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SCO steps out of Central Asia

1)i heard that pak media is free..so all channels cant lie....:lol:
2)yeah..u r on brink of collapse..u have atleast 60 billion dollars debt out of 170 billion eco...taking money from imf..printing more currency,rising inflation....railways failed..like pia....wat else u want...:lol:
3)All these factors leads to failed states...and that report is not generated by india.
4)i have already told you...both terror n poverty are increasing in pakistan..where as they are on decrease in india....tell me the last blast in india and in pakistan...

stop showing the false ego...i cant explain more...

Ok, in June 15:
Naxals killed 3 villagers.That was the last act of terrorism in India since today.

Pakistan is not failing,
USA has the most debt in the world, and they are the superpower.
Terrorism seems like its on the rise in India, since the last terror attack only happened on June 15.

Saying Poverty and terrorism is on the decrease in India is laughable, when India has more poor than Africa and has three main insurgencies!!!.

Get out of your false ego!
2)yeah..u r on brink of collapse..u have atleast 60 billion dollars debt out of 170 billion eco...taking money from imf..printing more currency,rising inflation....railways failed..like pia....wat else u want...:lol:

the indian debt/gdp is worse than pakistan's.

the indian debt/gdp is worse than pakistan's.


indian gdp is near 2 trillion dollars with near 300-400 billions as debt.........and this gdp will cross 4 billion dollars or more in next 3-4 yrs....
just doubling ur gdp in few yrs doesnt shows slum in growth...still we manage to grow with 8% with less FDI these years.....

anyway,thats not relevant issue.....i was just answering his questions...and world knows better;)
India GDP is moving towards $2 trillion By FY11-12. India Forex Reserve is $310 Billion (By May,2011). Also, Many Big Infrastructures development is going on. So, One time Money is required to speed-up. The Debt is not a concern. A Country which is moving towards $4 Trillion can manage $ 400 Billion in future.
According to CIA fact book, India's GDP in FY10-11 was $1.54 trillion, there is a BIG gap between 1.54 trillion dollars and 2 trillion dollars. It may take India years of hardworking efforts to reach $2 tr level if everything goes well which you have to pray for. For the ones who think India would produce $4 trillion in 3 to 4 years, maybe you are a little too optimistic.
indian gdp is near 2 trillion dollars with near 300-400 billions as debt.........and this gdp will cross 4 billion dollars or more in next 3-4 yrs....
just doubling ur gdp in few yrs doesnt shows slum in growth...still we manage to grow with 8% with less FDI these years.....

anyway,thats not relevant issue.....i was just answering his questions...and world knows better;)

the point is that india's borrowing more than Pakistan's relative to its gdp.

india isnt going to go 8% every year for the next 20 years. pakistan too will have its day when the wot finishes.

every country thinks their situation is alright, they're growing they can borrow. look what happened to greece. the prediction that india will cross the 4 trillion mark within 3-4 years is stupid. just get passed 2 triillion. after that many things will start to play a role. you may never get to 3 trillion at all.

so if pakistan is on the brink of collapse, india would be the same.
SCO should exclude India from this organization.

Lets be realistic, India does not want to fix problems it has with Pakistan or China. India is more than happy with the status quo.

And India has conflicting interests from SCO member states. India wants permanent U.S/NATO presence in Afghanistan. You always see Indian members here supporting the war OF terror in Afghanistan and always wanting Pakistan to obey every command coming from the United States.

Lets be realistic. The days of Soviet war is long over. In today's politics, India, U.S., and Israel are in the same bed. Does Russia want a permanent U.S./NATO presence in the region? Does China want a permanent U.S./NATO presence in the region? If not, exclude India from this organization and welcome Pakistan to this organization. If India gets included, they will only be working as a spy for NATO and U.S., and will make SCO an utter failure like SAARC.
Guys if pak think pak is more important then India, then let them think it, it's normal.

But there is no doubt India is stronger and bigger and that's why USA is trying to get closer to India but india keeps telling USA to get lost like in Kashmir, because India is strong compared to other country it bosses around
doesnt matter if india is included or not. it's irrelevant for central asian security.
doesnt matter if india is included or not. it's irrelevant for central asian security.

You are right that india is irrelevant for central asian security. india is located in the core of south asia and thats where it should stay forever near bhutan and nepal.
You are right that india is irrelevant for central asian security. india is located in the core of south asia and thats where it should stay forever near bhutan and nepal.

Almost been missing Omar1984 in this forum!

Anyway, I agree that an SCO without India but with Pakistan in can still thrive but an SCO without Pakistan in and with India is not going to reach its full potentials.

Best would be, as I said, for Russia and China to make India and Pakistan reach some kind of detente on Kashmir so that all work together.
According to CIA fact book, India's GDP in FY10-11 was $1.54 trillion, there is a BIG gap between 1.54 trillion dollars and 2 trillion dollars. It may take India years of hardworking efforts to reach $2 tr level if everything goes well which you have to pray for. For the ones who think India would produce $4 trillion in 3 to 4 years, maybe you are a little too optimistic.


The latest figures for India's gdp is 1.8trillion dollars .
2 trillion aint far .
IMF , WB takes time to update their stats .

India will still grow as it is now coz there are many reforms in FDI that r brought in , heavy investments in infrastructure,

Literacy and poverty rates have improved drastically in this decade
poverty rates havent improved. you've just reset the poverty line to mean the starvation line (a world's first).
Almost been missing Omar1984 in this forum!

Anyway, I agree that an SCO without India but with Pakistan in can still thrive but an SCO without Pakistan in and with India is not going to reach its full potentials.

Best would be, as I said, for Russia and China to make India and Pakistan reach some kind of detente on Kashmir so that all work together.

Meengla forget it, Pakistan and India will probably not reach any agreement.
The conflict has been around since 63 years and this year it will be 64 years.
What makes you think Pakistan and India will reach an agreement today or tomorrow.
The only thing that would bring development to the region is for SCO to choose Pakistan, and Russia to favor Pakistan over India.

About the debt/gdp crisis in India, RR pretty much answered Prism.
In many, if not most ways I think India is much worse than Pakistan.

India has three main insurgencies and one non violent separatist movement.
3 main insurgencies:
1) Kashmir
2) Naxals

non-separatist movement:

India has more poor than Africa, India's debt/gdp is worse than Pakistan's.

Even Chinese Think Tanks say cracking up India is in China's interest.
Divide India, Chinese scholar says - UPI.com
Meengla forget it, Pakistan and India will probably not reach any agreement.
The conflict has been around since 63 years and this year it will be 64 years.
What makes you think Pakistan and India will reach an agreement today or tomorrow.

So, what if it is 64 years? That's just a blip in nations' histories. And which, in fact, is helpful: Better do it now than to wait for 5 or 10 or 15 or 50 more years. What is going to happen will happen. It is inevitable. Why not make it now?
England, France and Germany fought against each other for centuries--may be thousands of years--and yet made peace with each other and now realize that the 'peace dividends' are far more than some ethnic/religious/egotistical wars over territorial claims with dubious benefits. We don't need to re-invent any wheels. We need to, may be, open an entirely new Topic here to show the various territorial claims by many of these European countries, their bloody wars, and their eventual reasoned compromises after WW II. I believe Pakistan and India still don't have the kind of hatred these countries had for each other for centuries.

BTW, I personally think if Nehru was alive today he would probably have not aligned with the West the way Indians are doing since about early 90s, under both BJP and Congress. I also think, despite the Indian members here trying hard to disprove, India has cast its lot with the West; and others in the region know this--even Iran and Russia.

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