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Send back Sri Lankan Air Force jawans, say all parties in Tamil Nadu

I hope you understand what you write. India is bigger than any Race in India. GOI needs to take care of Tamilians in India before it can do something about people in Lanka.
Unfortunatly you are supporting Pakistani view on Kashmir.
Your over emotions on the subject will be considered as extremism. So I request you to choose correct words and language.

If you think any race can break India. Trust me any attempt for that will only crush that race and it will be done by mighty IA which is far better than Lankan army.
**** you idiot:angry:

so you think IA can crush tamilians fully:undecided:.. Tamilians are 7 crore people rember that

And also percentage of tamilians in IA also very high:)
My question is why Indian Tamils should alone 'takedari' of SL Tamils..why can't SG Tamils & Malaysian Tamils(who per capita is better off than Indian Tamils) do their own part in SL.

Trust me, they are doing their bit... Today Tamils all over the world have some kinda influence built around by SL malaysia and singapore tamils... Thats y, France had a stamp released on Prabakaran, Its due to tamil influence Channel 4 published war killing fields video, when other media houses chose to ignore...
Dark Warrior

Your post is offensive, and that's the only way it can be described. Please desist from posting vitriol in this manner. Moving on, this thread seems to have sparked quite a bit of animosity between fellow Indians. Now while said animosity is perfectly fine since our nation has space enough for divergent views but please stop bringing up ideas such as secession.

Before we continue this discussion any further, I would humbly request the participants to make one distinction, another person's views can be challenged/debunked/agreed upon without maligning or thrashing our great nation. If Dark Warrior is antagonistic towards Tamils (it seems that way but it could be that his stance is more nuanced, lets see if he clarifies) then members such as Neuro can counter such posts without attacking India. Let us understand the nuances of the situation. Perhaps some members seem to not understand that when we says that we are proud that an Indian can be a Bihari, Punjabi, Marathi, Assamese, Malayali and a Tamil and still be an Indian first then we MUST also understand that our situation is unique and special. Let me clarify, unlike many other nations we have never really enforced a campaign of homogeneity (although the usage of Hindi and the insistence on its nationwide application has been by many to be exactly that) ergo we must also understand that India stands as a whole - a conflation of all these regional identities into a greater national identity- the cliche of the "brawn and resourcefulness of a Punjabi along with the brains and intelligence of the South-Indians and the Bengalis" was not meant to say that only Punjabis are brave or that only Bengalis are intelligent but rather to reinforce the idea that we are indeed one despite our differences and that we compliment each other greatly. In light of such a schema existing in our country our approach to all our affairs including external affairs and foreign relations must also be unique and special. Any policy decision must take into account the aspirations of all the people of this nation. IF Shrimati J. Jayalalithaa (Honbl. CM) demanded that India suddenly go to war with Sri Lanka over this then yes it would be high-jacking national affairs for the sake of regional politics , but then she is not demanding that, what she is requesting and too in a democratic manner (she hasn't started some civil disobedience movement here to "force" the GOI) is that the GOI is the ultimate representative of India and therefore it is the ULTIMATE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE STATE OF TAMIL-NADU AND ITS PEOPLE AND THUS IT MUST ACT ACCORDINGLY. Sure she may have some political axe to grind BUT her view coincides with the view of her people and that is what matters here.

It seems that the Tamilian members have been unable to understand the slight nuance that when the rest of the members refer to India and Indian interests then they are referring to their interests too. Indian members will always be more sensitive towards the plight of the Tamils of India before they look over across at SL. No one (save for one or two posters) is saying that the interests the Tamil people is different from the interests of India, these interests are infact Indian interests first since it has a bearing on a proud people who are proud Indians. Please understand this distinction, no one is asserting that the SL Tamils should be left high and dry and many of us are in steep disagreement with government policies which did exactly that in the past, the only difference is that first for us the Indian Tamil is our brother, our compatriot and OUR FELLOW CITIZEN- their problems are indeed our problems and we will support their stand but that is not equivalent to saying that SL Tamils are Indians. The crux of the matter is that YES WE MUST BACK THE STAND OF OUR TAMIL brothers BUT we must also understand that we have to careful with the wishes of the SL Tamils, they are not asking for a state that shall be part of the Indian Union- IF we are to help them then we must learn to listen to them and not high-jack their own cause (as in the case of the LTTE). The Indian government is busy pressurizing the SL government to live up to its promise regarding the Tamils, and the people of Tamil Nadu have not asked THEIR REPRESENTATIVES- THE GOI to not allow SL personnel to be trained anywhere in India- all they have said is that they should not be trained in TN due to obvious reasons. Shifting the personnel to a training center outside TN will not compromise our nation's security so the TN government is well within its rights to make the demand that it has made.
Ezham war ignited the Tamil nationalism in India (its evident from the posts of some members) ...they dreamed of a Tamil nation ,But the loss of LTTE spoiled their dreams
Would it be acceptable for the Tamil people that the Sri Lanakan soldiers be trained at another state?
**** you idiot:angry:

