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See how disturbed our father of BOMB; AQ Khan is

He is NOT the father of our bomb as he self publicized it. He provided key input to the initial enrichment process but since then has been profiteering from his knowledge.

There were many more people with equal or greater contributions to our initial weapon systems.
Before AQKhan, Pakistan had many theorists, who were working since Stone ages to make the bomb. AQKhan was the guy who told these Einsteins how actually make the bomb as he had practical knowledge and contacts. If you are not a technical person or an engineer you will not understand this point. I am an engineer and I have worked with many theorical Einsteins, and I know how important that must be.
So better appreciate what he did for nation.
Before AQKhan, Pakistan had many theorists, who were working since Stone ages to make the bomb. AQKhan was the guy who told these Einsteins how actually make the bomb as he had practical knowledge and contacts. If you are not a technical person or an engineer you will not understand this point. I am an engineer and I have worked with many theorical Einsteins, and I know how important that must be.
So better appreciate what he did for nation.
Seems I did not get my engineering degree from Axact like you it seems. Please excuse my online lowliness thou Einstien ke Nawase.
Don't take this the wrong way but who in their right mind would ever "Sell" their nuclear technology to a 3rd country? Let me answer it - only a complete idiot.
Seems I did not get my engineering degree from Axact like you it seems. Please excuse my online lowliness thou Einstien ke Nawase.
Then it's prejudice.
Are you one of those who think Pakistanis are Aryans and are from Martial race?
Everyone involved put their sweat and blood into making atom bomb and what I am proud of is how many many unsung heroes are out there who made it possible for us to be where we are today.

From Dr Abdus Salam to Dr Qadeer .... they all did their part. My dad was a fellow metallurgist and after getting his PhD from Canada they gave it all for their country.

I can proudly say there are people out there who contributed critical knowledge to bomb making without which Pakistan probably wouldn’t exist today.

Dr Qadeer was a metallurgist himself and if one is to believe western stories he “stole” centrifuge designs.

This story is a total BS ... like my dad he had a knowledge and experience working in Dutch research lab which by the way did not work on nuclear devices.

We went through uranium enrichment which is way more difficult than Plutonium that our Chinese friends had access to.

Long story but Alhamdollilah we owe thanks to these heroes .

You are talking BS.

For starters, Uranium process is far far far simpler than Plutonium route.

Secondly, Khan stole the design of centrifuges, which is used for enrichment of uranium. Used for bomb or power plant depends on the end user.

Food for thought :

.Q. Khan always wanted Pakistan to work only on Uranium weapon as compared to Plutonium because (he thought and tried to convince Gen Zia) Plutonium route involved highly complex and sophisticated procedures and processes but PAEC knew better.Plutonium route and all the related activities to establish infrastructure (for eventual bomb) continued in full swing,against AQ Khan desire.A.Q. Khan sought to undermine Munir Khan by opposing the plutonium route because Munir was a plutonium expert, having spent 14 years as Head of Reactor Engineering at the IAEA before his joining PAEC in 1972, where PAEC under Munir Khan not only initiated the Kahuta Enrichment project before AQK, but continued to give crucial technical support.

Contrary to popular perception, Pakistan did not forego the plutonium route to the bomb, and pursued it along with the uranium route. Whether by intention to prepare a “nuclear option” or not, decisions made in the 1960s already provided a valuable basis for establishing a weapons programme. In 1971 the Canadian General Electric Co. completed a 137 MW (electrical) CANDU power reactor for the Karachi Nuclear Power Plant (KANUPP), which went critical in August 1971 and inaugurated by the man who would go on to become the architect of Nuclear Pakistan, the new Chairman, PAEC, Mr. Munir Ahmad Khan. It began commercial operation in October 1972. CGEC also provided a small heavy water production facility. These facilities had been contracted for in the mid-60s, thus predating Bhutto's drive for nuclear weapon capability, but perhaps influenced by him in a ministerial capacity
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You are talking BS.

