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See how disturbed our father of BOMB; AQ Khan is

My dear YoungPak,

Don't worry... when there is a Giant Hole in Our Souls... we shall always be running around saving someone else's world.

Did you actually realy the piece in Hybridwar... I mean realy read it?

We are getting there slow... stupidly slow process of becoming FreePakistan... but we are moving towards that end...

We need to take Strategic Decisions which are Transformative and solely in OurInterests...

Think again the Thesis of Game of Chicken what is said and what is not said...
Understand.. the unapparent.

Unz is good for beginners... you need to bite into something harder... Read and Understand GameTheory!

In the end it is Pakistanwali, baby!

You keep up the good work and manage your temper...kid.. but then you need to find your own way as well...

We all are here to help eachother and be each other's strength.... Education, Education, Education...


There is giant Hole in the soul and I feel it as well the problem is in the field of anthropology, cartography, and geography,Pakistan's case is stacked against it in the academic sense there is a degree of of what I call "liberal" racism towards Pakistani people and Pakistani nation, we are looked at the prism of 1947-present while Persia,Anatolia,China or Cathay, parts of Central Asia, Kiev Rus heck even the parts of the Arab world have rich history nothing is noted about the area of Pakistan is located. If noted its always under Indian or "South Asian"category which ticks me off and it does not help our identity which is very vague failure of our leaders on using our own heritage for soft power and mounting our case as a nation hence why Pakistanis larp as Arabs,Turks or Persians.Now back to geo-political strategy Pakistan must place its own interests rather than the interests of others
There is giant Hole in the soul and I feel it as well the problem is in the field of anthropology, cartography, and geography,Pakistan's case is stacked against it in the academic sense there is a degree of of what I call "liberal" racism towards Pakistani people and Pakistani nation, we are looked at the prism of 1947-present while Persia,Anatolia,China or Cathay, parts of Central Asia, Kiev Rus heck even the parts of the Arab world have rich history nothing is noted about the area of Pakistan is located. If noted its always under Indian or "South Asian"category which ticks me off and it does not help our identity which is very vague failure of our leaders on using our own heritage for soft power and mounting our case as a nation hence why Pakistanis larp as Arabs,Turks or Persians.Now back to geo-political strategy Pakistan must place its own interests rather than the interests of others

We are CivilisationalState... always have been and always shall be...

True that the Sense of Nationhood/Identity is the Responsibility of leaders...but we didn't have any as we were fighting superpowers and creating the New World Order for others at the cost of PakBlood.

Anyhow, Momentum of History is in our favour...

Nations are NOT built in a day...

Show me one video in which he criticized Pak on indian media

I searched Youtube, but I can't find any of the interviews which occurred in the mid 2000's and 2010's where he criticized the policy of Pakistan in Afghanistan or talked against Kashmiri militant group safe havens. He also is supportive of removing Ahmadiyyas from restrictions which are in the constitution of the Pakistan. Mostly the videos are after his ouster, he was obviously a very bitter man, and still is. Generally presents himself as too good for Pakistan and his awam, the same like his supporters (Q.)

The drunk Musharraf video was shared on this website, you can probably still find it. It was not too long ago when it happened.

Notable that ISI former chief Hamid Gul was a big enemy of Musharraf and his policy, claiming several times that he is a traitor and broke our back. Domestic opposition to Musharraf was very strong when he was ousted, but since Zardari and Nawaz, much of that animosity has been eclipsed.

Most of the religious Ulema of our country like Mufti Taqi Usmani have been very vocal against Musharraf and marked his rule as a dark period where Pakistan lost its heart and soul. Everything which happened to Pakistan was a result of us betraying truth for falsehood and cowering in front of the enemy.

I understand that Pakistan could not directly confront the US, but we did not have to become a partner in their crimes. There was a third way, which was neutrality, but what is done is done. It is time for us to move past it and learn from our mistakes, and Musharraf made many mistakes.

