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Science is a dwarf in front of astrology, says BJP MP in parliament.

primitive architecure only stabilized from mass. :) You never achieved what we had. The Pantheon alone would be impossible to build from indians...simply because you neitehr had concrete nor statical mathematics to allow such a cuppola. Since you did not understand rational arguments i simply make it understandable for you. Your ancestors were as good as you are now compared to us. You can make your own opinion about what this means. I take no bad intentions into it.

The whole of Italy even today wont have a fraction of architectural grandeur India has and even those from 2500 years ago. Let me make that the whole of Europe.
The controversy over Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti's statements is still to die down but BJP MP and former chief minister of Uttarakhand Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank has stirred up a fresh one by claiming in Parliament that astrology is a superior form of science dwarfing everything else.

"All streams of science are dwarfed in stature when compared with the science of astrology. Astrology is the number one science for the entire world," he said.

The minister's statments came during a debate in the Lok Sabha on a legislation to give more powers to the School of Planning and Architecture.

During the debate, Pokhriyal also claimed that nuclear tests are not new to India. According to Pokhriyal, in ancient India sage Kanad conducted the first nuclear test.

The Indian Express quoted the BJP MLA as saying:

"Lakhs of years ago, Sage Kanad had conducted a nuclear test. Our knowledge and science do not lack anything."

Pokhriyal also revisited Prime Minister Narendra Modi's statement on genetic science's existence in ancient India and agreed with it.

"People raised questions on Modiji’s comments on Ganesh’s surgery. It was actually a surgery. The science or knowledge to transplant a severed head existed only in India," Pokhriyal said during the debate in Lok Sabha, reported Zee News .

The minister was not only criticized for his comments which undermined science but members of Left, Congress and Trinamool Congress came down heavily on the former CM.

A report in the NDTV quoted Congress MP Gaurav Gogoi as saying,"It is very important in our current environment that we promote scientific temper in education. We are seeing that this is gradually being eroded. Science is being mixed with religion and mythology. We must accord due respect and understand that there is a separation that exists."

Trinamool Congress MP Saugata Roy criticised the BJP MP and also took the opportunity to criticise HRD minister Smriti Irani for visiting an astrologer in Rajasthan recently.

While the opposition and other parties were up in arms against the statement made by Pokhriyal, the BJP MP stuck to his stand and said there should be a proper discussion on the subject and astrology "should get the respect it deserves."

BJP's latest gem: Science will always be dwarfed by astrology, says MP Pokhriyal
In Parliament, BJP MP Ramesh Pokhriyal Says 'Science a Pygmy Compared to Astrology'
Astrology is above science, says BJP MP Nishank - The Hindu
these seems 1st time MPs.. so learnig ..
still as memeber said its better to ave POV which can be corected with fact debate than having nothing..
RaGA and other guys siad they did not allowd to speacj in parlaiment .. fine
funny part is ..
they say Spaeker doing good job but they against the system
:rofl: you guy opposiing sae system you followd for 15 yrs wow..
so better to be appear to be fool and learn than being hypocrate ..
Rahul Gandhi's black band protest outside Parliament against Jyoti's remarks : North, News - India Today
Yes,Destroying and looting are part and parcel of your culture..
What progress??..Introduced new diseases like small pox,measles??or slave trade?? or ethnic cleansing of indigenous tribes like native Americans??or World 1&2 wars??..

imdigenous tribes in latin america were laughable weak. We took an entire continent with roughly 1000 men. The aztecs and maya were stupid, uneducated and had bad weapons. Their cruel mass murder sacrifice made them hated from the majority. When our ancestors arrived there, we were lightyears ahead in technology and culture. They saw us as gods. Now tell me a reason why we should not simply take what we can? If your only achievement is a speak and wood sword, you deserve to be crushed. I have no mercy for weakness.

The whole of Italy even today wont have a fraction of architectural grandeur India has and even those from 2500 years ago. Let me make that the whole of Europe.

You are a known racist , so keep your aryan,untermenschen ,third reich theories to your Genocidal nations germany ,italy..Suits you Nazis well.
Hail Hitler! Now go home and eat a pizza Marcus .

Expect the Bengalis to up vote his comments. LOL. All the while they label us Hindtuvawadis as fascists, fascists, they are deeply in love with the real fascists in Italy and Germany. LOL.