For starters, Uranium process us far far far simpler than Plutonium route.

Secondly, Khan stole the design of centrifuges, which is used fir enrichment if uranium. Used for bomb ir power plant or bimb depends on the end user.

Sure he stole them. Just like how you indians also claim to have been a superpower since 2012..........:lol:
Sure he stole them. Just like how you indians also claim to have been a superpower since 2012..........:lol:

Troll. Reported.
Learn from other Pakistani memvers who atlead add something substantial to an objective thread.
You are talking BS.

For starters, Uranium process is far far far simpler than Plutonium route.

Secondly, Khan stole the design of centrifuges, which is used for enrichment of uranium. Used for bomb or power plant depends on the end user.

Reported to mods for making baseless accusations of Dr A.Q. Khan of stealing with 0 evidence..........:azn:
My father worked under him around late 80s when he was EREd from the army to an org under AQ Khan.

He was a crook then and had absolute authority to mess up your career and security clearance for future postings.

He should have been removed from the set up the day he involved the brother of his foreign wife in procurement process for the KRL hospital in ISB.

Unchecked powers result in the screw up we had then later on.

For the record nuclear bomb making requires a full supply chain and no one person can make a nuclear war head alone.
Reported to mods for making baseless accusations of Dr A.Q. Khan of stealing with 0 evidence..........:azn:

Cry baby cry. Yes, he is a theif. A selfish person
Who even nullified the works if Dr. Munir, the real father of Pakistani Bomb, A patriot a true champion of nuclear research in Pakistan.


Now go n cry a river !

Im still missing that 7x comparision... slang ctrl+c/ctrl+v post lol.
Cry baby cry. Yes, he is a theif. A selfish person
Who even nullified the works if Dr. Munir, the real father of Pakistani Bomb, A patriot a true champion of nuclear research in Pakistan.


Now go n cry a river !

Im still missing that 7x comparision... slang ctrl+c/ctrl+v post lol.

according to some agenda driven pakistanis creation of pakistan was bad driven by egotistic jinnah who was an evil person, there are even books written on the dictatorship of Quaid e azam and has been endorsed by many pakistanis, so the article you have posted is not a unique effort is putting reknowned pakistanis into bad light, its the famous people who are the target of controversy, the secular mush supporters dont cease to accuse QeA of consuming pork hence proving his ahorance to ''radical'' islam.

there are hindutvas who killed Gandhi and now sitting on the indian throne.

according to some agenda driven pakistanis creation of pakistan was bad driven by egotistic jinnah who was an evil person, there are even books written on the dictatorship of Quaid e azam and has been endorsed by many pakistanis, so the article you have posted is not a unique effort is putting reknowned pakistanis into bad light, its the famous people who are the target of controversy, the secular mush supporters dont cease to accuse QeA of consuming pork hence proving his ahorance to ''radical'' islam.

there are hindutvas who killed Gandhi and now sitting on the indian throne.

Some people still believe earth is flat.
Stick to the Topic.
Its an old program. Iran told to IAEA that Pak is involve in some racket they were getting help from us when they thought they reach to the level where their need no help they sell Pakistan and i am pretty sure they are still there where we left them or going down.
I slute to Dr.A Q Khan and many others who was with him in this process. We as Pakistani respect our people and help those who can do somthing for Pakistan.
it was not only AQ Khan who brought technical expertise learnt abroad but many scientists were recalled from various institutions all over europe and abdul salam also made many pak scientists serving in europe to be recalled to pakistan. as i have already stated pakistan was dealing in black market with several european firms, a fact mostly overlooked by mush fans here. If mush had the balls should have listed the number of european agencies who provided reactor parts to pakistan in black market instead of kissing american bottom. It is because of mush's cowardice that pakistan is so badly suffering the concequences of plunging the country into unneeded afghan war and making it american proxy.

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