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Serious threat of Indian Surgical Strikes. Sources from PM House - Saleh Zafar

So, I'm just going to copy paste my previous comment that I made to @WaLeEdK2

"Don't know, but it would make sense regardless. You make decisions based on an enemy's capability, not his intentions. India has the capability of launching a strong offensive against Pakistan, and with the current rhetoric going on, Pakistan would probably do so, just to be safe than sorry; Though, it is doubtful that Pakistan actually expects India to start a war.

Better safe than sorry."

I was referring to your comment earlier that no troop movement was detected on the Indian side.........there is a LOT of movement!!
I was referring to your comment earlier that no troop movement was detected on the Indian side.........there is a LOT of movement!!
Troop movement, as in preparations for an invasion of Pakistani territory. I think that was pretty clear from my comment.
Troop movement, as in preparations for an invasion of Pakistani territory. I think that was pretty clear from my comment.

You've confused me buddy. Not sure what the difference is between the Troop movement and invasion. There is plenty of troop movement, which means, anyone can fire at any time. No one gives out a schedule of starting the war at 7 AM sharp on Thursday morning...
You've confused me buddy. Not sure what the difference is between the Troop movement and invasion. There is plenty of troop movement, which means, anyone can fire at any time. No one gives out a schedule of starting the war at 7 AM sharp on Thursday morning...
Re-positioning of troops for posturing purposes, or to change the current setup is different from a troop movement meant for invasion purposes.

In case of potential invasion, heavy troop movement along the border, with heavy armor and air support, is usually expected, we've seen no such thing from the Indian side so far. All that has happened is current Indian positions have merely added extra troops, and patrols along the border have increased.
Re-positioning of troops for posturing purposes, or to change the current setup is different from a troop movement meant for invasion purposes.

In case of potential invasion, heavy troop movement along the border, with heavy armor and air support, is usually expected, we've seen no such thing from the Indian side so far. All that has happened is current Indian positions have merely added extra troops, and patrols along the border have increased.

:rofl: says who? There have been over 500 trucks with troops and mechanized tanks and artillery in just one sector (part of the Indian strike corp under an IBG)!! No offense, someone's feeding you really wrong information.

And no, you don't need any "air cover" when average artillery shell for Indian heavy artillery can easily go to 15-40 km's. MBRL's out to 100 km's!! You cross into another one's land when you actually want a full war. They are looking at "surgical strikes" meaning close to border engagements, with heavy artillery and / or aircraft!!
We welcome surgical strike and offer a free full gynaecological check up to india in return..

If the retaliation fails awfully, and is translated into several more dead bodies of Indian soldiers, 2019, Modi to get the new title = Opposition leader.

He is afraid of this. Hence there wont be such daring retribution.
And Indian military is afraid of Pakistani Anza III
:rofl: says who? There have been over 500 trucks with troops and mechanized tanks and artillery in just one sector (part of the Indian strike corp under an IBG)!! No offense, someone's feeding you really wrong information.

And no, you don't need any "air cover" when average artillery shell for Indian heavy artillery can easily go to 15-40 km's. MBRL's out to 100 km's!! You cross into another one's land when you actually want a full war. They are looking at "surgical strikes" meaning close to border engagements, with heavy artillery and / or aircraft!!
With PAF patrolling the sky, the Indians would nee air cover.

Having such things in a base, and right outside of the border are two different things.

Look, I'm not going to have this debate with you. I've said my piece, there is no troop build up along the border to indicate an imminent invasion.
With PAF patrolling the sky, the Indians would nee air cover.

Having such things in a base, and right outside of the border are two different things.

Look, I'm not going to have this debate with you. I've said my piece, there is no troop build up along the border to indicate an imminent invasion.