Just look at the company they keep even on PDF. It is a laughter riot to see skull and bones fall in love with Jamahir and Markus.
thats not racism. It is an ideology totally absent from any race. Its an believe in power. You should read "Nietzsche". The will of power.

No, Friedrich Nietzsche. Not Hitler. Hitler was idiotic to combine the will of power with genetics.

Yo, I heard Italian soldiers got badly beaten by Indians in WW2. They were deserting their trenches and positions and running for cover because they Indians scared the living daylights out of them. So if there is any will of power to be displayed, it will be the boots of Indians on your face.

Let's be realistic.

Yup, let us be realisitc.

India - One picture per post - Page 3 - SkyscraperCity

There are 125 odd pages in that thread. You will know realism once you get through those.
mdigenous tribes in latin america were laughable weak. We took an entire continent with roughly 1000 men. The aztecs and maya were stupid, uneducated and had bad weapons. Their cruel mass murder sacrifice made them hated from the majority. When our ancestors arrived there, we were lightyears ahead in technology and culture.

This is true, but they were practically isolated from the outside world and thus didn't incorporate new ideas unlike Europe, which did have a direct communication with Asia. The Mesoamericans, unfortunately, did not develop the immunological tolerance as Europeans and Asians , thus they died en masse when introduced to pathogens such as small pox, varicella zoster virus, yersinia pestis (bubonic plague) et al.

Yup, let us be realisitc.

While i do cherish and appreciate the beauty of Indian architecture, it does not nullify the architectural beauty that defines Gothic art, or the styles seen during the Renaissance. I would argue for shared appreciation.
Brain is just a receiver and processor of information. It does not generate information of its own and nor does it store memory, feelings, identity, or anything of that sort. So no it would not make a human an animal anymore than the porcine heart valve made the human have an animal soul.
Bingo :)
This is true, but they were practically isolated from the outside world and thus didn't incorporate new ideas unlike Europe, which did have a direct communication with Asia. The Mesoamericans, unfortunately, did not develop the immunological tolerance as Europeans and Asians , thus they died en masse when introduced to pathogens such as small pox, varicella zoster virus, yersinia pestis (bubonic plague) et al.

While i do cherish and appreciate the beauty of Indian architecture, it does not nullify the architectural beauty that defines Gothic art, or the styles seen during the Renaissance. I would argue for shared appreciation.
Destruction of Takshashila – a defining moment
Posted in Current Affairs, European History, History, Indo Pak Relations, language, Media by Anuraag Sanghi on August 4, 2009
The theory that Huns destroyed Takshashila in 5th century is a theory with no legs – and a case without evidence. So … then what could have happened?

Julian Monastery, Takshashila

The importance of Takshashila
As the oldest university in the world, Takshashila has a special place in the history of the world. More so, in Indian history. It’s destruction (purportedly) at the hands of the Hunas, as proposed by Western historians (and their followers) has been rather facile – to say the least.

There is evidence that the truth may be otherwise. This post lays out an alternative scenario, but before that let us refresh ourselves with the history of Takshashila.

Takshashila in classical texts, history, geography
The Vayu Purana traces the start of Takshashila, to Taksha, son of Bharata (brother of Raghu Ram Chandra). Takshashila also finds a mention in Mahabharata – citing Dhaumya, as the acharya of Takshashila. It was at Takshashila, that Vaishampayana made the first recorded narration of the Mahabharata to Janmajeya.


The Gitopdesha from the Mahbharata

It finds continued mentions in numerous Jatakas,too. For centuries, across many cultures, stories of Takshashila (and its environs) swirled, like even later,

According to a story contained in theMujma-t-Tawarikh a twelfth-century Persian translation from the Arabic version of a lost Sanskrit work, thirty thousand Brahmans with their families and retinue had in ancient times been collected from all over India and had been settled in Sindh, under Duryodhana, the King of Hastinapur. (from Al-Hind, the Making of the Indo-Islamic World By André Wink).

The Buddhist anthology of stories, Avadana-shataka mentions that “3.510 millions of stupas were erected at the request of the people of Taxila”.

