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Science ranking-Iran

^ Doesn't change the fact that this isn't an accurate measurement of scientific progress. Also my comment wasn't towards any specific country rather it applies to all countries.
idiot!Turkey,jurdan,ksa are not enemy.those members are our enemies!have you forgoten what they said about us
blackeagle who said his dream is to fire Iran,and mosamania who said i love to fire all shias.or .....

so all Iranian members here are Sepah members?atleast unlike you traitor we are working for our country
This is just funny...
I didn't say that, and I am sure that Musa didn't mean that either but it was out of anger. I don't hate Iran but it's regime and some of its clerics. No one would hate Iran for no reason, but we fed up with the trouples its making to Arabs, here are some of what I can recall at this moment:

1- Morocco cut all relations with Iran due to relentless attempts to spread shiism in the country.

2- Total support for Hezbollah in all fields, including military support, and this militia refused to hand over its weapons to the Lebanese army, and it must be noted that Lebanon is a multi-sect country and has witnessed many sectarian wars, making any weapon limited in the hands of certain sect a threat to the rest of the sects. This amply demonstrated when this militia broke into Beirut in 2007 and constant threat to use its weapons against other sects.

3- Sending troops and weapons to Syrian regime to kill its people.

4- several Iranian spy networks and agents were arrested in Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait, these networks intended to destabilize those countries.

5- Attempt to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington.

6- Jordan banned travel to and from Iran following espionage and sabotage attempts in the country.

7- Arming Houthis gang and urging them to attack Saudi Arabia and that what happened. The armament was going on during the the Saudi war on those rebels.

8- Senior Saudi officials accused Iran for attempting to destabilize Eastern Region.

10- Regarding Iraq, I need a new thread to show you how much Iraqis suffer from Iran.:sick:

Even Iranian regime's harm has reached West Africa:
Anyway check those out guys:

Nigeria reports seized Iranian arms shipment to UN
BBC News - Nigeria reports seized Iranian arms shipment to UN

Senegal Government Breaks Diplomatic Ties With Iran Over Weapons Shipments
Senegal Government Breaks Diplomatic Ties With Iran Over Weapons Shipments - Bloomberg

Gambia cuts ties with Iran and orders diplomats to go
BBC News - Gambia cuts ties with Iran and orders diplomats to go

After all of this, you still wondering why your regime gets so much hate!!!
This is just funny...
I didn't say that, and I am sure that Musa didn't mean that either but it was out of anger. I don't hate Iran but it's regime and some of its clerics. No one would hate Iran for no reason, but we fed up with the trouples its making to Arabs, here are some of what I can recall at this moment:

1- Morocco cut all relations with Iran due to relentless attempts to spread shiism in the country.

2- Total support for Hezbollah in all fields, including military support, and this militia refused to hand over its weapons to the Lebanese army, and it must be noted that Lebanon is a multi-sect country and has witnessed many sectarian wars, making any weapon limited in the hands of certain sect a threat to the rest of the sects. This amply demonstrated when this militia broke into Beirut in 2007 and constant threat to use its weapons against other sects.

3- Sending troops and weapons to Syrian regime to kill its people.

4- several Iranian spy networks and agents were arrested in Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait, these networks intended to destabilize those countries.

5- Attempt to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in Washington.

6- Jordan banned travel to and from Iran following espionage and sabotage attempts in the country.

7- Arming Houthis gang and urging them to attack Saudi Arabia and that what happened. The armament was going on during the the Saudi war on those rebels.

8- Senior Saudi officials accused Iran for attempting to destabilize Eastern Region.

10- Regarding Iraq, I need a new thread to show you how much Iraqis suffer from Iran.:sick:

Even Iranian regime's harm has reached West Africa:
Anyway check those out guys:

Nigeria reports seized Iranian arms shipment to UN
BBC News - Nigeria reports seized Iranian arms shipment to UN

Senegal Government Breaks Diplomatic Ties With Iran Over Weapons Shipments
Senegal Government Breaks Diplomatic Ties With Iran Over Weapons Shipments - Bloomberg

After all of this, you still wondering why your regime gets so much hate!!!
Gambia cuts ties with Iran and orders diplomats to go
BBC News - Gambia cuts ties with Iran and orders diplomats to go
this topic is about science in Iran.and that conversation was between to iranians.
if you have any idea about "science in Iran" you are wellcome if not go
this topic is about science in Iran.and that conversation was between to iranians.
if you have any idea about "science in Iran" you are wellcome if not go
What Iran achieved is admirable. But I responded to you since that post is about me.:wave:
Nuclear? yes. Missile? no. Iran used North Korean help back in 1990s. But now North Koreans are using Iranian warhead and guidance technology in their Nodong missiles. We have launched 3 satellites into space and plan to send more but North Koreans have not yet succeeded in launching a single satellite. Iran has Sejjil-2 missiles and North Korea doesn't have any solid-fuel missile of that range.

