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Selling F-16 Jets To Pakistan Won’t Help Combat Terrorism: Manohar Parrikar

Typical Pakistani logic- conflate two entirely seperate issues and engage in false equivalency between India and Pakistan. The day India is getting Rafales from France on the pretense of being used against terrorists that are being paid (in part) from aid money THEN make this argument, until then......


I took you more smarter than your Defense minister. But it seems you all are cut from the same cloth. I'm not going to lament at your loss of common sense and astute knowledge of the geography in which Pakistan Army is fighting insurgents. This paragraph sum up the entire point of why we are getting more F-16's so we can fight two front war against insurgents in Two Vast areas simultaneously

If the operation is a success and the military brings Tirah under government control, it will end the renegade status the area has enjoyed for hundreds of years.

Tirah's geography makes it an almost perfect hideout. Rather than a single valley, it is a network of peaks and vales covering an area of 1500-1800 square kilometres (600-700 square miles) at altitudes of up to 2,500 metres (8,000 feet).

The valleys are steep-sided and covered to a large extent with dense woodland. There are no roads in the area, with locals largely relying on mules and horses for transport.

Tirah also has some of Pakistan's most fertile land for marijuana and opium, which has helped militant groups fund their activities.

To the north the Spin Ghar mountain range, soaring to a highest point of nearly 4,800 metres, separates Tirah from Afghanistan's Tora Bora, where Osama bin Laden reputedly hid out after the US invasion in 2001.

Pakistan Army battles Taliban for strategic Tirah Valley - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
this idiot should care about purchase of 36 Rafale before farting from his mouth against purchase of 8 F-16... kuttey jaisi hone k bad bhi bhonkna band nahi kar raha...
There is no insulting anyone. These are the facts. You and other bash Pakistan, Islam and Arabs all day long. When someone shows you mirror and shows you your own society, you can't take that factual argument and you cal it insulting. To me, insulting is made up shiit. I am writing facts, the following two links will show you my facts spanning across years, meaning India has this issue (the truth) spanning over years!! Here and enjoy the extremism found in the largest democracy's culture as its been

“Ashoka the Great” was India’s first Religiously Fanatic Jehadi

Hindu fanatics now killing and terrorizing Police in Orissa, India

@WebMaster @Irfan Baloch @Horus : Guys, I've had this issue with this poster many times. When you catch their propaganda and show them facts, they cry insults and will report me and will give me negative ratings. This is a total abuse of power. Why does he even have the power to rate people? Allow me to have it too so I can rate every propaganda, anti Pakistan, Muslims and all posts he writes. We live in a world with humanity for all. Fools like him, when bring division for their own religious and national purposes, they should be treated with forum rules. Thanks
You are intentionally insulting Hindus, look at the title of thread, the content you are posting is irrelevant and off topic, yo are intentionally derailing the thread. Stick to the topic, edit your post and if you have grievances with specific religion or nationality you can open a thread on the same and post all of your content there. Stick to the topic at hand, edit your offensive post and notify me to get your rating reversed, @Irfan Baloch
Who are you trying to kid? Precsion airstrikes can be conducted by platforms other than fast jets, if it truly is the case that Pakistan is to use these in COIN activites then it doesn't need the latest Block 52s with improved A2A performance. It could have got far more cost effective platforms like the Super Tucano.

We all know the reason Pakistan is getting these F-16s, why try to hide behind their tired rhetoric? This is the nonsense they spout to the USG to placate them and push through such aid but I'm surprised a US military vetran such as yourself is so eager to support an enemy that has actively seen to it that so many of your fellow brothers in arms never made it home from Afghanistan.