Students paid upto 1000 coins in advance to receive education at Takshashila – and there were thousands of such students. Students came from all over the world – and paid large sums of money to Indian teachers for education! Kings, brahmans, commoners – all came to study at Takshashila. Its alumni included all the stars of the Indian firmament – Atreya, Pasenadi, Mahali, Patanajali, Jivaka, Panini, Kautilaya, Prasenjita.

Its development and importance lay in the fact that,

Takshashila and Purushpura on either side of the Sindhu river were connected with the Indian trade routes on the Indian side and Central Asian trade routes on the other. Strategically located, Takshashila, the capital of Gandhar, was the terminus of several inland routes and the starting points of the great trade routes connecting India and Central Asia. (from India and Central Asia By J. N. Roy, Braja Bihārī Kumāra, Astha Bharati (Organization)).

Based on subsequent excavation and diggings, it is thought that Takshashila was the oldest city in South Asia – when Alexander landed there. So Takshashila’s historic and cultural importance is too high to become a victim of slip-shod colonial propaganda – posing as history.


Faxian, Fa Hian, Fa Hien

Chinese travellers to India
An important source for ‘modern’ history, much used by Western historians are the travels of Chinese travellers (like Fa Hian/ Faxain, Huien Tsang /XuanZang). Supposedly 1000 years after death of Gautama Buddha, overlooking some gaping holes in Fa Hian’s travelogue.

How could Fa Hien miss meeting /mentioning Kalidasa – supposedly a contemporary of Fa Hien? In fact, Kalidasa is not mentioned at all in Fa Hian’s account, which supports the hypotheses that Kalidasa preceded Fa Hian. It may be pointed out that since, Kalidasa’s works are artistic rather than religious or philosophical, the lack of Fa Hain’s interest in his works is obvious. But to ignore a man of Kalidasa’s stature and learning?

Then Fa Hian misses the name of the supposed ruling ‘Gupta’ king – a dynasty which ruled over most of South Asia! And it is Fa Hian who is supposedly a significant authority on the Gupta period. Western history labelled the Gupta period as the ‘golden age’ of Indian history – which Fa Hian seems to have completely missed. Similarly when Fa-Hien visited Takshashila in 5th century AD (travelled in India during 399-414 AD), he found nothing. His travelogue makes some cursory mentions of Takshashila.

And that leaves Indian history with some rather big ‘dating’ holes! Is it that Fa hian visited India much after Kalidasa, the Gupta dynasty, the death of Buddha? Maybe a few centuries later, relative to the period in Indian history. Fa Hian’s date is well indexed. So that possibly cannot move much. It is the the corresponding Indic dates which come into question!

Another Chinese traveller, Sung Yun, who had a rather exalted view of his country and its ruler, is largely responsible for overly negative image of the Hunas in ‘modern’ history. Sung-Yun’s peeve – the Huna king did not read the letter from the Wei Tartar king standing, but in a seated position. A modern historian writing on the spread of Buddhism and Buddhist traveller’s tales thinks that,

Like most things India it (Buddhism) suffered somewhat from the invasions of the Huns, who dominated many parts of the northwest from 480 to 530; but the immediate effect of their depredations does not seem to have been very striking. At any rate, the Chinese pilgrim Sung Yun, who travelled through this region in 518-21, gives us a picture in which Buddhism is quite as thriving as it was in Fa-Hien’s time. (from The Pilgrimage of Buddhism and a Buddhist Pilgrimage By James Bissett Pratt, page 111)

Subsequent Chinese travellers to India like I Ching (I Ching or Yi Jing, Yìjìng, Yiqing, I-Tsing or YiChing), were more about Buddhism the religion that it had become, instead of a school of learning and thought. I Ching also recorded details of the works and life of Bhartrhari, the (probably) 5th century grammarian and poet. His take awayfrom India, from Nalanda “in ten years (A.D. 675-685), during which he collected there some 400 Sanskrit texts amounting to 500,000 slokas.”

The ‘end’ of Takshashila
The colonial narrative traces the destruction of Takshashila in 499 AD, by the Hunas (Western history calls them White Huns, Romans called them Ephtalites; Arabs called them the Haytal; The Chinese Ye Tha). Western ‘historians’ have ascribed the demise of Taxila to the White Huns, a Central Asian, nomadic tribe, roaming between Tibet to Tashkent, practicing polyandry.



