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Featured Secret India-Pakistan Peace Roadmap Brokered by Top UAE Royals

whatever they are doing is beneficial to pakistan in every way , china also wants peace .
Indians are telling Pakistan what is beneficial for Pakistan. Wow.
Peace is beneficial for all. But will accept this peace at the cost of Kashmir?
This a vital question need to be answered before normalisation of ties.
There is no free launch..
whatever they are offering is good for the region .
Indians are telling Pakistan what is beneficial for Pakistan. Wow.
Peace is beneficial for all. But will accept this peace at the cost of Kashmir?
This a vital question need to be answered before normalisation of ties.

powerful countries know kashmir can not be solved in few days , same is the case of palestine , this is why everyone is trying to reach upon some working peace plan .
If Imran talks to Hitler Fascist Modi, doesn't that make Imran Chamberlain?

perhaps.. Imran wants peace so Pakistan can move forward and cares a lot about the poor.

Unlike hitler ...err sorry Modi cares only about hindu
perhaps.. Imran wants peace so Pakistan can move forward and cares a lot about the poor.

Unlike hitler ...err sorry Modi cares only about hindu

Even if Modi ji cares only about Hindus (not true, his policies are for all), that's still a billion human being taken care of.

4-5 times the number Imran has.

That puts Modi in a whole different league. I hope you guys appreciate that. Not easy when you are born and live in a small country and that is all you've ever known. As your world.

Cheers, Doc
Funny that Indians say this. India is being fattened up like a pig for slaughter by the US.
there is a difference between a partner and client state. you have never been a partner to anyone to understand the difference
China is in a different league of its own, not denying that .. speak about pakistan, which is 6 times smaller by population and 10 times smaller by GDP. so by the simple calculation did you get $6 billion FDI in a year?
Funny that Indians say this. India is being fattened up like a pig for slaughter by the US.

Numerous roads, power plants, etc built by the Chinese. Chinese development diplomacy is a pleasant alternative to American war diplomacy. And congratulations sherlock, India is ten times bigger than Pakistan and gets more FDI. Who would've thought? Now compare yourself to a country your own size like China.

Oh wait, China is way out of your league. How about two Chinese provinces, Guangdong and Jiangsu? Oh wait, still a bigger economy than all of super power India combined.

If this were true Modi would not be appealing to Pakistan for peace. India knows that all it will take is for Pakistan to restart full fledged armed support for the Kashmiri independence movement which is at its highest intensity since the late 1900s. Then, a quick military intervention to wipe out Indian forces from Kashmir. Unlike 1999, sanctions cannot stop us due to Chinese assistance.
Selective reading does not help, read the next sentence of my comment, just don't get into an argument for sake of it
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You are a new kid on the block. I take you are naïve. Pakistanis have their own analysis and sources to come to conclusion. I wrote this back in June last year. It has got all the information and maps you need. Enjoy!

Galwan Valley. China got India by the neck? | Pakistan Defence

Indiot, read the link I posted above. Seems like you rat-Indians are not even familiar with your own territory! Galwan sits on the chocking point of DBO road which servers DBO airstrip, which in turn supply to Siachin. Do the math.

CPEC is a shared responsibility between Pakistan and China and its security as well. China moved in from its side to secure CPEC and now we dont even hear a whimper from India about Azad kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan. Pin drop silence.

Pakistan-China relationship are similar to America-Israel , so ofcourse there is a lot of mutual respect. You rats in east are irrelevant in this, so dont worry.

Feel free to serach internet as to what is going on in Pakistan with regards to CPEC. Below is the recent development. Enjoy!

K-2 nuclear power plant connected to grid - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

Losing AJK to India? Sit down boy, you third world shitholes do not qualify for this audacity, specially when another hole was drilled near your orifice , during open day light surgery on 27th Feb 2019. Enough said.
you are calling me "kid", "naïve", "idiot", "rat" and "boy" in a single comment :-)

feeling sad for your lack of ability to have a civil and reasonable discussion. not worth my time
you are calling me "kid", "naïve", "idiot", "rat" and "boy" in a single comment :-)

feeling sad for your lack of ability to have a civil and reasonable discussion. not worth my time

Your time? LOL, you are no one, no body. And if you have not noticed, its a Pakistani forum and we Pakistanis take immense pleasure in putting you Indians in your place. I know its sad thing, we have to come a lot of notches down to your level, but hey, it is what it is.

