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Saudiz to Kerry: We created ISIS to decrease Iran's power in Iraq

Well, this statement is a diversion, Saudi Arabia is the ISIS itself, they just gave birth to their child.
but USA congress has now approved the bill against Saudis for their role in 9/11

Ron Paul: Saudi Arabia Admitted It Created ISIS, CIA Knew About It
October 9, 2016 10:56 am by Ivan Stamenkovic

During his most recent trip to Saudi Arabia, President Barack Obama used the time he had visiting the Saudis to talk about the Iran nuclear deal and Syria. But according to Financial TimesandZero Hedge, there is more to this meeting than news organizations seem to be covering.

According to FT, the Saudis were never able to get over the fact that the US-led invasion of Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein allowed the Shia majority to take over the Arab country. FT explained by saying that, “When Hosni Mubarak was toppled by Egypt’s popular revolt in 2011, Riyadh accused Mr. Obama of betraying a US ally.” As the Saudis began to question“US complacency in the face of Iran’s advances in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen,” Saudi royals allegedly “created Daesh, or ISIS… in response to Obama’s disastrous policy in the region.” Now that Western powers are overly concerned about “ISIS jihadism as the main threat in and from the Middle East,” the Saudis are having none of it.

After Mosul fell to ISIS in 2014, the late Prince Saud al-Faisal who also served as the country’s foreign minister protested with US Secretary of State John Kerry, claiming that “Daesh [ISIS] is our [Sunni] response to your support for the Da’wa,”which stands as the Shia Islamist ruling party of Iraq, which is aligned with Iran.

Dr. Ron Paul used his latest Liberty Report segment to discuss this bombastic piece of news.

He starts by telling Daniel McAdams that, when it comes to Saudi Arabia’s admission of guiltconcerning ISIS, he can’t say he isn’t shocked. He explains:

“We can’t say we aren’t shocked … But this is all in the midst of this legislation going on to try to find out what was on the 9/11 report and why there were 28 pages redacted and most people are very, very suspicious now that Saudi Arabia [admits that it] is very much involved in all this.

“So here, they are beginning to admit it that they have been involved in helping to start ISIS. And the truth is, the evidence is pretty clear too that they don’t do these things without the CIA knowing.

“The CIA either knows … or [anticipates] it. And they were always saying that, seven months ago, ‘we knew about this, we were anticipating that our Pentagon, CIA were involved in this’ and whether or not they were doing everything literally, they very much were involved because to them it’s just logical. You know, ‘why not create ISIS and they will do our dirty work!’

“Our policy is ‘Assad has to go,’ and Americans won’t have to be exposed, but then things happened, unintended consequences. Since then we’ve had the Russians come in, and things aren’t going so well, but [the foreign intervention] is something that has been going on for a long time. This isn’t something brand new, that our CIA creates monsters out there to do such and such that we don’t want to be seen doing, and then, it comes back to haunt us.”


Saudis to Kerry : we created ISIS..

Kerry : No you Didnt, we did

Saudis: No we did it

Kerry: No we did it just like Al Qaeda

Saudis: but AL Qaeda is Arabic name you are not Arab

Kerry: but we know how and where to use it. dont take our credit

Saudis: what is this 9/11 inquiry nonsense and and bill against us?

Kerry: dont worry its a diversion. we are together in it to redraw Middle eastern maps.. loosing few people and a building is no big deal
@WebMaster why is an individual who has been permanently banned several times under different usernames allowed to create baseless troll threads, alter thread titles, use derogatory terms in every second post etc.?
Where in this nonsense source is what is being claimed "admitted"?

Can't you guys see that he is barely able to communicate in English, that almost every post of his is a post of low quality, that he is making insults aimed at users left and right and sectarian insults?

This @2800 individual is also the individual behind those permanently banned users below

@Resurrection5782 @dart25 @kouroshkourosh @YA-Mahdi @Best Land@Ghulam-Alazhar @Mohsenam2 @MOHSENAM

@WebMaster you also permanently banned him from this section of the forum for almost 1 year but suddenly he has been allowed back here to lower the level of this section of PDF.

I am not sure if it is in your moderation teams interest that every Arab user leaves this forum. Can you answer me if that is the goal? If this is indeed the case, which certain unexplainable actions here could confirm/hint at, then I am wasting my time here.

Shall I spent 10 minutes of my time to show the last 20 of his insults here that have not been dealt with at all?

but USA congress has now approved the bill against Saudis for their role in 9/11

Saudis to Kerry : we created ISIS..

Kerry : No you Didnt, we did

Saudis: No we did it

Kerry: No we did it just like Al Qaeda

Saudis: but AL Qaeda is Arabic name you are not Arab

Kerry: but we know how and where to use it. dont take our credit

Saudis: what is this 9/11 inquiry nonsense and and bill against us?

Kerry: dont worry its a diversion. we are together in it to redraw Middle eastern maps.. loosing few people and a building is no big deal

Mr. Baloch is that what you call a serious thread and post aimed at discussion? Where is your proof? Why should KSA support the same group that has attacked it several times and whose ULTIMATE goal is to topple the Saudi Arabian government in order to control the Holy Land?

Judging from your posts here you seem to know absolutely nothing about the Arab world and the current conflicts there and I would be willing to bet that you do not speak or understand Arabic either.

