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Semen-filled balloons thrown on us in name of Holi, allege Delhi college students

Have you looked at our population numbers?...

Are you saying that throwing it innocent women is proving you can produce it?

Any educated person believing a human being can fill a balloon with semen needs to have their degree revoked and sent for a 10 year re-education.

And any "man" believing that semen would stay in said liquid form for say more than few minutes, needs to re-trained as a man.

So.......do you need some re-education or re-training by any chance?
Any educated person believing a human being can fill a balloon with semen needs to have their degree revoked and sent for a 10 year re-education.

And any "man" believing that semen would stay in said liquid form for say more than few minutes, needs to re-trained as a man.

So.......do you need some re-education or re-training by any chance?

Seimem + water = full balloon
Any person who doesn't understand the concept of dilution is probably a product of Indian state educational system.

The article never said the balloons were filled with 100% seimen.
semen filled Balloons?

Unless The Vatican mafia is milking hundreds of Oxes, I am at loss to understand how men could fill a balloon with their own semen.

Only twisted Vatican Mafia would peddle and believe these lies...

Oh wait, it's Holi time and the mafia is in swing with their Hindu hatred.

1. It takes a whole of 5 minutes for semen to dry when exposed to Atmosphere. Its scientifically impossible to collect and fill a balloon.

2. Clearly the christian girl from Jesus & Mary college who made this allegation does not know Biology, or physics or even Elasticity.

3. Anyone who has filled a baloon with water or eve Air knows its impossible to fill it anything else.

But the best part is that it turns out the balloon was filled with water and was thrown by 2 girls from the "victims" same hostel.

But let the Bigots have an orgy.
1. It takes a whole of 5 minutes for semen to dry when exposed to Atmosphere. Its scientifically impossible to collect and fill a balloon.

2. Clearly the christian girl from Jesus & Mary college who made this allegation does not know Biology, or physics or even Elasticity.

3. Anyone who has filled a baloon with water or eve Air knows its impossible to fill it anything else.

But the best part is that it turns out the balloon was filled with water and was thrown by 2 girls from the "victims" same hostel.

But let the Bigots have an orgy.

1st they filled it with seimem then added the water...

Water + seimem + balloon = Hindutva rape bombs

Parthshri Arora

Mar 1 2018, 5:31pm


Left: Pixabay / CC0; Right: Parthshri Arora

Holi is a Hindu festival which celebrates fertility, colour and love, as well as the triumph of good versus evil. Over two days each spring, people gather in public spaces all over India to chase each other around, throw handfuls of coloured powders at one another and get drenched in water.

But sometimes things get ugly. This year, some men in Delhi took the fertility celebration aspect to the next level by flinging semen-filled balloons at girls from local universities.

Earlier this week, at Lady Shri Ram College (LSR) in Delhi University, an 18-year-old student posted on Instagram about a semen-filled balloon being hurled at her near campus. Nazariya, a queer feminist resource group at the college, protested against the incident on Wednesday.

Then, on Thursday – the day before Holi – about 40 students of Jesus and Mary College (JMC) marched to the Delhi Police Headquarters, spurred on by a private Facebook post by a JMC student which narrated an incident on Wednesday, where two men on a bike flung what she says were semen-filled balloons at her during a bus ride.


The JMC protest. Photo: Parthshri Arora
Harassment masquerading as festivities is often heightened during Holi in Delhi, where as recently as last year the police deployed25,000 policemen and 1,000 official vans to tackle this kind of misbehaviour, while nearby Gurgaon Police received nearly 400 calls from women complaining of harassment.

Some women at the protests told me they were tired of being harassed every year under the guise of a common Holi saying: "Bura na maano, Holi hai," or, "Don't feel bad, it's Holi."

The protests this week also included various slogans against the police, with students calling out officers for ignoring young women who are stalked, harassed or even raped.