You aren't making any sense and you'll continue on with your silly statements. I've explained you the same ground reality that Gen. Raheel and his commanders are seeing. That is, India can and will (in case of surgical strikes) use their artillery into Pakistan. The PAF is patrolling Pakistani skies, it won't get inside India as that would then invite a full scale war offense from the Indian side. You don't just cross over into the Indian territory because their artillery is firing. That already happens on a smaller scale on every weekend pretty much.
You aren't making any sense and you'll continue on with your silly statements. I've explained you the same ground reality that Gen. Raheel and his commanders are seeing. That is, India can and will (in case of surgical strikes) use their artillery into Pakistan. The PAF is patrolling Pakistani skies, it won't get inside India as that would then invite a full scale war offense from the Indian side. You don't just cross over into the Indian territory because their artillery is firing. That already happens on a smaller scale on every weekend pretty much.
@Oscar @Irfan Baloch @WAJsal @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Kaptaan Can you help explain this? I've tried, but he doesn't seem to be listening.
Like i said, we had other priorities.
China did not develop its own defence technology during 1990's. It just copied. Its only now they have started developing their tech once their other important aspects have been taken care of.
Ussr put too much focus on defence and failed to provide for its people. They ate grass, and broke up in 1991. U r heading down the same road.

Like i said, we had other priorities.
China did not develop its own defence technology during 1990's. It just copied. Its only now they have started developing their tech once their other important aspects have been taken care of.
Ussr put too much focus on defence and failed to provide for its people. They ate grass, and broke up in 1991. U r heading down the same road.

So Russians are worst of than indians???????......which is why india spend billions buying arms of them.
Guys dont many of you think that URI attack happens right before NS speech in UNGA and out of 17 only four were killed by bullets other by some fire. Either the terrorist are against the Kashmir issue being raised in UNGA or they just wanted to cover the atrocities being committed by Indian soldiers.
Secondly everyone is saying surgical strikes and war but no one knows we are at war on the great and holy battlefield of PDF. and if India wanted to attack they would have. numerical supremacy is just myth strategy and patience wins the war these day
And how did India get the nuke? Did the indians invent it? Did they do it completely 100% indigenously without any foreign assistance whatsoever? If india is so far ahead than why does india purchase high tech military equipment from Russia and the West? Why can't india produce these items indigenously themselves despite having a population of over 1.3 billion people? The Chinese can. indians can't.

Dude relax. I'm waiting for him to quote that source. Why? Because that very source also states that that test device was made in Pakistan and then taken to China so as not to burden Pakistan's foreign relations at that time. The source also states that this assertion is only speculative. The original source of this was a pentagon report.

@Mukunda Murthi Rao, cmon bud, give us the source.

Because our priority was not the nuke. We did not eat grass to have a nuke.
We have built a functioning country, with the fastest growing economy.
Just imagine, u were way ahead of us till 1965, and then what happened? We focussed on poverty alleviation, education, healthcare etc which are much more useful for us than a nuke or some weapons.

Actually, you were about to not even have any grass to eat in the 1990s. Looming bankruptcy was it? Your massive population came to your rescue when you opened your markets to foreigners. That is all that you did.

ps: Don't let the new money get to your head. It hasn't been long enough, you haven't made big yet and we've been there.
Thanks to Indians proxies , TTP [ Taliban] and their fifth columnists here in our cities ,Pakistan has fully trained and mobilized army now. We can take on the India with relative ease. If war breaks out Pakistan must prolong it. God willing many parts of India will be liberated. Indian Army be sucked into Pakistan territory and then Tactical Nuclear Weapons be employed.
Thanks to Indians proxies , TTP [ Taliban] and their fifth columnists here in our cities ,Pakistan has fully trained and mobilized army now. We can take on the India with relative ease. If war breaks out Pakistan must prolong it. God willing many parts of India will be liberated. Indian Army be sucked into Pakistan territory and then Tactical Nuclear Weapons be employed.
waited 6 years to make your first comment and it's a nuclear threat. :rofl:

100 internets to you, sir.
So Russians are worst of than indians???????......which is why india spend billions buying arms of them.

We buy what we dont have. Atleast we have the ability to buy things.

Look at russia, they only make weapons. Their economy is in regression. Split in 1991.
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