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See how disturbed our father of BOMB; AQ Khan is

This veneration of Musharaff is sickening. He was a traitor and a puppet of CIA and this AQ Khan episode is another example of that.

Dr AQ Khan did what the people of Pakistan want and what the people of Pakistan want is proliferation of atom bomb to every Muslim country. DR AQ Khan is a hero and he hasn't committed a single crime.

The fact is American slavery made him a criminal.

As Erdoğan said, every country should have atom bomb. Why should only a few countries have it and they dictate the rest of the world.

If Dr AQ is a criminal for spreading it to Iran and other countries, he is a criminal for spreading it to Pakistan too. Don't be hypocrites.

We are too scared of America and they dictate Pakistan policy but Musharaff should be tried also for insulting and humiliating national hero like Dr AQ Khan and putting his life in jeopardy. Poor guy was suffering from prostate disease while being humiliated by Musharaff.

Shame on American puppets. Pakistan should have armed Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and every damn Islamic country on the planet which want it. This world would have been completely different today and US wouldn't be invading Muslim world. Muslim countries would be dictating their own terms.

America doesn't want other countries armed because then it can't invade them. Simple as that.

It's amazing how the only country in the world that used NOT ONE BUT TWO atom bomb gets to say they shouldn't be having it. And Japan was losing and suffering heavy casualties, not like US was in any dire situation. US is the last country to have it.

As i see it, today, many countries which don't deserve it have atom bombs. Freaking India? Oppressors of Kashmir. Israel? Germany? China? Every damn country has its hands covered with blood. The countries which don't? Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan (Afghanistan was a beautiful country too before Soviets and Americans), Libya, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia. Maybe Saudi Arabia will grow a spine if they have a bomb.

I don't know why Pakistan isn't spreading it. We should be. At the very least, give it to Turkey. Give it to Malaysia. Give it to our allies at least. There should be an atom bomb in every damn country.

Nukes are not chocolates....Providing nuclear umbrella is although different and can be talked about

hi, I have a good idea. How about Pak Iran Afg form a Ummah Chumma alliance where Pakistan is a footmat for these scums!

I am all for Ummah alliance but Iranians and others wannabe azzholes needs to be out of this alliance for good.
Nukes are not chocolates....Providing nuclear umbrella is although different and can be talked about

What gives the countries that wield it, the right to have it while others don't?

Are Americans lives somehow superior to Syrians or Iraqis or Turkish or Iranis?

What's even ridiculous is these Nuke wielding countries are invading countries that don't have it and abuse it and UN watches it and approves of it.

I have seen what the world is like when few countries have it, i am sure the world where everyone has it is far better. The nuke wielding countries aren't attacking each other, if the whole world had it, there would have been world peace. So many countries would be standing today if they had nukes. America would have never invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Syria if they had nukes.

Terrorist states right now have atom bombs and they're terrorising the world. Victims should be armed and potential victims should be armed too.

By the way, if you love Turkiye, you should be wishing for an armed Turkiye.

This veneration of Musharaff is sickening. He was a traitor and a puppet of CIA and this AQ Khan episode is another example of that.

Dr AQ Khan did what the people of Pakistan want and what the people of Pakistan want is proliferation of atom bomb to every Muslim country. DR AQ Khan is a hero and he hasn't committed a single crime.

The fact is American slavery made him a criminal.

As Erdoğan said, every country should have atom bomb. Why should only a few countries have it and they dictate the rest of the world.

If Dr AQ is a criminal for spreading it to Iran and other countries, he is a criminal for spreading it to Pakistan too. Don't be hypocrites.

We are too scared of America and they dictate Pakistan policy but Musharaff should be tried also for insulting and humiliating national hero like Dr AQ Khan and putting his life in jeopardy. Poor guy was suffering from prostate disease while being humiliated by Musharaff.

Shame on American puppets. Pakistan should have armed Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and every damn Islamic country on the planet which want it. This world would have been completely different today and US wouldn't be invading Muslim world. Muslim countries would be dictating their own terms.

America doesn't want other countries armed because then it can't invade them. Simple as that.

It's amazing how the only country in the world that used NOT ONE BUT TWO atom bomb gets to say they shouldn't be having it. And Japan was losing and suffering heavy casualties, not like US was in any dire situation. US is the last country to have it.

As i see it, today, many countries which don't deserve it have atom bombs. Freaking India? Oppressors of Kashmir. Israel? Germany? China? Every damn country has its hands covered with blood. The countries which don't? Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan (Afghanistan was a beautiful country too before Soviets and Americans), Libya, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia. Maybe Saudi Arabia will grow a spine if they have a bomb.

