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Saulat Mirza to expose Altaf Hussain before death

He is not mazloom mate but why is his death sentence keeps getting delayed as soon as he is told to give anti MQM statements?
simple Reason:He has finally decided to speak truth before death and the authorities have delayed his death sentence because if he gets hanged they won't be able to get more information out of him because I don't think any telecom operator gives service to contact the Other Side :police:
I'm sorry I lost my trust in Pakistani authorities specially intelligence agencies when Osama Bang Laden was living next to Military academy.
To this day no one has been able to prove that the person killed in the raid was Osama bin Laden.
Rangers are even worse, have you seen how they also take ''bhatta'' from political parties and gangs in Karachi? This looks more like a turf war between Rangers and MQM. Maybe MQM failed to pay up their hush money to Rangers.
Yeah after taking bhatta rangers shows you the receipt of their collection?:dance3:
simple Reason:He has finally decided to speak truth before death and the authorities have delayed his death sentence because if he gets hanged they won't be able to get more information out of him because I don't think any telecom operator gives service to contact the Other Side :police:

To this day no one has been able to prove that the person killed in the raid was Osama bin Laden.

Yeah after taking bhatta rangers shows you the receipt of their collection?:dance3:


Please see the whole press conference here (very touching)


What answers do have MQM opponents on these contradictory statements of Saulat Mirza?

I say do operation against criminals, but don't let Agencies act above the law. Is it so difficult for you people to understand? Y
And how are Agencies acting above Law?

No brother.
Do you know the contradictions of false JIT report of Ajmal Pahari, which they took by torturing him?
Do you know that court slapped that JIT report on the face of agencies, telling them it was wrong and set Ajmal Pahari free?
He was freed because our judiciary is so brave and non-corrupt......And yeah they were also not afraid about their lives:rofl:
Unfortunately, none of you ever answered those clear proofs that Agencies and telling lies in case of Saulat Mirza.
who is talking:crazy:
May be.
But this does not allow our Agencies to start using such cruel tactics against civilians of Karachi.
They did the same mistake by making Haqiqi and then killing thousands of MQM supporters extra judicially in the 90s. They are repeating same mistakes today too.
By doing this, they are only making people of Karachi against them and against the State of Pakistan.

What we need is total unbiased Operation in Karachi. Only then we will get the success.

Question is very simple, Agencies got his Video for the last couple of YEARS. Why didn't the presented him to the megistrate in all these years?


Supporters of MQM have very valid points against Saluat Mirza case. The problem with army is they are also a party in power politics like anyother political party. Unless and until they don't step back from their power politics stand things are not gonna change. Message is army has to correct his house first.

The army has to set a boundary for itself and also for everyone else too. They have to declare future rules of game such as zero tolerance for target killings, no matter who is involved. MQM is right in their stand this is not only MQM who is involved in these activities what about People Party, ANP, Sunni Tahreekh, Jamet e Islami etc. In these examples religious parties have played a role of B team of army. Which army has to leave it now. They also have to arrest people from JI, Sunni Tahreekh, JUI Fazul ur Rehman group and Sammi ul Haq group etc. This is also a test case for army. Now army has to take stand and do their opeations across the baord.
You have to listen DIRECTLY what the family of Saulat Mirza have to say about the Agencies and how they abducted her ill brother and giving no information about him.

What do you have to say about it?

Any proof that they were agencies people?
Maybe they are MQM famous target killers who were sent to force the family to say against agencies.
That's the thing ... Finally you accepted that Karachiites are with MQM and they like to vote MQM :agree:

Takat kisi maslay ka hal nahi ... Now rest of Pakistan should accept the reality ............
A small section of Karachites is and most who vote for them are weak minded people who cherish the ethnic divide. I hope MQM disappears for ever in the next few days. I have a khandaan that votes for said party and I think it deeply unfortunate. We are all victims of ethnic voting preferences. MQM is a terrorist mafia. The entire country is saying it except some core supporters of Jinnahpur/MQM.
Any proof that they were agencies people?
Maybe they are MQM famous target killers who were sent to force the family to say against agencies.

The family of Saulat Mirza is an educated family. They went to the courts and filed several complaints against LEA (just listen to the complete video).
This is the story of thousands of family in Karachi where LEA are doing the same thing in name of operation.

Had MQM abducted him, then Saulat Mirza would have never spoken against MQM.

