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Saudiz to Kerry: We created ISIS to decrease Iran's power in Iraq

So you are comparing ISIL to Iraqi Shia militia right?
Would you tell me if it was not Iranian support for the militia against ISIL, what would have happened in Middle East, including your own country?

If iran wasnt there then niether would be saudis. The nag to interfere in affairs of other nations is common between saudis and iran. Wars are fuelled by narrative and you people provided as big of a narrative as it can get for sunni population. This war has already reached doorstep of Saudis so it wont be long that Iran also will reap what it has sown for other. Our own country has fared well against any kind of terrorism and entire world has accepted the results of our efforts of sacrifices. We fought for our survival united as Muslims not just shia and Sunnis.

Why not just fight Saudis directly and rid those nations caught in cross fire of your miserable power grab.
If iran wasnt there then niether would be saudis. The nag to interfere in affairs of other nations is common between saudis and iran. Wars are fuelled by narrative and you people provided as big of a narrative as it can get for sunni population. This war has already reached doorstep of Saudis so it wont be long that Iran also will reap what it has sown for other. Our own country has fared well against any kind of terrorism and entire world has accepted the results of our efforts of sacrifices. We fought for our survival united as Muslims not just shia and Sunnis.

Why not just fight Saudis directly and rid those nations caught in cross fire of your miserable power grab.

When on earth we interfered in other countries affairs?
And Pakistan was involved in creation of ALQ and Taliban ...
When on earth we interfered in other countries affairs?
And Pakistan was involved in creation of ALQ and Taliban ...

Lebaonan, Iraq, Bahrain, Syria, yemen so how many more examples you need of your interference? Do you deny formation of iran based shia militia? Do you deny IRGC troops fighting in syria and iraq? You own country men proudly gloat about their interference here on PDF. There is enough proof out there only if you are willing to accept it.

Are you high? Alqaeda was and always have been a Arab based group whereas Taliban were created by merger of different jihadist factions after soviets left afghanistan. Might i remind you at that time entire world endorsed them as heros. . We like many other countries merely endorsed government of Taliban. You may need a good history lesson and it is just one click away so google it instead of whining.
Lebaonan, Iraq, Bahrain, Syria, yemen so how many more examples you need of your interference? Do you deny formation of iran based shia militia? Do you deny IRGC troops fighting in syria and iraq? You own country men proudly gloat about their interference here on PDF. There is enough proof out there only if you are willing to accept it.

Are you high? Alqaeda was and always have been a Arab based group whereas Taliban were created by merger of different jihadist factions after soviets left afghanistan. Might i remind you at that time entire world endorsed them as heros. . We like many other countries merely endorsed government of Taliban. You may need a good history lesson and it is just one click away so google it instead of whining.

Could you please elaborate what we have done in Bahrain? Or in Iraq?
In Bahrain a majority is ruled by a minority and we only have called out for democracy there ... you see interference? Saudis and Americans backed dictator and cracked down peaceful protests not Iranians ....

In Yemen there is no presence of Iranian , I would be glad to see if you have anything about Iranian being in Yemen again we support Yemenis will is there any problem by that? the one whom bombing are Saudis and Americans not Iranians ....it's Saudis whom are invading ....
In Iraq while ISIS was approaching and itching our borders we had no choice but to fight them ,FYI they were 40 kms Away from our borders , 2 kms away from Iraq capital Baghdad and heading to the Kurdistan region of Iraq too .. both of them I mean Iraq Gov and Kurdistan region asked us directly to come to their aid and we did so how is it considered as interference?and at least 20 k of Iraqi militia are Sunnis ....

In Lebanon .... for a long time Shia was being oppressed , impoverished and deprived from their basic rights in southern Lebanon ... their lands were taken by israel and for a long time Lebanon territories esp in south were occupied by israel .. we just empowered them to defend themselves ...and they managed to kicked out israel in 2000 and defeat them once more time in 2006 .... Hezboallh ain't only a Shia militia but a political party which has Mps, ministers in Lebanon parliament and cabinet ... many in Lebanon support this group ... if it wasn't Hazbollah now we could see ISIS in Lebanon beheading more people .... the same we've done in Palestine .. helping Sunnni people in Palestine against occupation is good helping Shia people against occupation is bad?

In Syria , our presence there happened after Americans, Saudis and Turks .... and again by direct request of Syrian Gov ... all these countries were supplying weapons and money into the terrorists groups since 2011 ... how do you think ISIS has managed to survive this long?

By the way if it wasn't Iran efforts to push back extremists supported by some well-known countries the South west Asia would have been something like this:

ISIS 5 year plan map.jpg

By the way the basis of ISIS was created back in 1999 by al-Zarqawi in Iraq not after the US invasion, the US onslaught just escalated the situation :

The story of how the forebears of ISIS got started in Iraq is largely the story of a rough-hewn, charismatic al-Qaeda recruit named Abu Musab al-Zarqawi Back in 2003.
Convinced the Americans would invade Iraq, Zarqawi began building a base there in 2002; when they did so a year later, he proved willing to ally with remnants of Saddam’s intelligence network. The story is well told by William McCants in his excellent new book, The ISIS Apocalypse. Four months after the U.S. invasion, Zarqawi’s organization attacked three well-chosen targets—UN headquarters in Baghdad, the Jordanian embassy in Baghdad, and the Imam Ali Mosque, a Shiite shrine, in Najaf—that signaled the dirty war ahead.