North Korea ignores deal with US, announces satellite launch

North Korea ignores deal with US, announces satellite launch
North Korea Times
Friday 16th March, 2012

• Liftoff slated for around April 12-16
• US has called it highly provocative
• US was to deliver 240,000 metric tons of food aid soon

SEOUL - North Korea announced Friday that it is preparing to launch a satellite in April to mark the 100th anniversary of founder Kim Il-Sung's birth, evoking strong reactions from its southern neighbour as well as the US.

Pyongyang has said the launch of the long-range rocket mounted with a satellite is for peaceful purposes.

North Korea's announcement comes just two weeks after it inked a deal with the US agreeing to nuclear concessions including a moratorium on long-range missile tests in exchange for food aid.

The technology employed in shooting a satellite into orbit is similar to that used in a long-range missile test. North Korea had described its two previous tests, in 1998 and 2009, as satellite launches.

The liftoff will take place between April 12-16 from a launch pad in North Phyongan province, a spokesman for the Korean Committee for Space Technology said in a statement.

The satellite has been named Kwangmyongsong, meaning "Bright Star," the same as the 1998 and 2009 satellites.

Voicing its unhappiness, the U.S. State Department termed the announcement of the launch as "highly provocative."

"Such a missile launch would pose a threat to regional security and would also be inconsistent with North Korea's recent undertaking to refrain from long-range missile launches," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said in a statement.

Robert King, U.S. special envoy on North Korean human rights, had met North Korean officials in Beijing a week ago to work out the modalities for delivery of 240,000 metric tons of food aid, which was to start soon.

South Korea said the launch would be a "grave provocation" while Japan has urged Pyongyang to "exercise restraint".

Its last satellite launch, in April 2009, had been condemned by the U.N. Security Council as a breach of a resolution forbidding the North from conducting "missile-related activities."

It is difficult to assess accurately how far with their ICBM programme Iran has progressed but most outside observers contend that North Korea can build its own ICBMs. Most indications are that Iran is behind North Korea in its ballistic missile programme. Consider the Musudan or Taepodong-2. There is no publicly displayed Iranian missile to match these missiles. Considering the huge amount of publicity Iranian "achievements" attain, it would be a surprise if Iran were to surpass North Korean missile capability without any grandiose statements coming from the IRGC commanders during their military manoeuvres involving ballistic missiles such as the Great Prophet 6 maneoeuvre.
North Korea ignores deal with US, announces satellite launch

It is difficult to assess accurately how far with their ICBM programme Iran has progressed but most outside observers contend that North Korea can build its own ICBMs. Most indications are that Iran is behind North Korea in its ballistic missile programme. Consider the Musudan or Taepodong-2. There is no publicly displayed Iranian missile to match these missiles. Considering the huge amount of publicity Iranian "achievements" attain, it would be a surprise if Iran were to surpass North Korean missile capability without any grandiose statements coming from the IRGC commanders during their military manoeuvres involving ballistic missiles such as the Great Prophet 6 maneoeuvre.

They don't have to make such big statement. But it is a fact that Iran surpassed North Korea on missile capability. Just watch what this Israeli missile expert say about this:

New Developments in Iran's Missile Capabilities - YouTube
Iran Ranks 12 in World Nanotechnology
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran ranks 12th in the field of nanotechnology among the world countries and is making rapid and giant advancement in the field, said a science and technology official.

Speaking on the sidelines of the 4th International Nanotechnology Festival (Iran Nano 2011), Deputy Director of the Presidential office's Science and Technology Department for Technology and Innovation Dr. Aqamiri hailed Iran's superiority in the field, and said, "As we and other world countries started Nanoscience at the same time, we now have a good ranking and stand 12th in the world technology despite the western sanctions."

He further underlined that organizing such festivals are highly important, and explained, "Nanotechnology is one of the novel technologies in the world, and countries usually take prudent steps towards it. This exhibition indicates Iran's power in the field of novel technologies like Nano."

The official further saw desirable prospects for Iran's activities in the field of Nanoscience, and expressed the hope that the country would be among the important and influential countries in the field in the near future.

A four-day exhibition of Nano products started work here in Tehran on Wednesday in a bid to showcase the latest nanotechnology achievements in Iran as well as new Iran-made products in the fields of medicine, agriculture and laboratory equipment.

The four-day event will include a wide range of events and programs, including introducing the best researchers and centers in nanotechnology, eighth meeting of Asian Nano Forum (ANF), exhibition of nanotechnology achievements and products and nanotechnology in public education.

Specialized fora and workshops, scientific and educational workshops on Nano products and marketing technological services are among other programs to be covered in the event.
"Secretary of Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council Saeed Sarkar downplayed the effects of scientific sanctions against Iran, and said the country ranks 12th in the world in producing nanotechnology."

Self Proclamation :lol:
have you Counted your failures today?lol

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