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" Secular India "

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Oh am glad you finally understood that you are an educated fool.

And yeah you can take your Hindutva BS inferior and intolerant culture and shove it for all I care.

And like I said, yup. You are as good as the cattle you seek to protect. BTW, you shouldnt be so narrow minded. Try some steak, cooked medium rare (Meat should be pink on the inside), its pretty delicious.
Hindutva is gonna Shove U & all like u after 2014 so still time is left sor that...

& u should Taste ur own $hit as it might Taste as good as ur own Self proclaimed Superiority ...

thats y i say a Mleccha will always remain a Mleccha ... u all should have being driven out of the country along with ur Mentors British ... who converted ur entire generation in less than 5 pounds ... But its still not late 2014 is not that far ...
A sudden change in stance?

Make your mind, do you want to talk about state's guidelines or religion!

I can derail this thread and you know that.

Where did I changed my stance??
Not sure who was the person but never was fond of both of them - It was a chance which India lost and Rajiv tried to compensate by opening up Babri Masjid for the the hindutva elements. Basically pandering to the fundamentalists of both the religions.
Rajiv was not a politician he was more like a technocrat. Rather Sanjay was a true politician ruthless like his mother. Rajiv's first term was basically like he was the face of the goi and real policies were put forward by his advisors.More so i think bofors scandal also had its bearing on Rajiv govt passing the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act so as to keeping the votebank happy.
Hindutva is gonna Shove U & all like u after 2014 so still time is left sor that...

& u should Taste ur own $hit as it might Taste as good as ur own Self proclaimed Superiority ...

thats y i say a Mleccha will always remain a Mleccha ... u all should have being driven out of the country along with ur Mentors British ... who converted ur entire generation in less than 5 pounds ... But its still not late 2014 is not that far ...

Yeah that was lame. Try again. Maybe the steak will do your brain some good.
few days back muslims were involved in sectarian violence in UP and killed few but none of you pakistani made a thread and asked question about it .

We cant put a security man for every muslim in india and daily many are killed on bases of sectarian violence.

i dont c it broken!!!!!!
Rajiv was not a politician he was more like a technocrat. Rather Sanjay was a true politician ruthless like his mother. Rajiv's first term was basically like he was the face of the goi and real policies were put forward by his advisors.More so i think bofors scandal also had its bearing on Rajiv govt passing the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act so as to keeping the votebank happy.

Rajiv was neither a politician nor a technocrat.He was a pilot.Only reason he became a PM because both his brother and mother were killed.Calling him a technocrat is an insult to others working in that field.he had no skill to run a country like India what so ever.
Rajiv was not a politician he was more like a technocrat. Rather Sanjay was a true politician ruthless like his mother. Rajiv's first term was basically like he was the face of the goi and real policies were put forward by his advisors.More so i think bofors scandal also had its bearing on Rajiv govt passing the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act so as to keeping the votebank happy.

On one side I like Rajiv for the vision he had to make India regional power - that is the reason he sent the army to SL but with disastrous consequence. He also saw that Indian future lay in adopting science - that is the reason, he was all for computerisation and India owe it to him for the IT service sector being a force across the globe.

But on the other side - he caused sikh riots. He pandered to the muslim/hindu fundamentalists. I am not sure whether he passed the Muslim women act to offset the loss of popularity because of bofors and HDW?? but he was provided wrong advice by his advisors.
Yeah that was lame. Try again. Maybe the steak will do your brain some good.
I am sure the Ur $hit may not work on U, it may contain the same Complex which u posses... So try Borrow some 1 others ... try some Kangressis... may suit ur style ...
Rajiv was neither a politician nor a technocrat.He was a pilot.Only reason he became a PM because both his brother and mother were killed.Calling him a technocrat is an insult to others working in that field.
really????i never knew that...............:woot:
On one side I like Rajiv for the vision he had to make India regional power - that is the reason he sent the army to SL but with disastrous consequence. He also saw that Indian future lay in adopting science - that is the reason, he was all for computerisation and India owe it to him for the IT service sector being a force across the globe.

But on the other side - he caused sikh riots. He pandered to the muslim/hindu fundamentalists. I am not sure whether he passed the Muslim women act to offset the loss of popularity because of bofors and HDW?? but he was provided wrong advice by his advisors.
well he did became unpopular among masses due to bofors and that was the main reason for the fall of his govt.Infact bofors did one way threw him out of office and V.P.Singh who was defence minister at that time made full use of bofors scandal which made him PM.
yaa , they are doing picnic there with weapons and lathis :disagree::lol:

look at ear and hand
in that case u should say that they have damage it a bit.
Not like broken it!!!!!

pay attention to its hands and ears.....

Aha main dhund rha that apko phir naswar corver say bhag gae hain ap,
Yeah that was lame. Try again. Maybe the steak will do your brain some good.

Not getting in between you guys - steak can make Indians win more medals. True - It has what is called creatine which facilitates ADP conversion back to ATP. For the first few seconds, ATP in muscles are converted to ADP and the phosphate released provides that energy for quick bursts needed in sprints and in sports like hockey. After few seconds, the body taps into the glycogen in the muscles for energy. After few minutes, the body taps into the fat deposits for energy.

Along with steak, tuna and salmon has creatine as well. Goat and lamb has creatine as well. Chicken has very less creatine.
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