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Saudis Must Stop Exporting Extremism

The Grand Saudi Reversal, by Thierry Meyssan

While for the past 35 years Saudi Arabia has supported all the jihadist movements to the most extremist, Riyadh seems suddenly to have changed policy. Threatened in its very existence by a possible attack from the Islamic Emirate, Saudi Arabia has given the signal for the destruction of the organization. But contrary to appearances, the EIS remains supported by Turkey and Israel who sell their looted oil.

To take only the recent events in Iraq, everyone has observed that EIS fighters entered the country in columns of brand new Humvees, straight from US American Motors factories and armed with Ukrainian materials, also new. With this equipment they seized the US weapons of the Iraqi Army. Also, everyone was amazed that the EIS had civil administrators instantly capable of taking over the management of the conquered territories and communications specialists that promote its activities on the Internet and on television; personnel obviously trained at Fort Bragg.

Although US censorship has forbidden any review, we know from the British news agency Reuters that, in January 2014, a secret session of Congress voted financing and arming the Free Syrian Army, the Islamic Front, and Al-Nosra Front of the Islamic Emirate until September 30, 2014]. A few days later, Al-Arabiya boasted that Prince Abdul Rahman was the real leader of the Islamic Emirate. Then, on February 6, the US Secretary of Homeland Security brought together major European Interior Ministers in Poland asking them to maintain European jihadists in the Levant by prohibiting their return to their countries of origin, so the EIS would be numerous enough to attack Iraq. Finally, in mid-February, a two-day seminar at the US National Security Council was attended by heads of allied secret services involved in Syria, definitely to prepare the EIS offensive in Iraq.

There is no doubt that the difference established by Laurent Fabius between "moderate" jihadists (the Free Syrian Army and the Frente Al-Nosra-that is to say Al-Qaïda- until early 2013) and "extremist" jihadists (the Al-Nosra Front from 2013 and the EIS) is a pure artifice of communication. The case of Caliph Ibrahim is illuminating: in May 2013, during the visit of John McCain to the ASL, he was both a member of the "moderate" staff and leader of the "extremist" faction . Identically, a letter from General Salim Idriss, Chief of Staff of the ASL, dated January 17, 2014, certified that France and Turkey were delivering ammunition to the ASL (one third) and to Al Qaeda (two thirds) via the ASL. Presented by the Syrian ambassador to the Security Council, Bashar Jaafari, the authenticity of the document has not been disputed by the French delegation.
Would he recognize your Shia sect?

isnt Hezbollah a predominantly Shiite movement in Lebanon? the same group which has probably done more for the Palestinian cause than Hamas or PLO could ever DREAM of?

why are you asking another member here about his sect and whats the relevance?

There's no such thing as 'Wahabi' sect and Saudi sect is Sunni. Plain and simple.

within Sunni sect you have several schools of thought

ISIS dont even belong to any sect but they would be closest to wahhabism which isnt even a sect; it's more of a cult which seems to draw much ideology from ancient tribalism traditions rather than Islamic

why do you think ISIS pieces of trash are kidnapping and beheading Sunnis in large numbers too?
we have hindu community in Balochistan Province and they are as pro-Pakistan as one can be

your sarcasm is cute, albeit futile

Bakre ki amma kab tak khair manayegi ! Soon u will see Hindus only in museum or Zoos of Pakistan !
kaloo bhai apka ghusa nhi utra abhi tak un per ?????????????

I am not upset, I am just stating the truth as I see it. Real friends are those that point out faults for correction, not those who are yes man that flatter for personal benefit. Besides this is the most serious and most fundamental problem, which is at the root of the current condition of the Muslim world, that is affecting my people and country as well as the whole Muslim world. So I am doing this out of obligatory duty towards Muslim world, of which my people are a part of.
There is no such thing as "wahabi". These terms r invented by extreme heretics and deviants when they can't back up their un-islamic practices by Quran and sunnah. As for EU parliament observation on the cause of terrorism, it would be better if this EU hypocrites look themselves in the mirror. They would see ISIS lunatics in them. Root cause of terrorism is US policy and covert acts of western & zionist intellegence propping up useful pawns like ISIS every now and then.
There is no such thing as "wahabi". These terms r invented by extreme heretics and deviants when they can't back up their un-islamic practices by Quran and sunnah. As for EU parliament observation on the cause of terrorism, it would be better if this EU hypocrites look themselves in the mirror. They would see ISIS lunatics in them. Root cause of terrorism is US policy and covert acts of western & zionist intellegence propping up useful pawns like ISIS every now and then.

What about Salafi?
What about Salafi?

