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Serbia wants to sell military equipment to Pakistan

To be honest, I would only support a deal that involves local manufacturing in Pakistan.
Even if it costs a bit more, but atleast we can reduce dependence on other nations.

JV and ToT are best ways forward IMHO.
I believe that is certainly possible. For example we are building military factories in Algeria and Azerbaijan.

Serbia Wins $400 Million Defense Contracts in Africa

Serbian arms producers and defense specialists have jointly secured a $400 million order to build three military factories in Northern Africa, Blic newspaper reported, citing Defense Minister Dragan Sutanovac.

Sutanovac declined to specify locations of the future facilities. Key contractors will be Belgrade-based arms exporter Yugoimport SPDR and ammunition makers Krusik a.d., Sloboda a.d., and Prvi Partizan a.d., which have past experience in defense contracts with Libya, Egypt and Algeria, the newspaper reported.

Construction work is to begin in 2012, after designs are completed next year, according to the report.

Zastava Arms Signs $30 Million Tech Transfer Deal with Azerbaijan

The management of Zastava Arms and authorities in Azerbaijan have signed a contract on the transfer of Zastava’s arms-making technology to that former Soviet republic.

Under the contract, Zastava Oruzje will build and equip a $30 million dollar infantry weapons factory in Azerbaijan over the next three years.

This is the first export arrangement entered this year by the Zastava arms factory, which, according to announcements, should be signing several other contracts on arms deliveries to foreign partners.

In March, Zastava Oruzje will be signing a contract with the Defence Ministry on the delivery of about 400 million dinars’ worth of infantry weapons to the Army of Serbia.

Also i am not sure is this 100% true, but this is one of the latest news about Lazar MRAP

Kenya to receive Serbian armoured vehicles

Kenya and Bangladesh will be the first recipients of armoured vehicles produced by a new factory in Serbia. It is believed that the two countries will receive the locally developed Lazar BVT mine-resistant, ambush protected vehicle.

Serbian Defence Minister Aleksandar Vucic met with Russian Deputy Premier Dmitry Rogozin last week to discuss military cooperation, which may see the two countries build 57 and 155 mm ammunition. Russian manufacturers provide components for armoured vehicles Serbia plans to produce for its own military as well as for Kenya and Bangladesh. “We both have the will and the money to invest in Serbia,” said Rogozin.

The new factory will be established with 130 employees before the end of 2013 in Velika Plana, Serbia, Vucic said. It will build several variants of armoured vehicles. Last year the state-owned Yugoimport arms export agency received a contract for 18 Nora B-52 155 mm self-propelled howitzers to the Bangladesh Army. It has been reported that Kenya has also bought the Nora artillery system.

It is presumed that the armoured vehicles that will be delivered to Kenya are the Yugoimport Lazar BVTs, developed by the Serbian Military Technology Institute to meet local and export requirements. The first prototype was completed in 2008. The vehicle has a crew of three (commander, driver and gunner) and can carry ten fully equipped troops. These have firing ports and sit in seats attached to the roof, which reduces the risk of injury in case the vehicle hits a mine.

With regard to armament, a wide variety of weapons can be fitted in a remotely controlled overhead weapon station or light turret, including 7.62 mm and 12.7 mm machineguns and 20 mm and 30 mm cannons or an automatic grenade launcher.

Kenya makes extensive use of armoured vehicles, especially due to its combat operations in Somalia. Last month it was announcedd that South African expeditionary and tactical equipment manufacturer Osprea Logistics has established a factory in the Kenyan coastal town of Mombasa to produce its Mamba Mk5 armoured personnel carriers. Osprea plans to produce more than a hundred Mamba Mk 5 vehicles in the first year of production.

Over 200 South African-made Mamba APCs are in use in Somalia. The Mamba is a sturdily designed vehicle which is suited for combat operations in desert and other remote locations and has been widely used in Iraq.

Yugoimport is no stranger to Africa: in November 2010 Yugoimport and ammunition makers Krusik a.d., Sloboda a.d., and Prvi Partizan a.d., were awarded a US$400 million contract to build three military factories in Northern Africa. These companies have received various defence contracts from Libya, Egypt and Algeria.
There is no permanent friend or enemy international politics what have permanent interest.
Pakistan need to diversify its weapons sources as well as build high tech military industry to feed its military need . all the weapons seems very modern and good looking . is this weapons are all indigenously developed or build with Russian assistance ? @proka89
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Pakistan Armed forces I believe needs lots of Military equipment to properly arm FC's, Rangers & Levis.
We don't think about muslim countries as our enemies, at least most of the Serbs don't. And most of those who hate muslims, are connecting their hate to the recent war in the Bosnia and Herzegovina, or the slavery under the Turks :laugh:. Bunch of them are the kids who are leading flaming wars under the youtube clips, while most of them were in diapers, or not even born during the war.