I don't know why Pakistan isn't spreading it. We should be. At the very least, give it to Turkey. Give it to Malaysia. Give it to our allies at least. There should be an atom bomb in every damn country.

If the people of Pakistan want every Muslim country to have a nuclear weapon then the people of Pakistan need to learn more about world politics and strategy - not be followed.

This is why I hope the Pakistani nukes in Pakistan remain in the hands of professionals nuke handlers and strategists of Pakistan and not the 'people' of Pakistan.

I am angry as ****. Blood boils. Man, it hurts :(

Iranians are solely responsible for this....We helped them in nuke tech and MADARCHODS disclosed it in front of whole world DELIBERATELY, forcing Pakistanis to make their hero, a scapegoat rather than taking responsibility as as whole country/nation.

Iranians are bloody ras**ls and they absolutely deserved thoroughly what they are going through now.

Hey, AQ Khan.......Pakistanis will always love you. Yes, we love you and you love us and you know it. :pakistan: Your commitment for Pakistan's nuclear cause will always admire us. You have done your job. Make peace with your heart and forget about all nasty stuff of the past.

Pakistanis, 100 years later, will still be speaking about you and not so much about your enemies within the country or outside ones.

Long Live Khan, Long Live Pakistan.

Down with Iranians. Helping Iran in any capacity is last thing any Pakistanis will ever imagine. They are CURSED. Better to leave them alone with their enemies.
Grow the fvck up!.
In case you didnt realise libyas gaddafi also came clean in late 2004 when he did his deal with the bush jnr regime to hand over all of his wmd programs and disclose where the stuff came from.So it was inevitable that the truth was going to come out.
Maybe you should blame khan himself for being so damn greedy and deciding to illicitly sell nuclear technology on the black market in the first place.Still one shouldnt be surprised,after all he reportedly stole data from FDO where he was employed at the time and they worked on centrifuge designs for URENCO,so I guess its a case of once a crook always a crook.
Theres always been a suspicion in certain quarters that the unknown fourth customer for khans centrifuge technology was in fact.......INDIA.
Now wouldnt that be so fvcking hilarious if it turned out to be true.[LOL!]
https://carnegieendowment.org/files/The_Secret Treachery of AQ Khan.pdf
This veneration of Musharaff is sickening. He was a traitor and a puppet of CIA and this AQ Khan episode is another example of that.

Dr AQ Khan did what the people of Pakistan want and what the people of Pakistan want is proliferation of atom bomb to every Muslim country. DR AQ Khan is a hero and he hasn't committed a single crime.

The fact is American slavery made him a criminal.

As Erdoğan said, every country should have atom bomb. Why should only a few countries have it and they dictate the rest of the world.

If Dr AQ is a criminal for spreading it to Iran and other countries, he is a criminal for spreading it to Pakistan too. Don't be hypocrites.

We are too scared of America and they dictate Pakistan policy but Musharaff should be tried also for insulting and humiliating national hero like Dr AQ Khan and putting his life in jeopardy. Poor guy was suffering from prostate disease while being humiliated by Musharaff.

Shame on American puppets. Pakistan should have armed Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and every damn Islamic country on the planet which want it. This world would have been completely different today and US wouldn't be invading Muslim world. Muslim countries would be dictating their own terms.

America doesn't want other countries armed because then it can't invade them. Simple as that.

It's amazing how the only country in the world that used NOT ONE BUT TWO atom bomb gets to say they shouldn't be having it. And Japan was losing and suffering heavy casualties, not like US was in any dire situation. US is the last country to have it.

As i see it, today, many countries which don't deserve it have atom bombs. Freaking India? Oppressors of Kashmir. Israel? Germany? China? Every damn country has its hands covered with blood. The countries which don't? Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan (Afghanistan was a beautiful country too before Soviets and Americans), Libya, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia. Maybe Saudi Arabia will grow a spine if they have a bomb.

I don't know why Pakistan isn't spreading it. We should be. At the very least, give it to Turkey. Give it to Malaysia. Give it to our allies at least. There should be an atom bomb in every damn country.


People like you are the true enemies of pakistan---.

Ignorant and un-educated people like you have no clue that we got nuclear power thru the indirect support of the united states---.

It was with the support of people working in the agency that we got our weapon---it was with the support of americans and british and the french and the canadians that all of our engineers got educated & trained and worked in these countries so that we could build the nuc---.

Not like some thankless thoughtless blabbering young fools who talk big but are worthless---.

Did you dumb asses know how deep these engineers of our were allowed to work in the US and UK and France---pretty much at the core level---and you fools come whipping out your hatred for these countries---.

Ci---a made our program a success and helped us pass over the hump of sanctions during the Reagan time---by the time Bush sanctions came---they had stepped back because we had already achieved our goals---and you worthless young morons come over here and start yapping about our program---.

