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Scrutiny and possible actions against Pak for perceived or real support to Afg Taliban.

I don't think so, definitely not serious sanctions
It's more to do Pakistan help to Talibs against Ghani collapse along panjshir offence rest there is nothing substantial there is limit for US too in sanctions game
What a shitehole that country has become, from a role model to world democracies, to a hated, selfish nation. Which as of currently gives no tissue to world issues and sufferings rather it causes them. Sad sad sad.
Pakistan is pushing US for the release of aid. But, the next two days are crucial when a very important US delegation coming to Pakistan after visiting India. Dust will be clear by then.
They are going to sanctions Pakistan. It was already written on the wall.

How Pakistan specific these sanctions are:

But they cannot put economic sanctions on Pakistan because there worst fear is that nuclear assets does not fall to others and economic sanctions would only destablize Pakistan. So they will think over this and just listen Indians BS?

Wishful thinking. This isn't just Indian b.s. anymore. Something that somehow Pakistanis don't want to comprehend. The issue's been going on since 2002. An active foreign policy would've helped iron out issues but Pakistan is never stable politically. So, the result is, about 80% of the Republicans and Democrats don't like Pakistan. Indian lobby has a role to play but the bigger issue is, how Pakistan's ignored this and kept dealing with the US through an active foreign policy. The mood on the capital hill has changed a lot in the past 10 years towards Pakistan.

What you should be thinking is that when sanctions or other very strict measures are put on, what would the Indian lobby be doing about Pakistan's assets. They've already been publishing articles from people like John Bolton.....
If USA put economic sanctions on Pakistan then I think Pakistan should take drastic measures to stop all cooperation with USA, even pull back ambassador or total break up of diplomatic relation. Pakistan is already under US military sanction or there is hardly any military relation left with USA. Enough is enough. No more try to be nice guy to please USA and receiving bullshits in return. Though it will cause short time economic pain and our elite class will suffer or probably left the country. But it will give opportunity to put house in order:
-Change the direction of economy toward China, Russia, Iran and central Asia.
-Less care for democracy or human rights which will allow to total clamp down on ethnic sub nationalist terrorism.
-Fully concentrate of liberation of Kashmir unleashing a hell on India on multiple fronts in collaboration with China.
-If Pakistan can not develop thorough normal economic activities with US and west, then it should not let India develop either by attacking wests economic interests in India. The proverbial western nightmare "nucases" or "dirtybombs" be prepared if needed to scare hell of all westerns in India.

On a side note, I am with the opinion is Pakistan have to either give up Kashmir and being slave to India and west or take hard stance if she want to live as Independent Islamic nation. There is very short time span to liberate Kashmir till China liberate Taiwan which most probably happen during next decade 2023-2033 time frame. When China attack Taiwan, I do not think there will be war or west will intervene in a direct conflict but as a consequence US led west will put total sanctions against China similar kind of Iron curtain put against USSR. China in return will take defensive posture to consolidate it position in Taiwan and safeguard economic interest what ever way it can against west. India will take full advantage of this situation by being sweat shop for the west and become the largest consumer market replacing China. In this situation Pakistan will have very less room to maneuver if not put under direct sanctions from west being a close friend of China. Then it will be too late to act in any way so have to give up Kashmir practically.

Your entire write up is flawed. As of today, the US is your biggest trading partner for your exports. Without exports, Pakistan would go bankrupt in two months. China doesn't want to buy anything from you, in fact they are sending 5 million more people to even do basic jobs like drive dumb trucks and cranes, something that the Pakistani labor could've done. But that's China for you. The data I get, tells me that the Pakistani economy is near a collapse as outside of the real estate sector (that too for top 10% rich population), all other businesses are shutting down as the entire country's been flooded with low grade Chinese products (check out anything built for the US from China and thrown inside Pakistan by China, you'd notice leaps and bound worth of difference). If the US is pissed, Taiwan, Japan, EU, no one will do active business with Pakistan.

Lastly, Kashmir, this issue has been resolved already behind the scenes. The "no war pact" means it's done. Both sides accept the borders as permanent geographical separation points and no fights will take place in the future.

