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#SaveWBHindus: Malda violence calls for greater protection of Hindus in West Bengal!

Hardly surprising in this poor country. During Advani's Rathyatra in the 90's the entire world had seen how quickly people can be summoned to cause riots and bloodbaths.

They do and in a more bloodier manner. Despite their economic rights are constitutionally protected (which the Muslims do not enjoy), India's tribal belt (where the demography mainly consists of STs) for years have been breeding ground for Maoist insurgency. And more people get killed by Maoists than those by Islamist radicals.

The Maoists are not led by tribals .There is a tug of war going on between the Andhra & Bengal factions for leadership of the maoists.The leadership , as you may well know , are upper / intermediate castes.In fact , sirprisingly , there are a no of Brahmins too.While they certainly are espousing the cause of the down trodden - in this case the ST , the no of ST's constituting the politi bureau can be counted on your fingertips .This also extends to mainstream communist parties .

If anything the poor adivasis are foot soldiers in either camps and/or are caught in between.
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Yes, a yatra for a demand for Ram Mandir in India is quite an equivalence to a riot engineered by peaceful opium farmers. Good to see that Secularism is still strong in that post of yours.
One was politically motivated religious movement led to riot and the another is criminally motivated religious vandalism. My sense of secular principles sees no difference between the two.

The Maoists are not led by tribals .There is a tug of war going on between the Andhra & Bengal factions for leadership of the maoists.The leadership , as you may well know , are upper / intermediate castes.In fact , sirprisingly , there are a no of Brahmins too.While they certainly are espousing the cause of the down trodden - in this case the SC , the no of SC's constituting the politi bureau can be counted on your fingertips .This also extends to mainstream communist parties .

If anything the poor adivasis are foot soldiers in either camps or caught in between.

Agreed. And this does not take anything away from the fact that if you keep a community deliberately backward both socially, politically and economically, eventually that community becomes prey for vote bank politics and more alarmingly easily prone to violent measures for quick and easy gains for their community. It becomes easier and easier to motivate and unite them on various stimulates like religion or ultra socialist principles like Maoism.
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One was politically motivated religious movement led to riot and the another is criminally motivated religious vandalism. My sense of secular principles sees no difference between the two.

Is pyaar ko kya naam du?

"In 1997, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, in a reply to an Assembly question, stated that between 1977 (when they came to power) and 1996, 28,000 political murders were committed. This bland statement does not convey the enormity of the crime committed by the CPI-M. It meant on an average 125.7 murders were effected in a month. It meant that the daily rate of murder was four. That is to say that one political murder took place every six hours for the entire period of 19 years between 1977 and 1996. Could any member of the Opposition feel safe in such a “haven of peace”?"

Politically motivated murder is not new to Bengal politics but now it's taking a religious color thanks to Dhimmi policies of Secular Mamata. Ek to kodh, upar se khujli?
Is pyaar ko kya naam du?

"In 1997, Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, in a reply to an Assembly question, stated that between 1977 (when they came to power) and 1996, 28,000 political murders were committed. This bland statement does not convey the enormity of the crime committed by the CPI-M. It meant on an average 125.7 murders were effected in a month. It meant that the daily rate of murder was four. That is to say that one political murder took place every six hours for the entire period of 19 years between 1977 and 1996. Could any member of the Opposition feel safe in such a “haven of peace”?"

Politically motivated murder is not new to Bengal politics but now it's taking a religious color thanks to Dhimmi policies of Secular Mamata. Ek to kodh, upar se khujli?
Did I ever say that I am a born admirer of Buddhadeb Bhattacharya or his party? Or do you assume that his wrongs are only to make Advani more correct? :lol:
Did I ever say that I am a born admirer of Buddhadeb Bhattacharya or his party? Or do you assume that his wrongs are only to make Advani more correct? :lol:
Nope no one is born with a certain ideology or liking towards a religious group, it's the way they have been indoctrinated during early days that matters. Earlier Bengalis were slave to communist ideology but now they have transformed into full fledged Dhimmis. Anti nationals being given political patronage under the garb of secularism and all budhijibis can do is point out Advani to justify their incompetence to hold on to their elusive "secular credentials"
Nope no one is born with a certain ideology or liking towards a religious group, it's the way they have been indoctrinated during early days that matters. Earlier Bengalis were slave to communist ideology but now they have transformed into full fledged Dhimmis. Anti nationals being given political patronage under the garb of secularism and all budhijibis can do is point out Advani to justify their incompetence to hold on to their elusive "secular credentials"
He is typical congressi where he justify malda acts by digging up same coin of the opposite side.
One was politically motivated religious movement led to riot and the another is criminally motivated religious vandalism. My sense of secular principles sees no difference between the two.