so you think IA can crush tamilians fully:undecided:.. Tamilians are 7 crore people rember that

And also percentage of tamilians in IA also very high:)

**** you idiot:angry:
Yes I can write that too. Reported for abuse.

I don't think. I know that. 7 core tamilian yes. Do you know the population of India ??? Calling idiot to one doesn't make you smart.
Percentage of tamilians in IA - get you facts right. They arent screwed up like you. I am from Maharashtara and it has population over 10 crores. Even maharashatra will be enough for that. Ever heard of Maraths. Go check Indian army.

Instead of talking crap on some Forgin forum. Talk sense. I dare you talk this in India in open press conferrnce. Guies like you are the main cause for devide. People serving in army don't serve any tamilian race. They server the country called India. They fight for it and die for it.
Don't insult them for your brain fever

I am sorry for hurting Tamilians as a whole but this guy need the exact reply
Trust me, they are doing their bit... Today Tamils all over the world have some kinda influence built around by SL malaysia and singapore tamils... Thats y, France had a stamp released on Prabakaran, Its due to tamil influence Channel 4 published war killing fields video, when other media houses chose to ignore...

France apologized for that mistake ( France apologizes for Tamil Tiger stamps - UPI.com )
Even Mahmud of Ghazni's men were scared of us sethis and other khukrains so he instructed his generals not to cross our lands,same was the story with Taimur and Babur.

@new member
Of course I don't have anything against tamils but that doesn't mean I am going to support LTTE.
And we dont give a damn about sarabjeet singh or about killing of terrorist in OP blue star in golden temple or sikh riots...
This is response to ur idiotic post...
Lol! Sarbjit was an Indian working for the Indian government....and I'm pretty sure he will happy to hear what his countrymen like you think about him ?

As for as OP Blue Star goes the favour was paid back to the people and no one is talking about OP Blue Star,maybe you confused 1984 riots with OP Blue Star.

Even Mahmud of Ghazni's men were scared of us sethis and other khukrains so he instructed his generals not to cross our lands,same was the story with Taimur and Babur.

Oh okkk..I'm scared. If those invaders were so scarrrred of you, why did you not resist and defeat them ?

Go to bed dude.

I am sorry for hurting Tamilians as a whole but this guy need the exact reply

Dont pretend to be the saint -- it was not he who started it -
India need to take firm steps in protecting Tamil fishermen lives and no body can deny that handing over of katchatheevu was indeed a very stupid move.. Don't know what India gained out of it?

Also for others, If Sikhs/Hindus in North feels the pain of Sikhs/Hindus in Pakistan then why can't Tamils feel the pains of innocent Tamils.. Mind it I am talking about common people who are not in the league of LTTE..
. .
Ezham war ignited the Tamil nationalism in India (its evident from the posts of some members) ...they dreamed of a Tamil nation ,But the loss of LTTE spoiled their dreams

That's the bullcrap Congress sold the nation for its indifference and active collusion in killing the lankan Tamils.

Tamil nationalism is always there -- nationalism in the sense, we are proud of our unique identity and our culture spanning thousands of years and our identity is based on that. But that 'nationalism' never morphed into an anti-Indian sense till now and will not in the future -- unless it is prodded by senseless people like the posters here.
Why should we bother about others?Many Hindu khukrains also joined taimurs army as he offered as immense riches.
What ever happened in the past is history, should we not be bothered about the things that are happening today?

I for one support fully any amount of Tamil resentment on the issue..

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