Takshashila lying at the cross roads of the Uttarapatha (West calls it The Silk Route) – from Tibet, China, Central Asia, Iran – and India, fell to this mindless savagery, goes the ‘modern’ narrative. But specifically, there is no mention in Chinese, Persian, Indian texts (that I could find) of the Hunas who destroyed Takshashila. So, how and where did this story spring from?

Kanishka, a major Buddhist king, was a Yue Chi, known as Tusharas in India, related to the White Huns. Why would his tribal cousins destroy Takshashila?

History as propaganda
We have the ‘imaginative genius’ of Sir John Marshall to thank for this – a man who was “interested in Alexander’s campaign and in Graeco-Buddhist monuments at Sanchi and Taxila.” Sir John, who was “filled with enthusiasm for anything Greek” was also aware that it was at “Taxila that Alexander the Great halted and refreshed his army before advancing to do battle with Porus.” Not one to stoop below self-aggrandisement, he counts himself among the “few archaeologists now living who have devoted as many years to the excavation of a single site as I have devoted to Taxila.” He lays out the ground for the ‘destroyer White Huns’ theory, describing how

the hordes of Ephthalites or White Huns which swept over Gandhara and the Panjab in the third quarter of the fifth century, carrying ruin and desolation wherever they went. (from Taxila – an illustrated account of archaeological excavations By Sir John Marshall page 76).


Barbara Cartland and Mortimer Wheeler - both imaginative

And his evidence for this destruction is,

Thirty two coins, all of them silver, leave no room for doubt it was it was the White Huns who were responsible for the wholesale destruction of the Buddhist sangharamas of Taxila … several skeletons of those who fell in the fight, including one of White Hun, were lying. (ellipsis mine; from Taxila by Sir John Marshall page 791).

Join the gang!
A chorus of historians joined in Sir John’s smear campaign (published between 1940-1951) against the White Huns who were ‘guilty’ of ‘destruction of Takshashila’. Sir John lays the burden of guilt at the doorstep of the Hunas (Western history calls them White Huns, Romans called them Ephtalites; Arabs called them the Haytal; The Chinese Ye Tha). Not surprising, since both ,

“Indian and foreign archaeologists often invoked invasion /diffusion as tools for explaining away the origins of fully-fledged archaeological cultures ranging in age from the Lower Paleolithic to the early historic period as well as individual traits concerning pottery, technology and other aspects. Africa, West and Central Asia and Europe were the favourite source areas. (From Theory in Archaeology: A World Perspective By Peter J. Ucko, page 132)

Lower Paleolithic is about 250,000 years ago and early historic period in India is 3000 years ago. Based on traveller’s tall tales, we have ‘modern’ historians who have depicted, without any evidence, that the

the White Huns, or Hephtalites, felt a kind of hatred toward Buddhism and strove to destroy all its physical as well as mental manifestations during the fifth century. This is how Taxila brutally vanished. (from Books on fire: the destruction of libraries throughout history By Lucien X. Polastron, Jon Grahampage 107-108).

And this is from a book which claims to be a “historical survey of the destruction of knowledge from ancient Babylon and China to modern times”. Another book seeking to capture Central Asian history writes that these Hunas,who came,

sacking monasteries and works of art, and ruining the fine Greco-Buddhic civilization which by then was five centuries old. Persian and Chinese texts agree in their descriptions of the tyranny and vandalism of this horde.” (from The Empire of the Steppes By Rene Grousset, Naomi Walford).

It has been pointed out that

Although the exact relationship between the Buddhist communities of the Peshawar basin and the new Hun dynasty is not entirely clear, there is considerable evidence to suggest that Buddhism continued under Hun rule … (there is) textual evidence to show that Chinese Buddhist pilgrims continued to visit Gandharan sites in the Peshawar Basin into the early sixth century C.E.; The Bhamala main stupa can be compared to the 7th to 8th century cruciform stupas in Kashmir, Afghanistan, and other parts of Central Asia. (from The Buddhist architecture of Gandhāra By Kurt A. Behrendt pages 207-209).

