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" Secular India "

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Just to make it clear to you, if a Hindutva party comes to power, I would be one of them to benefit from it. And then people like me would inturn "own" a lot of you Hindutva goons who are mostly illiterate but just go around chanting slogans on the street. Simply because a lot of "people like me" have better education and have more money. :lol: So rant all you want, but you will never have political credibility. Its people like you that are a curse to your "ideals" and a strength to the pseudo secularist Congress. So settle down before you pop a nerve.

Sorry i really forgot Mlechhas dont understand simple things they need Spoon feeding ...Gone r the days of 80s... Today Hindu Nationalists in India are more then 30%... mostly from Rich Hindus or upper middle class & Middle class Families...

Most of Us Own a Bachelor Degree which means some of the most Educated Indians ... Go read the articles written on Internet Hindus...

& this Illiterate Hindutva vadi who u r talking too has a Diploma in Mech Engg, a B.E in Mech Engg & now pursuing his M.E ...
No, I am not confused. The lawmakers of any state are not revealed from the heavens, they too are the part of society. The orthodox view of any society can be observed in state's institutions, trait never vanishes away.

You are confusing between secularism and atheism.
My take is that it is the reverse.

Actually Indian state is not secular in that it retains the constitution of the British India - individual laws for different religions. The word secular was introduced as a preamble in 1970s. The situation now is some of the religious laws are modified but other laws are not. I would lay the blame on this on two people - Gandhi and Nehru - Gandhi for bringing in Nehru who did not have support of various PCC members but still became PM and started this practice of not modifying a particular religious law for fear of alienating muslims. In fact, the time was ripe at that time to modify and modernize the muslim personal laws as half their population just had a separate country. Over period of time, the descendents of Nehru started pandering to the fundamentalist elements of the muslim religion(ignoring the protests of moderate muslims like Arif Mohammed Khan).

It is to the Indian society's credit that most Indians though angry, tolerated all these nonsense and did not vote to power Hindutva right wing with absolute majority as they are equally afraid of these elements.

Its true that we have some personal law based on religion and provides subsidy for haj pilgrimage etc.Its a very unfortunate too.But when it comes all other important legal matters Indian state and constitution is neutral to all religions.
If that is the case no country on the earth can be secular. Secular only applies to states and not to people or societies

No.. It depends on a society, more secularism in society more is a state secular.

Secular as a word doesn't make any state secular.
Sorry i really forgot Mlechhas dont understand simple things they need Spoon feeding ...Gone r the days of 80s... Today Hindu Nationalists in India are more then 30%... mostly from Rich Hindus or upper middle class & Middle class Families...

Most of Us Own a Bachelor Degree which means some of the most Educated Indians ... Go read the articles written on Internet Hindus...

& this Illiterate Hindutva vadi who u r talking too has a Diploma in Mech Engg, a B.E in Mech Engg & now pursuing his M.E ...

Ever heard of the term "educated fool"?

You are as good as the cattle you seek to protect.
No, I am not confused. The lawmakers of any state are not revealed from the heavens, they too are the part of society. The orthodox view of any society can be observed in state's institutions, trait never vanishes away.

No,the trait always changes with the time.So does the laws and lawmakers.That is the most important part of a democracy.Can't say same about theocracy though.

secular country mean Constitution give equal rights to every person in country no matter what religion , following it is in hands of people.

But in non-secular country like pak, constitution don't offer equal rights , other religious people are second class citizen ,they can face harassment by Constitution itself.

like non-Muslims in pak can't marry Muslim without converting this is insane .

No need to high light in colours.

Yes, Pakistan is not a secular country and we don't claim to be one..
No.. It depends on a society, more secularism in society more is a state secular.

Secular as a word doesn't make any state secular.

naa , you are making mistake , secularism decides constitution but following it is in hands of people so community is less or more secular. country is secular by constitution which offers equal rights to all Muslims in Indian are not second class citizen like hindus in pak.
I believe the tolerance which is there with majority Indians for ages makes them secular. They are religious but accomodate other religious beliefs as well. India is the only country where jews did not go through persecution. India is the country where Parsis sought asylum and became successful. These are just 2 examples.

In India, the state lacks secularism as it has to taken into consideration the religious aspect when formulating laws - in short, there is no separation of state and religion. It is the Indian society which is a moderate society and thus secular.
Indians are tolerant all for wrong reasons hence the the problem.Rather i would say indians skew everything for wrong reasons.be it non-violence or be it tolerence or be it secularism, or be it corruption.Indians tolerate every these of hi fi principles but all for wrong reasons.
No need to hight in colours.

Yes, Pakistan is not a secular country and we don't claim to be one..

it's not claim its fix secular or non-secular , it decides Constitution not people , if people do anti-secular things they get punishment but it doesn't stop anti-secular activities perfectly but on huge level .

same way police is there but crime never stops .

simple in India anti-secularism is crime , pak Constitution itself anti-secular.
No,the trait always changes with the time.So does the laws and lawmakers.That is the most important part of a democracy.Can't say same about theocracy though.

Man you are mixing secularism with democracy.

Trait never changes.. It remained same, it is same and will remain same.

Check out history.
Its true that we have some personal law based on religion and provides subsidy for haj pilgrimage etc.Its a very unfortunate too.But when it comes all other important legal matters Indian state and constitution is neutral to all religions.

I do not mind Haj pilgrimage - I mind the prevention of building of a modern society. Here is why.

Hindu personal laws - laws for religions including all Dharmic religions including sikhism

Modified few times - example - 1954 - polygamy abolished, maintenance for women provided and equality in certain cases established, 1961 - Dowry abolished

Christian laws - already a moderinized version - so there was no need for modernization.

Muslim personal laws - untouched mostly - the muslim dowry version was spared in 1961 - Shah Bano case which would have provided maintenance for women throughout their life circumvented by Rajiv by passing a bill in the parliament ignoring the protest of Arif Mohammed Khan.

We want to a society where there is no dowry, equal rights for women(i read a news that the GDP can be increased by 27% if Women are equally educated as men), maintenance for women in case they are divorced, no caste - these are a few examples of a modern society but a percentage of the population is left out from this modernization. That is why I am angry. It has nothing to do with a particular religious belief.
No.. It depends on a society, more secularism in society more is a state secular.

Secular as a word doesn't make any state secular.

No I disagree.If a state has constitution that observes neutrality to all religions then is a secular state.
Ever heard of the term "educated fool"?

You are as good as the cattle you seek to protect.
Ya had heard that term but now after meeting u Mlechha i have understood its real meaning ... who proclaims himself most educated & Richest LOL big mouth stop making fool of ur self by all this big talks...

& yes that Cattle has more value then u to sacrifice our life for it ,then our Army who r protecting Useless like u ... Traitors who dont respect our Culture ... But sooner or Later we will get u...
naa , you are making mistake , secularism decides constitution but following it is in hands of people so community is less or more secular. country is secular by constitution which offers equal rights to all Muslims in Indian are not second class citizen like hindus in pak.
I dont think we can compare Pak with Secularism...its not... never claims it was...the best comparision should be any other secular Muslim majority country or Christian majority country.
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