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Semen-filled balloons thrown on us in name of Holi, allege Delhi college students

Stop tagging me Torch before I torch you up
Poezia este strigătul ochilor,
este umflarea umărului,
ochiul plâns al umărului său,
este mâna lui plângând,
ochiul plâns al mâinii,
este sufletul plânge,
ochiul plâns al călcâiului,
Oh, draga mea poezie nu este o lacrimă,
el se plânge,
strigătul unui ochi neinvitat,
lacrima ochilor mei,
la cineva care este frumos,
la cel care trebuie să fie fericit.:sad:
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So it was a girl who threw semen filled balloons on other girls?
I don't get who even thinks of ideas like these...

There's nothing one can gain from it other than looking like a creep...so disgusting.
I don't get who even thinks of ideas like these...

There's nothing one can gain from it other than looking like a creep...so disgusting.

Weirdos do exist.

We had one in boarding school .... he had a collection of his own in a cosmetic cream dibi. The day we came to know about it, threw him out of the dormitory after lights out (obviously with his garbage that he was saving for don't know what) ...... only to allow him back once he promised to correct his behavior.
You have to jack off alot to fill a baloon with Semen

Are you sure they are balloons. I can think of one other item you can blow up like balloons.

In India, this item would have letter ‘s’ stamp on it. Stands for “small”
semen filled Balloons?

Unless The Vatican mafia is milking hundreds of Oxes, I am at loss to understand how men could fill a balloon with their own semen.

Only twisted Vatican Mafia would peddle and believe these lies...

Oh wait, it's Holi time and the mafia is in swing with their Hindu hatred.
If you want to really teach a lesson to your bitchy friend just throw a balloon of super glue on her hair that will leave a bigger and balder impact :D
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