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SCO steps out of Central Asia


It's not a language comprehension problem that you have - it's really that you're plugged up and can't think -- and of course this condition afflicts Pakistanis who spend any time in Saudi -- Speaking of betraying the Kashmiri people, using them to express hatred towards India is the real betrayal of their trust and their aspirations
Well you see, I think the LOC cannot be an option.
Do you have comprehension problems in English?

How would LOC be decided to be the international border? muse is implying that one day LOC as international border may be acceptable to Pakistan, I don't think his ideas is correct.
It has been 63 years, and the Kashmir dispute is not yet resolved.

What would make Pakistan change their mind?

So my conclusion is:
LOC as international border is not acceptable to Pakistan.

I will not waste my time with ur fixation on kashmir.

Good that u feel so responsible for Kashmir.
Thank you Riseup for a series of super articles - We have been saying for a while that Indians should reconsider hostility towards China and Pakistan must reconsider hostility towards India -- Some here have argued that the SCO does not have economic significance, however, if our forum member S2, is reading, perhaps the idea of "way of life" which we have tried to get US readers to consider with regard to their relations with Muslim majority countries role in the economic resurgence of the US, imay now being viewed with the urgency it deserves. -- The SCO has great economic significance, if Pakistan and India are accepted and Iran agrees to formulations that see it return to the fold as a nation state and less of a ideological (read theocratic) country, then the SCO will represent not only the majority of humanity, but the largest contiguous market in the world, this coupled with the inability to come to grips with the US financial crisis can have existential consequences for the US Dollar as an international medium of exchange, indeed, if the Southern European financial crisis encompasses Italy, Spain and Portugal as well, the Euro may also go the way of the Dodo and the need for a new source of confidence become more urgent.

One can only hope there are persons in Pakistan and India who can see beyond this petty, idiot rivalry, there are bigger fish to fry and more than billion persons to bring out of poverty and allow them to contribute to the world economy.

You are welcome MUSE. As I am seeing in the context of SCO, it is a fresh platform to resolve the conflicts between Pakistan and India it provide opportunities for us, as far as Indo-Pak should be now settle down their conflicts to avail the opportunity that SCO would be providing us.

As far as I have read posts of some peoples from both sides they could not think on different dimension. They are thinking just in a straight away, neither left nor right, likes AqalBand (locked thinker). I requested them to open your mind and think in dimensions. That could provide us the way to resolve our problems. We have fought 3-4 wars what we achieved after that did it resolved all issues?

As I quoted somewhere already in this forum that Peace gets just achievement and war gets lose more than achievement, and talks get solution if stakeholders have sympathy with that.
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