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Secular Kerala in Action

There was strong opposition for the reforms and due to the Brit influence it came out nicely without much bloodbath. Also the Gandhi element of non violence played greater part.

Also pls go through the earlier red corner ear in Kerala time you will find enough other religion guys took part of it sply Stephen etc.

Ifyour view point is true, then there should not be any mappilas and achayan's in communist party which you know well.

With the current levels of prosperity of both Christians and Muslims and their current political and social clout, which are far more than that of Hindus there is little hope of them joining any red corridor. :P

Red corridor is for the desperate...........There is opposition to everything on earth. My wife never agrees with me on anything :P ..... .. opposition and resistance to ANY change is natural. What matters is how it was achieved.....in Kerala it was Very Very peaceful, indicating the society wanted those changes.
Kerala paid a price for joining with the brits,they have all the negative qualities of the liberal western world.

Booze/Beef,Pork/Promiscuity/outdated bullshit ideas like communism/paradoxial hypocritical society acting liebral on the outside and conservative/regional/parochial on the inside.

something like the worst of all worlds in god's own country.

It was expected,am hardly surprised.

A land of great temples/a great civilization/great warriors and now like this.

Perhaps is a result of a great exploitative/rigid society which is dying for a release valve an dnow is happy to float in ether.

Why you have to make this Kerala against the rest of the states?? By saying we joined with the brits, you are insulting many warriors of us who laid their lives for the freedom of our country.. You have issues with secularism here in Kerala, its not our problem.. You just blame each and everything on people of Kerala.. We do not have NRI's only in this state.. We have contributed President, IAS officers, IPS, Scientists and many more.. Comments of you and your like are just disappointing..

BTW which idiots idea was it??? World is progressing and we are taking a step backward.. really disgusting..
. Secular Kerala in Action

:omghaha: :lol:

What next mohanlal is going to do a 17 year old boys role.
. Secular Kerala in Action

:omghaha: :lol:

What next mohanlal is going to do a 17 year old boys role.

Last time I met Mohanlal he looked as if he could play a role of a 38-40 year old man. He did mention he was looking for a good script :P
|Terribly mistaken.

Your worshiping great civilization of Kerala was bullsiYt, Sawami Vivekananda said -full of idiots.

You know nothing about Kerala. 98% of people in Kerala were forbidden to walk in the streets, worship, and visit temples. It took huge sacrifices to achieve that.

Learn better...It might have the real 'red corridor' of India had Communists were not introduced land reforms act here.
(though I do not like them, either Congress).

am not against communism,just saying the negative baggage was more than the positive and i also mentioned the rigidity of the system and the exploitation.
With the current levels of prosperity of both Christians and Muslims and their current political and social clout, which are far more than that of Hindus there is little hope of them joining any red corridor. :P

Red corridor is for the desperate...........There is opposition to everything on earth. My wife never agrees with me on anything :P ..... .. opposition and resistance to ANY change is natural. What matters is how it was achieved.....in Kerala it was Very Very peaceful, indicating the society wanted those changes.

And from where this prosperity came from? there is no feudalism in kerala why?

Due to the educational approach of Achayans and communist's Land reform act.

Else we could see 'Thakur saheb's are ruling the state.
Why you have to make this Kerala against the rest of the states?? By saying we joined with the brits, you are insulting many warriors of us who laid their lives for the freedom of our country.. You have issues with secularism here in Kerala, its not our problem.. You just blame each and everything on people of Kerala.. We do not have NRI's only in this state.. We have contributed President, IAS officers, IPS, Scientists and many more.. Comments of you and your like are just disappointing..