Agreed. And this does not take anything away from the fact that if you keep a community deliberately backward both socially, politically and economically, eventually that community becomes prey for vote bank politics and more alarmingly easily prone to violent measures for quick and easy gains for their community. It becomes easier and easier to motivate and unite them on various stimulates like religion or ultra socialist principles like Maoism.

If I read you right , you seem to be advocating affirmative action for Muslims ! Am I right ?

Besides , who's keeping the Muslims downtrodden ? If you go to any village in India , one doesn't think the Muslims would be discriminated against if a Muslim were to admit his ward in a village primary school.Unfortunately, this may still be true in case of SC or ST students in some parts of India but I don't think this can be said of Muslims .

It used to be argued earler that madrassahs were patronized as they provided food , clothes, notebooks & shelter.

Apart from the latter , the same facilities are provided by the govt in govt aided primary schools.

Moreover , I'm not sure you've got the problem right in case of muslims.One isn't denying the fact that they are at the bottom of all social indices but it certainly isn't on account of the fact that they're differentiated against . Rather its a mindset issue.

Quite near to the place of my residence , a group of wealthy Rajasthani Muslims have spent tens of crores on upgrading a mosque with air conditioned interiors , chandeliers , marbled floors & faucets imported from Italy . One can well argue that all this opulence was not required & that the money expended could have been spent towards more constructive causes .but then its their money .

Besides, This isn't an isolated case too.
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It is hardly surprising that Hindu so called 'Nationalists' will conveniently ignore this report (and the one that again came up in Bartaman today) and will continue their Bengali bashing propaganda for cheap political gains; could not stop laughing when someone in the previous pages prescribed BJP and another one ' North Indian Gunda culture' to awaken the Bengalis.
I dont care about 'nationalists', but unfortunately lot of Bengalis are falling for these propaganda and instead of addressing the real issue which is lack of law and order in the state, repeating 'hindus in danger' bullshit ad infinitum!

Uff eto sahitto je mul bishoytai bojha mushkil

I also think this any movement can be crushed easily by slight self destruction.
Well we are known for our lucid way of writing Bengali!

There is no movement but Malda has become a major criminal and smuggling hub and Mamata is turning a blind eye towards it because she only cares about things which would earn her votes.

If Bengal burns which seems to be more likely every passing day after her blatant appeasing of jamat and ever increasing sangh presence because of people's delusion towards mamata's policy; she will be the nero and write a third class poddo perhaps.
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I dont care about 'nationalists', but unfortunately lot of Bengalis are falling for these propaganda and instead of addressing the real issue which is lack of law and order in the state, repeating 'hindus in danger' bullshit ad infinitum!

This is what Derek O' Brien had to say about Tuktuki Mondal. Instead of making sure full support and help to the girl this secular bigot was busy trolling about Eid.

"TMC National Spokesperson Derek O' Brien described the 'kidnapped girl' case in Mograhat as a hoax. "So the 'kidnapped girl' case in Mograhat turned out to be a #TwitterHoax, pushed by one TV channel and the Sangh's online fundoos. Mograhat girl returned home safe, denied kidnapping. Rightwing tried communal card before Eid, Trinamool July 21 event#TwitterHoax," O' Brien said in the tweet."

After being missing for over two months, Tuktuki Mondal returns unharmed to Mograhat home - Firstpost

@Rain Man : What is your opinion about the above?

