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Send back Sri Lankan Air Force jawans, say all parties in Tamil Nadu

Which weapon Pakistan had provide.......does it was the "Weapon of Peace" urf "Nuclear bomb" :lol:
Kid , you better not talk about things which you know nothing about :azn:

Ridiculous question despite my clearance of Pakistani role in the previous post ...
Nope.... tamilian is my identity hw come you alienating our SL tamils who sharing our language ,culture, literature ,history and sufferings for thousands of years. Our ancestors is their ancestors and vice versa the only difference between us is our birth place ,if you born in SL you also a tiger can you deny that? so don't discriminate them in name of national integration .

i feel very bad for sri lankan tamils......whether they r not Indians but the pain which they have suffered is unforgivable.........they were mass murdered,raped & even there towns were Bombed........This behaviour is the worstest behaviour of a nation with there own people.
No problem we will welcome them in our state.The tamils can cry as much as they want.

As far I know most of us Punjabis(Both Hindus and Sikh) don't give a damn about Sri Lankan Tamils.(except MMS who can't express it publicy because of DMK)!
Kid , you better not talk about things which you know nothing about :azn:

Ridiculous question despite my clearance of Pakistani role in the previous post ...

yes u r right....Once,i was a kid but now feel sorry everyday for those who sees everyone as Kid.
Let me get this straight ! First you flare up tensions in SL , train a terrorist outfit which brutally murders and terrorizes the Sinhalese , the whole Island goes to **** ! and now when they bounce back , suddenly there are noises of human right violations against Tamils and other bull crap !

India trained LTTE , got her prime minister and 1200 soldiers killed , seriously ! What was the point of starting this whole God damn thing ? :azn: Pakistan and China provided weapons and critical military assistance to end this menace once and for all , what did India provide ?

P.S You are not responsible for all the nationals of every single country which share any culture or language with you , stop this retarded logic which I am seeing from the start of the thread ... SL Tamils aren't Indian , if Tamils do want a separate homeland , kindly ask them to make their Eelam in TN itself and the Island of Katchatheevu was seceded by India , Ceylon controlled the island back until 1920's , whatever case is running in Indian court holds no value since the best it would be able to do is to declare the transfer illegal , not take it back because the court itself has no locus standi in the matter :azn: ...

As for Pakistani help ,

Pakistan has sent military advisers, ammunition and other equipment to Sri Lanka during previous offensives against the LTTE. Many Sri Lankan officers are trained in Pakistan. Pakistan, by supplying high-tech military equipment such as 22 Al-Khalid main battle tanks, 250,000 rounds of 60 mm, 81 mm, 120 mm and 130 mm mortar ammunition worth and 150,000 hand grenades and along with positioning of some of its highly trained army officers in Sri Lanka, played a key role in the ultimate defeat of Tamil Tigers in May 2009.[76] Back in 2000, when a LTTE offensive code-named Operation Ceaseless Waves overran Sri Lankan military positions in the north and captured the Elephant Pass Base and entered Jaffna, and it was being feared that the LTTE would run down thousands of Sri Lankan troops stationed in Jaffna, Pakistan supplied Multi-Barrel Rocket Launcher System and other high tech weaponry which halted the offensive.[76]

Mate, then dont come around hogging the hypocricy of other countries, when they ban burqa or something saying muslims are threatened worldwide...
I see pakistani muslims crying for muslims worldwide... Y? U share anything with them other than Islam? Not at all...
We still share our culture and language with SL tamils.. Tamil is oldest speaking language in the world....
What i said was India helped SL military to defeat LttE, cos they killed Rajiv.. Get a life, ok?
Talking without knowing history is amusing... Katchateevu at Sl control? Hell, even whole SL was under various tamil kings, what do u say to that?
Sometimes you have to care and agree with emotions of your countrymen eventhough its not so practical. No need to train shrilankan pilots.:cheers: But its too least import thing in my personal opinion.
No problem we will welcome them in our state.The tamils can cry as much as they want.

As far I know most of us Punjabis(Both Hindus and Sikh) don't give a damn about Sri Lankan Tamils.(except MMS who can't express it publicy because of DMK)!

And we dont give a damn about sarabjeet singh or about killing of terrorist in OP blue star in golden temple or sikh riots...
This is response to ur idiotic post...
Tell me how many are coming out from ur institutions?
Jst stop bragging...

Im not bragging kid... my father was a DS at arty school... several bangladeshis,azeri,turks,kazakh,uzbek and tajik,arabs and sri lankan etc students were studying there.. so stop making a fool out of urself... Pak has much more military to military cooperation with sri lanka than india..

