

and now sir jee!


is coming? Sir i dont think there is any Chinese wheeled SPH left really. Who are we? Qatar Airforce?

I mean the thread is about SH 15 and there are reports making round of 100+ 200 option being discussed. Then you said that SH 1 is being finalized and now there is this SH 2 as well. Its all getting quite mixed up. I guess different people are stating different things at facts!

Why AH-4? what advantage the light weight artillery give us? Why not more easily available, cheaper 155mm towed artillery guns rather than paying a premium for ultra light weight when that is of little use to us?

Winter is coming!

So what? You may have discussed it earlier and provided logical reasoning but why it should stop us from saying "Pakistan should also get M777 and AH-4 and AH-XZY too)

Our experiment with Panter may hold us back!

SH 2 makes more sense to me compared to SH 1 but again, who am i to make sense or decide!! :)

Anyway, lets weight and see!

In mean time we can make a list of all other wheeled SPH and find a reason (or not) of why we need them too! :P :D

SH1 or SH15 dear. Bhai lets wait, but atleast we all are sure that something is coming. Thats good.
SH1 or SH15 dear. Bhai lets wait, but atleast we all are sure that something is coming. Thats good.
Yup that is confirmed. I think it is SH 15 based on my discussions with some people. SH 2 makes some sense as well so might be true too but not aware of it. In fact, all this debate is going to make me check on this today. :)

But i do agree that around 250 new SPH will be coming inshallah and the number might go up if different platforms are sought!
That is what i thought too but then:

and now sir jee!


is coming? Sir i dont think there is any Chinese wheeled SPH left really. Who are we? Qatar Airforce?

I mean the thread is about SH 15 and there are reports making round of 100+ 200 option being discussed. Then you said that SH 1 is being finalized and now there is this SH 2 as well. Its all getting quite mixed up. I guess different people are stating different things at facts!

Why AH-4? what advantage the light weight artillery give us? Why not more easily available, cheaper 155mm towed artillery guns rather than paying a premium for ultra light weight when that is of little use to us?

Winter is coming!

So what? You may have discussed it earlier and provided logical reasoning but why it should stop us from saying "Pakistan should also get M777 and AH-4 and AH-XZY too)

Our experiment with Panter may hold us back!

SH 2 makes more sense to me compared to SH 1 but again, who am i to make sense or decide!! :)

Anyway, lets weight and see!

In mean time we can make a list of all other wheeled SPH and find a reason (or not) of why we need them too! :P :D

Never guessed you had this wicked streak in you.


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