But if you have some brain, then you could see clearly the whole Drama that has been played by agencies where they brought the statement of Saulat Mirza when he was in the death cell. This has never happened in the history of Pakistan. Forget Pakistan, this never happened in the history of whole world.

And Drama goes further where President Hause becomes active and within 27 minutes president house issues order that hanging Saulat Mirza has been postponed.

And lastly my question from you: Did LEA ever denied that they abducted her brother? No, they didn't.

Did wife of Saulat Mirza ever blamed MQM that they abducted her brother. No she never done it.

But despite all these clear proofs, you are coming up only with your conjectures and trying to deny the clear proofs.
PTI' Tiger is their own worse enemies ... but dont ignite the fire in Karachi by sitting in Lahore ...
Of course they dont ignite the fire but they are igniting a fire that would lead them Humiliated in the end. Once MQM started calling them Haqiqi Reincarnated by Establishment there Politics are over.
Of course they dont ignite the fire but they are igniting a fire that would lead them Humiliated in the end. Once MQM started calling them Haqiqi Reincarnated by Establishment there Politics are over.

N-league will once again make Army/Establishment , push into this civil war , and than they will stand behind and enjoy ... i can never believe that N-league can ever be loyal to Army , if they were , Khwaja Asif wont be a Minister ...
I am afraid that people are constantly blaming me wrongfully of defending any crimes of MQM. For every crime of Agencies, you are defending only by telling that MQM is also wrong. This is plain madness.

I am very much clear to take action against any criminal element.

But I am critical to you people why you want to give Licence to kill to the Agencies by using dirty tactics and instead of doing fair operation against criminals, you want to eradicate whole political party by dirty tactics.

You people must realize that 2 wrongs never make one right.

You forgot this lesson in East Pakistan, you forgot in 90s and you are forgetting it even today. You are absolutely not learning from your mistakes.

What we should have learned from the East Pakistan breakup or debacle is that Pakistani Nationalism has once fallen and may fall again at the towering mountain of ethnic supremacy/fascism. There is no doubt that a lot of us muhajirs simply vote for MQM because it is a muhajir ethnic party and its vote bank is the same. This is a flaw in not just our character but in the entire countries which votes on the basis of ethnicity.

The lesson from 1971 should simply have been-don't elect people who don't believe in Pakistan. Its a simple question for us Will you MQM supporters be with the rest of the country that calls MQM a terrorist organization or are we going to build a separate home for ourselves. Because Altaf called partition a blunder and does not believe in Pakistan. For me that is a slap on my parents face who escaped India with their lives in their mouth.

I am learning from my mistakes. You are not. Unite the nation. Don't divide it.
yes , because you are the one who is quoting him , you must be very desperate to Quote a guy, who is living in exile , and running from his country ...
but how AH's statement represent the millions of Urdu speaking people ? Muhajir is not a Caste if you know ..

@Leader please dont try to give the Impression that MQM is Against Army or Army is against MQM ... you are not helping here , but working as petrol in fire ...
MQM still enjoy the support of Millions , but they wont take arms against Army , at least not this time ...

well said. @Patriots bhai hay apna, woh serious nae leta, he is a fine person.
I have lived a good amount of time in Karachi. I do not deny what other parties do. In fact, there is more to it what you are saying. But if we are talking about MQM I have my friends, who happened to be the members of this party, had later on experienced sore fates. What are you chirping here man? Are you so blindfolded that you can't see beyond this MQM, PTI etc and trying to save the ar$e of this very tadpole with all your a$s out? I wish Saulat should be hanged alongside with Altaf and all culprits. He should be kept alive until he gives all proofs of their wrongdoings. Same way I wish all evils of Talibs, ANP, Nawaz, PPP and list goes on be eliminated before they inseminate another generation of their kind.
If you ask me then I want Altaf and his old Buddies GONE as well but alongside MQM is not the choice for me. I am not only aware of but have observed Crime Activities among MQM as well but I have also seen Much worse then what MQM actually is so its only thing that I want is Remove Criminals from every corner instead of singling out only MQM in the bandwagon.

If there was no MQM in last 8 years then all those Mafias would have Eaten up Karachi by now because Sindh Govt. Provoked and helped them out and rest of Pakistani Agencies were keeping Blind eye on Situation in Karachi and now when they opened their Eyes they are taking One Sided Action that is what I am against. Karachi should be Clean Across the Board not just one side of it which doesnt seen Happening here.

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