What kind of ignorant logic is that? Do you have any idea how mountain and semi urban warfare are fought ? How they are mapped thoroughly before hand and then areas are constantly softened through Precise strikes ? God Forbid people if people like you were the planners, America and his allies would be launching strikes from Super tucano type aircrafts during Gulf war 1 and Gulf War 2.
What kind of ignorant logic is that? Do you have any idea how mountain and semi urban warfare are fought ? How they are mapped thoroughly before hand and then areas are constantly softened through Precise strikes ? God Forbid people if people like you were the planners, America and his allies would be launching strikes from Super tucano type aircrafts during Gulf war 1 and Gulf War 2.
he is on a 6hr vacation from this thread
Did someone force you, don't you claim to have an independent foreign policy? is that all it takes one phone call and pakistan is on board?

Please educate me on the issue. Looks like you are an expert here.

NO BUT all it takes is a superpower telling a already sanction torn country that "Either you with us or Against us" or "We will bomb you to the stone age" and keeping in mind that if we say no then the western media under High US influence will show us as a part of what happened giving them moral support and will declare us as an rogue and terrorist state and when there done bombing us if they find out we were not the ones because of which all this happened they will just say "SORRY" or it was a massive intelligence ERROR remember Iraq's WMD ????
NO BUT all it takes is a superpower telling a already sanction torn country that "Either you with us or Against us" or "We will bomb you to the stone age"
And you buckle? that's your resolve.

the same super power sent there 7th fleet against a country fighting a two front war back in 71, remember.
No one. I'm just a retired USAF officer with twenty years of experience who knows what he is talking about. Are you? Here's a clue for you, the vast majority of USAF F-16 combat missions since about 2004, have been precisely the type of missions we are talking about.

I'm going to post the pics of terrain in which Pak army is operating to help gain understand the arm chair generals. You know that, but people sitting comfortably in their homes doesnt and especially if they are indians because as per a famous indian adage. 90 percent of them are idiots.





If you are aiding Pakistan against India, it raises questions about India-US bilateral relations.
I'm confused as to which is your quote, but we are not, "aiding Pakistan against India". Are India and Pakistan at war? No. Pakistan most certainly is at war at the moment...it just isn't with India. We are simply aiding Pakistan.

As long as you have been alive, US directly treated India as a Hostile country, and went as far as deploying the 7th fleet to aid a dictatorial regime against India. For the last few decades, US claims to the shift in it's policy and claims India to be it's "natural Ally", the question arises why would you subsidize arming a state against what you term a "natural ally".
Compounded with the fact that multiple ISAF chiefs, have on record slammed Pakistan for it's duplicity in WoT efforts.
1. Because India and Pakistan are not at war. 2. Because Pakistan is at war and she has every right to posses modern tactical aircraft in her prosecution of that war and F-16 52 block AC make perfect sense for her because they are multi-role. What would NOT make sense given PAF's limited budget and resources is to operate tactical aircraft that cannot be used for more than one purpose.
And you buckle? that's your resolve.

the same super power sent there 7th fleet against a country fighting a two front war back in 71, remember.
and at that time another super power sent an Nuclear subs to stop the 7th fleet remember that too my friend :D

and than that super power got what it deserved for being part of it in Afghanistan BROKEN into peices :P TIT FOR TAT
You are intentionally insulting Hindus, look at the title of thread, the content you are posting is irrelevant and off topic, yo are intentionally derailing the thread. Stick to the topic, edit your post and if you have grievances with specific religion or nationality you can open a thread on the same and post all of your content there. Stick to the topic at hand, edit your offensive post and notify me to get your rating reversed, @Irfan Baloch

Nope, go through the posts. One of your cousin, like always brought up Pakistanis being terrorists and that these plane won't help controlling the terrorism (he was "identifying" a problem). So I identified it too, I asked the French, why are they selling Rafale's when Hindu fanatics will still spread terrorism throughout India regardless of Rafales ( like your Indian brother, I was ALSO identifying a problem in the SAME manor like he was, he referred to F-16's and I identified Rafales). So then a few out of a billion internet warriors from India of-course didn't like India being revealed like this and as always they "attack". So the result it in front of you. Don't insult others and do propaganda, and if you do, grow some balls to see someone countering your own shiit, making you smell it.

The mods have been quoted, I'll let them run the course.
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