The Facebook photo by a JMC student. Image: Facebook
According to Ravi Jatwani, president of the students' union at the JMC, police also failed to file a complaint against the man who flung two balloons at her last year, dismissing the incident as a mere "nuisance".

The professors associated with the movement think the problem is as much to do with the culture of impunity as the police's lack of action. "A five or six-year-old child may be throwing [a balloon] randomly, but very soon he’ll learn that there is a way of throwing it," Maya John, a professor at JMC, told me. "Throwing it at the breast, or at the buttocks [is wrong]. It’s very easy here to develop that culture of impunity at a young age."

Maya's colleague, Amita Paliwal, added, "Boys should be taught from the beginning that Holi is a festival of colours and not a means for you to take out sexual frustration."


Photo: Vidushi Soni and D.C. Tanisha
The founder of the Nazariya group, Ruth Chawngthu, told me the recent incident was just one example an ongoing problem at the college. "LSR students have been facing semen flinging for the last three years," she said. "Similar incidents took place with Nazariya members as well, where both piss-filled and semen-filled balloons were thrown."

Some male students, meanwhile, have flooded Facebook with counter-protests, claiming that women have thrown menstrual blood-filled balloons at them, and equating the female protesters with the Ku Klux Klan.

The Delhi police, for whatever it's worth, ordered a ban on the sale of "rubber balloons of two inches or more in size, when un-inflated". They also banned the throwing of balloons containing water, colour or any other liquid for ten days on the 27th of February, a day before the JMC semen-flinging incident.


The police order. Photo: Parthshri Arora
But Avantika Tiwari, a member of Pinjra Tod – a Delhi University-based women's collective which held their own protest against the incidents – told me she believed that such measures are fairly useless and that everyone needs to be held accountable.

"It's convenient that the college admins have not been responsive to the incidents, while blaming the police for inaction, when the institution itself was absent in carrying out their mandated duties of providing a space for women to access education by preventing and redressing sexual harassment."


This article originally appeared on VICE UK.

Lede image:



Seimem + water = full balloon
Any person who doesn't understand the concept of dilution is probably a product of Indian state educational system.

The article never said the balloons were filled with 100% seimen.

So, you took a litre of water and mixed it with 5ml of semen in balloon and threw it at one.
That person immediately knew that 5ml semen was mixed in the 1 Litre water.

Let me know of one educated person who would buy this logic :D

1st they filled it with seimem then added the water...

Water + seimem + balloon = Hindutva rape bombs

Looks like education has not done anything to common sense.

5ml semen + 1 litre water and a random person would identify that semen is present in the mixure?!!

This person should go and work in border security and replace all sniffer dogs to catch people with illegal stuff.
So, you took a litre of water and mixed it with 5ml of semen in balloon and threw it at one.
That person immediately knew that 5ml semen was mixed in the 1 Litre water.

Let me know of one educated person who would buy this logic :D

Looks like education has not done anything to common sense.

5ml semen + 1 litre water and a random person would identify that semen is present in the mixure?!!

This person should go and work in border security and replace all sniffer dogs to catch people with illegal stuff.

LOL..... high IQ of bigots.

Besides water balloons are filled directly from taps as its impossible to fill it any way else. So maybe he is claiming that the boy ejaculated directly into the water tank.
LOL..... high IQ of bigots.

Besides water balloons are filled directly from taps as its impossible to fill it any way else. So maybe he is claiming that the boy ejaculated directly into the water tank.

From balloon filled with Sperm,
they are now saying, it's a mixture of water and semen, which they miraculously could identify.

Wonder if these people who could identify it were in contact with semen + water on regular basis. :rofl::rofl:
So, you took a litre of water and mixed it with 5ml of semen in balloon and threw it at one.
That person immediately knew that 5ml semen was mixed in the 1 Litre water.

Let me know of one educated person who would buy this logic :D

Looks like education has not done anything to common sense.

5ml semen + 1 litre water and a random person would identify that semen is present in the mixure?!!

