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Saudiz to Kerry: We created ISIS to decrease Iran's power in Iraq

you can't change the facts by listing the crimes of isis.
there would have been no isis in first place if maliki government wasn't anti sunni.
sunnis were not made the part of any government organization. it was the start.
the opportunity was created by iraqis itself.
you cannot justify your acts by giving examples of something that happened later. you made this war a shia sunni war. if there wasn't iranian backed shia forces it would have been iraq vs terrorist war. unfortunately its not the case.
Maliki was a democratically elected government, and THERE WERE SUNNIS MINISTERS IN HIS CABINET. yet those so called Sunnis parties (Seculars in facts) were demanding exactly what U.S couldn't achieve in Iraq, to disband Shiah military groups who were the only obstacle against terrorists activities specially anti Shiah bombings in the Iraq, and these activities existed way before the creation of Maliki government. these Shiah militant were the only reason that Iraq didn't fall into ISIS.
they were demanding to place Secular Ba'ath party elements in the government, the same elements who cooperated with former bloodthirsty Iraqi dictator and massacred lots of Shiahs and of course joined the ISIS in the end.

so unlike what you say it wasn't a Shiah/Sunni issue but a political one which was backed by U.S and Saudi Arabia.
meanwhile ISIS was created (and Americans have admitted to create it) to increase the pressure on the Maliki government, yet this terrorist group went out of their control.

also if we want to accept your excuses for creation of ISIS, then why we don't see such a thing in Bahrain which is an absolute majority Shiah country run by a Secular (so called Sunni) dictator?
why we don't see such a thing among oppressed Shiahs of Saudi Arabia dictatorship?
ISIS is solely a U.S/Saudi made issue and with political motives.
You sound like a 12 year old kid.

I compared Iran's democracy to your master's sheikhdom where election are something they never heard of. Iran is a democratic nation (not as much as the west however), just because its democracy is different i.e its vetting process, it does not make it a non democratic nation. It not a perfect democracy, then again no one is.

Let me educate you about the supreme leader. Iranian supreme leader is elected by the assembly of expert whom themselves are elected by the Iranian people. The Iranian supreme leader can be removed at any time by the assembly of experts if need be and even he has to abide by the constitution. Although he has the power to intervene, he rarely does so anyway.

So you're clueless about what you're blabbering about. All you're doing is spreading your sheikh master's propaganda.

Again as I said I am not interested in Iran or Iranian democracy. Iran is irrelevant to me. I only pointed it out because of your sugar coating things that Iran supporting the protestors here to instill democracy. So why doesn't Iran helps the rebels in Syria to instill democracy. My point was and is that Iran only has the motive to mess with other countries and increase Shia influence around it. Why only Iran has to liberate countries where shias need help to further their terror. Again very cleverly which you avoided to comment on.

Again i have been respectful with my words.
If iran wasnt there then niether would be saudis. The nag to interfere in affairs of other nations is common between saudis and iran. Wars are fuelled by narrative and you people provided as big of a narrative as it can get for sunni population. This war has already reached doorstep of Saudis so it wont be long that Iran also will reap what it has sown for other. Our own country has fared well against any kind of terrorism and entire world has accepted the results of our efforts of sacrifices. We fought for our survival united as Muslims not just shia and Sunnis.

Why not just fight Saudis directly and rid those nations caught in cross fire of your miserable power grab.
You are falsly assuming that Iran is supporting the militia because of Saudi Arabia, that's over-simplication at best. We didn't care about Saudi at first place. In Iraq, Iranian support for the militia was firstly because of US presence in Iraq, an Iranian neighbour, and later support was because of Isil. Of course Saudi has been pissed off by Iranian influence in post-War Iraq but who cares about Saudis. In Syria the situation is much more complex. There are multiple reasons for Iranian support for the pro-govt militia over there. And in Yemen Iranian support for Shias is mostly non-combat, Houthis themselves have already enough arms.
Again as I said I am not interested in Iran or Iranian democracy. Iran is irrelevant to me. I only pointed it out because of your sugar coating things that Iran supporting the protestors here to instill democracy. So why doesn't Iran helps the rebels in Syria to instill democracy. My point was and is that Iran only has the motive to mess with other countries and increase Shia influence around it. Why only Iran has to liberate countries where shias need help to further their terror. Again very cleverly which you avoided to comment on.

Again i have been respectful with my words.

You're a nobody. No one cares what you find relevant or not. You made some moronic comments and they were debunked. The rest of your comments were none-sense which slaves like you typically spout on the behalf of your arab masters in the Persian gulf.
You're a nobody. No one cares what you find relevant or not. You made some moronic comments and they were debunked. The rest of your comments were none-sense which slaves like you typically spout on the behalf of your arab masters in the Persian gulf.

So i take you don't have an answer or you agree with me. Why Iran has to involve itself with the Arab countries when no one in the Arabian gulf interested in Iran? No One made Iran the world police for shias.
So i take you don't have an answer or you agree with me. Why Iran has to involve itself with the Arab countries when no one in the Arabian gulf interested in Iran? No One made Iran the world police for shias.