When a mob of 2-2.5 lakh Muslims led by the Edara-e-Sharia, a Patna-based hardline Islamic organisation, ran amok in Malda, ostensibly to protest against derogatory remarks on Prophet Mohammad by an Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Mahasabha member called Kamlesh Tiwari, who again commented against another derogatory remarks by Azam Khan, is, effectively, a communal clash. It may or may not have a hidden agenda of some opium farmers and traders, but all those who went there to 'protest' were not opium farmers. And what if one burns police records, police will still know who are the opium traders and where farming happens, burning some papers doesn't wipe off the knowledge from the brains of the police! I don't understand this logic too well.

Most of the communal riots have hidden political agendas, will you call them communal riots or votebank politics?
Flashpoint of Muzaffarnagar riots was a case of eve-teasing, it was a robbery for Canning riots, and a piece of disputed land for Deganga riots...aren't these qualify as communal riots?

I thought about posting a long note about the dangers of living in denial about communal incidents, or hush it up, but this article below has reduced my task.

Cologne And Malda: A Tale Of Two Cities And Dysfunctional Enablers
Smita Barooah

Addictions counsellor. Holds degrees in Political science. Interested in photography and writing.
16 Jan, 2016

An enabler is a person who protects or helps an addict continue the self-destructive behavior in various ways. In both Malda and Cologne, the administration has emboldened the perpetrators by playing the role of enabler.

On New Year’s Eve in Cologne, Germany, a late night celebration in the city center turned into a nightmare for hundreds of young women. Throngs of over thousand drunk and aggressive men, mostly asylum seekers, sexually assaulted them. The traumatized women later recounted how they were encircled, robbed and squeezed from all sides. Their breasts were groped; underwear torn off and some were raped. The police did not anticipate such a situation and were helpless in the face of the onslaught.

Over the next few days, as the women started reporting what had happened, the news snowballed into an international storm. There was widespread outrage. Politicians and the local administration swung into damage control mode and weeks later, Germany is still grappling with the political and social fallout.

Around the same time, in Malda, a district in West Bengal, thousands of people ran riot. They went on a rampage, destroying public property and tyrannizing locals. The trigger apparently was anger at a man named Kamlesh Tewari, who allegedly made blasphemous comments against the Prophet of Islam. The local media and administration blocked out the news and pretended nothing had happened. However social media went to town with the news. As it slowly started spreading online, few mainstream media channels added to the chorus. When pressure built up, the local administration eventually acknowledged the problem but downplayed it or blamed opposition parties. The botched up justifications and blame-game continues.

At this point, the reader might be wondering why I am clubbing two disparate events in two different continents. Is there a link? The short answer is yes. As a mental health professional, the response of individuals and groups often interest me more than the events themselves. In both these case, the reaction of a certain section, which I call the enablers, is noteworthy.

The term enabler is usually used in the context of a relationship with an addict. An enabler is a person who protects or helps an addict continue the self-destructive behavior in various ways. They may avoid the issue, deny the gravity of the situation, hide evidence, provide excuses, or deflect blame, in order to cushion a person from the consequences of their actions. However, if you look around, you will notice that people act as enablers in many regular situations.

In Cologne, for instance, it has now emerged that the New Year’s Eve incident was not an isolated one. Two months prior to that, a welcome party for refugees had degenerated into a mass groping session, and women had to flee in terror. The matter was hushed up.

By suppressing the news and refusing to acknowledge an obvious problem, the administration emboldened the perpetrators and allowed it to escalate into the New Year’s Eve delinquency.

Due to the scale of abuse, this time, it became impossible to suppress the news and action had to be taken. Even then the mayor of Cologne drew widespread criticism as she advised women how to behave with strangers. Her response is an example of classic enabling. Rather than strongly censuring the bad behavior, and punishing the perpetrators, there was an attempt to restrain victims, implying blame.

Meanwhile in Malda, the administration continues to enable the rioters with soft-action and political posturing to deflect blame. Many sections of the media continue to aid and abet this. For instance, a senior journalist, who failed in his duty to report, accused others of fanning communal flames when they carried the story. The underlying message was to downplay the events. Some others sought to dilute the story by drawing false equivalences.

Now, the logical question that follows is, why do people become enablers? There may be many reasons for this, which include fear, shame, guilt, a need to manipulate others or a misplaced sense of duty. People often tend to confuse enabling with support and empowerment, when in fact it creates a sense of powerlessness or entitlement.