Technically, it was also pointed out that Sir John did not stratify his digs, which creates a dating and sequencing problem. Going with self-aggrandizing nature, Sir John also focussed on ‘glamourous digs’ – without focussing on the connectivity issues.

Alexander in colonial historical narrative
For more on the decline of Takshashila, it is Alexander that we must turn to.


The 'Alexander mosaic', discovered in Pompeii

Alexander has long been a vital cog in Western colonial narrative of history. Alexander’s halo gave bragging rights – first to the Greco-Romans and then to the Euro-colonialists.

The American Department of Defense, in its Legacy Program, has a section on Cultural Heritage Training. The use of Alexander’s mythos there is self evident. Between the Greco-Roman historians and the Euro-Colonialists, has sprung an entire industry, to create amythos surrounding Alexander.

Amongst Alexander’s first actions in India were his attempts to cobble up alliances. His most famous one was with Ambhi – the ruler of Taxila. In India, Alexander had to pay the King of Taxiles, Omphis, (Ambi) 1000 talents of gold (more than 25 tons of gold) – to secure an alliance. To cement this alliance, Alexander ‘gifted’ Ambhi with ‘a wardrobe of Persian robes, gold and silver ornaments, and 30 horses, 1000 talents in cash’. 1000 talents is anywhere between 25,000-60,000 kg of gold! Does this look like Ambhi accepted Alexander as the conqueror of the world – or Alexander ‘persuading’ Ambhi to seal an alliance?

The payment of 1000 talents in gold to Ambhi aroused much envy and outrage in Alexander’s camp. It promptedMeleager, to sarcastically congratulate Alexander for ‘having at least found in India a man worth 1000 talents.’What seals this incident is Alexander’s retort to Meleager, “that envious men only torment themselves.” (C 8.12.17 & 18).

Black and blue
Instead of the complete capitulation and collaboration that Alexander got from the defeated Achaemenid ruling family of Sisygambis, Stateira, Oxathres (brother of Darius III; also written as oxoathres and oxyathres) et al, the foursome of Bessos, Spitamenes, Datafernes and the Scythians made Alexander’s life miserable. At Gaugamela, it wasBessos and his Indian cavalry, which broke Alexander’s formations. As a 19th century historian reports,

During the three years anterior to the passage of the Indus, Balk (Bactria) was usually Alexander’s headquarters. It was in these countries that he experienced his only serious reverses in the field. (from On the practicability of an invasion of British India By Sir George De Lacy Evans).

The tribes and kshatrapas (satraps)of Indian North West swath, delayed Alexander for nearly three years – before he could step into India. In India, Alexander had to pay the King of Taxiles, Omphis, (Ambi) 1000 talents of gold (more than 25 tons of gold) – to secure an alliance. He had to return the kingdom of Punjab to Porus – purportedly, after winning the battle. His loot and pickings from India were negligible.

To these lean pickings, Alexander’s reaction“the Macedonians frequently massacred the defenders of the city, especially in India.” What was Alexander’s response to a ‘sub-continent occupied by a complex network of peoples and states, who viewed Alexander as a new piece to be played in their complex political chess game.’ Another modern historian, an expert on Greek history writes that ‘the tale of slaughter told in the ancient sources is unparalleled elsewhere in the campaign.’ ( from Ancient Greece By Sarah B. Pomeroy, Stanley M. Burstein, Walter Donlan).

The Indian reaction

Alexander and the Indian 'Gymnosophists' - Medieval European drawing

Alexander’s massacres in India, a colonial historian informs us (without naming a source), earned him an“epithet … assigned (to) him by the Brahmins of India, The Mighty Murderer.” This Indian Brahmaniccharacterization of Alexander, commonly taught to Englishschoolchildren and present in Eglish college texts, as The Mighty Murderer, curiously disappeared from Western-English texts soon after 1860 – and instead now “a positive rose-tinted aura surrounds Alexander” … !

Greek writers report, that Alexander finally realized that it was the Indian Brahmins who had influenced Indian princes to organize and support the Indian war against Alexander. Greek sources cite, after this realization, at ‘The City of Brahmans’, Alexander massacred an estimated 8000-10,000 of these non-combatant Brahmans. His question-answer sessions with the 10 Indian-prisoners-Brahmans (called Gymnosophists by the Greeks), related by Plutarch, shows Alexander asking inane questions – at sea, completely lost.

