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Featured Secret India-Pakistan Peace Roadmap Brokered by Top UAE Royals

If pak establishment thinks India will re instate article 370... They are mistaken

Its time to move ahead with GB issue.. This is a trap
Bilateral ? Nothing of that will happen. And your military knows this.
What different this time is that its your military that has taken the first step while imran is still in quarantine. Ofcurs imran has his green signal too i guess.
From indian perspective since its your military keen for talks and not just the govt, its worth it to talk this time.
If even after abrogration of article 370 your military and govt are keen on talks then its good news for india and we will take it.
Too early to celebrate. You will not get anything. I am sure.
nothing is happening for Kashmir.
India always try to buy more time with talks and walks.
there may be restoration of status quo, what was on before heating up of indian side of punishing Pakistan with punitive actions, when all these could not bring any change, better change back to previous state.
For Pakistan point of view, very difficult to have any relief on conflicting issues. but just normalacy and ease and peace with no gains.
Check the date, this is AFTER the PLA imposed its will on Indian army.

Ban or no ban? Huawei bags Airtel contract : The Tribune India

Ban or no ban? Huawei bags Airtel contract

Only in hot air. Last meeting of this so calle group didnt even mention China by name. Its EXACTLY the same as meeting of mice, contemplating as to who is going to bell the cat,

Are you Indians genuinely naïve or plain dumb? I am confused.

The Chinese imposed agreement is only and only on Pengong Tso lake, and if you know your geography, this place is completely irrelevant to the Pakistan-China-India equation. Galwan, DBO and despang are the areas which are of strategic significant when it comes to CPEC/OBOR and hence Pakistani angle. PLA is in no mood to even talk about these areas, and breathing down Indian neck there. Rest assured, there will be there, until Indian capitulation in talks is verifiable on ground as well. Which mean, complete compliance over CPEC/OBOR.

Col Babu and gang were unfortunate and ignorant sacrificial lambs, whos culling only woke the Indian establishment from their hallucinations of grandeur and put India firmly in its place.

Existence of India is a hinderance towards the goal of greater Pakistan. As for India, every one is calm down and all the rhetoric about AJK and Gilgit Baltistan has disappeared into thin air ever since Col babu and its gang were mercilessly clubbed to death. That is why I said that sub sector north is non negotiable for PLA. First the rhetoric is be rolled up from Indian side, and further compliance will be extracted from India towards CPEC. No more hanky panky. That is why you see PMIK recently talking about regional connectivity and even offering that to India.

Read all above. India is like a mischievous spoiled brat which has just be brutally disciplined, first by Pakistan and then by China. Srilanka wants to join CPEC, all central Asia wants the same, including Russia, stakes are too high for a lot of big players where silly Indian shenanigans will not be tolerated.
stop consuming too many military jargons from Indian analyst without using your own comprehension, or you will look like beyond idiot.

"Galwan, DBO and despang are the areas which are of strategic significant when it comes to CPEC/OBOR and hence Pakistani angle" - did you bother to look at where Galwan is to make any sense for CPEC? its 200 km south of DBO and India is completing another road to connect DBO by 2022. Galwan was the first place where disengagement happened ..

Pakistan is nobody in China India conflict. Pakistan is just a Chinese client state for China and they give so much respect due for a client state ..

Have been hearing too much blabber about CPEC for too long.. can anyone in Pakistan share any tangible contribution of these investment to Pakistani Economy ? no, because you guys are like headless chicken when it comes to CPEC investments. Stop believing that Pakistan or CPEC is center of the world. More FDI comes to India every year than those $60 billion you guys keep harping about ..

Regarding the Kashmir issue, the best Pakistan can hope for is status quo making LOC the international border and worst can be loosing Azad Kashmir to India.

Pakistan has no economic, military, political, diplomatic or intellectual ability to change the border 1 inches in its favor, nor does India have military ability to occupy Azad Kashmir. the sooner we all accept that, faster we can achieve a pragmatic solution to the issue..
Pakistan is nobody in China India conflict. Pakistan is just a Chinese client state for China and they give so much respect due for a client state ..
Funny that Indians say this. India is being fattened up like a pig for slaughter by the US.
Have been hearing too much blabber about CPEC for too long.. can anyone in Pakistan share any tangible contribution of these investment to Pakistani Economy ? no, because you guys are like headless chicken when it comes to CPEC investments. Stop believing that Pakistan or CPEC is center of the world. More FDI comes to India every year than those $60 billion you guys keep harping about ..
Numerous roads, power plants, etc built by the Chinese. Chinese development diplomacy is a pleasant alternative to American war diplomacy. And congratulations sherlock, India is ten times bigger than Pakistan and gets more FDI. Who would've thought? Now compare yourself to a country your own size like China.

