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Saving Pakistanis from the death penalty in Saudi Arabia

you guys are great ,if you had said abt the drug trafficers i am 100% with you ,they are just couriers ,have respect for life ,,,,its like shooting the messenger if the message is bad.
And not all people are coerced into it, a lot do it on their free will just for money, and some of the suggestions in the letter are also very absurd to say the least...

Sadly true.

And you guys think they woulld have done the same if it was a US citizen.i dont think so
Every rule in the book will go through the window.
And you guys think they woulld have done the same if it was a US citizen.i dont think so
Every rule in the book will go through the window.

Depends on the color of the skin. Recently one Indian Muslim who goes to my mosque came back from KSA. He had been gone for 9 months so we were like where you been and stuff you know. Turns out they had him locked up for 8 months for some crime they asked him to admit too which he wouldn't and that many others inside were in the same situation as him. Eventually they let him go but what is of note is that he was a US Citizen but desi gaarwale teh na toh unko kyah paata keh agar woh embassy jai toh 5 minute meh woh nikal aata. :sick:
Depends on the color of the skin. Recently one Indian Muslim who goes to my mosque came back from KSA. He had been gone for 9 months so we were like where you been and stuff you know. Turns out they had him locked up for 8 months for some crime they asked him to admit too which he wouldn't and that many others inside were in the same situation as him. Eventually they let him go but what is of note is that he was a US Citizen but desi gaarwale teh na toh unko kyah paata keh agar woh embassy jai toh 5 minute meh woh nikal aata. :sick:

See thats what i mean ,laws will be bent if required,,so why not for these poor guys.
Its unfortunate ,and we can sit here and judge people and talk whats wrong and write ,no offence sir its the easiest thing one can do.most of them who do are not stupid but are ignorent ,they dont know the laws of that country ,there are million reasons why people do that ,and 99% do it with out even knowing what they doing is wrong.

The pakistan government should take these cases with the respective governments if needed pm or external affairs minister should take it personaly with there counterparts.

Man these are not drug smugglers ,they are unfortunate people ,some are traped some are threatened

well you can blame the guys on the Pakistani side and the Saudi side who are profiteering off of this cancerous trade but how can you not blame the pawns themselves?

they should ask questions instead of just doing as told with only money or material reasons on their mind......i'd say the same thing to some brain-washed suicide bomber who is promised that his family will be "taken care of"
How successful is drg control in KSA? Do arabs get drugs easily?

Fantastic, last week they busted three smuggling cartels.

@Yzd Khalifa, what's your comment on this old fashion beheading cultures?

I have got nothing to say about it. Regardless of the nationality of the suspect, we carry out same punishment on all nationals, including Saudis. Last year, we executed 4 drugs dealers, 3 of them were Saudis.
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That isn't true. The guy must have been embarrassed of something he did, that he chose not to tell you the truth, I can speak with the authority on that.

Depends on the color of the skin. Recently one Indian Muslim who goes to my mosque came back from KSA. He had been gone for 9 months so we were like where you been and stuff you know. Turns out they had him locked up for 8 months for some crime they asked him to admit too which he wouldn't and that many others inside were in the same situation as him. Eventually they let him go but what is of note is that he was a US Citizen but desi gaarwale teh na toh unko kyah paata keh agar woh embassy jai toh 5 minute meh woh nikal aata. :sick:

And you guys think they woulld have done the same if it was a US citizen.i dont think so
Every rule in the book will go through the window.

I don't think Americans who come here would be interested in smuggling drugs.

I'm an American myself, and I was jailed when I was 17 for driving without a license, the embassy didn't do a damn thing to me.
Fantastic, last week they busted three smuggling cartels.

I have got nothing to say about it. Regardless of the nationality of the suspect, we carry out same punishment on all nationals, including Saudis. Last year, we executed 4 drugs dealers, 3 of them were Saudis.

because of these punishments look at the crime rate in saudia.
and look what we have done to pakistan with our courts releasing terrorists.

I was reading this book on the situation of labourers and even slightly higher classes of expat Asian workers there. Whether they are from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines or any other Asian country, they face the same madness.

If you want to intoxicate my society with drugs you are attempting to smuggle, then the price will be heavy, be it whatever national the individual is.

It shook me as to how inhuman can someone as a country be. Hell even Rommel and Shiro Ishi were more merciful than this.

I that so? Well, if you are going to harm my people, then please go back to where you came from in first place, and don't cry a river out of it. :D

If these guys are innocent, then they should be spared.

These are drug lords, and no, they won't be freed.

What they have done, was not willing but forced on them.

Why in the world do we have to force people to make confessions about doing this and that? :lol: what benefits are we going to get from it?

These individual don't represent the great nation of Pakistan, those are criminal.
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These people don't belong to the society of our greatest friend and ally. Obviously, the OP created this thread on purpose to provoke the Pakistani people against us.

KSA has one of the lowest crime rate in the world. We don't discriminate against Pakistanis here, in fact, Pakistanis are being treated, dealt with differently. Maybe Pakistani members living/lived in KSA can speak in light of this such as @salman108 @Pakistanisage @p(-)0ENiX @ImranKhan @JonAsad

If you live here, you will see that most places aren't equipped with surveillance cams, because, we simply don't need them.

The fact that KSA chose to execute and X or Y men because they felt like it is stiupid and insane.

because of these punishments look at the crime rate in saudia.
and look what we have done to pakistan with our courts releasing terrorists.

Ironically, the so-called Human Rights Watch, turned a blind eye on the drone strikes that killed tens of innocent civilians in Pakistan and other countries.
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before ramadan i met a pushton he was coming from KSA and he used very good words for KSA and Arabs. he also said pakistani's also do bad things which bring bad name to pakistan. and these bad guys also blame KSA for being rude to pakistani's.
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