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Send back Sri Lankan Air Force jawans, say all parties in Tamil Nadu

cant able to disagree with u brother.
But after the death of the rajiv ghandhi congress seen us total tamilians as their enimies.

They treat us badly. And they like to watch lankan tamilians raped and buried to death by lankans.

Hope modi comes next time:undecided:

Mate - My wife mentioned that when Rajiv died she was expecting furious repercussions for Tamils in Delhi as she had seen the Sikh riots herself. But she said nothing of that sort happened as they could not understand why he was killed due to the indifference they had for the SL politics.

Even now the situation is of indifference rather than looking at one as enemy.
Whenever the centre disagrees with Tamilians they cry 'secession' .

I mean what's the deal here ? Why hold the entire nation hostage ?

The centre has moved heaven and hell to appease tamilians in the past and continue to do the same to date. Yet, here we are.

Sri Lankan tamils are NOT INDIANS.

If you guys cared so much for SL Tamils you would treat them well. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Refugee camps ( made by TN ) are substandard and not even worth its weight in manure. Dont even get me started on the massive humanitarian concerns regarding their treatment and rehabilitation in TN by TN government. This is nothing but a political stunt.

Also, SL tamils killed our PM !

The bold parts clearly showing that you don't know anything.
This is too myopic a view, taken my many here. International relations are complex issues with millions of people as stakeholders. We cannot have a black or white approach. There are always shades of grey. We can't adopt a "love them or fu@k them" approach.

India has to keep the broader issues such as regional cooperation and Chinese threats in mind through a process of engagement. And it is through this process of engagement that the GOI needs to address sensitive issues such as discrimination against Lankan Tamils. A process on incentivising positive steps towards bringing the Tamil population into the Lankan mainsteam, will yield better results on both the international and regional levels.

As for the linguistic identities, it is indeed real and strong. But, it has to be viewed in coherence with the geo-political realities. It cannot be detached, and any attempts to do so is extremist in nature, which threatens peace and stability, in my humble opinion.
Didn't the GoI helped Tamil fighter's for a separate state after the politicians from Tamil Nadu have been harbouring and training these terrorists in Tamil Nadu since 1970's.GoI paid the price of their wrong doing with the death of IPKF soldiers........

When you talk to Lankan Tamils in Australia.........they curse India like hell and talk endlessly about their Tamil Eelam while sipping on to Hahn Super Dry @ Irish Murphy..............Just like there Canadian Khalistani counterparts :lol:

*true story bro*

GOI was responsible for changing the SL tamil movement from a non-violent movement to a violent movement. Prabhakaran and co were fringe violent elements while the SL tamil movement itself was a non-violent one. RAW setup training camps for a pseudo-marxist like Prabhakaran and he in turn suppressed the non-violent movement by killing its leaders and also eliminated other militant leaders. So GOI did not help the cause but rather ruined the cause and I came across a link that Indira wanted to punish SL and that was the reason she had RAW train its eyes on SL.(I do not have the link but I will search later and will post).

As for the IPKF getting killed, I am of the view if an army was engaged do not let politics dictate the terms for them in that asking them to fight a war with their hands tied behind their backs. That is the reason, India lost so many soldiers else they would have kicked Prabhakaran out in a day instead of losing so many brave souls. And the way dirty b***** Karunanidhi played his politics when IPKF came to Chennai harbour, I will not forget that. Still it pains me to think that the IPKF soldiers were not recognized properly.
GOI always acting against TN and its people , GOI want to create problems in TN for a sake of diplomatic relations with SL?. Tolerance also having some sort of threshold level bear in mind.

You want me to write something??