Your comment are trearded, why would anyone merit them with a proper answer? You're a brainwashed slave with nothing but takfiri crap.

You pakistanis working as slaves in the Persian gulf states should be very careful. Acting like such slaves for these arabs will make it much more likely Iran-Pakistan's relation go down the more negative path.

These arabs treat you people like less than human and you make such fools out of yourselves trying to defend them.
When it comes to your government's takfiri policies you surely cant merit an answer. Calling me takfiri is a joke. I surely have more shia friends than you imagine. We live in absolute harmony be it Arab or Iranian. The only problem the middle east is facing Iranian governmental policies against it and encouraging terrorist and their activities.

Secondly you don't know me nor my background. I have Pakistani roots but I haven't been to Pakistan ever. My forefathers have been in Bahrain since a very long time. I am not here to work nor am I doing to agree to your BS when you don't have a slightest of clue of living and conditions in my country. I dont care about relations between pakistan and iran.

Thirdly local Arabs treat everyone with respect be it Pakistani or iranian living in the country. There havent been any case of abuse when even a large amount of iranians live in the country. There are racist people everywhere be it Arabs or Persians.
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What about Pakistan?
Bro pakistan did not created taliban ... Taliban was created out of mess in afghanistan ... Pakistan supporelted them to form a unifiedgovt in afghanistan which they did remarkably ... Afghanistan was returning to stabilization before 9/11 and 9/11 was done by al.qaeda not taliban

Furthermore ttaliban we know today are much different today then under leadership of mullah omer
Calling out for democracy in Bahrain when there is none in Iran is quiet a hypocrisy. If democracy is the issue why don't you start from Iran. The point has always been to bring a Shia government in place. As it always has been the case in Syria and Iraq is to retain the Shia government in place. Supporting the governments in Syria and supporting the opposition in Bahrain has only one thing in common. Both the entities involved are Shia. The protestors were doing good to get additional rights in the country until Iran tried toppling the government and the so called peaceful protestors ended up with nothing but their treachery obvious to everyone.

Fist of all whom said there is no democracy in Iran? Iranian voted for IR in a referendum back in 1979 and then in 3 successive elections they voted first people who wrote Iran new constitution , then its first draft and eventually the final draft ... and then presidential, parliamentary, city council and assembly of experts elections have been held base on the new constitution... at least 35 elections by high Iranian turn-out have been held in since Islamic revolution ... however I am not saying our democracy is perfect we have lots of problem and things to be fixed and addressed ...
In comparison by Arab countries in the region Iran is galaxy away , FYI some of these countries like Qatar and Saudis have no constitution to start with let alone enjoying election or democracy ....these countries are ruled by dynasties and families rather than people ....for example in Qatar the previous king Hamad bin Khalifa grabbed the power and deposed his father in a bloodless coup d'état while his father was on vacation abroad in 1995 . The irony is if you believe Iran should not involve in Bahrain due to having no democracy which is debatable then how you explain Qatar, Saudi , Emirate and Jordan presence in Syria , Yemen and Bahrain?
On Shia-Sunni thing ... no it ain't and wasn't about bringing Shia government in place .....in Iraq majority are Shia and a majority Shia government is a natural outcome .. do you expect Hindus govern a Shia majority country like Iraq ? for God sake for more than 4 decades a minority Sunni governed Iraq massacred and cracked down Shia and Kurds targeted them with chemical weapons and none of you raised a finger to stop them and now when Shia through a democratic election has come to the power you call it Shia/Safavid/Rafdhi agenda to invade the region ....?
The same in Syria , some elements in the region alongside with Americans are trying to frame Syrian conflict in way you mentioned to distract people from reality on the ground ... the majority of Syrian army are Sunni. Alawites , Sunnis , Shias and christens had been living peacefully side-by-side without any problem in Syria for years before American-Saudi-Turk intervene took place back in 2011 ....the problem in Syria ain't about Shia-Sunni but it's a part of bigger plan to change the geopolitical of the region ... Iran's approach for Syrian conflict has been on the table since 2011 and has been stated in many time , a free and fair election which in all Syrian people and parties would take part to shape their own future .. any probable outcome should be respected by all sides ... where is Shia things in it?

See what we want for Syria .. democracy ... the Q is why American/Saudis/Turks/Qatar are not interested in it? if Assad is despised by Syrian people then they wouldn't vote him, it for sure would mean end of Assad era in Syria ...so it's not Shia-Sunni ....

In Bahrain you see Iran calling out for democracy as a problem but Saudis troops in Bahrain territories as a good thing .. when Iran tried to topple Bahrain Gov?it's not Iran fault if these kingdoms use Iran as a pretext to crack down their own people .. I made Bahrain example to point out that those whom have no democracy in their own countries and cracked down peace full protests in Bahrain are the problem not Iran .......
The Iranians were slaves to the Russian, British in WW1 to bring down the true Islamic Ottomans. Now, they're doing the same in 2016.
Muslim world has had enough of their traitorous ways!

