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Say Goodbye to ‘Peaceful Unification’

I think you might have gotten the countries mixed up. our foreign policy is not for sale, even during Cold War we weren't on any payrolls, we did buy soviet equipment but did not receive any handouts as military aid. Even now, our relation with US, Russia and Britain are on equal footing. Russia has been a traditional Friend and thus we do favor Russia in Geo-politics, but that remotely doesn't equate to Sikh brigade fighting in Stalingrad. Indian military will come only into action to protect it's sovereignty, security, and it's interests, (Who ever the adversary may)

We had to fight very hard for our freedom, and thats the reason why our foreign policy is and will always remain India First. So we are not going to play the war-war game. China Russia and US are more than welcome to do whatever they please.

If i may add to that, we are slowly maturing ourselves in diplomacy, for example, improving relationship with israel, Iran simultaneously, and if we add KSA to that you can see how complicated this is, But having said that all these countries are having strained relationships, but in case of a serious armed conflicts between these countries it will be difficult to keep away from it....But then the best way would be Gandhi's ideology....
If only the world worked that way, taiwan would have been annexed a couple of years back, right? then how come it hasn't happened?
It doesn't have to do with reserves, it's is about business, US and US allied interests sustain the booming chinese economy... now why would China want to upset that.
Biggest mistake for China would be to project itself as a rival power to US... usually that doesn't ends very well.

You have been told China is giving as much time to taiwan to think for the reunification as there is no other way for them the taiwanese.

I mentioned reserves because the China have enough to go for a war. You are right but the same goes for US why would US get into conflict/war with China to damage its economy and it goes both way neither US nor China can fight each other it is going to be an economic disaster for both being largest economic businesses trade partners...why would US ruin it for the sake of taiwan.

Do you mean it was a mistake for US to rival russians how did it end? i believe russians lost it, or the british they lost to the rival in disguise both Russians and US. So time will tell about the potential rivalry besides Chinese are not interested in policing the world they are not interested in wasting billions upon billion for military adventures but their biggest eyes for the investment is in africa and smaller asian states.
If only the world worked that way, taiwan would have been annexed a couple of years back, right? then how come it hasn't happened?
It doesn't have to do with reserves, it's is about business, US and US allied interests sustain the booming chinese economy... now why would China want to upset that.
Biggest mistake for China would be to project itself as a rival power to US... usually that doesn't ends very well.

Who is projecting us as a rival power to the US? China never claims to be a superpower, that would be India:

India to become superpower by 2012: Kalam - Economic Times

(This is despite India's falling nominal GDP, and collapsed growth rates, down to 4% now).

The Chinese government says these things repeatedly: We are still a developing country, we do not seek regional or global hegemony, our policy is that of a "Peaceful rise".

This will last at least until 2025, which is how long it will take for us to complete our current phase of economic expansion. At that point, retaking Taiwan would become inevitable, anyone who wishes to fight against us can do so. This means more to us than it does to anyone else on the planet.
you guys should calm down this ego and chest thumping of yours. Else this ego of yours take you down in deep hell. Not trolling but stating universal fact. History repeats itself mate. Take US for example.

Just stating facts mate :coffee:

Asia will always be our private playground and we are proving that as we increase in power.

No one will stop us.

We do what we want, when we want in Asia. Why?
Because we can!
Who is projecting us as a rival power to the US? China never claims to be a superpower, that would be India:

India to become superpower by 2012: Kalam - Economic Times

(This is despite India's falling nominal GDP, and collapsed growth rates, down to 4% now).

The Chinese government says these things repeatedly: We are still a developing country, we do not seek regional or global hegemony, our policy is that of a "Peaceful rise".

This will last at least until 2025, which is how long it will take for us to complete our current phase of economic expansion. At that point, retaking Taiwan would become inevitable, anyone who wishes to fight against us can do so.

yes, A nationalist/Ex-President/Scientist responding to kids to show confidence in the youth, indeed that is good aim to look at, the difference being our definition of superpower is significantly different.

Again, who is stopping China, go ahead and annex whatever you want... my post was just a word of caution..
yes, A nationalist/Ex-President/Scientist responding to kids to show confidence in the youth, indeed that is good aim to look at, the difference being our definition of superpower is significantly different.

Again, who is stopping China, go ahead and annex whatever you want... my post was just a word of caution..

So do you agree with India's favorite President Kalam that India became a superpower in 2012?

Because China is most certainly not a superpower, nor are we even a developed country. This is despite our $9.3 trillion GDP compared to India's $1.7 trillion.

As for Taiwan, our Peaceful Rise phase will be over by 2025. The Taiwan question will be solved by 2030 (outcome unknown at this point). If you can remember that long, you can come back and say "I told you so" as much as you like.

Again, who is stopping China, go ahead and annex whatever you want... my post was just a word of caution..

This is not "annexing" anything.

Russia and Ukraine were both recognized sovereign countries.

The PRC and the ROC claim to be the same country. We are not adding territory, both the PRC and ROC agree on Chinese territory, they just both claim to be the rightful rulers of it.
Trade with Taiwan in insignificant to our economy. While without our markets, the entire Taiwanese economy gets shut down.

Just like how India depends our our goods to drive the domestic consumption. Without our goods, Indian economy collapses. We essentially control the Indian economy.

