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Saving Pakistanis from the death penalty in Saudi Arabia

before ramadan i met a pushton he was coming from KSA and he used very good words for KSA and Arabs. he also said pakistani's also do bad things which bring bad name to pakistan. and these bad guys also blame KSA for being rude to pakistani's.

Most Pushtons reside in Jeddah :D.

BTW, if you ever come across a Saudi, just ask him who goes to the Masjid first when the call of prayers ended.
Ironically, the so-called Human Rights Watch, turned a blind eye on the drone strikes that killed tens of innocent civilians in Pakistan and other countries.

its not ironic brother. its known that they are all against muslims.
if a muslim kill some one he is a terrorist but if an american or a british or any other person kills some one he is not a terrorist. double standards of UN and human rights watch.
I've got 2 million Pakistanis here, and I won't tolerate anyone who harms them, and we have to make them comfortable.

its not ironic brother. its known that they are all against muslims.
if a muslim kill some one he is a terrorist but if an american or a british or any other person kills some one he is not a terrorist. double standards of UN and human rights watch.

The Human Rights Watch didn't do anything to help the Pakistani people at all. I can give you many examples of double standards. Even the US Gov't is divided on this issue, those who opposed the use of drones have been muted.
and this is a country that gets US weapons and enjoys US support.

I have nothing against SA.

I am just pissed off by Americans the hypocrites。
Sad stories, but drug smugglers and dealers should be dealt with as severely as possible.

DO not you read the whole story? They are not Drug smugglers but they themselves surrender the drugs to Police & ask police to arrest the people who were to receive this drugs.

If you want to intoxicate my society with drugs you are attempting to smuggle, then the price will be heavy, be it whatever national the individual is.

What about the allegations that falsely put on expatriates?

Even Muslim expatriates.

Your authorities claim that there is justice for Muslims.

What about all those false allegations against non-Saudi Muslims?

What about those non-Saudis who are beaten and attacked and raped and attacked for nothing?

I that so? Well, if you are going to harm my people, then please go back to where you came from in first place, and don't cry a river out of it. :D

How about you guys be brave enough to declare your terms and conditions openly at all those recruitment agencies and stuff you register with in Asia's countries like Pakistan India Bangladesh etc?

Cite all the conditions of work, salary, re-negotiated employment contracts, beating, harrassment, torture by Mutawas, harassment over conversion etc openly.

Do you have the courage to openly put forth these terms and conditions on paper?

No right?

Because not even a tenth of those who are coming now would sign up.

That's why.

These are drug lords, and no, they won't be freed.

Drug lords?

What about that Bangladeshi cleaner, who's working at a petrol pump? That Pakistani driver who is working just to feed his family? Or that Indian worker who is working at a grocery store?

Are they drug lords too?

What about those Indonesian and Filipino maids being raped and dumped away?

These women are married, are mothers to some children, sisters and aunts and wives to many people.

Are they also smugglers?

Or just playthings for perverts?

Why in the world do we have to force people to make confessions about doing this and that? :lol: what benefits are we going to get from it?

These individual don't represent the great nation of Pakistan, those are criminal.

If they are guilty, punish them.

No doubt.

But are they?

That's the question.

Or are they simply being handed over a scribbled note in Arabic to confess to something they didn't do?

If they refuse they are beaten, tonsured till they confess.

Why not give them a fair trial?

I know even our law system has a flaw and many flaws, but you claim to be clean right?

I will whole-heartedly support their punishment IF they are indeed guilty.

Can the Mutawas be cross-questioned?

Can they be asked to provide proof other than being the vanguards of your religion?

After all, they are also humans and can make mistakes or even misuse power.

What do you say about that?

Or are you suggesting that these people can do no wrong?

Or better, that ALL the experiences written by thousands of expats about their horrific experiences in Saudi from a whole host of countries (Asian, American, European, Australian, etc). are all false?

My friend,

No one wants to tell you how to run your country.

But at least these religious police should be bound by law and must treat the people like humans.

That's something universal, right?

its not ironic brother. its known that they are all against muslims.
if a muslim kill some one he is a terrorist but if an american or a british or any other person kills some one he is not a terrorist. double standards of UN and human rights watch.

The people in the question here are your countrymen. They surrendered the drugs and were poor people FORCED to do it. They are your fellow Muslims.

If you cannot help them, at least have the dignity to stand by them.

Forget human rights.

Tell me, in a country where the law will never support you no matter what, if you were powerless, had nothing and were forced by a wealthy influential local to smuggle drugs for you or face terrible end, what will you do?

Will you let yourself being tortured to death by a person immune to the laws of land for any crimes against a non-local, or would you do it to save yourself for your family that is living back in your country, dependent on you?
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I hope that in the near future, the economic situation in south Asia reaches a level wherein none of our poorer sub-continental (i.e Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, and Nepali) citizens feel compelled to go to vile, hypocritical "countries" like Saudi Arabia to earn a living.
I hope that in the near future, the economic situation in south Asia reaches a level wherein none of our poorer sub-continental (i.e Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, and Nepali) citizens feel compelled to go to vile, hypocritical "countries" like Saudi Arabia to earn a living.

I hope people know the devil they talk about before saying this and that.
Call it "this and that" if you will, but that's just my opinion of that desert nation.

