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Secular Kerala in Action


Apr 7, 2013
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Govt defends underage Muslim marriages

A circular issued by Local Self Government (LSG) department of the government of Kerala has, through a blatant misrepresentation of facts, sought to reassure unconvinced registrars across the state that Muslim marriages involving a male aged less than 21 and a female aged less than 18 is legal.

The circular says that such marriages should be registered in accordance with Kerala Marriages Registration Act, Section (9) 3, provided the involved parties produce a document duly certified by the concerned religious authority.

The circular says that such marriages should be registered in accordance with Kerala Marriages Registration Act.

The June 14, 2013, circular contends that The Child Marriage Prohibition Act, 2006, does not deem marriage between a male aged below 21 and a female aged below 18 null and void. This is a clear contradiction of this particular Act which unambiguously defines a "child as a person who, if a male, has not completed 21 years of age, and if a female, has not completed 18 years of age."

The circular also violates provisions in Special Marriage Act 1954. As per this Act, if a marriage has to be solemnized, the man has to be 21 years old and the woman must be 18 years of age. Both the Child Marriage Prohibition Act and Special Marriage Act are applicable to the whole of India except the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

The June 14 government circular was issued following complaints from various parts of the state that registrars have been denying marriage certificates to Muslim girls and boys who got married at an age below 18 and 21 respectively. "The circular has been issued as a reminder to those registrars who have refused to register the marriages of Muslim girls who get married below 18. It has been introduced to clear certain confusion regarding the registration of Muslim marriages. The law department had analyzed it before the issuance of the circular," said James Varghese, principal secretary, LSG department.

Incidentally, and as the circular points out, Muslim Marriage Act, 1957, does not make it mandatory for a boy to be 21 years and girl to be 18 years at the time of marriage. "We had been receiving complaints from various panchayats that registrars wouldn't register the marriages of Muslim girls if they are aged below 18. Since Muslim Marriage Act allows such marriages, we asked for a clarification from LSG," said P P Balan, director of Kerala Institute of Local Administration.

Apart from the questionable legality of the circular there is also, as various scholars explained, the regressive society such decrees encourage. "This would come in the way of Muslim women's social advancement as marriage below the age of 18 would hamper their political and educational life besides thwarting their chances of getting a job," said M N Karassery, reputed Malayalam writer and critic. "We have to protest against the order and it should be challenged before a court of law," he added.

Also claiming that the circular smacks of "religious discrimination", Karassery said, "marriageable age should be the same for all women in the country, irrespective of their religion. But this order offers a different marriageable age for the women of a particular community."

Secular Kerala christians help pass circular allowing for child marriage among secular muslims...... communal Hindu's object. Shame on these hindus ........ Wonders of Kerala :angel:
AND the we are blamed for their under-development.

When a major part of the Muslim populace is not interested in modern education but prefers Madrasas. When they stead-fastly refuse to educate their women based on religious prejudice and when the countermand the laws through their Muslim personal law in order to get their daughters married before they turn 18 then how on earth are we supposed to develop such a community?

Not to mention that they give educated and moderate members of their religion and their more metropolitan coreligionists a bad name.
Govt defends underage Muslim marriages

Secular Kerala christians help pass circular allowing for child marriage among secular muslims...... communal Hindu's object. Shame on these hindus ........ Wonders of Kerala :angel:

At least we dont have starving people or mass slums and at least we do have a functioning health care and education system and the highest living standards in all of south Asia...

but I agree, such nonsense moves like this have to be abolished.
@Koovie, there cannot be 'ifs' and 'buts'; this is a regressive step. The fact that some bigots have highlighted it for their own cynical purposes should never be allowed to distract us from the fundamentally illegal nature of this move. The law is the law; it cannot be altered for political expediency.
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AND the we are blamed for their under-development.

When a major part of the Muslim populace is not interested in modern education but prefers Madrasas. When they stead-fastly refuse to educate their women based on religious prejudice and when the countermand the laws through their Muslim personal law in order to get their daughters married before they turn 18 then how on earth are we supposed to develop such a community?

