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Serious threat of Indian Surgical Strikes. Sources from PM House - Saleh Zafar

India has moved planes to forward bases.
Stage 1 of preparation of surgical strikes completed.
Pakistan will respond immediately if India crosses the red line (RS and NS discuss over phone)
BS... All India can do is Print Dossiers.
we have to be prepared india play this innocent card by doing fales flag operation and watch worlds reaction he wants green signal from US and Britan, which he create this drama to get the signal unfortunate india and lucky us.. but this women we are dealing with are bitter she wants to involve her husband, lover or even ex for her revenge she is too weak to do it by herself cuz she knows one slap would be enough to straight her up so she keep dancing around the males..
Yes she is very cheap and can go as low as you cud think off.

meanwhile the other lady been to present bf and so on..

Yaar if a nuclear war will shut up indian media but it will have no other benefits.... its going to be a huge service to hunanity
so much innocent talk from pak members.. kinda silly yet blaming Indians...
Agree, bania would not attack this time. But they would plan false flag militant attack on their own facilities to get an excuse for some sudden sabotage in Pakistan.

It is incorrect and insulting to call Indians bania. It is also incorrect to call Indians Hindu. Not all Indians are Hindu. Not all Hindus are bania.
It is incorrect and insulting to call Indians bania. It is also incorrect to call Indians Hindu. Not all Indians are Hindu. Not all Hindus are bania.
Who cares about correct and incorrect when the sole purpose of majority on PDF is to insult and abuse others ideas and nationality.
Who cares about correct and incorrect when the sole purpose of majority on PDF is to insult and abuse others ideas and nationality.

You may be right, but I felt it necessary to draw the offender's attention to his offence, and to how it felt to the offended, before going further.
Problem is you can detect the source from where the uranium came. If india give it then it will trace back to india.
Personally i think it is a great time for Pakistan to wage a war against india as their air force is at low moral. Most of their planes are retiring and many will be gone for up gradation and new one will come after 5 years. Lets attack now

Attacking at enemy sounds good, but Pakistan always wanted to live in peace and we sud always give chance to peace we design our military is to defend Pakistan, india is the only country in region who have problem with Pakistan's existance and they design their military for offence thats what they did in every war, so their mind set will never change till they solve outstanding issues with Pakistan specially Kashmir. They are they one who attack and even this time they will and we punch them hard.
Then why the massive arm purchases from the West and Russia? If you indians are as intelligence and successful as you claim then why can't you indians produce high tech advanced weaponry like the West, Russia & China does? You have a population of over 1.3 billion people and yet still not accomplish this.

Like i said, we had other priorities.
China did not develop its own defence technology during 1990's. It just copied. Its only now they have started developing their tech once their other important aspects have been taken care of.
Ussr put too much focus on defence and failed to provide for its people. They ate grass, and broke up in 1991. U r heading down the same road.
we have to be prepared india play this innocent card by doing fales flag operation and watch worlds reaction he wants green signal from US and Britan, which he create this drama to get the signal unfortunate india and lucky us.. but this women we are dealing with are bitter she wants to involve her husband, lover or even ex for her revenge she is too weak to do it by herself cuz she knows one slap would be enough to straight her up so she keep dancing around the males..
Yes she is very cheap and can go as low as you cud think off.
She reminds me of a female forumite from across the border. :D
India has moved planes to forward bases.
Stage 1 of preparation of surgical strikes completed.
Pakistan will respond immediately if India crosses the red line (RS and NS discuss over phone)
Doubtful, Pakistan has said it see zero troop movement from the Indian side, that would suggest anything of the sort.
Doubtful, Pakistan has said it see zero troop movement from the Indian side, that would suggest anything of the sort.
I've heard that Pakistan is telling citizens to stay clear of the border and even evacuating them. Is this true?
I've heard that Pakistan is telling citizens to stay clear of the border and even evacuating them. Is this true?
Don't know, but it would make sense regardless. You make decisions based on an enemy's capability, not his intentions. India has the capability of launching a strong offensive against Pakistan, and with the current rhetoric going on, Pakistan would probably do so, just to be safe than sorry; Though, it is doubtful that Pakistan actually expects India to start a war.

Better safe than sorry.
Doubtful, Pakistan has said it see zero troop movement from the Indian side, that would suggest anything of the sort.

What are you talking about? Almost 24 hours ago, the AWACS started to rotate on a 24 hour basis. Multiple squadrons are on cockpit alert and multiple are on surgical response duties.

The orders are clear, in case of any detection of a surgical strike, the response will independently be initiated. The Civil and the Military are together on this. They want the news to break out as "Both India and Pakistan did surgical strikes on each other. Pakistan initiated their strikes shortly after the Indian incursion began". These are very explicit orders.

Since 2002, this is the first time there is actual and real, rapid troop movement from the Indian side under the Cold Start phase II. Phase I completed with deployment of strike packages to FOB's, along with escort and interceptor planes.
What are you talking about? Almost 24 hours ago, the AWACS started to rotate on a 24 hour basis. Multiple squadrons are on cockpit alert and multiple are on surgical response duties.

The orders are clear, in case of any detection of a surgical strike, the response will independently be initiated. The Civil and the Military are together on this. They want the news to break out as "Both India and Pakistan did surgical strikes on each other. Pakistan initiated their strikes shortly after the Indian incursion began". These are very explicit orders.

Since 2002, this is the first time there is actual and real, rapid troop movement from the Indian side under the Cold Start phase II. Phase I completed with deployment of strike packages to FOB's, along with escort and interceptor planes.
So, I'm just going to copy paste my previous comment that I made to @WaLeEdK2

"Don't know, but it would make sense regardless. You make decisions based on an enemy's capability, not his intentions. India has the capability of launching a strong offensive against Pakistan, and with the current rhetoric going on, Pakistan would probably do so, just to be safe than sorry; Though, it is doubtful that Pakistan actually expects India to start a war.

Better safe than sorry."
Is it? Can u imagine pakistan going to war against the us?
Even if we look at the military aspect, can u really beat us?
Do u realise in a conventional war, u can only hold us for a few days, beyond which u may not be able to due to attrition, logistics and various othee factors.
We may take more damage and may get a lot more killed, but u will not be able to win.
When it comes to principle stand of standing for the motherland, I for one, have never gone into calculations of who takes the more beating. We will for sure give you a bloody nose! Its as simple. Black and white for me and many like us here. This is where we take the edge over you. This very x-factor in us is what has kept you at bay despite all the hate in your heart!

P.S: I think we aren't contributing enough to the thread, so feel free to reply, but this will be my last reply on the matter of what you can do to us and should we not be afraid. Any other matter and I will be pleased to debate/discuss. Thanks!
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