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Science ranking-Iran

@ Kolang,

Please put up the link for these people as well, since they are not yet familiar with internet search engines. I guess that article you just posted is from New Scientist.
Documentaries mean nothing. The fact stand. Turkey imports electricity from Iran. Why?

Here is the link to short summary of US government report on Iran having the world's fastest growth rate: http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/seind10/pdf/seind10.pdf

Here is another one from Canadian research institute: http://www.science-metrix.com/30years-Paper.pdf

You don't know what think-thank is, do you? US have many institutes like this, and they must think all possibilities.

Turkey imports electricity from Iran.
Nations can trade amongst themselves, but according to you, it is not an ordinary.

I don't know what is your butthurt with us, but we must do a really bad thing to you.

You just imagine what Iran will be without al those sanctions and those extreme messianic-islamic idiots who control Iran for more than 30 years. You just imagine if the Iran-Iraq war didn't occur. When my parents went to Turkey 30 years ago you're country was a poor country. Turkey just extremely profited from the Iran-Iraq war. I'm no monarchist, but if the shah wasn't chased away we would be superior on every terrain comparing to Turkey. It just a matter of time that the Iranian government will fall and Iran will raise again. Iran is a sleeping giant.

Quoting from a Turkish forumer:
Sigh... If you knew the only nations in the region barking as you so kindly put it are Iran and Israel.

FYI my Iranian friend Turkey has many reasons to be proud, one of which is during the time of the Iranian shah Iran was 3 times richer then Turkey yet today Turkey's economy is twice the size of Iran and has access to technology that Iran can only dream of.

But please dont take my comment as me being against Iran for where else would I get my daily dose of comedy from?
You just imagine what Iran will be without al those sanctions and those extreme messianic-islamic idiots who control Iran for more than 30 years. You just imagine if the Iran-Iraq war didn't occur. When my parents went to Turkey 30 years ago you're country was a poor country. Turkey just extremely profited from the Iran-Iraq war. I'm no monarchist, but if the shah wash't chased away we would be superior on every terrain comparing to Turkey. It just a time that the Iranian government will falls and Iran will raise again.

Iran is exactly where it is because of sanctions and the war. Before mullah revolution and sanctions and war, Iran's contribution to world's science and technology was 0.0003% of annual out put of the world and at the time, Iran did not have any growth in its science and technology production. Now Iran produces 1.2% of world's science and technology and has the world's fastest growth rate in science and technology. If Iran had the second fastest growth rate, we might have said, remove the mullahs, because they are preventing Iran to become first. But when Iran is already first, then we have to admit that Mullahs are doing a fine job. And actually Iran's growth in science and technology is because of the Iran Iraq war: http://www.science-metrix.com/30years-Paper.pdf

As for the rest of your hate filled, anti-Islam rant, I must say, that your anger is evident on Iran's growth, so you can only be an enemy of Iranian nation. Otherwise, every other Iranian except for one traitor Iranian here is happy with Iran's progress.
This isn't a true measure of scientific development, innovation, and advancement at all. This ranking system is very misleading. It's criteria of scientific documents published, citations, and other academic material. This is no way is a valid and accurate assessment of a country's scientific advancement. On this system ranking you could be the number one ranked country and yet still suffer with actual low scientific and technological achievement.

It can be difficult to assess and measure true scientific advancement, but there are methods of determining that, and one is actual scientific output on the basis of knowledge and information scientifically proven and discovered, technological advancement, and other methods.

Overall, this is a misleading ranking system that doesn't accurately measure true scientific output and achievement. It looks for secondary marks hinting at scientific progress but not actual core and primary marks indicating scientific progress.

I accept, you are right. Iran is more advanced than Israel, Mullahs rulez. and other blah blah. I waste my 30 minutes because of you.
You don't know what think-thank is, do you? US have many institutes like this, and they must think all possibilities.

Nations can trade amongst themselves, but according to you, it is not an ordinary.

I don't know what is your butthurt with us, but we must do a really bad thing to you.