Oh wait, China is way out of your league. How about two Chinese provinces, Guangdong and Jiangsu? Oh wait, still a bigger economy than all of super power India combined.
Pakistan has no economic, military, political, diplomatic or intellectual ability to change the border 1 inches in its favor
If this were true Modi would not be appealing to Pakistan for peace. India knows that all it will take is for Pakistan to restart full fledged armed support for the Kashmiri independence movement which is at its highest intensity since the late 1900s. Then, a quick military intervention to wipe out Indian forces from Kashmir. Unlike 1999, sanctions cannot stop us due to Chinese assistance.
I don't know why you people are so keen to buy into fake news. A few months ago they spread the same style of fake news about Pakistan recognising Israel. The FM and the PM repeatedly denied it.

In the last two weeks our PM and COAS have both publicly stated that there can be no peace until Kashmir is resolved. They've both publicly stated this is in accordance to the UN resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

It's clear this news is designed to undermine these consistent statements.
How retarded one has to be to listen to UAE??
This is why I wish we had a genuine expert committee to question our decision-makers. I'd pay a lot of money to see someone ask that exact question -- word-for-word in English -- and drill an answer.
stop consuming too many military jargons from Indian analyst without using your own comprehension, or you will look like beyond idiot.

You are a new kid on the block. I take you are naïve. Pakistanis have their own analysis and sources to come to conclusion. I wrote this back in June last year. It has got all the information and maps you need. Enjoy!

Galwan Valley. China got India by the neck? | Pakistan Defence

"Galwan, DBO and despang are the areas which are of strategic significant when it comes to CPEC/OBOR and hence Pakistani angle" - did you bother to look at where Galwan is to make any sense for CPEC? its 200 km south of DBO and India is completing another road to connect DBO by 2022. Galwan was the first place where disengagement happened ..

Pakistan is nobody in China India conflict. Pakistan is just a Chinese client state for China and they give so much respect due for a client state ..

Have been hearing too much blabber about CPEC for too long.. can anyone in Pakistan share any tangible contribution of these investment to Pakistani Economy ? no, because you guys are like headless chicken when it comes to CPEC investments. Stop believing that Pakistan or CPEC is center of the world. More FDI comes to India every year than those $60 billion you guys keep harping about ..

Regarding the Kashmir issue, the best Pakistan can hope for is status quo making LOC the international border and worst can be loosing Azad Kashmir to India.

Pakistan has no economic, military, political, diplomatic or intellectual ability to change the border 1 inches in its favor, nor does India have military ability to occupy Azad Kashmir. the sooner we all accept that, faster we can achieve a pragmatic solution to the issue..

Indiot, read the link I posted above. Seems like you rat-Indians are not even familiar with your own territory! Galwan sits on the chocking point of DBO road which servers DBO airstrip, which in turn supply to Siachin. Do the math.

CPEC is a shared responsibility between Pakistan and China and its security as well. China moved in from its side to secure CPEC and now we dont even hear a whimper from India about Azad kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan. Pin drop silence.

Pakistan-China relationship are similar to America-Israel , so ofcourse there is a lot of mutual respect. You rats in east are irrelevant in this, so dont worry.

Feel free to serach internet as to what is going on in Pakistan with regards to CPEC. Below is the recent development. Enjoy!

K-2 nuclear power plant connected to grid - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

Losing AJK to India? Sit down boy, you third world shitholes do not qualify for this audacity, specially when another hole was drilled near your orifice , during open day light surgery on 27th Feb 2019. Enough said.
Here is some interesting fact addressed by veteran journalists. Normalization of Indian relations was not call of Pakistan, it was all UAE, KSA, and Indian interests. After the Indian standoff with Pakistan, UAE and KSA travel industry were badly hurting due to the closure of air space, and recently Pakistan threat India, if the situation will go worst will close the waterways. Now KSA and UAE are the biggest business partner of India. After, air war with India, KSA, and UAE were not expecting that Pakistan will totally close the airspace for everyone. Now after so many months they all start feeling financial pain due to Pak action.
Also after Trump's defeat in the election, GCC start realizing the importance of Pakistan and using all their energy to pull out Pakistan from Turkish, Chinese, and Malaysian camps. Even though all these 3 countries help Pakistan in FATF.
But our ultimate goal is the freedom of Kashmir and OIC is silent and on top willing to give membership to India.
Lol ..we are listening to UAE to whom we were cursing days and months back..as stated now envoys be posted next..without abrogation of said article we shouted will not talk to india..Mushraf formula is back in current regime ...kashmir case I think soon will be closed by accepting LOC as permanent border....
Then say goodbye to water resources with total control by India in Kashmir. Which kept on building dams and diverting water. And gush out the access water toward Pak field without notice and end up destroying the crops ready for harvest.
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This is all an act for Biden