Before we start, I'm in the law enforcement, there is no way on earth that you would know better than I know.

To begin with, your post appears to be irrational, just been based upon senseless emotions, poor judgments, and ignorance.

What about the allegations that falsely put on expatriates?

Even Muslim expatriates.

Your authorities claim that there is justice for Muslims.

What about all those false allegations against non-Saudi Muslims?

What about those non-Saudis who are beaten and attacked and raped and attacked for nothing?

The hell you are talking about? Rape in KSA is a very sensitive issue, if a crime took place, the society will go mad. Are you serious?

What allegations are you talking about? What benefit would we gain from locking someone behind bars, feeding them, and looking after them? Muslims expats are being treated like anyone else, it is just Pakistanis who are being looked upon and treated differently by the Saudi people.

Bhai, we don't live in a jungle.

We set our own terms and conditions in the passport document, recruitment applications. I told you that you don't know the devil you're talking about.

How about you guys be brave enough to declare your terms and conditions openly at all those recruitment agencies and stuff you register with in Asia's countries like Pakistan India Bangladesh etc?

Because not even a tenth of those who are coming now would sign up.

That's why.

Cite all the conditions of work, salary, re-negotiated employment contracts, beating, harrassment, torture by Mutawas, harassment over conversion etc openly.

Do you have the courage to openly put forth these terms and conditions on paper?

No right?

Beating, harassment, torture by Mutawas is a pure fantasy you made up to entertain yourself. If the " Mutawas " did such thing, the law enforcement won't allow it, nor will the Saudi-based Human Right Watch would, nor the Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution would allow such thing.

Even the Home Office entrance stamp has the fallowing phrase on it

" Smuggling drugs in or out of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabis is punishable by death "

Drug lords?

Yes, those who smuggle, sell, and offer drugs to individuals to intoxicate them in my country are all considered to be drugs lord, their crime usually varies depending on the nature of the case.

What about that Bangladeshi cleaner, who's working at a petrol pump? That Pakistani driver who is working just to feed his family? Or that Indian worker who is working at a grocery store?

Don't tell me about this and that without giving me the whole story of the situation, this is a pathetic option you should have avoided. Trust me, the very least thing I wish is to lock someone behind bars because " he was trying to feed his family " that's insane!

What about those Indonesian and Filipino maids being raped and dumped away?

She could have been raped by non-Saudi citizen, maybe Indians? But I suspect that the Police didn't help them.

At any rate, if she could identify the suspect, he will genteelly be brought to investigation until he's proven to be guilty.

These women are married, are mothers to some children, sisters and aunts and wives to many people.

Are they also smugglers?

Or just playthings for perverts?

Why in the world do we have to force people to make confessions about doing this and that? what benefits are we going to get from it?

Being married doesn't prevent you from committing a crime, please try to find any sophisticated proof that we force people to confess about something they didn't do, otherwise, spare us from your conspiracy theories.

My Bhai,

The religious police can't do a thing in light of this, if they harmed anyone then they will have to put up with the consequences, you're just an Internet book-warm, don't believe anything people say on the Internet, I will punish the Mutawas in the face if they crossed the line.

My friend,

No one wants to tell you how to run your country.

But at least these religious police should be bound by law and must treat the people like humans.

That's something universal, right?

If they are guilty, punish them.

No doubt.

But are they?

That's the question.

Or are they simply being handed over a scribbled note in Arabic to confess to something they didn't do?

If they refuse they are beaten, tonsured till they confess.

Why not give them a fair trial?

They are given a fair trail, with a Saudi lawyer on one hand, and an interpreter from their own embassies on the other hand. We notify all countries concerned about such cases before convicting their citizens to set on the death raw.

Can they be asked to provide proof other than being the vanguards of your religion?

After all, they are also humans and can make mistakes or even misuse power.

I don't think their power would breach our own constitution which grants a fair trial :lol: but clearly, someone is making things up :lol:
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Call it "this and that" if you will, but that's just my opinion of that desert nation.

Well, you may need to stick it to yourself, that many countries are begging that desert nation for this and that. :lol:

DO not you read the whole story? They are not Drug smugglers but they themselves surrender the drugs to Police & ask police to arrest the people who were to receive this drugs.

And who's saying this? Human Rights Watch that gave the cold shoulder to Indians who were shot dead by two Italian officers, just for fun.

Actually, we have been buying weapons and everything from China for ages, our trade volume is so huge as well. The US can't poke its nose into someone else's affairs Sir.
and this is a country that gets US weapons and enjoys US support.

I have nothing against SA.

I am just pissed off by Americans the hypocrites。

Smuggling drugs is serious. The penalty is death, and everyone knows it.

Now somebody is talking! :china:
Drug smugglers deserve death. No mercy for them.

There are several reports of barbaric treatment of people from Asian countries. People who make so much song and dance about much smaller issues in non Muslim countries are completely silent on this barbarity.
Well, you may need to stick it to yourself, that many countries are begging that desert nation for this and that

You and I both know that the, 'this and that', is all you're good for, and that's all you'll ever be good for. About "sticking it to myself" - it might come to you as a surprise to learn what the world thinks of that ridiculously vile nation.
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