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Schoolgirls protesting again as Afghan teenage boys attacking girls in schools


Dec 21, 2021
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Schoolgirls protesting in Dover again as Afghan teenage boys put in their school had allegedly attacked a girl.

The girl is apparently too scared to go back to the school. The girls then go on to say assembly's were held telling them how to dress having Afghans in the school!

Apparently it is in response to this as well

I'm not gonna lie if Afghan refugee population continues to grow in the UK, I think we are going to have another round of the Tommy Robinson stuff that happened with Pakistanis around a decade ago @villageidiot @Mirzali Khan @PakFactor @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @HttpError @Maula Jatt @hussain0216 @AlKardai @Goenitz
Schoolgirls protesting in Dover again as Afghan teenage boys put in their school had allegedly attacked a girl.

The girl is apparently too scared to go back to the school. The girls then go on to say assembly's were held telling them how to dress having Afghans in the school!

Apparently it is in response to this as well

I'm not gonna lie if Afghan refugee population continues to grow in the UK, I think we are going to have another round of the Tommy Robinson stuff that happened with Pakistanis around a decade ago @villageidiot @Mirzali Khan @PakFactor @FOOLS_NIGHTMARE @HttpError @Maula Jatt @hussain0216 @AlKardai @Goenitz

What big Afghan population areas are in the UK?

Is dover a big Afghan area?

empathise with the English nationalists

Bro they hate you 😭

It is ngl.

I think Europe will see a population collapse of gorey. It is already happening but what we saw in 2015/2016 about migration crisis will be revamped again.

Oddly though, the US media is completely focused on Russia and China. No talk about the middle east besides the Iran nuke talk.
Afghan refugees are like a 20x shittier versions of what we sent to the UK decades ago...
I'd be scared too if I was em

A Bangladeshi dude in a similarly small city of NY state was randomly complaining to me about Afghan kids in his high school beating people up, selling drugs, doing drugs, stealing and after all that ask for favors by doing the Muslim brother shtick

I didn't even ask the guy, he was so fed up- he was ranting on his own - I feel bad for Krachiates and people of Peshawar, I really do
their beautiful cities were tuned into a dump yard
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Check this out. 30 year old Iranian man in school :lol:



Iranians are also coming here pretending to be 15 year old kurdish kids.
I don't know how the English tolerate this.

I remember hearing about the English Defense League years ago. Most of the gora right are dictated and easily influenced by their media houses.

In 2014-2016 the media was in full outrage over the migrant crisis from Iraq/Syria. What they didn't really show was that the elites of those countries needed them because of the falling birth rates. If you go to Scandinavia, political parties that wouldn't have been popular or even thought of 20 years ago are gaining popularity because frankly a lot of these guys have no idea how to act. Even in Germany after the Cologne incident, the far-right started gaining support.

Around 3-5 years ago the Western world started to focus its lenses on China and now Russia, so in the US we don't hear about "Muslim migration" as much. However, the right wing here is in full outrage about Hispanic migrants (as usual).

The gora right wing are starting to recognize that they have been brutally betrayed by their own elite. They thought they could count on them to have their back in some way.
I remember hearing years ago about the English Defense League. Most of the gora right are dictated and easily influenced by their media houses.

In 2014-2016 the media was in full outrage over the migrant crisis from Iraq/Syria. What they didn't really show was that the elites of those countries needed them because of the falling birth rates. If you go to Scandinavia, political parties that wouldn't have been popular or even thought of 20 years ago are gaining popularity because frankly a lot of these guys have no idea how to act. Even in Germany after the Cologne incident, the far-right started gaining support.

Around 3-5 years ago the Western world started to focus its lenses on China and now Russia, so in the US we don't hear about "Muslim migration" as much. However, the right wing here is in full outrage about Hispanic migrants (as usual).

The gora right wing are starting to recognize that they have been brutally betrayed by their own elite. They thought they could count on them to have their back in some way.

Look there is nothing wrong with taking in children for assylum. There is a fund set up for this by the government. But grown men pretending to be children is not acceptable.
Afghan refugees are like a 20x shittier versions of what we sent to the UK decades ago...
I'd be scared too if I was em

A Bangladeshi dude in a similarly small city of NY state was randomly complaining to me about Afghan kids in his high school beating people up, selling drugs, doing drugs, stealing and after all that ask for favors by doing the Muslim brother shtick

I didn't even ask the guy, he was so fed up- he was ranting on his own - I feel bad for Krachiates and people of Peshawar, I really do
their beautiful cities were tuned into a dump yard
Back in 90's when I was in class 6, a new Afghan kid showed up, a month later he was expelled. His father came to fight with headmistress and used the most obscene language. You know why his kid was kick out? He brought a bottle of whisky to school, shared with others and even forced a few to drink it by beating them. Rumour has it, guy tried to fk other guys too.

Then there was my gym instructor, a nice good looking guy currently in USA. he used to visit Qandahar once a while after growing some beard or atleast stubble. His words, not mine, if I go there clean shaved, chances are I might get butt fkd by multiple guys at ones.
oh that's just a storm in a teacup compared to what happened in my town about 20 years ago. a afghani wanted to marry a local girl and she along with he parents told the afghani to jog on.

the afghani then gathered at least another 50+ afghans and went on a rampage destroying the street in a western style standoff. The fight had people who lived on the street (the girl lived on the same street) vs the afghans.

The afghans destroyed cars and properties by lobbing bricks which they got by knocking down walls to obtain.

The people on the street had no option but to join the fight because their property was being destroyed.

Riot police turned up people were injured, an unimaginable damage to people's property was done. The city council held a meeting with the residents as the matter was unlike anything the city had ever experience in its history.

At the time people were saying things like that the afghans deserve the taliban etc etc.

But the animalistic nature of the those afghanis was off the scale.
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