There was a lot of useful info in my reply, did you study it, anything to add? You have option to crawl back to where you came from though.
How can this be true when both PM of Pakistan and PM of India exchanged pleasantries and mutual vision of cooperation as soon as they took charge of respective governments.

Clearly this push for peace is resultant of hardwork put in by Imran Khan and Narendra Modi.
Why secret talks? who we are afraid of? Our own people or others? Or our own leaders?
IMO, Our so-called leaders are prime culprits. Who mislead us to such a hostile environment where we can not talk even openly of our future.
Hold talks and bring an end to unending miseries and hostilities.
We need the will to have a dialogue in open with one point agenda to bring peace in our lives.
How can this be true when both PM of Pakistan and PM of India exchanged pleasantries and mutual vision of cooperation as soon as they took charge of respective governments.

Clearly this push for peace is resultant of hardwork put in by Imran Khan and Narendra Modi.

Lmao this guy is so anti-gulf that he would even deny their strong lobby powers
I wonder how easy is it to break this silene... a bullet fired at LOC would end the ceasefire. On the ground, India has done nothing which indicates that they want peace or a better relationship with Pakistan.

I reckon a temporary change in Indian attitude is the result of Joe Bidan's pressure on India.
The best for humanity is peace, whosoever contributes in it. India, Pakistan has gone to so much extent that they need someone else to bring them together for the peace.

Some one else has been making them fight for years. Why can't some one else try for peace for once?

The only problem here is this peace shit is just another Trojan Horse. It's gonna burst out some day and it's going to be ugly.
Some one else has been making them fight for years. Why can't some one else try for peace for once?

The only problem here is this peace shit is just another Trojan Horse. It's gonna burst out some day and it's going to be ugly.
Who will come for us to transform this utter ugliness into bare beauty? when we are enjoying it.
We have to take control of our desires and delivery. Flukes and favours happen once in a blue moon, while struggle succeed every day everywhere.
When will we realize this? God knows now, but will not down to make us know when,
It is our efforts that make or mar our success in every realm of reality.
Here are my two cents regarding this latest development between India and Pakistan. I will lay out from what I think is happening very briefly with each country potentially involved.

UAE: least likely to have any leverage over Pakistan and their anti-Pakistan positions and statements over the last two years along with a lack of any meaningful political and military engagement with Pakistan makes them very unlikely to have played any part in the Pakistan-India peace overtures. However, they might have played a part in working with the Indian side on the behest of Americans and to safeguard their own investments in India.

Saudi Arabia: Pakistan had maintained it's relationship with KSA despite some hiccups and both sides are engaged on both political and military fronts. They might have played the same role as UAE did with India for the Americans. It is not news to anyone that KSA and UAE have been lockstep in their foreign policy and a conflict in South Asia will hurt their investments and planned investments in India. So it's all about business.

USA: they of course want to empower India military wise to face off China and everyone knows that is not possible with a hostile Pakistan. Here too it is about business, on a grander scale. China is competition and while the US was just fine w China as a consumer of high end goods, they don't want them taking any market share on emerging technologies etc. They rather have them keep on producing cheap consumer goods.
US also benefits from Pakistan-India temps cooling down as to give them both space to work in Afghanistan. Yes, US will never leave it all up to Pakistan or will stay there themselves for the next century.
Finally I think they also realize they have a limited amount of time for any leverage on Pakistan and India. Pakistan has already been under financial pressures from the west and will continue to be so but at least on the military side, it is slowly getting more independent and the openly stated ITAR free procurement policy. India too will soon be self-sufficient and why US wants to move fast with the QUAD to get India non-aligned now (against their self-interest imo) and fully anti-China. A friendly China-India will be a nightmare for the US. So from their perspective, why not have the two giants go at each other and weaken themselves, while US watches from afar and comes out unscathed and maintain the status quo of being the sole superpower.

China: in all honesty, China has a lot to gain from a peaceful India, and also normal Pakistan-China relationship. They also are business minded and any war seriously jeopardizes their CPEC investments and trade prospects. They would rather have India join the CPEC instead. The border disputes between the two countries are actually very minute in the greater scheme of things. Maybe that's why the pullback from both sides in the recent months.

Pakistan: well I can understand the reason for Pakistan to have peace at the border. Out economy needs to grow and that is not possible with open hostilities. We also cannot face India if the US keeps supplying them with the best it has to offer. We are already unable to keep the technological edge against them and numbers have always been on their side. There might be a water war down the line, but for that Pakistan needs to build it's strength. It's biding it's time and India is going to do the same. Both sides will keep modernizing their militaries for the future war.
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