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Sex-Education as a compulsory subject In SL


Feb 16, 2013
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Ceylon Today | Sex-Education as a compulsory science subject

Sex-education will soon be taught to students from Grade 10 onwards as part of a compulsory science subject. This move is being enacted by the Ministries of Health and Education.

Sex-education is right now being taught as part of the health science subject and it only focuses on the human reproductive system's anatomy and functions.

In light of a rise in sexual intimacy amongst youth and the increasing number of teen pregnancies, new Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections and fresh cases of sexually transmitted disease (STD) among youth, there is a need to comprehensively educate the young about knowledge and understanding concerning prevention and safety precautions, a spokesman for the National STD/AIDS Control Programme (NSACP) said.

Director of the NSACP, Dr. Sisira Liyanage said "Presently only 40% of the students are taking health science as a subject. The other drawback is that it teaches only the reproductive system. Currently there is a huge need to go beyond this because of the prevailing situation in the country. Children need to be taught about STDs and HIV and how to avoid transmission, he said.
It is a good move. Teenagers should get proper education otherwise they get half baked knowledge from dubious sources which creates a problem
From grade 10 onwards? Isn't that a tad late? We had it from standard 8 onwards.
good if properly implemented. But teachers normally skip such sections :) when teaching...

normally the kids torture the teachers by asking questions.
From grade 10 onwards? Isn't that a tad late? We had it from standard 8 onwards.

Human reproductive system and anatomy is already being thought for decades, from younger grades.. This is sex education (behavior, orientations and safe practices) .. So 15 is a appropriate age
Human reproductive system and anatomy is already being thought for decades, from younger grades.. This is sex education (behavior, orientations and safe practices) .. So 15 is a appropriate age

Yeah, sex-Ed is what I'm talking about as well. We had it as a compulsory class every week from standard 8 onwards, and I guess it stems from the fact that one attains puberty around the age of 12/13 which is around the age sexual curiosity starts to take root. Anyway, it's a good step by the SL government.
I was in SL until year 10 and were taught it in year 7 or 8 as a part of health and physical education subject.. o_O
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