BTW which idiots idea was it??? World is progressing and we are taking a step backward.. really disgusting..

world is progressing? whats with all this jargon and i can write an essay like this about most states but the so called developed states stand out more in terms of what they paid for the development and progress.

it is not kerala vs rest of the states,all states have their own skeletons in the closet.

but there are some great paradoxes with kerala and i know it because i have seen it from close angles.

and also lot of statistics like HDI mask a lot,other states are worse,they dont even have HDI.

dont be defensive,just look at the problem in the eye and see how the erosion of moral fabric can be erstored,here or anywhere.
am not against communism,just saying the negative baggage was more than the positive and i also mentioned the rigidity of the system and the exploitation.

there are negatives for everything and we are south asians are the people to pick it than the +ve sides.

Though communists did the right thing in the past, today they are just waste who do not move on with the time.
Last time I met Mohanlal he looked as if he could play a role of a 38-40 year old man. He did mention he was looking for a good script :P

But if he reads this heading, he sure is going to dream about that 17 years old role with some sexy young heroine.
it has been hijacked already,but CPM kerala is still way better than most other parties which is why people dont tolerate poor behaviour from them.
world is progressing? whats with all this jargon and i can write an essay like this about most states but the so called developed states stand out more in terms of what they paid for the development and progress.

it is not kerala vs rest of the states,all states have their own skeletons in the closet.

but there are some great paradoxes with kerala and i know it because i have seen it from close angles.

and also lot of statistics like HDI mask a lot,other states are worse,they dont even have HDI.

dont be defensive,just look at the problem in the eye and see how the erosion of moral fabric can be erstored,here or anywhere.

Last line was not against you.. But against the idiot who issued the circular..

And about the other things.. Dont say that life in Kerala is much different than others... All you see Kerala is through religious angle.. I am not saying everything is fine here.. There are lot of radicalization going on here.. But people here is much tolerant here and better educated.. Do not tell me that is also a lie too..

PS: I am not being defensive..I am tired of arguing with you because, you only see bad things about my state.. I do not know what the problem is..
At least we dont have starving people or mass slums and at least we do have a functioning health care and education system and the highest living standards in all of south Asia...

but I agree, such nonsense moves like this have to be abolished.

Oops....For once I thought i m seeing a reply by a Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Chinese et al.......


Just Address the TOPIC.
Kerala paid a price for joining with the brits,they have all the negative qualities of the liberal western world.

Booze/Beef,Pork/Promiscuity/outdated bullshit ideas like communism/paradoxial hypocritical society acting liebral on the outside and conservative/regional/parochial on the inside.

something like the worst of all worlds in god's own country.

It was expected,am hardly surprised.

A land of great temples/a great civilization/great warriors and now like this.

Perhaps is a result of a great exploitative/rigid society which is dying for a release valve an dnow is happy to float in ether.

i guess You are from Tamilnadu ....
And from where this prosperity came from? there is no feudalism in kerala why?

Due to the educational approach of Achayans and communist's Land reform act.

Else we could see 'Thakur saheb's are ruling the state.

Education was always valued in Kerala and Nairs and Ezhavas and Ambalavasi ALL received Sanskrit education from the earliest time. This level of Non Brahminical learning was part of Kerala Hindu culture. That is how Ayurveda survived in Kerala.

First girls school in Kerala was established in 1859, which is much before the christians in the west decide to educate their women.

During Independence when India's literacy was 18% , Kerala Female Literacy was 35% and Male Literacy was 56%.

It is this self serving propaganda by Achayans like you that make me disgusted with your kind.

Communists where lead and inspired by Upper Caste Hindus too.
Education was always valued in Kerala and Nairs and Ezhavas and Ambalavasi ALL received Sanskrit education from the earliest time. This level of Non Brahminical learning was part of Kerala Hindu culture. That is how Ayurveda survived in Kerala.

First girls school in Kerala was established in 1859, which is much before the christians in the west decide to educate their women.

During Independence when India's literacy was 18% , Kerala Female Literacy was 35% and Male Literacy was 56%.

It is this self serving propaganda by Achayans like you that make me disgusted with your kind.

Communists where lead and inspired by Upper Caste Hindus too.

It is not a self serving propaganda, its true that achayans, not like ME, contributed to the society.
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