Dude is their anyone else who is concerned about tamilian issue other then politicians,come on buddy get some life all are busy with their own problems,these politicians are playing dirty game for their vote banks,For eg.Tamilar maanadu took place few years back in TN,What was the net resulted 100s of crores rupees where looted by karunanidhi and co on the name of Tamil People and Tamil language.So dont go by the politician ,think wide as an Indian not as particular community .
En Iniya tamizh makale......... india has supported SL tamils extensively when it was required .. even LTTE fromation was largely funded by GOI......
but things are changed a lot now... we have to change our foreign policy to adapt these changes....and we paid heavy price for that also [assasination of rajiv]
but still none of us are supporing the attack against our fishermen..... we have to strongly retaliate against these incidents....but not by spoiling our international relations....
just my 2 cents
I think Indian Tamil should secede and form a broader union with SL Tamils.
En Iniya tamizh makale......... india has supported SL tamils extensively when it was required .. even LTTE fromation was largely funded by GOI......
but things are changed a lot now... we have to change our foreign policy to adapt these changes....and we paid heavy price for that also [assasination of rajiv]
but still none of us are supporing the attack against our fishermen..... we have to strongly retaliate against these incidents....but not by spoiling our international relations....
just my 2 cents

You are exactly right dude...About fishermans issue mistake is on our side,our leaders gifted kachateevu to Srilanka which was once Under Indian control as though its their Fathers property now SN is not allowing our fisherman for fishing over their,but our fisherman is understanding that and fishing their,so they have all the rights to prosecute the violators.We cannot blame them for the mistake of our leaders.
ok if you think that SL ties is more important then there is no point for us to be part of India union,yes we need a free nation.

If somebody died in J&K borders means I am expressing my condolence with whole heartily because I am Indian but wen genocide happened to my race at my backdoor I shouldn't talk about that issues? becoz I am Indian ,wat a logic?. In addition my nation supporting that mass murderer and given royal welcome wat it implies? did our nation thought abt our feelings? hw many non tamilians talking against that act? then hw we become brothers and sisters wen you can't understand our feelings? talking national integration is pointless now.

If our nation not bothering us means then why we have 2 think about Pakistan and China those are non- tamilian problems ryt.

You guys should take your own destiny at your hand. I have the biggest respect for Tamils in this sub continent.
Why doesnt WB,Punjab & Rajasthan apply the same logic , they have Punjabis ( Hindus & sikhs) , Sindhis , Rajputs & Muslims on both sides of the ' boundary created half a century ago'. ? They are in an identical situation.

Once again, lets not wash our linen here.

Tomorrow if any of the above mentioned states moves a resolution in support of the Hindus across the border, do you think I will oppose it because it would then harm the relation with Pakistan ? Absolutely no --

Personally for me, the happiness of the Indians is much more important that any relation with any country --
You guys should take your own destiny at your hand. I have the biggest respect for Tamils in this sub continent.

You appreciated his post because that fellow talked against India? am I right, BDeshi respecting Tamils?? weird.
I think Indian Tamil should secede and form a broader union with SL Tamils.

Not all people have the same mentality as your countrymen. Seceeding on religious grounds, then seceeding again on linguistic grounds, then wanting to unite on religious grounds, ad infinitum.
Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has said that nine personnel from the Sri Lankan Air Force, who are being trained in Chennai, must immediately be sent back.

The jawans arrived recently at the Tambaram Air Force station in Chennai for a nine-month training period.

"It's inappropriate when countries are demanding action against Lanka for violations during the war," Ms Jayalalithaa said. "This is anti-Tamils. I condemn it," she added.

Opposition parties have agreed. DMK chief M Karunanidhi has backed the demand for expulsion. MDMK chief V Gopalswamy, popularly known as Vaiko, has warned of a huge protest outside the air force base.

The Indian Air Force says that the centre must decide what happens next, since the training was agreed upon by the governments of both countries.

Political parties in Tamil Nadu together pressured the Central government into voting against Sri Lanka last year at a session of the UN Human Rights Council. The resolution asks Sri Lanka to investigate alleged human rights violations during the final phase of the country's civil war with the Tamil Tigers. Sri Lankan forces ended the war in May 2009 after nearly three decades. Tamils, who are in the minority in Sri Lanka, have regularly complained of discrimination. Their alleged abuse and exploitation is a politically-volatile issue in Tamil Nadu.

Send back Sri Lankan Air Force jawans, say all parties in Tamil Nadu | NDTV.com

Many chinese and pakistanis bragged here, that their help alone was responsible for the defeat for LTTE...
But the truth is, we trained the SL army to defeat them and involved in genocide against our own tamils...

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