We should proceed cautiously
Here is some interesting fact addressed by veteran journalists. Normalization of Indian relations was not call of Pakistan, it was all UAE, KSA, and Indian interests. After the Indian standoff with Pakistan, UAE and KSA travel industry were badly hurting due to the closure of air space, and recently Pakistan threat India, if the situation will go worst will close the waterways. Now KSA and UAE are the biggest business partner of India. After, air war with India, KSA, and UAE were not expecting that Pakistan will totally close the airspace for everyone. Now after so many months they all start feeling financial pain due to Pak action.
Also after Trump's defeat in the election, GCC start realizing the importance of Pakistan and using all their energy to pull out Pakistan from Turkish, Chinese, and Malaysian camps. Even though all these 3 countries help Pakistan in FATF.
But our ultimate goal is the freedom of Kashmir and OIC is silent and on top willing to give membership to India.

Then say goodbye to water resources with total control by India in Kashmir. Which kept on building dams and diverting water. And gush out the access water toward Pak field without notice and end up destroying the crops ready for harvest.
GCC are just intermediaries, IMO. The bigger powers are pushing this behind the scenes. I am in wait and see mode on the future trajectory of Indo-Pak détente. It's in Pakistan interest to be in the Eurasian camp, but try to maintain some level cooperation and friendly terms with USA (mostly counter terrorism and economic relations).

We should not ignore greater cooperation and integration with a ME/NA bloc looking over the next the next century. A ME/NA bloc would be a guerilla in its own right (especially with the expected demographic decline in Europe and Asia over the next century). Its in our interests to work with Arab, Turk and Iranian factions to encourage this where ever possible.

We should welcome UAE's peace initiatives. I think rulers in GCC want to work toward a ME/NA bloc with Pakistan included (but that will require a cool down with India). That is good for us long term. We all should not forget that Arab and Ottoman currencies were global reserve currencies at the height of the silk road. This could happen again in a century....and we can be a key part of this ME/NA bloc.
Here is some interesting fact addressed by veteran journalists. Normalization of Indian relations was not call of Pakistan, it was all UAE, KSA, and Indian interests. After the Indian standoff with Pakistan, UAE and KSA travel industry were badly hurting due to the closure of air space, and recently Pakistan threat India, if the situation will go worst will close the waterways. Now KSA and UAE are the biggest business partner of India. After, air war with India, KSA, and UAE were not expecting that Pakistan will totally close the airspace for everyone. Now after so many months they all start feeling financial pain due to Pak action.
Also after Trump's defeat in the election, GCC start realizing the importance of Pakistan and using all their energy to pull out Pakistan from Turkish, Chinese, and Malaysian camps. Even though all these 3 countries help Pakistan in FATF.
But our ultimate goal is the freedom of Kashmir and OIC is silent and on top willing to give membership to India.

Then say goodbye to water resources with total control by India in Kashmir. Which kept on building dams and diverting water. And gush out the access water toward Pak field without notice and end up destroying the crops ready for harvest.

this is all in the interest of pakistan , all are doing favour to pakistan.
GCC are just intermediaries, IMO. The bigger powers are pushing this behind the scenes. I am in wait and see mode on the future trajectory of Indo-Pak détente. It's in Pakistan interest to be in the Eurasian camp, but try to maintain some level cooperation and friendly terms with USA (mostly counter terrorism and economic relations).

We should not ignore greater cooperation and integration with a ME/NA bloc looking over the next the next century. A ME/NA bloc would be a guerilla in its own right (especially with the expected demographic decline in Europe and Asia over the next century). Its in our interests to work with Arab, Turk and Iranian factions to encourage this where ever possible.

We should welcome UAE's peace initiatives. I think rulers in GCC want to work toward a ME/NA bloc with Pakistan included (but that will require a cool down with India). That is good for us long term. We all should not forget that Arab and Ottoman currencies were global reserve currencies at the height of the silk road. This could happen again in a century....and we can be a key part of this ME/NA bloc.
very true.
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