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Serbia wants to sell military equipment to Pakistan

Serbia seems like a militarily powerful nation. I wasn't aware of the military power that Serbia posessed.
Well we have a good defence industry, but our army needs great modernization. And there are finally some good news in that direction. We started modernizing air defence, for now we are upgrading Neva and Buk systems that are already in use, and there are some informations about possible acquisition of S300 PMU2, Pantsir S1, and new radars from Russians. We are also expecting 6 new Mig 29 M/M2 and two new radars until the end of the year. We are also supposed to overhaul about 12 Mig 21 bis, with some small modernisation and to acquire a total of 12 Mig 29M/M2. We already have 4 mig 29s, and i believe that they are going to be upgraded to SMT standard. Also we are expecting acquisition of domestic products, such as Bumbar, LRSVM, Lazar 2, Vrabac...
Serbia: export weapons worth 100 million dollars to Libya

Wed, 17.4.2013

(ANSAmed) The Zastava Arms Company from Kragujevac is preparing a major business arrangement with Libya, within which it should export infantry weapons to this country over the next two to three years in the value of 100 million dollars. Kragujevac has already received confirmation that the state will, through the SDPR Jugoimport Company, soon sign a contract with the Libyan Defense Ministry on the export. The well informed sources say that large contingents of snipers M-84, automatic rifles M-21, grenade launchers and far-range snipers Black Arrow, and other infantry weapons will be exported to Libya. It is possible for the weapons to be a compensation for a part of the oil debt which Serbia has towards Libya, states the Belgrade daily "Danas".
Thank you for the information Proka and the pictures. It seems the Serbian defence industry takes Russian equipment as an inspiration, when it comes to designing their own equipment am I right?

By the way, I heard from Serbian Muslims about the sizeable numbers(3.2%) of their own community within Serbia and how well they are treated. Hopefully by sharing such facts it can change some perceptions people might have.
Thank you for the information Proka and the pictures. It seems the Serbian defence industry takes Russian equipment as an inspiration, when it comes to designing their own equipment am I right?

By the way, I heard from Serbian Muslims about the sizeable numbers(3.2%) of their own community within Serbia and how well they are treated. Hopefully by sharing such facts it can change some perceptions people might have.

Well we are taking inspiration not just from Russia, but from everywhere. For example bumbar is similar concept to french eryx, but it is more advanced system. ALAS is similar to canceled polyphem missile....

And about Muslims in Serbia, ther are practically two groups. One of them are Albanians in Presevo valey, and another one are Bosniaks in Sandzak. In most cases life goes normally. We all have the same everyday problems like: high unemployment rate, high corruption..... But there is no violence between different religion groups in Serbia. Last case of burning a mosque was in 2004, as a response to burning a dozens of churches, monasteries... in Kosovo. It was done by a few fools, and that's it. Believe it or not right now they are finishing mosque with the biggest minaret in Europe :D


In village of Delimedje with population of 300.

And i will tell you one thing. Since the and of war in 1999 around 1000 Serbs were killed on Kosovo, and not a single one Albanian in Serbia. They have burned more than 150 churches and monasteries, and we have burned i believe one or two mosques, and then they were repaired with government support.

They have all the same rights as everyone else, and there are no problems in general. We had a problem with wahhabi movement in Sandzak but they were arrested in their camp by the police. And the last problem with Albanians was about some monument. They tried to put a monument dedicated to ex members of terrorist movement. To people killed in armed clashes with police and army, in the middle of the city, in which Serbs are living together with Albanians. The same Serbs that have family members killed by those people. It was a clear provocation, before talks about Kosovo status, but that was not based on religion, it was ethnic based.

The biggest part of Serbs doesn't care about what religion you are. For example Iran is pretty much popular here in Serbia, just because they are pising of the US. And there is a lot of students from muslim countries here in Belgrade, and i never heard that they have any kind of problems.
I agree and i'll add more into that:
- We export ammos to like 30 countries, including U.K, Belgium, Switzerland and Australia

I thought it was the other way around. Can you verify that info? Thanks

there should be no deal with these killers of srebrenica ----- any official suggesting this should be severely reprimanded...

oh please.....
I agree and i'll add more into that:
- We make small planes like Mushak, Super Mushak, K-8, and UAVs. They are regularly exported.
- We export ammos to like 30 countries, including U.K, Belgium, Switzerland and Australia
- And Rifles are already made by P.O.F (Pakistan Ordinance Factories).

If Pakistan can make other big things, then definitely night vision goggles are not to difficult to make. If needed, Chinese have better quality and they are way to go for...

You certainly do not.

So they call the Bumbar as Bumble Bee.....(well must say Bumbar = بمبار, the Urdu translation fits on it pretty well.....So, the Bumbar(serbian)=Bomber(English), if i'm not wrong?)

Any news on the front of export of this weapon (or the rather newer versions with extended range) ?
And please post some images or videos of the field testing and the outcome.Thanks!

I guess i've found the promotional video, have i?

Second one...
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So they call the Bumbar as Bumble Bee.....(well must say Bumbar = بمبار, the Urdu translation fits on it pretty well.....So, the Bumbar(serbian)=Bomber(English), if i'm not wrong?)

Any news on the front of export of this weapon (or the rather newer versions with extended range) ?
And please post some images or videos of the field testing and the outcome.Thanks!

Pre-serial Bumblebees are right now going through the last field tests, before serial production. Also our minister of defence said that UAE is interested in further development of Bumblebee, so maybe than they will start to work seriously on more advanced versions. Right know our defence industry is preparing large investments in our factories. Few days ago UAE paid first rate of 220 million dollars deal concerning ALAS and LORANA missiles. So as far as i know Bumblebee with a greater range is put on hold for know, because all our capacities are preoccupied with ongoing deals. This version is upgraded with new launching and guiding systems, and first time will be presented on this year Partner 2013 arms fare.
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Pakistan is buying Lazar 2 - Pakistan is buying Lazar 2 - Pakistan is buying Lazar 2 :D

It is just confirmed by our defence minister Aleksandar Vucic.

Vučić je takođe rekao da bi i Pakistanu do kraja godine trebalo da budu isporučena tri borbena vozila, Lazar 2, koje proizvodi Jugoimport SDPR.

Pakistan je prvi kupac ovog oklopnjaka, za čiju je nabavku zainteresovana i Vojska Srbije.

Vucic said that Pakistan should get first three Lazar 2 vehicles until the end of the year. Pakistan is the first country to buy this vehicle.

Three vehicles until the end of the year. Pakistan and Serbia will both buy this vehicle. So i am guessing that they will put it through some tests together. It's the new vehicle, first time shown to the public today.

Atlast the old rumour came true... :tup:
Regarding medium and small weapons Pakistan should concentrate on developing its own
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