Even i have a few sri lankan friends mostly from kandi....their parents were studying here.
Nope.... tamilian is my identity hw come you alienating our SL tamils who sharing our language ,culture, literature ,history and sufferings for thousands of years. Our ancestors is their ancestors and vice versa ,the only difference between us is our birth place .if you born in SL you also a tiger can you deny that? so don't discriminate them in the name of national integration .

You can choose whatever identity you want - an identity as a tamilian, or as a south indian, or as an indian, or as an asian, or as a hindu (or whatever your religion is, if you have one). But sri lankan tamilians are not Indians, and that was my only point. Being Indian simply means being a citizen of India. No more, no less. What identity you want to assume is upto you.
I wasn't telling you what your identity should be. I was pointing out what being an Indian is. It is being a citizen of this country which, as you rightly say, is only 65 years old.

Speaking of sri lankan tamils, the sri lankan govt has only done what any government would do if one group tried to split the country. The sri lankan landmass is an emotive issue for the singhalese as well, they have been living there for thousands of years too - far longer than sri lankan tamils in fact. Any military would put down attempts to seceede, and that is what the present regime did. One third of their homeland was under LTTE control, if you remember.

There have been anti tamil pogroms in the past in sri lanka, and they are inexcusable. But I don't see what the present govt or military is sri lanka has done that is so bad, other than their legitimate duty.

Legitimate duty ? for starters have you heard of "Mullivaikkal massacre" ?

Do you even know what started the Civil war in the first place ?

Anyway, again, I [or we Tamils] dont need lessons on what it entails being Indian from anyone -- let that be clear.

You dont sympathize with our concern, fine. It's upto you. But stop bringing in the fig of "being Indian" or "being patriotic" here. We probably know more about "being Indian" than all you people out here --

No problem we will welcome them in our state.The tamils can cry as much as they want.

As far I know most of us Punjabis(Both Hindus and Sikh) don't give a damn about Sri Lankan Tamils.(except MMS who can't express it publicy because of DMK)!

Please take them, marry them and get kids..lol...........the sooner the bacteria leave our state the better..
Im not bragging kid... my father was a DS at arty school... several bangladeshis,azeri,turks,kazakh,uzbek and tajik,arabs and sri lankan etc students were studying there.. so stop making a fool out of urself... Pak has much more military to military cooperation with sri lanka than india..

Even i have a few sri lankan friends mostly from kandi....their parents were studying here.

We have lot more SL tamils here than u have even met... Consider India training SL soldiers even in TN, imagine them training soldiers in many military camps in india....
ok if you think that SL ties is more important then there is no point for us to be part of India union,yes we need a free nation.

If somebody died in J&K borders means I am expressing my condolence with whole heartily because I am Indian but wen genocide happened to my race at my backdoor I shouldn't talk about that issues? becoz I am Indian ,wat a logic?. In addition my nation supporting that mass murderer and given royal welcome wat it implies? did our nation thought abt our feelings? hw many non tamilians talking against that act? then hw we become brothers and sisters wen you can't understand our feelings? talking national integration is pointless now.

If our nation not bothering us means then why we have 2 think about Pakistan and China those are non- tamilian problems ryt.

I hope you understand what you write. India is bigger than any Race in India. GOI needs to take care of Tamilians in India before it can do something about people in Lanka.
Unfortunatly you are supporting Pakistani view on Kashmir.
Your over emotions on the subject will be considered as extremism. So I request you to choose correct words and language.

If you think any race can break India. Trust me any attempt for that will only crush that race and it will be done by mighty IA which is far better than Lankan army.
Mate, then dont come around hogging the hypocricy of other countries, when they ban burqa or something saying muslims are threatened worldwide...
I see pakistani muslims crying for muslims worldwide... Y? U share anything with them other than Islam? Not at all...
We still share our culture and language with SL tamils.. Tamil is oldest speaking language in the world....
What i said was India helped SL military to defeat LttE, cos they killed Rajiv.. Get a life, ok?
Talking without knowing history is amusing... Katchateevu at Sl control? Hell, even whole SL was under various tamil kings, what do u say to that?

One Question " Since when have you developed a Two Nation theory like concept and stopped being secular ? :azn:
Yes we do , read the whole name of my country again ...
I know you do , but still its idiotic to assume that they suddenly become your duty , does the jurisdiction of India extends upto Sri Lanka now ? :no: What I said was India didn't help Sri Lankans who fought their war themselves with Pakistani and Chinese assistance , you simply stopped supporting LTTE in the end seeing what danger they were ... If you remember , Colombo repeatedly asked for weapons , training and military defense pact with India , what was the result ? :azn:
And we dont give a damn about sarabjeet singh or about killing of terrorist in OP blue star in golden temple or sikh riots...
This is response to ur idiotic post...

Ignore such fools. Don't hurt fellow Indian brothers sentiments and beliefs , I hope you understand .

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