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Secret unit army officer alleges harassment


Apr 9, 2013
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An army officer, who was part of General VK Singh's controversial secret intelligence unit, has threatened to commit suicide, alongwith his teenage daughter, because of alleged harassment by current army chief, General Bikram Singh.

In an SMS to top army brass in New Delhi on Wednesday, Lieutenant Colonel AS Bariyawal said his plea for a posting on 'compassionate grounds' had been deliberately turned down over the past two years, driving him to think about taking the extreme measure.

Lt. Colonel Bariyawal, a military intelligence corps officer, is posted in Deolali, close to Nashik in Marashtra. He has won the President's gallantry medal (Sena Medal) for his operations in Northeast, when his unit rescued the wife of an Ulfa peacenik, held captive in Myanmar by the outfit in 2008. The officer was believed to have played a key role in facilitating the 2008 ceasefire of between the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) and the Centre. He was handpicked by General VK Singh for Technical Support Division (TSD), the secret intelligence unit.

In his message to army headquarters, Lt. Colonel Bariyawal has alleged that his plea on compassionate grounds has fallen on deaf ears in the Army headquarters because he worked with the TSD created by General Singh.

Secret unit army officer alleges harassment | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
This is sad and pathetic, allowing an officer to feel that desperate, is a God send for any adversary - I feel this is india's weakness you don't look after your people, even though we have less resources - we make sure we take care of our own.

Right down to building houses - suitable for disabled vets.
This is sad and pathetic, allowing an officer to feel that desperate, is a God send for any adversary - I feel this is india's weakness you don't look after your people, even though we have less resources - we make sure we take care of our own.

Right down to building houses - suitable for disabled vets.

just once , for one second, will you ever make an intelligent argument or point on PDF. you take one offs and any article and make it into " that is India"...

you keep getting droned by the US with your military looking the other way and you are lecturing indians over this one article?
just once , for one second, will you ever make an intelligent argument or point on PDF. you take one offs and any article and make it into " that is India"...

you keep getting droned by the US with your military looking the other way and you are lecturing indians over this one article?

Woah , don't get your panties in a bunch - my opinion from experience - you don't like it - go screw yourself.
Regarding drones - we are getting rid of our mutual enemies. - (not the subject of this thread)
This is sad and pathetic, allowing an officer to feel that desperate, is a God send for any adversary - I feel this is india's weakness you don't look after your people, even though we have less resources - we make sure we take care of our own.

Right down to building houses - suitable for disabled vets.
there are two groups it seems, those loyal to vk singh, and those who worked to undermine vk singh.
Not sure who is right.
An army man can go to court if he finds justice is not being done to him. Its not like govt/army as institutions do not take care of veterans.
there are two groups it seems, those loyal to vk singh, and those who worked to undermine vk singh.
Not sure who is right.
An army man can go to court if he finds justice is not being done to him. Its not like govt/army as institutions do not take care of veterans.

Woah , don't get your panties in a bunch - my opinion from experience - you don't like it - go screw yourself.
Regarding drones - we are getting rid of our mutual enemies. - (not the subject of this thread)

Your experience LOL what is that... being the class clown here?

I did not know your civilians were mutual enemies... so much for respecting your own citizens...

Tell us who you were respecting when the US gun downed 30-40 of your soldiers at the border and you did what?
you not only come from a glass house - your house is internationally known as a terrorist hub... please spare yourself from lecturing others...
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