WMD’s were not the only incriminating object that was unfounded prior to ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’; there were no Al Qaeda or ISIS either. The proto-ISIS group, Jam’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad (TJ) led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was born out of the Iraq war, as part of a coalition of Sunni resistance groups fighting the occupying forces. TJ changed its name on multiple occasions during its evolution to becoming ISIS. In late 2004, TJ officially joined Al-Qaeda, after Zarqawi pledged allegiance to Osama bin Laden, and became known as Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). In 2006, AQI became the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), which later became the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) when it branched into the Syrian civil war.

And who trained Abu Musab al-Zarqawi?
On a cold and blustery evening in December 1989, Huthaifa Azzam, the teenage son of the legendary Jordanian-Palestinian mujahideen leader Sheikh Abdullah Azzam, went to the airport in Peshawar, Pakistan, to welcome a group of young men. All were new recruits, largely from Jordan, and they had come to fight in a fratricidal civil war in neighboring Afghanistan—an outgrowth of the CIA-financed jihad of the 1980s against the Soviet occupation there.

The men were scruffy, Huthaifa mused as he greeted them, and seemed hardly in battle-ready form. Some had just been released from prison; others were professors and sheikhs. None of them would prove worth remembering—except for a relatively short, squat man named Ahmad Fadhil Nazzal al-Khalaylah.
He would later rename himself Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
The Iranians were slaves to the Russian, British in WW1 to bring down the true Islamic Ottomans. Now, they're doing the same in 2016.
Muslim world has had enough of their traitorous ways!
For the record Iranian were neutral in that war
Americans have admitted the creation of Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
Whatabout ISIS in Africa and europe, they have nothing to do with Iran.

ISIS is an ideology, Ideology of Takfir which is advertised by Saudi wahhabism, what U.K and later Americans did was to boost and utilize this Ideology for their own interest. They created Al-Qaeda to weaken the Soviet and created ISIS to weaken the Iran.
i never said that iran created isis. i said it added factors to its ideology. iranian backed shia militia in iraq have been the reason sunnis became extremists. iraqi prime minister noori al maliki was the reason for creating distances between people of both sects. US and UK using sunni militias and iraqi militias against each other for their purposes was the reason too. saudis tried to play isis vs bashar was the reason too. bashar forces vs rebels added oil to this fire. and hizbullah addition was more than enough excuse for people to join isis.
isis is going no where if everyone there accept their mistakes and work together.
iranian backed shia militia in iraq have been the reason sunnis became extremists. iraqi prime minister noori al maliki was the reason for creating distances between people of both sects.
these are just excuses which west and their Saudi puppets advertise to justify the existence of a terrorist group which they created themselves. if you don't accept this then tell us what Shiah militant in Iraq have done? and what maliki did?
as a Sunni what they wanted from Secular Bashar Asad that he didn't grant that?!

Takfiris ideology is to kill anyone who doesn't accept their beliefs, and that's why they detonate themselves in a market and kill innocent women and children to go to heaven. that's why they have killed many Sunni civilians and clerics.
their ideology is the source of extremism, not what other parties have done.

US and UK using sunni militias and iraqi militias against each other for their purposes was the reason too. saudis tried to play isis vs bashar was the reason too. bashar forces vs rebels added oil to this fire.
you can list dozen more, yet there is one critical main reason. arming terrorists.
look at Bahrain, it's a majority Shiah country under the occupation of a west puppet dictator, yet they didn't start killing random people in streets in the name of fighting the suppression.
but I accept one big mistake by Asad and his father, and that's allowing the entrance of wahhabism (Takfiri) thought in his country in the name of freedom and respecting Saudi trained clerics, as it's said, you have to harvest what you have plant!

and hizbullah addition was more than enough excuse for people to join isis.
Hizbollah entered the fight only when most of Syria was already in occupation of these terrorists, also they occupied part of Lebanon and were planing to extend their activities into Lebanon. do you expect the Hizbollah to sit there and let them do whatever they want? not to mention their plan for destroying the Shiah holy shrines which we will never allow that.

isis is going no where if everyone there accept their mistakes and work together.
ISIS will be annihilated by Iran backed fighters, it may be sooner or later, but it's absolute. though that's not what Americans/Zionists/Turks/Saudis want.
9/11 was no diversion of any kind. USA was attacked first, and it will destroy those who planned and executed this attack. It is as simple as that, even if it take a few decades. Why should PDF senior management believe in, and propagate such conspiracy theories, is beyond logic.