LMAO!! You are the best troll here now man. Mods come here and award him with troll trophy. :troll:
So do you agree with India's favorite President Kalam that India became a superpower in 2012?

Because China is most certainly not a superpower, nor are we even a developed country. This is despite our $9.3 trillion GDP compared to India's $1.7 trillion.

As for Taiwan, our Peaceful Rise phase will be over by 2025. The Taiwan question will be solved by 2030 (outcome unknown at this point). If you can remember that long, you can come back and say "I told you so" as much as you like.
I know your comprehension skills are quite intact, so a presidents pep talk about putting in hard work for youths to make the country a super power is not something you are going by as a measure of sucess or failure.

I wonder if you go around waving your bank balance at your neighbors every morning, then why do it in a civil conversation.

Wait now, 2030? I thought you were talking about landing troops and taking out thier airbases, it thought you guys were up and ready at dawn. Is this entire annexation plane already post dated to 2030?
So do you agree with India's favorite President Kalam that India became a superpower in 2012?

Because China is most certainly not a superpower, nor are we even a developed country. This is despite our $9.3 trillion GDP compared to India's $1.7 trillion.

As for Taiwan, our Peaceful Rise phase will be over by 2025. The Taiwan question will be solved by 2030 (outcome unknown at this point). If you can remember that long, you can come back and say "I told you so" as much as you like.

This is not "annexing" anything.

Russia and Ukraine were both recognized sovereign countries.

The PRC and the ROC claim to be the same country. We are not adding territory, both the PRC and ROC agree on Chinese territory, they just both claim to be the rightful rulers of it.

Kalam was more popular among kids, who are future of India. Even if we miss 2012 those kids know what they need to do to get the right place in the world.

You are talking about superpower for China. I say china is not any power, now happy.
This is not "annexing" anything.

Russia and Ukraine were both recognized sovereign countries.

The PRC and the ROC claim to be the same country. We are not adding territory, both the PRC and ROC agree on Chinese territory, they just both claim to be the rightful rulers of it.

The Indian here has some comprehension problems, in China's case it's called unification. Same with North Vietnam unified with South Vietnam. Korea has always been 1 country so it's not the South annexing North or vice versa if that process would take place in the future. Does that Indian even call the unification between East and West Germany a form of annexation?
I know your comprehension skills are quite intact, so a presidents pep talk about putting in hard work for youths to make the country a super power is not something you are going by as a measure of sucess or failure.

I wonder if you go around waving your bank balance at your neighbors every morning, then why do it in a civil conversation.

Wait now, 2030? I thought you were talking about landing troops and taking out thier airbases, it thought you guys were up and ready at dawn. Is this entire annexation plane already post dated to 2030?

Because don't you think it's ridiculous for President Kalam to say that India would be a superpower by 2012? Give me an honest answer here.

And you were the one claiming that we were projecting ourselves as a "rival power to the US". :lol:

Even though our economy is so vastly larger than India's, we never claim to be a superpower.

Wait now, 2030? I thought you were talking about landing troops and taking out thier airbases, it thought you guys were up and ready at dawn. Is this entire annexation plane already post dated to 2030?

If you had actually read any of the previous posts, you would have seen me saying our Peaceful Rise phase will be over by 2025, after which the Taiwan question will be decided. 2030 is a reasonable window after that.

No one said that we "were up and ready at dawn", that was something you came up with on your own.
Because don't you think it's ridiculous for President Kalam to say that India would be a superpower by 2012? Give me an honest answer here.

And you were the one claiming that we were projecting ourselves as a "rival power to the US". :lol:

Even though our economy is so vastly larger than India's, we never claim to be a superpower.

If you had actually read any of the previous posts, you would have seen me saying our Peaceful Rise phase will be over by 2025, after which the Taiwan question will be decided. 2030 is a reasonable window after that.

No one said that we "were up and ready at dawn", that was something you came up with on your own.

Have you ever had a coach who before the game told the boys, you are going to kill em on the field, go get them.
I wonder what you guys might have done then.

Yes, by the rhetoric: US cant afford a war, or afford economic upset, another poster had entire ww3 playing in head, even getting India involved somehow. In my understanding, it seems that most chinese members here are trying to position yourself as the rival power to US, now if that is not the case then I apologize.

So are we really discussing some annexation one and a half decade away....
then I would like be excused, hit me up when something does happen, if we both are still around till that time.
Have you ever had a coach who before the game told the boys, you are going to kill em on the field, go get them.
I wonder what you guys might have done then.

Yes, by the rhetoric: US cant afford a war, or afford economic upset, another poster had entire ww3 playing in head, even getting India involved somehow. In my understanding, it seems that most chinese members here are trying to position yourself as the rival power to US, now if that is not the case then I apologize.

So are we really discussing some annexation one and a half decade away....
then I would like be excused, hit me up when something does happen, if we both are still around till that time.

What, did you honestly think that China was going to attack Taiwan right now? "Up by dawn"?

Does that sound logical to you?
So are we really discussing some annexation one and a half decade away....
then I would like be excused, hit me up when something does happen, if we both are still around till that time.
precisely what I have asked for, in many a polite words. for now, all china can do is publish a few angry articles
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