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Science is a dwarf in front of astrology, says BJP MP in parliament.

LOL. At the amount of lies Europeans have to invent to just prove they had civilization.

Indian mathematics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also leave alone your anemic looking pantheon, we had entire cities with waterworks and sophisticated sewage system more than 5000 years ago in Indus valley civilization.

primitive architecure only stabilized from mass. :) You never achieved what we had. The Pantheon alone would be impossible to build from indians...simply because you neitehr had concrete nor statical mathematics to allow such a cuppola. Since you did not understand rational arguments i simply make it understandable for you. Your ancestors were as good as you are now compared to us. You can make your own opinion about what this means. I take no bad intentions into it.
Not all.

That is all I can say. Otherwise BJP would not have gained seats there. RSS is also growing. So yes, there is most possibly a 'progressive' elite but there are Aam Admis too. I am willing to wait till the next election. If Mumta comes back, it would show poorly on the people of the state - that's for sure.

One thing is true, the age of a glorious Bengal is no longer there today. The colleagues of mine cry about the political interference in education institutions in Bengal that persuade the best to leave for greener pastures. This brain drain is also a viscious cycle. A similar situation exists in Kashmir as well.
Atleast the KP's dont go favouring Anti-KP articles or studies in the places they migrate to,but in this case,these people will undo their own , that is the difference between others and them.
Many like Arundhoti roy etc. Criticise the GOI for using heavy handed techniques against Naxalites and their love for Kashmiri Separatists and Anti-India forces is well known.
I dont think there will be any change for a change to happen there should atleast be a ounce of Nationalism left,look at momota didi,her MP's stalling the assembly because she is rattled and these people support such nonsense.If they had any sense or intelligence they would have voted a neutral party in past 68 years but hey,either its Commie or Momota for them.

They will embrace a Bongool-deshi as their own rather than another Indian citizen,a situation of "AA bail mujhe maar " types.
At least we Indians didn't invaded or looted any nation...We all know what your colonial ancestors did to the world and their greed for money....

They did progress the world. I believe primitive cultures can be destroyed. Nobody should worry about something bad going away. Its teh duty of the strongest to rule.
As if anything Scientific grows back in WB,they dont even grow anything,When did anyone see WB contribute anything significant to this nation other than Headache, Migration of Bongool-deshi and always asking for freebies and handouts the only thing they have is red flags, bandhs and more bandhs, cottage industry bomb making.
Tata nano aur sab ko bhaga diya aur ab mangte hai,special package .
All money saved to raise scientific temper in WB will be used to raise jihadi and bongoool-deshi terror aided by momota didi.

First time i have heard some brain dead CM say NIA started those bomb blasts in Burdwan,
"Yatha raja,Thatha Praja"
Screwed up CM,Screwed up people.

Cmon man, do not you think bomb factories need scientific temper and spirit? Of course WB is way ahead in make in India plan.
Lets keep aside what MP said and look into what is Indian astrology all about.
It predicts future based on circumstantial situations which includes entire Universe or things known to mankind.
You cannot predict a future unless all the branches and versions of science is put together as ultimately what ever happens is in someway or other a scientific outcome.

Majority of the scientific knowledge, research, education system and further development of known science was lost in history and what we now have is bits and pieces of information and practices which are still used by many on trust values. This bits and pieces of ancient scientific practices proves that existed a very advance science, probably much advance then current era science in certain fields and areas.

As today we can talk and write about wireless video chats or reaching extreme planets in solar system, because we know its possible because of current era science and technology achievements. 100yrs ago no one thought of human going to moon because science at that point to time was not advanced to make people think and right about it. So if ancient hindu scriptures or books have something which says about flying objects, mass destruction weapons or some other form of scientific tools or practices, then we should understand that its only possible if there was something like that.

As they say half information is more dangerous than no information. I think its good to feel proud of being part of a civilization that was way to advance in past. But then we have to move ahead and see where we stand today vis-a-vis world. If we can build upon the past knowledge its good, otherwise keep that knowledge at back of mind and work towards developing new scientific achievements that are relevant to current era and could be helpful in future.

@MarkusS: What you are talking about is basic logical deductive conclusions, Maths in totality is much more than that.
I am not sure if its your racist feeling that you think others cannot match your educational level, or its the level of stupidness that would be hard to match on educational level.

According to legend, Rome was founded in 753 BC by twin sons Romulus and Remus who were raised by a she-wolf.
Prior to that as per western educations system it was Stone Age (to 3000 BC), Bronze Age (ca. 3000 BC-1000 BC), Etruscans (ca. 1000 BC-500 BC). I dont remember any western scientist from Stone Age.
Infact in totality if we see Roman civilizaiton is not even 3000yrs old, forget about going 3000BC.