And all weapons are indigenously developed and constructed. Some of them are realisations of old projects started during the SFRJ like Nora B52. Some like BOV 10 and 11 are modernizations, and the rest are new projects. We did not have help from Russia while developing any of them. But they are supposed to help us with some of our new projects.

But we are working together with many countries. Right now we are working together with UAE, and we are supposed to sell them our missiles ALAS and LORANA, so we are right now developing launching platform together with them.


There will be four more launching containers atop of this four, 8 in all.

Here you can see YUGOIMPORT report about our defence industry. It's from 2009, so it's old but still interesting:

there should be basic ethics for dealing, no deals with serbia, they killed innocent people

Who didn't killed innocent people ? America bombing your border area every time in name of taiban and killing many innocent women and children, France killed million's Algerian during Algerian independence movement and with all of them you have bought weapons kept good relation .
“What we can offer and what they are interested in are armoured vehicles, large calibre ammunition, assault rifles and night-vision equipment,”

Pakistan is looking for third generation night vision equipment .which western countries are not providing (some are given though but only for fighting taliban ) , so Serbia can offer a third generation night vision equipment with tot would be great .
There Armored vehicle looks sexy can be evaluated along with Turkish option . other equipment like anti tank weapons too seems good can be chosen if those are better then baktia shikan atgm .
Srebrenica is in Bosnia, not in Serbia. All crimes are performed by criminal units which were employed by certain politician of all nationality (Bosnak, Croatian and Serbian in alphabetic order) so they spread hate between people who lived in peace for years, just so that politicians make as much money as possible from people's suffering. For Serbians now taht is part of dark past. While we all are in BS fighting Americans are ruling the world.
Nearly 5% of Serbia populations are Muslims, and that if we don't include Kosovo and Metohia. (And as far as I know, all Albanians from Kosovo are citizens of Serbia.) Some of military industry is in area of Serbia where Muslims live. If Muslims country decide to invest in Serbia military industry percentage of military industry in those areas can increase.
Proka89 explain in detail what Serbia is offering, but I will repeat that in more clearly words.
As first Serbia is offering rifles and ammunition. It is nothing hi tech and fancy but those are cheap and in good quality.
Secondly now is developing Lazar 2 armored vehicle. It will be cheap, cheaper than westerners can build it. Secondly it will have V-hull, so it will be more resistant to IEDs. Soldiers will be in hanging seat, so explosion don't pass on them. Also it will have pretty decant off road mobility, as any 8x8 (so not as tracked vehicle). And in the end it will have 30mm gun so it can scare ambushers away. Every soldier will have window of it own, so can have situational awareness.
Next there is ALAS anti tank system. It is jointly developed by Serbia and United Arab Emirates. You can think of it as anti tank missile, but technically is kamikaze UAV. Range is 25km! It is operated by 2 men. It can be use from any platform. Crew can be on one place, and launcher on another. Missile have camera on it and it is connected with wire with operator. He is making attack decision. It can penetrate 800mm of steel. So 2 man and recon guy can knock out tank, and enemy will not know what hit them and from where. It is like S 300, but for tanks.
NORA B-52 have 152 or 155mm howitzer with 52 caliber length of gun, and auto loader, and it is mount on 8x8 truck. It have range up to 65 km. So firepower is as good as any SPG in world. Armor is pretty weak, but overall it is not bad deal for it's praise (Kenya can afford them). (Not that Pakistan need those.)
We are living in globalism age now. Everyone is competing everywhere.
And Serbia need to modernize it's tank. Pakistan is now building tanks-so some components can come from there. Also Serbian Air force is pretty thin this days. JF 17 might be part of it someday.
Serbia is grabbing technology everywhere it can. Some it come from Russia, some from Germany, some from God knows where. All those designs are from Serbia, so there will be no problem selling them to others. We don't receive or want technology that we can't pass to others.
Srebrenica is in Bosnia, not in Serbia. All crimes are performed by criminal units which were employed by certain politician of all nationality (Bosnak, Croatian and Serbian in alphabetic order) so they spread hate between people who lived in peace for years, just so that politicians make as much money as possible from people's suffering. For Serbians now taht is part of dark past. While we all are in BS fighting Americans are ruling the world.
Nearly 5% of Serbia populations are Muslims, and that if we don't include Kosovo and Metohia. (And as far as I know, all Albanians from Kosovo are citizens of Serbia.) Some of military industry is in area of Serbia where Muslims live. If Muslims country decide to invest in Serbia military industry percentage of military industry in those areas can increase.
Proka89 explain in detail what Serbia is offering, but I will repeat that in more clearly words.
As first Serbia is offering rifles and ammunition. It is nothing hi tech and fancy but those are cheap and in good quality.
Secondly now is developing Lazar 2 armored vehicle. It will be cheap, cheaper than westerners can build it. Secondly it will have V-hull, so it will be more resistant to IEDs. Soldiers will be in hanging seat, so explosion don't pass on them. Also it will have pretty decant off road mobility, as any 8x8 (so not as tracked vehicle). And in the end it will have 30mm gun so it can scare ambushers away. Every soldier will have window of it own, so can have situational awareness.
Next there is ALAS anti tank system. It is jointly developed by Serbia and United Arab Emirates. You can think of it as anti tank missile, but technically is kamikaze UAV. Range is 25km! It is operated by 2 men. It can be use from any platform. Crew can be on one place, and launcher on another. Missile have camera on it and it is connected with wire with operator. He is making attack decision. It can penetrate 800mm of steel. So 2 man and recon guy can knock out tank, and enemy will not know what hit them and from where. It is like S 300, but for tanks.
NORA B-52 have 152 or 155mm howitzer with 52 caliber length of gun, and auto loader, and it is mount on 8x8 truck. It have range up to 65 km. So firepower is as good as any SPG in world. Armor is pretty weak, but overall it is not bad deal for it's praise (Kenya can afford them). (Not that Pakistan need those.)
We are living in globalism age now. Everyone is competing everywhere.
And Serbia need to modernize it's tank. Pakistan is now building tanks-so some components can come from there. Also Serbian Air force is pretty thin this days. JF 17 might be part of it someday.
Serbia is grabbing technology everywhere it can. Some it come from Russia, some from Germany, some from God knows where. All those designs are from Serbia, so there will be no problem selling them to others. We don't receive or want technology that we can't pass to others.

