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Science ranking-Iran

Iran’s rank in the region
According to Thomson Reuters (ISI), Iran with 22 hot papers takes ahead of turkey. Hot papers are those which are cited immediately after publishing compared to other articles of the same field. Scientific capabilities of the countries and authors can be measured by “hot papers”. Hot papers are updated every two months and should be published within the last two years. They are selected by virtue of being cited among the top one-tenth of one percent (0.1%) in a current bimonthly period.

Comparing Iran with other Islamic countries in ESI shows that Iran has placed in the first rank regarding the number of hot papers within 10 last years up to January 2012.

Rank Country

1 Iran

2 Turkey

2 Malaysia

3 Egypt

4 Saudi Arabia

Important note: West puts huge pressure on its scientific community NOT to cooperate or quote Iran's scientists, to further isolate Iran and halt its scientific progress. Despite that, Iran is first among Islamic countries in cited papers too, that shows that either some West scientists have balls, or they have no choice but to quote Iranians due to some unique perspective in various areas, or both :)
Iranians in this forum are so emotional. One of them even thinks that after sinking the 5th fleet of USA, usa will not bomb them to the stone age.
"Secretary of Iran Nanotechnology Initiative Council Saeed Sarkar downplayed the effects of scientific sanctions against Iran, and said the country ranks 12th in the world in producing nanotechnology."

Self Proclamation :lol:

Oh you of parasite nation. You who rely on American charity. Your country would not exist without American charity. When America goes bust which it will Israel will be erased from the worlds maps. Israeli don't get cocky in the world order and history it took you thousands of years to get Israel. You have only held it for 70 odd years don't get excited even Crusaders held it for 100 years and then Muslims got it back. Same will happen again don't worry about it. You want to be critical of Iranian Scientific achievements what have your lot ever achieved in your own right
Oh you of parasite nation. You who rely on American charity. Your country would not exist without American charity. When America goes bust which it will Israel will be erased from the worlds maps. Israeli don't get cocky in the world order and history it took you thousands of years to get Israel. You have only held it for 70 odd years don't get excited even Crusaders held it for 100 years and then Muslims got it back. Same will happen again don't worry about it. You want to be critical of Iranian Scientific achievements what have your lot ever achieved in your own right

Oh you of parasite nation. You who rely on American charity. Your country would not exist without American charity. When America goes bust which it will Israel will be erased from the worlds maps. Israeli don't get cocky in the world order and history it took you thousands of years to get Israel. You have only held it for 70 odd years don't get excited even Crusaders held it for 100 years and then Muslims got it back. Same will happen again don't worry about it. You want to be critical of Iranian Scientific achievements what have your lot ever achieved in your own right

Is it about Iran or Israel?
They don't have to make such big statement. But it is a fact that Iran surpassed North Korea on missile capability. Just watch what this Israeli missile expert say about this:

New Developments in Iran's Missile Capabilities - YouTube

To establish a fact that X is superior to Y, you preferably need to provide proof of the capability of X, and the capability of Y, and then compare X to Y to finally prove that X is superior to Y. Both Iran and North Korea's missile programmes are largely secretive and that is the undisputable fact.

From the publicly displayed missiles, no Iranian missile has the range of Taepodong-2 or even Musudan.

Two questions for you: 1) Why do you think "Israeli expert" became a know-all on both Iranian and North Korean missile programme all of a sudden when they are against you and when they are one of the biggest "propaganda loving" nations in the world? It is widely known that they fabricate history and facts, so why do you rely on them ALONE?

2) Which part of his poorly spoken discourse provides proof of your claim? I remember watching this video a few years ago, but his accent is so terrible and hard to understand, I do not want to go through the trouble again.
To establish a fact that X is superior to Y, you preferably need to provide proof of the capability of X, and the capability of Y, and then compare X to Y to finally prove that X is superior to Y. Both Iran and North Korea's missile programmes are largely secretive and that is the undisputable fact.

From the publicly displayed missiles, no Iranian missile has the range of Taepodong-2 or even Musudan.

Two questions for you: 1) Why do you think "Israeli expert" became a know-all on both Iranian and North Korean missile programme all of a sudden when they are against you and when they are one of the biggest "propaganda loving" nations in the world? It is widely known that they fabricate history and facts, so why do you rely on them ALONE?

2) Which part of his poorly spoken discourse provides proof of your claim? I remember watching this video a few years ago, but his accent is so terrible and hard to understand, I do not want to go through the trouble again.

Maybe the mere fact that Iran has launched satellites into space while both North and South Korea have failed on numerous occasions to do the same, help you to understand this. Launching a satellite needs the most sophistication in rocket technologies. So there you go on this one.
Where is Iran?


Where is Iran? Nanotechnology Research – Universities

What is that? Looks like some "popular-science" television clips for braindead buffoon. Nanowerk Nanotechnology Portal - Contact Us
Looks like I am right.
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Maybe the mere fact that Iran has launched satellites into space while both North and South Korea have failed on numerous occasions to do the same, help you to understand this. Launching a satellite needs the most sophistication in rocket technologies. So there you go on this one.

They are two very different things. South Korea is not the issue here, so let's discuss only North Korea.

Is there any publicly displayed Iranian missile with range equal to or greater than Musudan or Taepodong-2?


He refused to be the "president" of "Israel" if memory serves me right.
They are two very different things. South Korea is not the issue here, so let's discuss only North Korea.

Is there any publicly displayed Iranian missile with range equal to or greater than Musudan or Taepodong-2?

Ok. It goes like this. Any SLV is basically an ICBM. If you can put stuff into orbit, then ICBM is an easy part. Putting load into orbit basically means you can reach anywhere on earth. Though I do not think Iran would ever build an ICBM at least not publicly. Since an ICBM is only used along with nukes. Heck, actually no non-nuclear country besides Iran has developed a missile with a range greater than 1000 kilometers. Long range missiles are only used with nuclear tips. So if Iranians come up with ICBM, then for sure, they have given out their intentions that they want nukes or already have them.
I agree with you, its all on us Egyptian now! I think our relations will be much closer soon, even the Salafi memebers of the Parliament(I don't like them at all) are saying all the right things about having good relations with Iran.
The Ikhwan are hostile towards Iran, let alone the Salafies!! Do you even live in Egypt?
Whats happening is Syria opened a lot of Egyptian minds.
You think Mubarak was hostile to Iran?
Wait and see.
What is that? Looks like some "popular-science" television clips for braindead buffoon. Nanowerk Nanotechnology Portal - Contact Us
Looks like I am right.
because this is in USA this is fake??? USA and Japan are the most advanced countries in nanotechnology.
Only brainwashed people don't know and want to ignore this.
He refused to be the "president" of "Israel" if memory serves me right.
Albert Einstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After the death of Israel's first president, Chaim Weizmann, in November 1952, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion offered Einstein the position of President of Israel, a mostly ceremonial post.[58] The offer was presented by Israel's ambassador in Washington, Abba Eban, who explained that the offer "embodies the deepest respect which the Jewish people can repose in any of its sons".[45]:522 However, Einstein declined, and wrote in his response that he was "deeply moved", and "at once saddened and ashamed" that he could not accept it:
All my life I have dealt with objective matters, hence I lack both the natural aptitude and the experience to deal properly with people and to exercise official function. I am the more distressed over these circumstances because my relationship with the Jewish people became my strongest human tie once I achieved complete clarity about our precarious position among the nations of the world

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