I think at the end the Ottoman sultans became as corrupt as the House of Saud. This is what brought them down, the foreign enemies just acted as accelerators.
well to all the muslims. yesterday i read a hadith mentioning that people of iraq will be displaced from their countries. there would be santions on them due to romans. the best news given in the hadith was that iraqis will return to their land where they would find more happiness and comfort.
note:the hadith was mentioned in urdu book so i didn't mentioned the exact words.
Fist of all whom said there is no democracy in Iran? Iranian voted for IR in a referendum back in 1979 and then in 3 successive elections they voted first people who wrote Iran new constitution , then its first draft and eventually the final draft ... and then presidential, parliamentary, city council and assembly of experts elections have been held base on the new constitution... at least 35 elections by high Iranian turn-out have been held in since Islamic revolution ... however I am not saying our democracy is perfect we have lots of problem and things to be fixed and addressed ...
In comparison by Arab countries in the region Iran is galaxy away , FYI some of these countries like Qatar and Saudis have no constitution to start with let alone enjoying election or democracy ....these countries are ruled by dynasties and families rather than people ....for example in Qatar the previous king Hamad bin Khalifa grabbed the power and deposed his father in a bloodless coup d'état while his father was on vacation abroad in 1995 . The irony is if you believe Iran should not involve in Bahrain due to having no democracy which is debatable then how you explain Qatar, Saudi , Emirate and Jordan presence in Syria , Yemen and Bahrain?
On Shia-Sunni thing ... no it ain't and wasn't about bringing Shia government in place .....in Iraq majority are Shia and a majority Shia government is a natural outcome .. do you expect Hindus govern a Shia majority country like Iraq ? for God sake for more than 4 decades a minority Sunni governed Iraq massacred and cracked down Shia and Kurds targeted them with chemical weapons and none of you raised a finger to stop them and now when Shia through a democratic election has come to the power you call it Shia/Safavid/Rafdhi agenda to invade the region ....?
The same in Syria , some elements in the region alongside with Americans are trying to frame Syrian conflict in way you mentioned to distract people from reality on the ground ... the majority of Syrian army are Sunni. Alawites , Sunnis , Shias and christens had been living peacefully side-by-side without any problem in Syria for years before American-Saudi-Turk intervene took place back in 2011 ....the problem in Syria ain't about Shia-Sunni but it's a part of bigger plan to change the geopolitical of the region ... Iran's approach for Syrian conflict has been on the table since 2011 and has been stated in many time , a free and fair election which in all Syrian people and parties would take part to shape their own future .. any probable outcome should be respected by all sides ... where is Shia things in it?

See what we want for Syria .. democracy ... the Q is why American/Saudis/Turks/Qatar are not interested in it? if Assad is despised by Syrian people then they wouldn't vote him, it for sure would mean end of Assad era in Syria ...so it's not Shia-Sunni ....

In Bahrain you see Iran calling out for democracy as a problem but Saudis troops in Bahrain territories as a good thing .. when Iran tried to topple Bahrain Gov?it's not Iran fault if these kingdoms use Iran as a pretext to crack down their own people .. I made Bahrain example to point out that those whom have no democracy in their own countries and cracked down peace full protests in Bahrain are the problem not Iran .......

Western democracy doesn't interest me. So I don't mind what system Iran uses in its own country. The issue is Iran's meddling in other countries wherever shia terrorist groups and activities are in question. That simply is to increase their influence in the Arab countries. No one interferes in Iran's internal problems in return Iran supplies arms terrorists and threatens other countries. Why doesnt Iran support MB for their fight for democracy? The simple answer is because that doesnt involve shias. No matter how hard you would like to sugar coat your alliances. After a sunni genocide in your own country you are in no position to point fingers on others. If Bahraini terrorist shias are freedom fighters or fighting for democracy then so are the balochi in Sistan Baluchistan.

Lastly, the people here are happy with whatever political system we are living in and need no liberation. If there are issues they will be solved by the locals. No need for Iranian interference. Your governmental policies related to the gulf are nothing but to spread mischief in the land. The shias here are doing much better than anywhere in the world with a quality standard of living. Arming terrorists and talking about the betterment of the local peaceful protestors are your double standards. All you need is a civil war and tension in the region.

P.S: There are no saudi troops in Bahrain. At the time of unrest they were called for the protection of important sites. Never used against any local. Beware of spreading false info.
you can't change the facts by listing the crimes of isis.
there would have been no isis in first place if maliki government wasn't anti sunni.
sunnis were not made the part of any government organization. it was the start.
the opportunity was created by iraqis itself.
but lets get some context. you remember Shiites(who are majority in Iraq) JUSt got rid of a minority Dictator Saddam who kept them out of their rightful govt opportunities for a long time? So the sunnis want to get back to "govt jobs and opportunities" after they have already received MORE than they deserved in the first place? something must give. yoou get what you put in. Fact is that for Sunnis in Iraq, now sadly is the time to pay for saddam's costs. No glory days are coming for them because they already enjoyed them.
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