This person should go and work in border security and replace all sniffer dogs to catch people with illegal stuff.

Holi 2018: Festival has evolved into becoming a dirty perverted game; semen filled balloons thrown at women

"Not a single person in that busy market batted a single eyelid at the sight of men throwing such balloons,” she said.
Written By Avantika Gupta Mumbai Updated: March 3, 2018 12:23 pm 183317 reads 15 comments

The festival of colours is almost around the corner. Holi is a celebration of the good over the evil where we burn all our demons and colour ourselves in the happy colours. Holi is a traditional Hindu festival and the celebrations start on the night before Holi with Holika Dahan, where people gather in large number and perform rituals in front of the bonfire. Post the rituals everyone colour each other wishing them good luck and the next day morning they celebrate Holi in full spirits. Rich, poor, old, young, couples, singles, everyone preps up majorly for this spring festival.

A strong mythological legend is a reason why Holi is celebrated with so much of enthusiasm and elan. King Hiranyakashipu was the king of demonic Asuras and he had earned himself a special gift which gave him five powers, he could be killed by neither a human being nor an animal, neither indoors nor outdoors, neither at day nor at night, neither by

astra (projectile weapons) nor by any shastra (handheld weapons), and neither on land nor in water or air. Hiranyakashipu grew arrogant, thought he was God, and demanded that everyone worship only him. However, his own son, Prahalad disagreed with him and continued to worship Lord Vishnu. Hiranyakashipu was furiated with his son and tried everything to punish his son but nothing affected him. Hiranyakashipu’s evil sister Holika tricked Prahalad into sitting on a fire pyre with him. The brother-sister duo planned on burning Prahalad. However, Vishnu came to his rescue and Holika burned away in the fire. Hence, celebrating the good over evil.

The festival has been celebrated for long now and Bollywood captures the fun spirits at its best. Holi is a time when friends and family come together, however, with times moving forward this beautiful festival has turned into a dirty perverted game. In a recent revelation, a Delhi University college student posted on her social media account of the horror she had to face during Holi. She stated how a group of unidentified men threw ‘semen filled’ balloons at her recently.

The north-eastern girl posted on her Instagram account, saying, “I went out with a friend for lunch to a cafe in Amar Colony Market. At around five when heading back in a rickshaw there came flying my way a liquid-filled balloon hitting me in the hip where it burst open, its content seeping into my dress. It dried white on my black leggings... I did not guess what it really was. Only when I returned to my hostel to hear another friend of mine talking about semen-flinging," she continued. “Not a single person in that busy market batted a single eyelid at the sight of men throwing such balloons." The young college student revealed the horror she had to go through and said, "Ever since in moved to this city seven months ago, I 've been bumped by more than once by men." "All accidentally of course. Hands have patted on me inappropriately." She also added how she was called with demeaning and derogatory names ever since she moved to the capital.

The University on Monday announced that there will be extremely high internal and external security in all colleges and on, in and around campuses. There have been many incidents in the past where women have complained of inappropriate touching and rape cases during Holi is also on a high.

This definitely is an extremely shameful act and we are only left wondering as to how low can people stoop in the name of ‘fun’.
Oh dear...Strange to see men who deal with semen on daily basis believing such tripe.

Makes me wonder if you really are me....:cheesy:

Forensic exam rules out presence of semen in balloon

NEW DELHI: The forensic examination of clothes of a college student, who had alleged that a semen-filled balloon was thrown at her in February, has ruled out the presence of semen, police said on Wednesday.

In February, before Holi, a woman had alleged that semen-filled balloons were thrown at her. On the basis of her complaint, a case was registered at the Greater Kailash police station.

The woman's clothes were sent for forensic exam. Almost two months later, the examination ruled out that the balloons contained semen, they said.

The contents of the balloon are being probed, they added.

The victim had written a post on social media about the incident and later a case was registered.



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