This program was a gift from Allah for The Chosen nation---and that chosen nation was our nation---pakistan---. If Allah had chosen iran or turkey r Libya or saudia---they would have had it---.

Kid---you have no clue what those pioneer scientists were like---I grew up with them---and saw their lifestyle and work ethics---.

Pakistan govt provided them with similar type of housing as they had in the US or UK---they were given a 5 day work week---they worked from 9 till 5---. They went to work in Pinstech buses that picked them up from walking distances of their residences---. This is the late 60's and early 70's I am talking about---Rawalpindi / islamabad---.

They worked their blood and guts to make this program a success for pakistan---they valued their knowledge and some would sacrifice their future welbeing for pakistan---.

For the blessing of the US for our program---we gave them russia on a platter---we knowingly paid a very very heavy price for that in blood and life---and you want to give away this assdet to someone who has no value---no sacrifice---no hardship attached to it---.

We put our national integrity at stake going against the russians during the first afghan war so that we could succeed with our program---.

What has Iran , Turkey , Malaysia done for us to give them this program for which they have not made any sacrifices---.

And I say ' sacrifice '---Iran made no sacrifice to get this program---and look what they did to us---at the first test of showing loyalty---they steam rolled us in front of the world---.

They screamed---" pakistanis are to be blamed---they forced us to take this program---we did not want to ---please world---forgive us---"---.

Indeed you pakistani kids have third rate thinking---nobody is there to teach you about your identity---and neither do you have the ability to understand it---.
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Post shows you are real scum.go to you supa pawa india licking feet of Israel
Grow the fvck up!.
In case you didnt realise libyas gaddafi also came clean in late 2004 when he did his deal with the bush jnr regime to hand over all of his wmd programs and disclose where the stuff came from.So it was inevitable that the truth was going to come out.
Maybe you should blame khan himself for being so damn greedy and deciding to illicitly sell nuclear technology on the black market in the first place.Still one shouldnt be surprised,after all he reportedly stole data from FDO where he was employed at the time and they worked on centrifuge designs for URENCO,so I guess its a case of once a crook always a crook.
Theres always been a suspicion in certain quarters that the unknown fourth customer for khans centrifuge technology was in fact.......INDIA.
Now wouldnt that be so fvcking hilarious if it turned out to be true.[LOL!]
https://carnegieendowment.org/files/The_Secret Treachery of AQ Khan.pdf
Dont bash iran so much as to turn them into ur enemies. They are a fellow muslim nation. And aq khans network got exposed cuz of libya . And then later north korea and at last iran.

It is not wise to turn iran into an enemy. They are after all like us muslims.

Also shia sunnis both can go **** themselves.
People talk bad about Gen Musharraf---but there was a method to his madness about Dr AQ Khan---. What he did to DR A Q was deliberate and on purpose to castigate him and humiliate him in pakistan rather be forced to send him to the US---.

Dr Qadeer was a mere scapegoat, i cannot speak freely in this forum for the hazards of getting anned, but if anybody thinks tht it was Dr Qadeer's misdoing is simply eing really innocent, we know now tht Pak exchanged nukes for north korean nodong tech etc. The lack market dealings of pak with western firms resulted in pak ecoming nuclear in the first place.

The scare tactics were used just like scaring pakistanis tht USA would bomb pak if USA wasnt allowed to use it for its afghan campaign, Pak would never compromise its nuclear tech by handing their key scientist to USA, it will be like handing over its nukes to USA on demand, tht just seems stupid, Pak didnt carry balls back then and still doesnt have any balls today either.

Indeed you pakistani kids have third rate thinking---nobody is there to teach you about your identity---and neither do you have the ability to understand it---you sound like a selloff---giving your wares to everyone who passes by---.

I bet you @IlyasMyHero won't even provide a penny for his cause if it was going from his own pocket.
He is NOT the father of our bomb as he self publicized it. He provided key input to the initial enrichment process but since then has been profiteering from his knowledge.

There were many more people with equal or greater contributions to our initial weapon systems.

seems more like a conspiracy theory, why was the guy at the fore front of the nuke test and why was the nuclear lab named after him?, he may not be ''father of the bomb'' but surely he wasnt an insignificant person esp when he was leading team of scientists in developing the bomb.

it wasnt only pakistan was made celebrities, there was abdul kalam in india, there was openheimer in USA, even though einstein contribution was crucial in US's nuclear bomn research etc

I didn't know selling nuclear tech in black market makes you a hero however because of his earlier role in Pakistan's bomb he was lucky Mushy didn't hand his *** to US or this Bhoplai thief would be rotting away somewhere in a tiny hole in US. He should thank Mushy every single day and stop being an ungrateful moron.
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