Terms r not claimed but coined by outside observers. Same is the case with salafi. Terrorist and extremist can pop out as off-shots from such movements but it doesn't mean such movements r responsible for terrorism. The very reason terrorist and extremist detach themselves from such movements is the they don't agree with their philosophy. khawarij loons like ISIS would label the most prominent muslim scholars as deviant and heretic. Such extremist were there even during the era of Caliph Ali (R.A) and they labeled prominent companions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) , as deviant but they were always eliminated. Extremist r a minority and they thrive even more in chaos and injustice which is happening as a result of US policy. Don't u think zionists are benefiting from ISIS? The legitimate freedom struggle of Iraqis and syrians have been hijacked by these scums
Terms r not claimed but coined by outside observers. Same is the case with salafi. Terrorist and extremist can pop out as off-shots from such movements but it doesn't mean such movements r responsible for terrorism. The very reason terrorist and extremist detach themselves from such movements is the they don't agree with their philosophy. khawarij loons like ISIS would label the most prominent muslim scholars as deviant and heretic. Such extremist were there even during the era of Caliph Ali (R.A) and they labeled prominent companions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) , as deviant but they were always eliminated. Extremist r a minority and they thrive even more in chaos and injustice which is happening as a result of US policy. Don't u think zionists are benefiting from ISIS? The legitimate freedom struggle of Iraqis and syrians have been hijacked by these scums

Not all Salafi' are terrorists, but most terrorists are Salafi's. There is an obvious connection there.

The biggest mistake we Muslims make is that we start blaming others, as if we have no fault of our own. In order to solve our problems we need to find where we went wrong. It is only when we are weak due to our own faults, the enemies find an opening to exploit those weakness. For example Salafists as well as Arab nationalists were used by the West to break Ottoman empire.

Extremism is growing because extremist ideas are getting sponsorship to spread using petrodollars, both Sunni and Shia kind. Shia extremists are more smart and organized and use state terror like Israel, but Sunni extremists, most of whom are Salafists, are clueless yahoo morons. Both are equally dangerous for the Muslim world.

ISIS cannot be called Khawarij, because Kharijism died out long ago and their only remnant are Ibadi's. ISIS have more in common with Saudi Salafism than anyone else:
ISIS’ Harsh Brand of Islam Is Rooted in Austere Saudi Creed

And it is no surprise, ISIS biggest sponsors were from the gulf Salafist or Salafi sympathizers since 2004 and I heard they still are sending money.
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Not all Salafi' are terrorists, but most terrorists are Salafi's. There is an obvious connection there.

SO are salafists to blame? Who do u call a salafist? Most scholars who take a stance based on Quran and sunnah and are labelled Wahabi/salafist by anti-islamic heretic and hate groups. The fact that terrorist and extremist don't understand the Quran and make distorted interpretation doesn't mean peaceful salafists are to blame.

This is a very good lecture by Dr. Yasir Qadhi on extremism:

He is not a salafists btw but is still labelled as one.

The biggest mistake we Muslims make is that we start blaming others, as if we have no fault of our own. In order to solve our problems we need to find where we went wrong. It is only when we are weak due to our own faults, the enemies find an opening to exploit those weakness. For example Salafists as well as Arab nationalists were used by the West to break Ottoman empire.

I agree we shouldn't blame each other. Muslims should become more knowledgeable both in religous and secular education and Islamic scholars have a very prominent role to play here.

Extremism is growing because extremist ideas are getting sponsorship to spread using petrodollars, both Sunni and Shia kind. Shia extremists are more smart and organized and use state terror like Israel, but Sunni extremists, most of whom are Salafists, are clueless yahoo morons. Both are equally dangerous for the Muslim world.

Extremism won't find ripe ground if their is no political instability and oppression on people by dalal regimes in the muslim world.

Yeah i agree most terrorist are yahoo morons and are good pawns of the west.

ISIS cannot be called Khawarij, because Kharijism died out long ago and their only remnant are Ibadi's. ISIS have more in common with Saudi Salafism than anyone else:
ISIS’ Harsh Brand of Islam Is Rooted in Austere Saudi Creed

Khawarij extremism keeps on arriving from time to time. Its a ideology whose traits have been described by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). All the khawarij starting from the first one to the current times share the same traits. please watch the video link above.

There is no such thing as saudi creed. ISIS have typical [URL='https://defence.pk/threads/isis%E2%80%99-harsh-brand-of-islam-is-rooted-in-austere-saudi-creed.335566/']Khawarij tendencies. Khawarij has always been overtly religious and over zealous.
And it is no surprise, ISIS biggest sponsors were from the gulf Salafist or Salafi sympathizers since 2004 and I heard they still are sending money.

Don't agree that ISIS scums are funded by gulf. Its a direct threat to GCC itself. ME is a very murkey place where u can not exactly pinpoint who is funding what. Most prominent scholars who denounced ISIS as deviants extremist are what the western media calls "salafists".
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There is no such thing as "wahabi". These terms r invented by extreme heretics and deviants when they can't back up their un-islamic practices by Quran and sunnah. As for EU parliament observation on the cause of terrorism, it would be better if this EU hypocrites look themselves in the mirror. They would see ISIS lunatics in them. Root cause of terrorism is US policy and covert acts of western & zionist intellegence propping up useful pawns like ISIS every now and then.

You are right, there isn't. It was a term coined by people who opposed Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab who opposed grave worshiping. It was never invented by Western governments.

People engaged in the act of Ziarat (dua) often used to engage in grave worshiping in the middle east. He even wrote a book, Kitaab At-Tawheed to prove his point.

Have you ever thought about the shrines that exist in our country? Rumors say that Moulana Faruqui (the Channel-i host) was murdered by Salafists in light of the view. Although, Faruqui never embraced "grave worshiping", and he wasn't political either. Though, it was said that he did oppose Jammat's views.
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