And arising from this frustration, came Alexander’s wanton massacres at Takshashila – which thereafter limped along for the next 1000 years, but never to fully recover.

Takshashila – the pattern!
One must also recall that Alexander’s behaviour in Babylon – a intellectual freeport, city ‘under the protection’ of code of ‘kidinnu’. The code of ‘kidinnu’ allowed creation of sanctuaries where weapons and arms were not allowed. The religious persecution by Alexander of the Zoroastrians (as per the Zoroastrian accounts) bears out Alexander’s wanton cruelty. As a modern researcher, Jona Lendering writes,

the Zoroastrian tradition is unanimous that Alexander ‘killed several high priests and judges and priests and the masters of the Magians and upholders of the religion’ (Book of Arda Wiraz 1.9), ‘quenched many sacred fires’ (Great Bundahishn 33.14) and ’caused great devastation (Denkard 4.16 and 7.7.3). This ‘evil-destined and raging villain’ (Denkard 8.pr.20) was not just regarded as a collaborator of Angra Mainyu, but as one one of the calamities that the evil one had sent to earth to destroy what is good. Alexander even received the surname Guzastag, the Accursed, a title that had until then only been used to describe Angra Mainyu. It is possible -perhaps even likely- that several apocalyptic texts from the Avesta were composed during the reign of Alexander.


BCHP 1: Alexander Chronicle (obverse; **) Photo coutesy livius.org

A set of Babylonian tablets, published in 1975, theAlexander Chronicles, mention that Alexander killed Kidinnu – most probably the famed Babylonian astronomer.

The name Kidinnu itself seems to be derived from the Sanskritic word, ‘Krishna’, the Dark One. Was Kidinnu better known by his assumed Sanskritic name? The Indo-Assyrian collaboration, represented by the Babylonian texts and schools give significant weight to this hypotheses.

More questions on the destruction of Takshashila
At the time of Takshashila’s decline in the 5th century, a significant Gupta king was Purugupta – successor of Skandagupta. Written records from Purugupta’s reign are few and far in between, he has been variously named as Vikramaditya, Prakashaditya and of course as Puru /Pura Gupta.

The most authentic link to his reign is the Bhitari seal inscription, (near Ghazipur, in modern UP). The Bhitari seal provided proof of an elongated Gupta reign – than the Skandagupta-was-the-end-of-Gupta dynasty dating. Currently dated between 467 AD, Purugupta’s reign saw many border wars.

Purugupta’s reign saw Vasubandhu, a known teacher of logic and debate, become famous and Huien Tsang reportedon the debates based on Vasubandhu’s texts. Today Vasubandhu’s texts exist in Chinese and Tibetan languages – the original Sanskrit volumes remain untraceable. Purugupta also restored the gold grammage in the ‘suvarna’ coins, probably debased in Skandagupta’s time, possibly due to the cost of the fighting the Hunas.

Is it that the Porus identified by the Greeks, Purugupta? Were the marauding soldiers, mentioned in Chinese texts, mercenary soldiers hired by Alexander to replace the ‘deserting’ Greek’ soldiers, on the eve of his Indian ‘campaign’? The dating of the Gupta dynasty to end of the 5th century AD, is probably off by about 800 years.

The Indian defence system
Taksashila’s destruction raises an obvious question! And also important. What did Indian polity do to defend centres of excellence like Takshashila?

To protect such a vibrant and important centre of leaning, the Indian polity had evolved a complex structure across the entire North Western swath. Thus while, within the Indic area, borders and crowns kept changing and shifting, invaders were kept at bay. A system of alliances supporting frontline kingdoms in the entire North West Indian swathwas formulated.

For instance, against the Assyrian invasion, led by Semiramis, a minor Indian king, Stabrobates, was supported to beat back the Assyrian invasion. Against Cyrus the Great, Tomyris, a Scythian Queen was supported to massacre Persian invaders. Alexander’s nightmare began immediately, as soon as he crossed from the Persian area into the area governed by the Medes – an Indic area.


Death of Crassus

A symbol of these alliances, for instance, was the House of Suren’s traditional rights to install the crown of Persian rulers. Some ancient maps show the Gandhara-Takshashila region as Suren. And it was at the hands of these very Surens that Crassus met his nemessis. At the hands of the Indo-Parthian armies – led by a Suren general.