Enabling by politicians is relatively easy to understand and can often be linked to vote-bank politics. Enabling by media may be due to strong ideological affiliations to a particular side, or more commonly, a simple matter of funding. Fear due to political writs may also play some part.

It is harder to explain the enabling behavior by other groups and individuals. For instance, when “feminists” stay silent on incidents like Cologne, or shift blame with accusations of “xenophobia” or “Islamophobia”, it requires a fundamental reevaluation of core values.

Similarly, when compassionate, educated individuals choose to evade or make light of events such as the Malda riots or Cologne assaults, it raises many questions. Do they act out of pity, fear, or some misplaced guilt? Have they become too jaded to speak up or are they just paralyzed by extreme political correctness?

These are troubling questions that I cannot answer, but I can say with certainty that enabling never helps. It may buy short-term peace, provide an illusion of safety, or make people feel perversely “holier-than-thou”. However, it cannot be a long-term solution. Today, when faced with such issues, we essentially have two options: Deal with the initial discomfort and tackle the prickly subject head on, or let the problem fester and commit slow suicide by political correctness. The choice is yours.

Cologne And Malda: A Tale Of Two Cities And Dysfunctional Enablers | Swarajya
Until you Hindus keep taking nonsense, you will continue to suffer.

Take a cue from Ashin Wirathu in Myanmar.

There was a time when even killing Jews was legal. What is law is not always right and for that you need sensibility to differentiate self-imposed servitude from the phoney concept called secularism imposed by one family in 1976.

Hardly surprising in this poor country. During Advani's Rathyatra in the 90's the entire world had seen how quickly people can be summoned to cause riots and bloodbaths.

They do and in a more bloodier manner. Despite their economic rights are constitutionally protected (which the Muslims do not enjoy), India's tribal belt (where the demography mainly consists of STs) for years have been breeding ground for Maoist insurgency. And more people get killed by Maoists than those by Islamist radicals.

Sir, how is demanding a temple that too the one which was broken down forcefully against people's wishes, wrong?

Where will Hindus build temple then? Saudi Arabia? Vatican? Syria? Iraq?

I am not from their community but, it is about time you differentiate injustice from "tolerance".

Suffering injustice is not the same as tolerating others.
Until you Hindus keep taking nonsense, you will continue to suffer.

Take a cue from Ashin Wirathu in Myanmar.

There was a time when even killing Jews was legal. What is law is not always right and for that you need sensibility to differentiate self-imposed servitude from the phoney concept called secularism imposed by one family in 1976.

Sir, how is demanding a temple that too the one which was broken down forcefully against people's wishes, wrong?

Where will Hindus build temple then? Saudi Arabia? Vatican? Syria? Iraq?

I am not from their community but, it is about time you differentiate injustice from "tolerance".

Suffering injustice is not the same as tolerating others.

1000 years of dhimmitude.2000 years of Buddhism / Jainism / pacifism.
Sir, how is demanding a temple that too the one which was broken down forcefully against people's wishes, wrong?

Where will Hindus build temple then? Saudi Arabia? Vatican? Syria? Iraq?

I am not from their community but, it is about time you differentiate injustice from "tolerance".

Suffering injustice is not the same as tolerating others.

Demanding a temple that was broken forcefully against people's wishes is not wrong. It never can be. But demanding a temple by ravaging a medieval religious structure with historical significance is in contradiction with basic spiritual conscience and in the absence of any compelling evidence (that it was build by force on an ancient Hindu structure) it is a crime by law that was committed by politically motivated ruffians with a religious face called Hindutva.
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Demanding a temple that was broken peacefully against people's wishes is not wrong. It never can be. But demanding a temple by ravaging a medieval structure with historical significance is in contradiction with basic spiritual conscience and in the absence of any compelling evidence (that it was build by force on an ancient Hindu structure) it is a crime by law that was committed by politically motivated ruffians with a religious face called Hindutva.

That bold part was enough to tell me what you are all about.

Sorry. Though I am not directly related but I strongly support Hindus for this issue now all the more.

If Mahabodhi was broken, we would turn militant too.

Secularism = anti-Dharmic promotion.

F**k secularism.
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