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Scotland referendum: Prime Minister David Cameron warns vote is 'forever'

I am always surprised by these Western-stile referendums or elections where the result are 51/49 or 49/51. In reality it never happens. It only means that the idea of a referendum does not matter to the participants, and the candidates - are equally bad and do not make any difference who will win.
Spectacle, and not a democracy.
Or maybe it's just an illustration of old good rule that "no matter how they vote, important is how to calculate".
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You contradict urself. First u say Scotland is nothing then u say it will weaken Britain. Scotland is 10% of British GNP, nothing significant. Moreover, if Scotland will vote for independence then oil rich Orkney and Shetland Islands will break from Scotland and remain in UK, so impact will even less than 10%.

Britain would be much smaller in terms of area if Scotland goes. And why would Orkney remain in the UK? It's very far.
You contradict urself. First u say Scotland is nothing then u say it will weaken Britain. Scotland is 10% of British GNP, nothing significant. Moreover, if Scotland will vote for independence then oil rich Orkney and Shetland Islands will break from Scotland and remain in UK, so impact will even less than 10%.

Who on earth attacks Norway other than Sweden and Denmark? Yet these socialist ultra liberal guys are NATO lapdogs.

Countries like Sweden and Norway are used against Russia. The Swedes in particular fear and hate the Russians. Their situation is much different from Scotland which is far from Russia and has o particular animosity towards the Russians.. It wasnt a very good example. Since the scandinavian countries consider themselves Russias natural enemies.
Another salient point. But lets put this into perspective for a second. Who on earth would attack Scotland? I mean other than England? Nobody. And if they were attacked by an outside force, im sure england would, for its own interests, get involved militarily. Regardless of what they are saying now.

England would protect Scotland as their security depends on the security of the whole of
the British Isles.
So the Scots will get up tomorrow morning to find out that they are still a part of England, as UK is nothing but a big England.
Dada giri , while using Scotland's oil !!!

China and Russia should immediately recognize Scotland !!! and form a airbase there !!

Sadly its been proven that the vote was indeed rigged and scotish people were once again fooled

Scottish Independence: 70,000 Nationalists Demand Referendum be Re-Held After Vote Rigging Claims

A petition demanding the Scottish independence referendum be re-held "because it was rigged" has garnered 70,000 signatures in less than 24 hours.

Scotland's First Minister and leader of the Scottish National Party Alex Salmond accepting that the outcome of the vote is "the democratic verdict of the people of Scotland", the petition calls for a re-vote because of "strange occurrences" that appear to show electoral fraud and vote rigging.

The petition states: "Countless evidences of fraud during the Scottish Referendum have come to light, including two counts of votes being moved in bulk to a 'No' pile, 'Yes' votes clearly being seen in 'No' piles, and strange occurrences with dual fire alarms, and clear-cut fraud in Glasgow.

"We demand a re-vote be taken of said referendum, where each vote shall be counted by two individuals, one of whom should be an international impartial party without a stake in the vote."

The allegations of vote miscounting refer to videos posted on YouTube on Friday that show Sky News' footage of polling stations in Dundee and Edinburgh.

Social media users spotted a clear 'Yes' ballot among the papers on a table allocated to 'No' votes.

However, the 'Yes Dundee' organisation clarified that the ballots in question were yet to be counted and were merely "resting on the table" before being moved once sorted.

Scottish nationalists were told to "get a grip" yesterday after pro-independence supporters venter their frustrations on social media after the result was announced.

Meanwhile, officials at the referendum count in Glasgow are investigating 10 cases of suspected electoral fraud at polling stations after Glasgow City Council said police had been called earlier today.

They said it related to possible cases of impersonation, where people pretend to be someone else, cast the vote, then the real person turned up to vote.

Police Scotland said there was an ongoing investigation into a "small number" of ballot papers which had been compromised.

Related articles : Alex Salmond Resigns: Will SNP Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon Replace Him?
Scottish Independence: 70,000 Nationalists Demand Referendum be Re-Held After Vote Rigging Claims
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Scotland independence movement will only get stronger as the years go by as the youth as heavily favouring independence and it will eventually turn violent.
Then UK will have no choice but to let Scotland go.
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