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Secularism is now a National Security Threat

Do you agree that Indian Media and their associated Marxist backers are now a Security threat?

  • Yes, I can see reality without ideological Bias and numbers don't lie.

    Votes: 43 75.4%
  • Maybe, But I am afraid to admit to myself the truth because of low self esteem.

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • No, I am from/originate from Kerala/Bengal and will use secular logic.

    Votes: 10 17.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Whatever mate, killing all these seculars will resolve the issue once and for all.. You can have your Hindu nation and am sure with all these half brains, it will be a land of honey and milk!!
play victim when you have the chance....kill hindus when you have the chance.
Communalism is a threat to India be it majority or minority unfortunately none of the parties in India is secular thus one has to choose btw majority or minority and rely upon social fabric and state institutions to keep them in limits.

If i have to choose btw minority or majority will thousand times choose majority as majority itself is tolerant and one of the most inclusive /peaceful community in the world.
play victim when you have the chance....kill hindus when you have the chance.
Shut up.

@seiko is not the one killing Hindus. Islamists are. And their enablers along with the self blinded elite babus drowned in Nehruvian concepts. Learn to make the distinction between enemies and friends. If you truly want to do something on the ground, go to Charminar in Hyderabad and stay there for a week. You will know who is the adversary and who is not.
Splitting the country and creating laws based on religion was a ploy done by nehruvian dynasties and was followed by them and their representatives at state and national level. They are never seculars. They are divisive, power hungry and used faith according to their will.

The only party that is true to secularism is BJP, who are emphasizing the need of same priorities and benefits for all communities, no difference in laws of various states (read J&K), no differences in how law is applicable to all its citizens ( read as uniform civil code), no reservations based on religion etc.

Congress is faith manipulator and exploiter and fake secular , BJP is true secular in its policies, actions and its vision.
Had it been easy to crush, it had been crushed in the 80s at the onset of the movement. The only way to crush the Maoist movement is to bring development at the grass root level, and not by sending huge armada in every forest village.

That is what I said. I said that government has focused on welfare measures by and large.
Splitting the country and creating laws based on religion was a ploy done by nehruvian dynasties and was followed by them and their representatives at state and national level. They are never seculars. They are divisive, power hungry and used faith according to their will.

The only party that is true to secularism is BJP, who are emphasizing the need of same priorities and benefits for all communities, no difference in laws of various states (read J&K), no differences in how law is applicable to all its citizens ( read as uniform civil code), no reservations based on religion etc.

Congress is faith manipulator and exploiter and fake secular , BJP is true secular in its policies, actions and its vision.
That said, power corrupts. BJP is better in this regard, true, but I won't give them a clean chit unless they do away with all 'special laws' completely. Especially since now they have got a big mandate. Let's hope for the best.
yea yea!! Move on!!
Don't take offence from every Tom Dick and Harry. If I did so, I would never have been able to pray at the Kheer Bhawani Temple for example while sporting the tika on my forehead.
That said, power corrupts. BJP is better in this regard, true, but I won't give them a clean chit unless they do away with all 'special laws' completely. Especially since now they have got a big mandate. Let's hope for the best.

As modi said, They enjoy making law and I enjoy finishing them. Uniformity isn law is required.
Shut up.

@seiko is not the one killing Hindus. Islamists are. And their enablers along with the self blinded elite babus drowned in Nehruvian concepts. Learn to make the distinction between enemies and friends. If you truly want to do something on the ground, go to Charminar in Hyderabad and stay there for a week. You will know who is the adversary and who is not.

No body is supporting rising of Islamist terrorism or conversion by some evangelical societies here. But branding the whole community for it is ridiculous. As I said, I am starting to give up on this country.. Anyone can say anything about anyone and there will be 1000 to cheer for them...
No body is supporting rising of Islamist terrorism or conversion by some evangelical societies here. But branding the whole community for it is ridiculous. As I said, I am starting to give up on this country.. Anyone can say anything about anyone and there will be 1000 to cheer for them...
Nobody is branding anyone anything. You see this country going to dogs, because that's what you fear. Believing is seeing. Conversion is not even being discussed here and evangelicals don't kill. Criminals are caught or should be. That's another matter. Don't be apologetic all the time. Just because one person branded a people, does not make them that. And I don't see a thousand people cheering for them - AT ALL.
No body is supporting rising of Islamist terrorism or conversion by some evangelical societies here. But branding the whole community for it is ridiculous. As I said, I am starting to give up on this country.. Anyone can say anything about anyone and there will be 1000 to cheer for them...

Dont worry, the insecure kinda online warriors wont be of much threat to nation or its nationalities as long as they stay indoors and keep typing on keyboard.
Nobody is branding anyone anything. You see this country going to dogs, because that's what you fear. Believing is seeing. Conversion is not even being discussed here and evangelicals don't kill. Criminals are caught or should be. That's another matter. Don't be apologetic all the time. Just because one person branded a people, does not make them that. And I don't see a thousand people cheering for them - AT ALL.

Just look at the voting mate and then comment.. Its just not one person.. There is a deliberate attempt here to brand every one as secular and anti nationals who do not tow in the line of Hindutva teams. I am not being apologetical.. Just look at the neighbours.. First it was the talking and spreading hatred against other communities.. Then they will resort to action.. By the time people realise something is wrong, shit had already hit the roof..
Well you sound like a juvenile or some troll .Islam is not what saif ali khan is doing and islam is also not what isis is doing .
@ranjeet What do you mean ?? There won,t be any muslims left on PDF ? I don,t drink and I am not a womanizer. Actors are all kanjar people and no one practice any religion properly and is not that funny when they act like Islamic scholar's ? :lol:
Most people don't practice religion in their everyday life they go about it by doing the bare minimum they could but yes I agree getting a lecture on religion from Actors like Saif is nothing but a whole load of twisted BS.
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