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Scientists Have Just Invented Synthetic Chameleon Skin

Applicable to wives and girlfriends too apparently:azn::partay::lol:

Hey, I didn't thought of that!!:woot: Mann ki baat bata diya!!:D Now they will also think of that. Now scientist will also come up with something that changes the shapes also;):azn:
That person wants to see a -ve in my -ve less profile too. :cray:
i want to confirm , is the guy who you suspect has a flag from a country near singapore.
Scientists Have Just Invented Synthetic Chameleon Skin

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It's been a big week for chameleons. On Tuesday, scientists announced they'd worked out the secret to the cross-eyed lizard's color changing skin. A day later came the announcement that we'd replicated the skin artificially.

Chameleons are among the select few organisms that are able to change their color at will. There are many different reasons color-changing has evolved in nature, from camouflage to predation to attracting a mate. But most rely on a similar principle: Tuning nanoscale structures to bend and reflect light in different ways.

The chameleon's color-changing trick is actually quite simple. A layer of skin cells contains nanocrystals which reflect light at wavelengths related to their spacing. When the chameleon's skin is relaxed, it takes on one color. When it stretches, the nanocrystals spread outand the color changes. That discovery was reported earlier this week in Nature Communications.


Now a synthetic color changing material—described this week the journal Optica—takes a page from the chameleon's book, using nanoscale structural features to reflect select colors of light. Basically, tiny rows of ridges are etched onto a silicon film a thousand times thinner than a human hair. Each of these ridges reflects a very specific wavelength of light. By altering the spacing between the ridges, it's possible to finely tune the wavelength of light reflected. That means, like chameleon skin, this material's color changes when stretched.

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The researchers behind the new skin hope their color-changing material will soon find its way onto everything from displays to automobiles. But this is not the only synthetic skin promising to make our world more colorful.

From Scientists Have Just Invented Synthetic Chameleon Skin

@Nihonjin1051 @AMDR @levina @Armstrong @thesolar65 @AUSTERLITZ @Akheilos @TimeTraveller @KAL-EL
Thanks for tagging me...I had actually read about the basics (nano-crystals reflecting light) it a while back didnt know they were making a skin out of it...
Nanocrystals explain chameleons’ color shifts

5:11PM, MARCH 13, 2015


Dazzling chameleons flash different hues by stretching and flexing reflective nanocrystals in their skin.

Scientists have discovered the secret behind chameleons’ fabulous color-changing ways: nanobling.

Tiny, adjustable crystals embedded in chameleons’ skin reflect specific wavelengths of light based on their position, scientists report March 10 in Nature Communications. By simply stretching or contracting their glittery skin, the lizards can change color and regulate their body temperature.

The wee crystals are made of guanine, a component of DNA, and show up in two layers, researchers found. The top layer reflects visible light, switching from reflecting short wavelengths (such as blues) when relaxed to longer wavelengths (such as reds) when stretched. The bottom layer of crystals reflects lizard-warming infrared wavelengths.

Nanocrystals explain chameleons’ color shifts | Science News

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