Quoting from a Turkish forumer:

That is not a think tank. It is the US government speaking. Also there are sources from all other science institutes. From Thompsons to ISI to Scopus and they are all saying the same thing. But any ways, I have proven you as a liar here. If you still want to say that Iran does not have the world's fastest growth rate in science and technology then bring proof for that in the form of a reputable governmental or scientific body report.
If we reference you, all of us are lying and the only true is yours. But the true liar is you or they must really washed your brain good.

Pardon him he is an Iranian kisser, might as well work for Iranian Government, notice how he is the only "Pakistani" constantly kissing up to Iranians his idols. He thinks 80% Pakistanis love Iranians as much as he does...

While most Muslims face Mecca and pray, he faces toward Tehran or Qom and pray.
You don't know what think-thank is, do you? US have many institutes like this, and they must think all possibilities.

Nations can trade amongst themselves, but according to you, it is not an ordinary.

I don't know what is your butthurt with us, but we must do a really bad thing to you.

Quoting from a Turkish forumer:

Oh, I see now. When you do it then it is trade. If Iran does some thing then they are inferior. My problem with you is your this apparent hypocrisy that you have demonstrated.

Pardon him he is an Iranian kisser, might as well work for Iranian Government, notice how he is the only "Pakistani" constantly kissing up to Iranians his idols. He thinks 80% Pakistanis love Iranians as much as he does...

While most Muslims face Mecca and pray, he faces toward Tehran or Qom and pray.

Pardon him. He is a Saudi kisser. Might as well work for Saudi regime. Notice how he is the only "Pakistani" constantly kissing up to Saudis like idiots. He thinks 80% of Pakistanis love Saudis as much as he does....

Whilst most Muslims face Mecca and pray, he faces toward his Zionist masters in Telaviv. Why I am not surprised.


I accept, you are right. Iran is more advanced than Israel, Mullahs rulez. and other blah blah. I waste my 30 minutes because of you.

Yeah, and now go and bow to your Zionist masters.
Iran is exactly where it is because of sanctions and the war. Before mullah revolution and sanctions and war, Iran's contribution to world's science and technology was 0.0003% of annual out put of the world and at the time, Iran did not have any growth in its science and technology production. Now Iran produces 1.2% of world's science and technology and has the world's fastest growth rate in science and technology. If Iran had the second fastest growth rate, we might have said, remove the mullahs, because they are preventing Iran to become first. But when Iran is already first, then we have to admit that Mullahs are doing a fine job. And actually Iran's growth in science and technology is because of the Iran Iraq war: http://www.science-metrix.com/30years-Paper.pdf

You have to understand that the shah was planning to majorly reform Iran's education system and was planning to reform many other terrains. When the mullahs took over the country they just pursued many of those reforms. The only reason Iran is still standing and it have a fast scientifically grow rate is due to the great Iranian people who stood their ground in harsh times. It's not because of those messianic idiots who took over the country while many of them even had no education. They oppress the Iranian youth and most of the brightness minds in the Iranian society. Yeah, the sanctions have forced the Iranians to look more on their intern sources, but the quality is not world-quality. You search how many times Iranian papers are quoted in great international science magazines.

As for the rest of your hate filled, anti-Islam rant, I must say, that your anger is evident on Iran's growth, so you can only be an enemy of Iranian nation. Otherwise, every other Iranian except for one traitor Iranian here is happy with Iran's progress.

I'm not a enemy of Iran. You mullah-supporting shortsighted people have no monopoly on the nation of Iran or a superior moral judgement on who is a true Iranian or not. I'm just a enemy of irrational and barbaric behavior.
You have to understand that the shah was planning to majorly reform Iran's education system and was planning to reform many other terrains. When the mullahs took over the country they just pursued many of those reforms. The only reason Iran is still standing and it have a fast scientifically grow rate is due to the great Iranian people who stood their ground in harsh times. It's not because of those messianic idiots who took over the country while many of them even had no education. They oppress the Iranian youth and most of the brightness minds in the Iranian society. Yeah, the sanctions have forced the Iranians to look more on their intern sources, but the quality is not world-quality. You search how many times Iranian papers are quoted in great international science magazines.