When your ancestors where running naked, we had a civilized world, read Indus Valley Civilization.

Your so called "indus valley civilisation" is gone, nothing left and thats good. :) Why should we remember weakness?

As for the rest of your nonsense. We never walked around naked. Infact the oldest recordedclothes in humanity are found in europe. I assume that your indus valley people walked around much longer naked than our ancestors. Simply because climate. :)
They did progress the world. I believe primitive cultures can be destroyed. Nobody should worry about something bad going away. Its teh duty of the strongest to rule.
Markus nobody is interested in your racist scumbag theories, take your opinions,ideas and shove it into that pizza hole.
Atleast the KP's dont go favouring Anti-KP articles or studies in the places they migrate to,but in this case,these people will undo their own , that is the difference between others and them.
Many like Arundhoti roy etc. Criticise the GOI for using heavy handed techniques against Naxalites and their love for Kashmiri Separatists and Anti-India forces is well known.
I dont think there will be any change for a change to happen there should atleast be a ounce of Nationalism left,look at momota didi,her MP's stalling the assembly because she is rattled and these people support such nonsense.If they had any sense or intelligence they would have voted a neutral party in past 68 years but hey,either its Commie or Momota for them.

They will embrace a Bongool-deshi as their own rather than another Indian citizen,a situation of "AA bail mujhe maar " types.
There actually are many Kashmiri Pandit apologetics that blame us for not converting (while not converting themselves). But yes, they are very very few. I have only read about them, never met one either.

Mumta's actions are incomprehensible. I don't understand her much, partly for the language and also even the accent in which she says English. :P
Cmon man, do not you think bomb factories need scientific temper and spirit? Of course WB is way ahead in make in India plan.
Yes yes indeed, they need scientific temper, thats why Momota didi established the Akhand Bongol university in burdwan,where jihadi professors are given incentives and grants to come up with new home made bomb blueprints.
Markus nobody is interested in your racist scumbag theories, take your opinions,ideas and shove it into that pizza hole.
thats not racism. It is an ideology totally absent from any race. Its an believe in power. You should read "Nietzsche". The will of power.

Hitler quote? This one?

No, Friedrich Nietzsche. Not Hitler. Hitler was idiotic to combine the will of power with genetics.
There actually are many Kashmiri Pandit apologetics that blame us for not converting (while not converting themselves). But yes, they are very very few. I have only read about them, never met one either.

Mumta's actions are incomprehensible. I don't understand her much, partly for the language and also even the accent in which she says English. :P
I know some of them KP's but they are atleast better than the bongs here.
EK toh momota didi ka bheja satOk gOya Aur Opar se uski benglish,
Enjoy this comedy"I cannot satisfy you al " in the end, gems :D

thats not racism. It is an ideology totally absent from any race. Its an believe in power. You should read "Nietzsche". The will of power.

You are a known racist , so keep your aryan,untermenschen ,third reich theories to your Genocidal nations germany ,italy..Suits you Nazis well.
Hail Hitler! Now go home and eat a pizza Marcus .
They did progress the world. I believe primitive cultures can be destroyed. Nobody should worry about something bad going away. Its teh duty of the strongest to rule.
Yes,Destroying and looting are part and parcel of your culture..
What progress??..Introduced new diseases like small pox,measles??or slave trade?? or ethnic cleansing of indigenous tribes like native Americans??or World 1&2 wars??..
Your post sounds atheist and I appreciate you believe in facts, judge the right from the wrong and arrive at a logical and somewhat practical answer.
But a society is a mix of things. Its a fabric, that is interconnected with energy drawn from each other. THis one thing is called culture. Just like in China they believe in their history and truly preserve it and call himself a great nation, we need to look deep into our history and find what our identity is.

The focus of any individual mentioned here to make people aware of their own legendry and I Don't think there is anything wrong in that. Wouldn't you be happy if someone in future, lets say 100 yrs after does find the evidence to anything we couldn't find today, was blessed by any inspiration we he had from any of us, about his history? Cant we generate curiosity?

Whats so wrong in that?
I don't think this issue is between atheist & religious. But the comparison between science & mythology is futile. These are two different things. Furthermore declaring science minuscule in front of myths in a debate about educational planning in parliament makes no sense.
Today China is a great nation not only because of their culture but because of their growth in science & technology. Our universities are nothing comparing with theirs in the field of research and the main reason for this is our decision makers on educational planning think that science is puny. It clearly means that achievements of our ISRO & DRDO scientists are puny. They are not inspiring but demoralizing our scientists.
And religious mythology is different from culture of nation. Our citizens follow different religions but their culture is somewhat same because it is not linked with religion.
I am not against religious beliefs but linking them with modern day education system is not good for unity & future growth of country. Religious beliefs should be practised only in personal zone not in common areas of interests of everyone.
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