Your anti-Arab bias is pathetic but nothing new. To bad for you that there are almost 500 million of us and this number is growing quickly! Anyway still waiting for your reply in the Yemeni thread, not that I expect one.
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but USA congress has now approved the bill against Saudis for their role in 9/11

Saudis to Kerry : we created ISIS..

Kerry : No you Didnt, we did

Saudis: No we did it

Kerry: No we did it just like Al Qaeda

Saudis: but AL Qaeda is Arabic name you are not Arab

Kerry: but we know how and where to use it. dont take our credit

Saudis: what is this 9/11 inquiry nonsense and and bill against us?

Kerry: dont worry its a diversion. we are together in it to redraw Middle eastern maps.. loosing few people and a building is no big deal

9/11 NEW YORK 10 AM (2GMT)

last week somebody posted syrian vice president interview blaming iran for isis.
few months ago iranians posted similar interviews blaming US for ISIS.
yesterday hillary clinton blamed russia for isis.

its indian style of blaming other for your mistakes.
the truth is US,UK,iran,saudis and iraqis themselves have all added factors to the formation of a hardline sunni organization.
Americans have admitted the creation of Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
Whatabout ISIS in Africa and europe, they have nothing to do with Iran.

ISIS is an ideology, Ideology of Takfir which is advertised by Saudi wahhabism, what U.K and later Americans did was to boost and utilize this Ideology for their own interest. They created Al-Qaeda to weaken the Soviet and created ISIS to weaken the Iran.
but USA congress has now approved the bill against Saudis for their role in 9/11

Saudis to Kerry : we created ISIS..

Kerry : No you Didnt, we did

Saudis: No we did it

Kerry: No we did it just like Al Qaeda

Saudis: but AL Qaeda is Arabic name you are not Arab

Kerry: but we know how and where to use it. dont take our credit

Saudis: what is this 9/11 inquiry nonsense and and bill against us?

Kerry: dont worry its a diversion. we are together in it to redraw Middle eastern maps.. loosing few people and a building is no big deal

You know what I find stupid isn't your post, but the fact that you're labeled as counter-terrorism expert.
Your name is derived from Arabic, you're not a Pakistani guy.
Give me a break.
Kerry: dont worry its a diversion. we are together in it to redraw Middle eastern maps.. loosing few people and a building is no big deal

9/11 was no diversion of any kind. USA was attacked first, and it will destroy those who planned and executed this attack. It is as simple as that, even if it take a few decades. Why should PDF senior management believe in, and propagate such conspiracy theories, is beyond logic.
Sayyid (distant Arab cousin, I suppose?), but did the US not already do that in A-stan and Pakistan?

Afghanistan, yes. And only FATA, but not the rest of Pakistan. However, AlQaida's reach extends all across the Middle East.
Was OBL not apparently discovered/killed in Abbottabad? Speaking about Baloch was Khalid Sheikh Muhammad not arrested in Rawalpindi?

Al-Qaeda is more or less dead. It's ISIS now. Al-Baghdadi is the new deal currently.

Anyway Saudiz. Cool name. Saudiz Arabianz in Merzedez Benz'z.

AlQaida, and its cohorts, are spread far and wide, and deeply in certain areas. It will take time to uproot it and ensure no further attacks. The first step was to go after the leaders, and to lay the foundations for further action by weaning USA off oil imports. The next few steps are now in the process of being implemented.
But don't we both agree that Al-Qaeda is a thing of the past? When have you last seen Al-Zawahiri and that old generation in action? Their relevancy ended years ago. It is all about ISIS and their affiliates across the world and lone wolfs nowadays.

US policies have been catastrophic in the Muslim world for ages, I am afraid. Your previous governments were deeply against Arab nationalism and preferred to support pan-Islamists. Later those pan-Islamists turned against you due to your actions in the region.

Actually this terrorism steams from social, political and economic reasons. Not so much religion as this is a relatively new phenomenon. I mean "Jihadism" as it is understood today. Now after being proved successful on some battlefronts it now inspires people. Often people who know very little about Islam and converts.

As for KSA (House of Saud) having founded ISIS, I see no evidence of that and I doubt this would suit anyone. It would be like shooting yourself in the foot.

Complicated stuff anyway and at the end of the day it is all about power, influence and money, I am afraid. Women after that, lol.

I was joking. Irfan Baloch is a Baloch.

The 9/11 attack was a turning point in history. USA will never be the same, and it will change the Middle East too. What we are seeing now is just the beginning of an entire makeover.
You mean like the US changed Vietnam? Please explain what you think will occur. Also do you believe that he US will continue to support Israel unconditionally? Or will there come a point in time where the American taxpayer will question the unlimited and free support to Israel?

Share your views here.

Neither Vietnam, nor Israel, are the topic in this thread. The Middle East will change tremendously over the next few years, in political terms, as a result of the changes set into motion by the 9/11 attacks.
Can you explain how? What do you think will happen?

For now, there will be increasing chaos in many countries, that will gradually worsen into frank civil war. Syria is the present candidate, followed by others. Those who are not directly in civil war within, will be at war with each other. The entire region will bleed itself into penury. It will take a few years to destroy existing structures to the point when new ones can be created to take their place in a more amenable manner.
Whatever happens will happen. It can almost only get better than the current situation.

The end result will probably be worth it, in the end. It will not be quick, however, taking several years, at least.
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