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Schoolgirls protesting again as Afghan teenage boys attacking girls in schools

UK is fucked

Not only UK. Slowly its spreading to other parts of Europe. US/ Canada/ Ozie land are another story.

Also. the Caucasoids do not reproduces enough as the cost of living is skyrocketing in their native lands. They they really wants to preserve their race, they need to migrate out to third world countries where cost of living is much lesser and increase their TFR substantially. In other words, should start to boink like rabbits.
Not only UK. Slowly its spreading to other parts of Europe. US/ Canada/ Ozie land are another story.

Also. the Caucasoids do not reproduces enough as the cost of living is skyrocketing in their native lands. They they really wants to preserve their race, they need to migrate out to third world countries where cost of living is much lesser and increase their TFR substantially. In other words, should start to boink like rabbits.
Send your kid to America, we have guns here. :D

J/K, Indian education is getting better. I might join an IIT soon.
You have to remember that no matter what we do, the gorey will lump us in the same category as the afghans anyway.

I have definitely heard of Afghans doing crazy things, but never to the same extents that Pakistanis have done. Academically, it also seems that afghans excel more within British schools than Pakistanis do
You have to remember that no matter what we do, the gorey will lump us in the same category as the afghans anyway.

I have definitely heard of Afghans doing crazy things, but never to the same extents that Pakistanis have done. Academically, it also seems that afghans excel more within British schools than Pakistanis do

Yeah if that school is in Bradford :lol:
Does every young Pakistani in Bradford drive a Ā£40,000 car wear a Rolex and is kitted out in the latest designer garments & have a picture of their mansions & horses back home in Pakistan on their latest iPhone ?

Seems so šŸ˜
oh that's just a storm in a teacup compared to what happened in my town about 20 years ago. a afghani wanted to marry a local girl and she along with he parents told the afghani to jog on.

the afghani then gathered at least another 50+ afghans and went on a rampage destroying the street in a western style standoff. The fight had people who lived on the street (the girl lived on the same street) vs the afghans.

The afghans destroyed cars and properties by lobbing bricks which they got by knocking down walls to obtain.

The people on the street had no option but to join the fight because their property was being destroyed.

Riot police turned up people were injured, an unimaginable damage to people's property was done. The city council held a meeting with the residents as the matter was unlike anything the city had ever experience in its history.

At the time people were saying things like that the afghans deserve the taliban etc etc.

But the animalistic nature of the those afghanis was off the scale.

a swift deportation would settle things
Does every young Pakistani in Bradford drive a Ā£40,000 car wear a Rolex and is kitted out in the latest designer garments & have a picture of their mansions & horses back home in Pakistan on their latest iPhone ?

Seems so šŸ˜

My family may be guilty of something along the lines of this, but not many other Pakistanis are

afghans are not only raping girls, but also physically beating them and even raping boys.

I am surprised to read the first part of your sentence, not the second part. Maybe you interchanged the boys and girls. Please clarify.


afghans are not only raping girls, but also physically beating them and even raping boys.

I am surprised to read the first part of your sentence, not the second part. Maybe you interchanged the boys and girls. Please clarify.


nope. he meant what he meant :enjoy:
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