The Sassanian dynasty was able to wrest back and defend Persian dominions from the Greco-Romans, after setting up an elephants corps in their army – evidenced, for instance, by thecarvings at Taq-i-Bustan. At one time, the Sassanian rulers had increased its elephant corps to 12,000 elephants.

End of Crassus

Laurence Oliver as Crassus in Spartacus

Less than 300 years after Alexander, Romans came close to Indian border. They were led by Marcus Licinius Crassus – estimated (or allegedly) worth 200,000,000 sestertii. A writer of classical journals estimated that to be worth about 7.6 million in 1860. Inflation adjusted, about 7.6 billions. Source of Crassus’ wealth – slavery, corruption, pillage, bribery et al. Crassus is more famous in history for three things – One, for his wealth, Two – for having crucified thousands of rebellious slaves on the Via Appia, after defeating Spartacus’ Slave Army and Three,as the man who funded the rise of Julius Caesar.

It is his death, that is usually glossed over.

Roman forces retreated, when confronted by Indo-Sassanian armies with Indian elephants. For the next nearly 400 years, Romans were wary of any large expeditions into Indo-Persian territories. 500 years later (nearly), with thehelp of the Indian elephant corps, the Sassanians stopped the Romans at Persian borders in 363 AD. But it is interesting that the enemies of the daiwas (enemy of devas are the asuras, in Indian scriptures), the Zoroastrians (followers of Ahura Mazda, speculatively Mahishasura) allied themselves with a Suren. A 1000 years later, the Sassanian army, had forgotten their lessons – and could not use their few elephants to full effect, against the Islamic Arabs.

The rise of religion in India
Without access to the ‘Indian thought factory’, after the fall of Takshashila, in 499 AD – by the Huna (dating as per Western history which calls them White Huns, Romans called them Ephtalites; Arabs called them the Haytal; The Chinese Ye Tha) Buddhism soon became a religion. Buddha in India, was another, in a long line of teachers. But in the rest of world, Buddhism soon became a religion.

The destruction of Takshashila (Taxila) meant that students and scholars would need to travel for an extra 60 days to reach the other Indian Universities of the time. This was a traumatic event in the status of the Indian ethos – even the Asiatic ethos.

The decline of Taksashila marked the destruction, persecution and decline in Indian education, thought and structure. Fewer believers in Indian faith systems made the trip to India. ‘Consumers’ of ideological products from the ‘Indian Thought Factory’, were left with Desert Bloc alternative products. Buddhism soon became a religion outside India. A few centuries after decline of Takshashila, Nalanda, etc. were also destroyed by Desert Bloc invaders.
Expect the Bengalis to up vote his comments. LOL. All the while they label us Hindtuvawadis as fascists, fascists, they are deeply in love with the real fascists in Italy and Germany. LOL.

Just look at the company they keep even on PDF. It is a laughter riot to see skull and bones fall in love with Jamahir and Markus.

What's your beef with Bengalis? What's the background story? Tell us, mann halka ho jayega. :D

Btw, your VIF also has many Bengalis in it, even in the core team, VIF itself is named after a Bengali !! :)
While i do cherish and appreciate the beauty of Indian architecture, it does not nullify the architectural beauty that defines Gothic art, or the styles seen during the Renaissance. I would argue for shared appreciation.

I was replying to a racist in case you did not notice who wanted to put down Indian architecture. Respect begets respect.
What's your beef with Bengalis? What's the background story? Tell us, mann halka ho jayega. :D

Btw, your VIF also has many Bengalis in it, even in the core team, VIF itself is named after a Bengali !! :)

A distaste for anti-nationals. That is all.

Oh the VIF Bengalis, the IndiaFacts Bengalis, the Swarajyamag Bengalis are Bengalis I would embrace any day. I think they left Bengal long before it got corrupted.

While i do cherish and appreciate the beauty of Indian architecture, it does not nullify the architectural beauty that defines Gothic art, or the styles seen during the Renaissance. I would argue for shared appreciation.

Also you seem to enjoy his racists comments. Are you sure you do not harbor some element of it yourself?
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