:welcome: to :pdf:
By the way a big welcome to Proka89, our Serbian guest.
Here is some new stuff:



Serbia’s export agency Jugoimport external link signs an agreement with EAI subsidiary Emirates Advanced Research and Technology Holding LLC (EARTH) to develop and deliver ALAS. A EUR 24 million immediate payment is reportedly just part of a deal that could rise to over EUR 200 million. Jugoimport SPDR deputy director Nenad Miloradovic:

ALAS: the Missile Cometh

For now in process of testing in this version:




Lazar 2

I agree and i'll add more into that:
- We make small planes like Mushak, Super Mushak, K-8, and UAVs. They are regularly exported.
- We export ammos to like 30 countries, including U.K, Belgium, Switzerland and Australia
- And Rifles are already made by P.O.F (Pakistan Ordinance Factories).

If Pakistan can make other big things, then definitely night vision goggles are not to difficult to make. If needed, Chinese have better quality and they are way to go for...

No, you definitely do not.
Srebrenica is in Bosnia, not in Serbia. All crimes are performed by criminal units which were employed by certain politician of all nationality (Bosnak, Croatian and Serbian in alphabetic order) so they spread hate between people who lived in peace for years, just so that politicians make as much money as possible from people's suffering. For Serbians now taht is part of dark past. While we all are in BS fighting Americans are ruling the world.
Nearly 5% of Serbia populations are Muslims, and that if we don't include Kosovo and Metohia. (And as far as I know, all Albanians from Kosovo are citizens of Serbia.) Some of military industry is in area of Serbia where Muslims live. If Muslims country decide to invest in Serbia military industry percentage of military industry in those areas can increase.
Proka89 explain in detail what Serbia is offering, but I will repeat that in more clearly words.
As first Serbia is offering rifles and ammunition. It is nothing hi tech and fancy but those are cheap and in good quality.
Secondly now is developing Lazar 2 armored vehicle. It will be cheap, cheaper than westerners can build it. Secondly it will have V-hull, so it will be more resistant to IEDs. Soldiers will be in hanging seat, so explosion don't pass on them. Also it will have pretty decant off road mobility, as any 8x8 (so not as tracked vehicle). And in the end it will have 30mm gun so it can scare ambushers away. Every soldier will have window of it own, so can have situational awareness.
Next there is ALAS anti tank system. It is jointly developed by Serbia and United Arab Emirates. You can think of it as anti tank missile, but technically is kamikaze UAV. Range is 25km! It is operated by 2 men. It can be use from any platform. Crew can be on one place, and launcher on another. Missile have camera on it and it is connected with wire with operator. He is making attack decision. It can penetrate 800mm of steel. So 2 man and recon guy can knock out tank, and enemy will not know what hit them and from where. It is like S 300, but for tanks.
NORA B-52 have 152 or 155mm howitzer with 52 caliber length of gun, and auto loader, and it is mount on 8x8 truck. It have range up to 65 km. So firepower is as good as any SPG in world. Armor is pretty weak, but overall it is not bad deal for it's praise (Kenya can afford them). (Not that Pakistan need those.)
We are living in globalism age now. Everyone is competing everywhere.
And Serbia need to modernize it's tank. Pakistan is now building tanks-so some components can come from there. Also Serbian Air force is pretty thin this days. JF 17 might be part of it someday.
Serbia is grabbing technology everywhere it can. Some it come from Russia, some from Germany, some from God knows where. All those designs are from Serbia, so there will be no problem selling them to others. We don't receive or want technology that we can't pass to others.

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