Even with all this going on, the US is your largest trade partner for your exports. I don't understand why would Pakistan not engage the US through diplomatic means and always have to have a military narrative shove down the throat? The US doesn't want to deal with military to military, they want polished guys in blue suits and red ties. That's what does the magic on foreign policy.
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Mr. Gani, Pakistan is 50 times more important than Afghanistan - Vice President Biden....

These are arm twisting techniques...

Pak will do what she has to do......

One thing is certain: drugs from Afghanistan won't be in a short supply....
They have been humiliated by Taliban. A rag tag militia outlasted the most resourceful army. Instead of accounting for the money Americans wasted, they are looking for scapegoat.

These sanctions were in pipes since Obama. I've written about this extensively on here. Pakistan's largest trading partner for it's exports is the US. I don't understand how do you not engage with the only real superpower in the globe for so many years as actively as it was needed. At this time, 80% of the US leaders are against Pakistan. If active foreign policy was at play all these years, you'd see minimal damage.

Secondly, your post is very flawed. You guys like to think "America got humiliated", etc, etc. These same posts are visible to the world as "Pakistanis hate America" when you guys are just too emotional to be frank. To the US, this was an operation. When an operation goes bad, we shut it down without emotions. It's just that simple. Our focus needed to be on China and now trillions are being planned to be spent against China. Nothing has really "destroyed" America financially by being in Afghanistan. Again, Pakistan has always known it had issues with the US, and secondly, there was the Indian lobby factor. That's minimized now and it's just the post Afghan war era image of Pakistan and the US leadership. So somewhere you guys needed to bring blue suits and red ties. The US leadership hates dealing with current or ex military people, sadly, that was all Pakistan could offer. Send in civilians with authority, in suits and with aggressive diplomacy. You'll see results in two years.
People are thinking that it is good for Pakistan after Taliban came to power in Afghanistan.

But I could clearly able to see that it will be more negative subsequent impacts to Pakistan.

US will surely going to dump Pakistan and will not support.

Russia - they have very limited interest, maximum their boarders and ISIS. They have more similar and common interests in South aisa with india..

Rest, china - even they are more interested on trade and business with other countries including india, than Afghanistan and Taliban
The US desires to use sanctions against Pakistan as a bargaining chip and as an instrument of foreign policy. Completely alienating Pakistan doesn't serve US ambitious interests in the region
Lol. Let them sanction I mean only a fool would think it wasn't coming.
Theirs a reason why J-10's were put on the table awhile back to tell the West & Co., we give no f***.
People are thinking that it is good for Pakistan after Taliban came to power in Afghanistan.

But I could clearly able to see that it will be more negative subsequent impacts to Pakistan.

US will surely going to dump Pakistan and will not support.

Russia - they have very limited interest, maximum their boarders and ISIS. They have more similar and common interests in South aisa with india..

Rest, china - even they are more interested on trade and business with other countries including india, than Afghanistan and Taliban

The last time someone clearly saw what you saw, you evacuated much quicker than them. Don't give us Pakistani's advice, we aren't in the same position we were 20 years back the dynamics in the region have changed and quite honestly US has no place here.
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The US desires to use sanctions against Pakistan as a bargaining chip and as an instrument of foreign policy. Completely alienating Pakistan doesn't serve US ambitious interests in the region

You are so very far off this time. I wish I could let you speak to our leadership so you can see their attitude on both sides. There is very strong anti-Pakistan focus and it has some input from India, but majority of it has been brewing since 2002.
Everything will be fine if we play second fiddle to India like Egypt plays to Israel.

Americans want India to do a real thukai of Pakistan and then they will come in as saviors. Just like they came to Egypt after the 73 war.

Unfortunately for them, the Indians are too damn incompetent.

This post has nothing to do with the reality. I am shocked, do you guys only have a screwed up version of the reality, or do you see the actual issue going on since 2002 and not engaging the US at the right place with the right foreign policy capacity? I've never seen these many conspiracy theories and lack of real understanding of the issue.
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