Mushy and his rent a general gang is sploch we may never fully recover from hence why I support the death penalty for these traitors

Hang the traitor in public and leave him hanging for 3 days. Not only will we recover some bit of pride, but maybe Allah swt will forgive us for our crimes. Maybe Afghans who lost everything will finally realize that Pakistan is not their enemy, we also were puppets in this game.
I searched Youtube, but I can't find any of the interviews which occurred in the mid 2000's and 2010's where he criticized the policy of Pakistan in Afghanistan or talked against Kashmiri militant group safe havens. He also is supportive of removing Ahmadiyyas from restrictions which are in the constitution of the Pakistan. Mostly the videos are after his ouster, he was obviously a very bitter man, and still is. Generally presents himself as too good for Pakistan and his awam, the same like his supporters (Q.)

The drunk Musharraf video was shared on this website, you can probably still find it. It was not too long ago when it happened.

Notable that ISI former chief Hamid Gul was a big enemy of Musharraf and his policy, claiming several times that he is a traitor and broke our back. Domestic opposition to Musharraf was very strong when he was ousted, but since Zardari and Nawaz, much of that animosity has been eclipsed.

Most of the religious Ulema of our country like Mufti Taqi Usmani have been very vocal against Musharraf and marked his rule as a dark period where Pakistan lost its heart and soul. Everything which happened to Pakistan was a result of us betraying truth for falsehood and cowering in front of the enemy.

I understand that Pakistan could not directly confront the US, but we did not have to become a partner in their crimes. There was a third way, which was neutrality, but what is done is done. It is time for us to move past it and learn from our mistakes, and Musharraf made many mistakes.

Hang the traitor in public and leave him hanging for 3 days. Not only will we recover some bit of pride, but maybe Allah swt will forgive us for our crimes. Maybe Afghans who lost everything will finally realize that Pakistan is not their enemy, we also were puppets in this game.
You will never find a perfect, 100% clean leader.

Musharraf despite having his bads mostly related to promotion of liberalism and giving free hand to media, his good is equally praised
The Turks are the Sunni version of the Iranians they are identical in thinking they just have varying degree of interests and alliances that seperate themselves away otherwise they are just as hegemonic and greedy for regional dominance they only use slogans to get gullible Muslims on their sides however we need a Turko-Persian world that is the center of Islamic Civ. as they are both rich cultures and societies but make no mistake they are hyper nationalistic to the core and only care about their own interests gullible Pakistanis have failed to uphold ther own identity as nation because our own Government does not see fit they only view this nation as a rentier state hence Pakistanis need to look for symbols abroad which is tragic @Mangus Ortus Novem

British completely humiliated, demoralized, and pacified us. It is going to take a long time for us to recover some semblance of pride. It is long steep hill to climb back up.

However there is a silver lining, not all Pakistanis were equally affected.

Pukhtoon pride and honor is still largely intact, and their sense of identity was never compromised.

As for Punjabis, there are some among us who are more ferocious and proud of our identity vis-a-vis British slavery.

I can tell you of my fellow Rajputs, we fought the British even after the collapse of the Mughals, and still held on to the hate and anger to the core of our souls. We were deeply mindful and aware of the British machinations against our people, the power and prestige which we lost, and the pain of our royal Mughal allies/friends/relatives, and many of us suffered a double tragedy as a result of British/Hindu joint shaytani plans during Partition.

It is not the Turks as a whole which we admire nor only the racial connection which binds us, but the Sufis poets, Ghazis, and the shared experience which shapes us even now. We both ruled great empires, lost them to the machinations of enemies, then recovered a nation-state from the rubble, now aspire to bring back pride to the hearts of Muslims as Allama Iqbal wanted.
I agree here with you.

Musharraf is no hero of Pakistan, but the biggest traitor we have ever had. He hurt Pakistan and its reputation so much that even now we are not able to recover from that.

