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Sexual health book in Pakistan schools draws protests

No need for sex education at school leave. Indeed sexual reproduction chapter of biology gives much detail. Internet is there. Youth has the ability to search from internet.

Mujeeb, am i missing something here or what. If sex education is not good at other places, why is it good for us to educate ourselves on that subject on the interent? if it is bad then it is bad everywhere, if it is good then it is good everywhere. I think deep down you feel the need for this education,but becaue of judgmental and silly society and for the fear that you will be judged, you disagree with its teaching in the open.
i think it's an absurd thing to do.. moral values with which the kids are brought up in our part of the world negates any sexual adventure they might embark upon in very young age. in western world you start educationg the kids at very young age about this. what do we have at the end?? teenage kids having babies afterall!! it's only goes to show that this would have an adverse effect on kids & might act as a free license to take pat in sexual activites at a very early age!!
Please be surprised.

Condoms are thousands of years old, with the earliest examples being made from inner linings of sheep intestines.

Thank you.

I just checked it out thanks to your informative post.

The oldest illustration of a condom was found in Egypt and dates back more than 3,000 years. It is difficult to judge from the drawing what the ancient Egyptian wearing the condom had in mind. He may have worn it for sexual or ritual reasons-or both. Some claim that, in later times, the Romans made condoms from the muscle tissue of warriors they defeated in battle. The oldest condoms were discovered in the foundations of Dudley Castle near Birmingham, England. They were made of fish and animal intestine and dated back to 1640. They were probably used to prevent transmission of sexually transmitted infections during the war between the forces of Oliver Cromwell and soldiers loyal to King Charles I.

Historians disagree about how condoms got their name. Some say a "Dr. Condom" supplied King Charles II of England with animal-tissue sheaths to keep him from fathering illegitimate children and getting diseases from prostitutes. Others claim the word comes from a "Dr. Condon" or a "Colonel Cundum." It may be more likely that the word derives from the Latin condon, meaning "receptacle."

The History of Condoms

Since you are aware of all this, I take it you also mean that it was practised in Islam and so it is nothing new.

A worthwhile information.
i think it's an absurd thing to do.. moral values with which the kids are brought up in our part of the world negates any sexual adventure they might embark upon in very young age. in western world you start educationg the kids at very young age about this. what do we have at the end?? teenage kids having babies afterall!! it's only goes to show that this would have an adverse effect on kids & might act as a free license to take pat in sexual activites at a very early age!!

What moral values?

Lets try not to sound holier than western societies.....
I mean sex is a taboo subject in all cultures/religions....ours is no different...yet India's population increases at an exponential rate compared to anywhere else in the world....
Do you think thats happening because our population is controlling themselves as an element of our cultural upbringing?

And to think that in this day and age (Internet generation) where every kind of information is available online that our curious minded kids will restrain themselves to abide by their cultural values? How do you think restricting sex education in school is going to make this any better?

I still say better be safe than sorry...
@ Peshwa
Me think Kama Sutra is a marvellous gift for teens...Hahaha

Trust me.....KamaSutra will change lives and marriages...ie. if anyone truly understands how to use it...

As with all things god has made....sex is beautiful too and as much as we dont want to talk about it, its there and everyone thinks about it.....
i think it's an absurd thing to do.. moral values with which the kids are brought up in our part of the world negates any sexual adventure they might embark upon in very young age. in western world you start educationg the kids at very young age about this. what do we have at the end?? teenage kids having babies afterall!! it's only goes to show that this would have an adverse effect on kids & might act as a free license to take pat in sexual activites at a very early age!!

And who is saying that sex education and sex health is about teaching intercourse or any other hard material to the kids? This debate on its own in this thread shows how much we Asians are out of touch with our own body, and our sex lives which is absolutely part of us and very natural. Sex education to the kids can be anything, teaching them about periods, it is also sex education, some kids are terrified seeing changes in them, when they see blood coming out of them will be a huge shock, they need to be told about it, there are alot of other things both for boys and girls. It is unfoutuante that if we hear the word sex, then we automatically assume that it is intercourse.
Trust me.....KamaSutra will change lives and marriages...ie. if anyone truly understands how to use it...

As with all things god has made....sex is beautiful too and as much as we dont want to talk about it, its there and everyone thinks about it.....

tell me briefly about kamasutra, you dont have to go into details.
What moral values?

Lets try not to sound holier than western societies.....
I mean sex is a taboo subject in all cultures/religions....ours is no different...yet India's population increases at an exponential rate compared to anywhere else in the world....Do you think thats happening because our population is controlling themselves as an element of our cultural upbringing?

And to think that in this day and age (Internet generation) where every kind of information is available online that our curious minded kids will restrain themselves to abide by their cultural values? How do you think restricting sex education in school is going to make this any better?

I still say bettwe be safe than sorry...

ofcourse moral values plays a big part in our society. no one in our culture would want their teenage kids to bring their partner home & have sex in the attic and make babies when their parents are watching easternders in the front room. india's population increase is not due to teenage pregnancy rates.
it's basically due to lack of education. there is nothing wrong with educating indvidual about sex... but do this at the right age. in our society you don't need to educate a 6th standard child about this stuff!!
tell me briefly about kamasutra, you dont have to go into details.

Beyond the desire for instant titillation and self gratification, it has deep nuances in social interactivity.

Therefore, it requires serious study and can hardly be explained briefly.
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