Not to mention that they give educated and moderate members of their religion and their more metropolitan coreligionists a bad name.

Being the largest yet the poorest community.... do you think they can even afford to send their kids to schools? hence the madrassas run on charity etc...
Being the largest yet the poorest community.... do you think they can even afford to send their kids to schools? hence the madrassas run on charity etc...

Umm. yes considering that I have seen the SSA program work and not work at the same time with my own eyes. Many of the community leaders flat out refused to send their children to school..I think you can guess the reason.

There are various social issues prevalent in other communities too, no doubt about that. The regressive Mullah falls in the same category as the Khaap panchayat. But for some boggling reason the rural muslim communities simply keep resisting any form of change in their customs or dependency on the madrasas.
Govt defends underage Muslim marriages

Secular Kerala christians help pass circular allowing for child marriage among secular muslims...... communal Hindu's object. Shame on these hindus ........ Wonders of Kerala :angel:

Dont blame Keralites! this is done by b****y congees & Muslim league. The commis & other parties are against this
Dont blame Keralites! this is done by b****y congees & Muslim league. The commis & other parties are against this

I am not sure why you are objecting to this symbol of communal harmony......karalites should be proud of how 'secular' they are unlike horrible horrible 'communal' Mr.Narendra Modi who refused scholarship for Minority students and have asked for scholarship for all students irrespective of their religion.

Here the 'secular' Christian Chief Minister of Kerala has shown support for his fellow 'secular' muslims Keralites and have extend 'special privileges' for muslims so that they can support 'special privileges' for christians. You scratch my back and I scratch you back. 55% Hindus in Kerala just have to suck up and become more 'secular' and not protest.........else they too will become 'untouchable' like Mr. Modi.

I do remember when Mr. Narendra Modi visited Kerala recently all 'secular' keralite politicians enforced political untouchability and had even punished certain ministers who was made 'Dharam brusht' by visiting Gujarat and meeting Modi.

BTW christians who is 19% of the population had 2 chief Ministers in Ak Antony and Chandy who has been chief minister for total of 5 times ....but muslims with 25% population has only 1 CM who lasted for 51 days .....why second class treatment to them in 'secular' kerala ? :coffee:
@Koovie, there cannot be 'ifs' and 'buts'; this is a regressive step. The fact that some bigots have highlighted it for their own cynical purposes should never be allowed to distract us from the fundamentally illegal nature of this move. The law is the law; it cannot be altered for political expediency.

as I observed a television debate,
this circular is to facilitate registration of under age marriages, even the child marriage prevention act doesn't say every such marriage is void.

"Boys and
girls forced into child marriages as
minors have the option of voiding
their marriage up to two years after
reaching adulthood, and in certain
circumstances, marriages of minors
can be null and void before they
reach adulthood."

Child marriage in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
so there is a need to register such marriages.this registration doesn't change the punishable nature of child marriage, it only gives the unfortunate girls more protection by registering the marriage.
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as I observed a television debate,
this circular is to facilitate registration of under age marriages, even the child marriage prevention act doesn't say every such marriage is void.

"Boys and
girls forced into child marriages as
minors have the option of voiding
their marriage up to two years after
reaching adulthood, and in certain
circumstances, marriages of minors
can be null and void before they
reach adulthood."

Child marriage in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
so there is a need to register such marriages.this registration doesn't change the punishable nature of child marriage, it only gives the unfortunate girls more protection by registering the marriage.

:lol: Amazing argument.

....so now the underage girls can get raped under the benevolent eyes of the state with the satisfaction of knowing that their rape was given legal sanction.

Better still after getting raped repeatedly as minors, they get the option to render this legal rape 'Null and Void' after they reach adulthood. :lol:

Alternative is for the govt. to peep into their bedroom of these underage girls and make sure they are not getting raped or wait for them to file case against their 'husband' for Rape. :sick:

Got to love the 'secularists' .............
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