Conniving Americans, Indians, and Iranians used his backstabbing and selling out of Afghan Taliban (i.e. Afghans as a whole) to convince Afghans that Pakistan was the sole party responsible for all their misfortunes, even though that was not the case. The played a double game and Pakistan got hurt from both sides, Americans/Indian/Iran said publicly that we were terrorist supporters, while they said through their proxies in Afghanistan that we were agents and cooperators of occupiers of Muslims' lands.

This how they managed to form TTP/PTM, resurrect BLA, give impetus to liberal Pakistanis, and breed resentment among Pakistani ethnic groups themselves.

Musharraf only exasperated those ethnic tensions with his support of MQM and his demonization of Pukhtoons (along with demonization of religious students, also mostly Pukhtoons) and his negative heavy-handed actions in KPK against journalists and politicians who disagreed with him.

About his Enlightened Moderation bakwas, I can go on forever. He deeply hurt the sentiments of Pakistanis and did not represent us. He was ousted for this reason. Even today we are suffering due to his crippling and de-centralization of religious institutions, his heterodoxical religious ideas bred anti-Pakistanism even in Pakistan and caused the rise of radical groups, Pakistan is no longer viewed as a safe place to learn Islam (where before we hosted Islamic students from all over the world and had great influence over Muslim countries,) and the class of liberal elite which worships America/West and was nurtured, trained, uplifted during his tenure, still controls our media, politics, and educational institutions.

India has directly taken advantage of our weakness to find solid ground in Muslim countries and co-opted our former allies like KSA, UAE, Bahrain, Iran.

And still Musharraf keeps making television appearances on Indian media criticizing Pakistan, our religious laws, and our fixed Afghan policy.

There is even a recent video of him drunk begging Americans to give him another chance to rule Pakistan. To which an answer comes, you're time is up.

This is no way for the former COAS, and President of Pakistan to act. How embarrassing for us.

Nice to see at least someone thinking the way we all did inside Pakistan. I was surprised how he had suddenly become a hero here, did i wake up from a coma or something?

I remember that era as a nightmare for Pakistan. I don't want Pakistan to ever go back through that again.
Nice to see at least someone thinking the way we all did inside Pakistan. I was surprised how he had suddenly become a hero here, did i wake up from a coma or something?

I remember that era as a nightmare for Pakistan. I don't want Pakistan to ever go back through that again.

Same brother.

Pakistanis are naive and gullible, and frequently suffer from amnesia. If you leave these big decisions to the awam, we will continuously be in trouble.

This is how Nawaz came twice. People celebrated in 1999 when Musharraf ousted him.

When he came back, everyone said "Aho chor hain, lekin kaam shaam karda hai" which was also basically his slogan against Imran Khan. Ya "Shehbaz ne metro banaya, laptop diye, lahore nu sona bana deya." Fir Allah taala ne salab bheja aur Pakistan ko waqi bachaya.

Lahore became Venice instead of Paris :rofl:


I remember slogans against Zardari which helped Nawaz win the election. "Zardari 10%, Benazir da qatil sey to koi vi changa ey." They even had a song for Zardari, "Zardari puri qawm nu sataya, Benazeer nu hatton maraway, pura mulak nu lootaya, etc. Lol

When Benazir died, grown men cried like women in the streets and ripped their shirts shouting Benazir. Jazbati qawm forgot the horrible days of Benazir's first rule and gave sympathy votes to PPP.


Today we have Musharraf wanting to come back to Pakistan and cadres lining up to support him as if he is the peygamber of enlightened moderation. As if he conquered Kashmir through Kargil. As if Musharraf liberated awam from TTP in Swat, Dir, Bannu, and Waziristan in Zarb e Azb. Hero of Ahmadiyyas and disenfranchised MQM.

Alhamdulilah, we have our Pakistani military and intelligence to keep watch over our state from such enemies.

However we have to do our part also to warn our people of the dangers of such leaders.
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Every time we call this man father of our nukes and our saviour, we disrespect countless scientists, engineers and soldiers who were involved with PAEC, especially, the real father of our nuclear bomb, Dr. Munir A. Khan.

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