Naaaicee Joke

these are just excuses which west and their Saudi puppets advertise to justify the existence of a terrorist group which they created themselves. if you don't accept this then tell us what Shiah militant in Iraq have done? and what maliki did?
as a Sunni what they wanted from Secular Bashar Asad that he didn't grant that?!

Takfiris ideology is to kill anyone who doesn't accept their beliefs, and that's why they detonate themselves in a market and kill innocent women and children to go to heaven. that's why they have killed many Sunni civilians and clerics.
their ideology is the source of extremism, not what other parties have done.

you can list dozen more, yet there is one critical main reason. arming terrorists.
look at Bahrain, it's a majority Shiah country under the occupation of a west puppet dictator, yet they didn't start killing random people in streets in the name of fighting the suppression.
but I accept one big mistake by Asad and his father, and that's allowing the entrance of wahhabism (Takfiri) thought in his country in the name of freedom and respecting Saudi trained clerics, as it's said, you have to harvest what you have plant!

Hizbollah entered the fight only when most of Syria was already in occupation of these terrorists, also they occupied part of Lebanon and were planing to extend their activities into Lebanon. do you expect the Hizbollah to sit there and let them do whatever they want? not to mention their plan for destroying the Shiah holy shrines which we will never allow that.

ISIS will be annihilated by Iran backed fighters, it may be sooner or later, but it's absolute. though that's not what Americans/Zionists/Turks/Saudis want.

ISI or Islamic state of Iraq was created in Iraq in 2006 , Maleki became governor in the same time .. how on earth these 2 are related ....
Who is shocked here? Saudis did create ISIS but it is just one side of the coin. The other side was bred up by Iran as shia militia in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen. Both Iran and Saudis are like a plague for Muslim world destroying one nation after other for sake of power grab. I am just glad Pakistan for once made a wise decision by not involving themselves in their sectarian mess.

Spoke my mind :tup:
'Irfan' is a popular name in Iran and Pakistan you obsessive fool troll.

If Allah is not Arab so there is no problem in having such name. Anyway your comment is off topic and personal attack.
I see a pattern here
whenever from a Humane standpoint I question the violation of human rights or unjustified murder of unarmed civilians by Israelis or by Saudi coalition..

I am either told that

I am anti Semite, (by criticising & questioning the Israeli blockade or bombardments)
I dont understand the rationale (behind the indiscriminate mass murder of people by KSA airstrikes)

then I am reminded
how evil Assad is, how evil Russia and Iran are

finally my faith, nationality and political affiliation is questioned
you might recall that I am critic of Iranian Ayatullah excesses as well and I do get the flak of that too but as it happens

Al Qaeda, Daesh and their Saudi allies outperform anyone when it comes to mass murder


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these are just excuses which west and their Saudi puppets advertise to justify the existence of a terrorist group which they created themselves. if you don't accept this then tell us what Shiah militant in Iraq have done? and what maliki did?
as a Sunni what they wanted from Secular Bashar Asad that he didn't grant that?!

Takfiris ideology is to kill anyone who doesn't accept their beliefs, and that's why they detonate themselves in a market and kill innocent women and children to go to heaven. that's why they have killed many Sunni civilians and clerics.
their ideology is the source of extremism, not what other parties have done.

you can list dozen more, yet there is one critical main reason. arming terrorists.
look at Bahrain, it's a majority Shiah country under the occupation of a west puppet dictator, yet they didn't start killing random people in streets in the name of fighting the suppression.
but I accept one big mistake by Asad and his father, and that's allowing the entrance of wahhabism (Takfiri) thought in his country in the name of freedom and respecting Saudi trained clerics, as it's said, you have to harvest what you have plant!

Hizbollah entered the fight only when most of Syria was already in occupation of these terrorists, also they occupied part of Lebanon and were planing to extend their activities into Lebanon. do you expect the Hizbollah to sit there and let them do whatever they want? not to mention their plan for destroying the Shiah holy shrines which we will never allow that.

ISIS will be annihilated by Iran backed fighters, it may be sooner or later, but it's absolute. though that's not what Americans/Zionists/Turks/Saudis want.
you can't change the facts by listing the crimes of isis.
there would have been no isis in first place if maliki government wasn't anti sunni.
sunnis were not made the part of any government organization. it was the start.
the opportunity was created by iraqis itself.
you cannot justify your acts by giving examples of something that happened later. you made this war a shia sunni war. if there wasn't iranian backed shia forces it would have been iraq vs terrorist war. unfortunately its not the case.
Neither the 9/11 attacks nor what is happening as a result to them is remotely funny Sir. Perhaps you may like to think so, but real events will show what I say to be correct, in due course.
sir it is dark comedy that those responsible for 9/11 threaten you with withdrawing their treasury bonds in the tune of billions or trillions or gazillions and you guys end up selling them F-15s and "smart munition they try out in Yemen
sir it is dark comedy that those responsible for 9/11 threaten you with withdrawing their treasury bonds in the tune of billions or trillions or gazillions and you guys end up selling them F-15s and "smart munition they try out in Yemen

Has Saudi Arabia withdrawn any of its funds invested in USA? Besides, why turn away good business?
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