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See how much Kashmiri love India and Indian forces.

What are they possibly going to do with sticks? They need real weapons.
Do you think any one can love you in force, No way.
IF some Kashmaries following Indian regime that's mean they did it for saving their socio-economic position.

Love is a thing a blind can see, deaf can hear, and Dumb can speak about. But Indian's are stupid to invest on defense budget :taz: in kashmir whereas their public suffering from serious social disparities. :woot:
Sure kasmairies would keep wasting their revenue. :closed:

Oh no .... Azadi is just round the corner what will India do now.

Sure.... Few misleading youth but wait .... From 1st day, after 1947... Many People came and left us with hope... Kashimir banega pakistan... But reality could not changed.

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