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Saudis told not to marry women from Pakistan, 3 other states

First Kuwait banned Pakistanis from visting and now Saudis discriminate.
I sense some Salim-Aarkali thing here. May be some sahzada of saudi wanted to marry some shahzadi of Pakistan which shaheshah did not approve and hence the royal order.
With all due respect then it is only a small minority of Saudi Arabian men that are marrying non-Arabs or non-locals.

By far the vast majority of Saudi Arabian men have no interest in marrying people from Chad, Myanmar or Bangladesh, India etc. I have never heard about that or seen it personally. I don't know about any Saudi Arabian of such a mixture that is well-known.

90% of all people prefer marrying fellow compatriots or other Arabs. Simple as that and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that!

This news is pure nonsense anyway.

Saudi Arabian women are allowed to marry foreigners yet males cannot marry foreigners now suddenly? Where is the logic in that? There is none. Why? Because this news is pure nonsense.

Foreigners married over 13,000 Saudi women last year | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

Besides even if we assume that this news is true which it is not then there are restrictions on marrying foreigners in EVERY single country out there. Why is the title of this thread saying one thing and the article saying something else? Where is the ban in that article exactly?

Moreover there is a huge amount of illegal migrants from those 4 countries and marrying an illegal migrant is illegal. Some do that nevertheless which is a problem and recently there has been a campaign (rightly so - should have happened long ago) to deport the illegals as they are a causing dozens of problems for the locals and the legal migrants.

Call me or racist or whatever (don't care) but I don't want those illegals roaming around in KSA or elsewhere in the Arab world.

P.S: The dowry is getting insanely big in KSA which makes marriage difficult for many. Hence why many local women are yet to be married. This is a problem. Especially as there are 25 million (60% under the age of 25 or something along those lines if I recall) locals now and the numbers are only growing. Foreigners on the other hand do not require such a dowry unless they are from fellow GCC countries. Hence why SOME tend to marry (MOSTLY) other Arabs or in more rare cases non-Arabs from abroad. None of it is illegal or wrong etc. It depends on the family and what they want to see. JUST LIKE EVERYWHERE ELSE.

In short - cry me a river.


I don't expect many to read my post anyway but let the masses here bark.
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My man Why would I blackmail you? What will i accomplish by doing so? I'm still confused how you knew it was me that gave them a negative rating? As for reasoning I gave them a negative rating because their post is ignorant and offensive to a lot of Pakistanis. Being Pro-Arab or Muslim doesn't mean you are an Arab or an Arab slave.
Thank you...Noted your response :-)...you can see your name in "list"...Anyway i have also came across Pakistani posts which claim that Pakistani's belong from Arab ancestors...well that is not my point i wanted reason and i got it.
is this realli a defence forum :angry:

about the topic of this thread :crazy:

With all due respect then it is only a small minority of Saudi Arabian men that are marrying non-Arabs or non-locals.

By far the vast majority of Saudi Arabian men have no interest in marrying people from Chad, Myanmar or Bangladesh, India etc. I have never heard about that or seen it personally. I don't know about any Saudi Arabian of such a mixture that is well-known.

90% of all people prefer marrying fellow compatriots or other Arabs. Simple as that and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that!

This news is pure nonsense anyway.

Saudi Arabian women are allowed to marry foreigners yet males cannot marry foreigners now suddenly? Where is the logic in that? There is none. Why? Because this news is pure nonsense.

Foreigners married over 13,000 Saudi women last year | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

Besides even if we assume that this news is true which it is not then there are restrictions on marrying foreigners in EVERY single country out there. Why is the title of this thread saying one thing and the article saying something else? Where is the ban in that article exactly?

Moreover there is a huge amount of illegal migrants from those 4 countries and marrying an illegal migrant is illegal. Some do that nevertheless which is a problem and recently there has been a campaign (rightly so - should have happened long ago) to deport the illegals as they are a causing dozens of problems for the locals and the legal migrants.

Call me or racist or whatever (don't care) but I don't want those illegals roaming around in KSA or elsewhere in the Arab world.

P.S: The dowry is getting insanely big in KSA which makes marriage difficult for many. Hence why many local women are yet to be married. This is a problem. Especially as there are 25 million (60% under the age of 25 or something along those lines if I recall) locals now and the numbers are only growing. Foreigners on the other hand do not require such a dowry unless they are from fellow GCC countries. Hence why SOME tend to marry (MOSTLY) other Arabs or in more rare cases non-Arabs from abroad. None of it is illegal or wrong etc. It depends on the family and what they want to see. JUST LIKE EVERYWHERE ELSE.

In short - cry me a river.


I don't expect many to read my post anyway but let the masses here bark.
Sounds logical.
But can you tell why there is no restriction on marriage bw men frm these countries and Arab women??
Western world have had such rules for v.v.v.v long time yet u find it shocking when a Muslim country uses it.

Indians are more obsessed with Muslim culture than there own...........guess its decades of Muslims rule over them making them obsessed with this culture and now when they are no more they feel themselves naked for this.

apart from this i know many Pakistani boys marrying arab girls and such same rule came previously into picture for women as well.
Sounds logical.
But can you tell why there is no restriction on marriage bw men frm these countries and Arab women??

Western world have had such rules for v.v.v.v long time yet u find it shocking when a Muslim country uses it.

Indians are more obsessed with Muslim culture than there own...........guess its decades of Muslims rule over them making them obsessed with this culture and now when they are no more they feel themselves naked for this.

apart from this i know many Pakistani boys marrying arab girls and such same rule came previously into picture for women as well.


Please see my post number 48 and 70 in another thread (the one just below this sentence) about the same topic and you will get all the answers regarding this issue.

Saudi men banned from marrying Pakistani women

In short this news is pure nonsense. Both Saudi Arabian women and obviously men are allowed to marry whatever foreigner they want to marry.

Foreigners married over 13,000 Saudi women last year | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.



If people actually bothered to read this nonsense article then nowhere does it say that there is a ban in place to marry ANY foreigner.

I suggest that @WebMaster closes this thread AND the other thread that was made about the same topic as this "news" is obviously pure nonsense and has no truth on earth.

This nonsense news has absolutely nothing to do with any illegal migration or anything. The universal law is clear on this issue in EVERY single country that I know about. Marrying illegals is against the law no matter where they are from.
Freedom of marriage should not be interfering. No matter which country, nation, no matter what kind of system, religion.
are Saudis allowed to marry indian woman?
Freedom of marriage should not be interfering. No matter which country, nation, no matter what kind of system, religion.

I bet you are one of million Chinese who are unable to find brides in your country.:D

I suggest that @WebMaster closes this thread AND the other thread that was made about the same topic as this "news" is obviously pure nonsense and has no truth on earth.

Why Saudi Ambassador or foreign ministry officials DID NOT send any statement denying the news?????
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