I'm not a enemy of Iran. You mullah-supporting shortsighted people have no monopoly on the nation of Iran or a superior moral judgement on who is a true Iranian or not. I'm just a enemy of irrational and barbaric behavior.

You are again lying. Shah never wanted to do anything. New York had a subway in 1901 and UK had subway in 19th century. Iran's first subway was built by mullahs and not by Shah in 1979. Shah had no space program and mullahs sent Iran into space. This talk of Shah wanted to do this and that is BS. He was in power for 34 years. He never did anything. Mullahs in 33 years have done much more. That is for a fact. You are just another Anti-Islam kind of person trying to promote your hate. During Shah's time Iran's science growth was zilch. Check it out now. Shah had cancer and knew he was dying, but he did zilch.

Only 2 Islamic Countries Matter in this World:

Turkey and Iran.

List of countries by steel production - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of countries by motor vehicle production - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Compared to the World They Suck but at least have 1 Mention.

While the Rest of the 55 Islamic Countries even If Don't Exist doesn't make any Difference. :lol:

You forgot Pakistan. We have the world' fastest growing nuclear arsenal.
Mods should rein in some lunatics here!

Why do you feel that you cannot discuss without resorting to personal attacks?? It is unbecoming and does you no justice.

I find it funny that a known Saudi lover comes on here and has similar opinions to the Israeli on this thread. That speaks volumes tome. A Taliban reject and a Zionist both have hatred for something. lol

If the number of research paper alone is the bench mark here then the institute awarding these rankings have no credibility. Because the quality of the research matters and not the quantity of research papers. Fraudulent practices are rife in Iran with most of the research papers not even worth they ink they are printed with.

Please give us some authority for your assertions or we are compelled but to ignore these ramblings of yours

Dear, you are at most embarrassing to India. Dear, sanctions do not mean rising economy, dear. 2000 Iran money = 1 dollar, dear.

they clearly don't teach English at these madrassas. Please could you rephrase so that we may comment
You are again lying. Shah never wanted to do anything. New York had a subway in 1901 and UK had subway in 19th century. Iran's first subway was built by mullahs and not by Shah in 1979. Shah had no space program and mullahs sent Iran into space. This talk of Shah wanted to do this and that is BS. He was in power for 34 years. He never did anything. Mullahs in 33 years have done much more. That is for a fact. You are just another Anti-Islam kind of person trying to promote your hate. During Shah's time Iran's science growth was zilch. Check it out now. Shah had cancer and knew he was dying, but he did zilch.

White Revolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or just read this book on the reforms:

JSTOR: Comparative Education, Vol. 12, No. 1 (Mar., 1976), pp. 23-36
This isn't a true measure of scientific development, innovation, and advancement at all. This ranking system is very misleading. It's criteria of scientific documents published, citations, and other academic material. This is no way is a valid and accurate assessment of a country's scientific advancement. On this system ranking you could be the number one ranked country and yet still suffer with actual low scientific and technological achievement.

It can be difficult to assess and measure true scientific advancement, but there are methods of determining that, and one is actual scientific output on the basis of knowledge and information scientifically proven and discovered, technological advancement, and other methods.

Overall, this is a misleading ranking system that doesn't accurately measure true scientific output and achievement. It looks for secondary marks hinting at scientific progress but not actual core and primary marks indicating scientific progress.

You are entitled to your opinion. But please note that you are on the same page as an Israeli and your comments in my opinion are designed to detract from the achievements of a brotherly country. You must remember before Pakistan was infiltrated by Waahbis Iran was the first or one of the first countries to recognise Pakistan and prior to the partisan approach religion suggested by in Saudis we in Pakistan never had issues with Iran or Shias. In 1965 war with India our pilots landed their Jets in Iran and got refuel. I wander what those Pakistani pilots would think about you and others who are detracting from Iranians and siding with America Israel and Saudis to knock Iranian nation

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